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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 10 October

Saturday 2 October 1886

[From October 1886 the Journal reverted from daily to thrice weekly; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays]

DIED at Grahamstown on Sept 30th, Gustavus Iwar SWENSSON, aged 32 years
Funeral Notice
The Funeral of the above will leave the Albany General Hospital this Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.

We regret having to record the death of Mr. G. Iwar SWENSSON, which took place at the Albany Hospital on Thursday evening. The deceased, who was a native of Sweden, came to this Colony eleven years ago, and has been in business in this city for some time. Seven years ago he received serious injury from a fall at the rink, and two years later was thrown from his horse, after which paralysis appeared, in consequence of which he visited England, where he passed fourteen months in St.Bartholomew’s Hospital, returning to the Colony four years ago. Owing to his disabled condition he, a few months back, sustained another serious injury, which led to the illness which has just terminated fatally. The deceased has no relatives in the colony, but was sincerely esteemed by those of his fellow-townsmen who knew him.

On Saturday (reports the Natal Mercury) a sad accident, terminating in death, occurred to an old colonist, Mr. John THOMPSON, who for a large number of years has resided at Verulam, where he kept a general store. He was driving home when he was thrown out of his trap, and it is reported in Durban that his neck was broken. He was carried home, but death soon put an end to his sufferings. He leaves several children, who with his widow will have everyone’s sympathy in their great trouble.

Tuesday 5 October 1886

E.P. Herald
About 10 o’clock on Saturday morning great excitement prevailed throughout [obscured] by the spread of a rumour to the effect that a party of young ladies from the Collegiate School, while bathing, had been swept off by the waves and were drowning. The wildest stories were [obscured], and for a while it was utterly impossible to ascertain the facts of the [case]. Unhappily, the rumour was too true. After visiting the scene of the sad catastrophe, and subsequently the Ladies’ Collegiate School, we were placed in possession of the following facts: between 9 and 10 o’clock on Saturday morning nine girls from the Collegiate School went to bathe, in charge of the First Assistant. A south-west wind had prevailed on the previous day, and, although the sea was not very rough, there was a strong current, which we may remark is always the case after a south west wind. However, there was nothing to raise a suspicion of any danger, and the bathing party were told to keep to the right, that is, to the south of the Bathing House, where there is a firm sandy bottom, and the current is less felt. Nine merry girls, in health and good spirits, full of life and glee, leapt lightly from the steps of the Bathing House, and were soon in the height of their enjoyment, now buffeting the waves, and anon dashing each other with the briny sea. After playing for a while, eight of them “joined hands”, and venturing further out, forgot the strict instruction to “keep to the right”, and presently got to the left, or northward, of the Bathing House. Here a big sea struck them, and swept them in to a part of the beach from which the sand had been scooped out, and which was deeper than it appeared. What followed is scarcely known. Shrieks rent the air, and the one girl, who had not ventured in with the rest, gained the Bathing House breathless and told those in charge that the others were drowning. The Bathing House keeper, Mr. CARSWELL, was sent for, and was soon on the spot. In the meantime the attention of a number of workmen on the beach had been drawn to the struggling girls, and they rushed to the sea-side. Mr. James SEARLE was one of the first who flung off coat and vest, made for the drowning girls, and brought one on shore. Five others were also rescued from the waves, but two of them were past recovery. Miss Marianne BURGER was dead. Miss Johann VA ZYL was removed in a cab to the Hospital by Dr. CONSIDINE, but she died on the way thither. The scene on the beach was most heartrending. By this time Drs. ENSOR and CONSIDINE had arrived, and were soon joined by Drs. EDWARDS, STROUD, GALPIN and GIBBS, who immediately attended to the rescued girls. Some were taken to the upper floor of the Union Boating Company’s store, where Mr. SEARLE had promptly provided mattresses, blankets, hot water and brandy. Mrs. PHILLIPS, of the Criterion, and Mrs. PHILLIPS from Grahamstown, rendered all the help they could. There were many willing hands. Mr. William HUME was present, and rendered such assistance as he could. Mr. YATES, the mate of the Jorascur, was also active. There were also Mr. McILWRAITH, Mr. John O’CONNOR, Mr. MESSINA and many others, whose names we cannot give. When it was thought safe to move the four girls who had been resuscitated, they were taken in cabs to the College. What a sad, sad sight for the Lady Principal, who was well nigh heart-broken. The sufferers were placed in charge of Dr. ENSOR, who attended to them most assiduously during the day, and until their recovery was assured. The following is the list of names of those who died, and of those who were saved:-
Miss Marianne BURGER Dead
Miss Johanna VAN ZYL Dead
Miss Kitty THEUNISSEN Missing
Miss Gertrude MEADWAY Missing
Miss MEADWAY ) Resuscitated
Miss VAN ZYL )
In accordance with the wishes of her parents, the body of Johanna VAN ZYL was sent to Colesberg by rail on Saturday night. We may say here that Mr. Cresswell CLARK, the Traffic Manager, rendered every assistance on this painful occasion, personally detaining the train to receive the mortal remains of this unhappy lady. The body of Miss Marianne BURGER will be sent to Graaffreinet today by rail. Up to a late hour last night no tidings had been received of the missing girls. We are happy to say that the four who were resuscitated are doing well.
This dread calamity has cast quite a gloom over the town, and everyone is sad and sorrowful. To the parents who have been thus suddenly bereft of their beloved children we tender our respectful sympathy. To Miss HALL, the Lady Principal of the College, we also desire to express our deep sympathy in this most trying ordeal. ..[Last sentence rubbed away and illegible].

Thursday 7 October 1886

BIRTH at the Drostdy, Grahamstown on October 6th 1886, Mrs. Robert DALE of a daughter.

It is our sad duty to record the death of Capt. TOWNLEY, which occurred yesterday afternoon. The deceased officer had held a commission in the army, and on selling out ten years ago, came to this Colony and has since lived in Grahamstown, or within a few miles of the place. He was taken ill three weeks since, but it was only a few days ago that his friends felt any alarm. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved widow.

We regret having to record the death of Mr. George PAGE, which occurred very suddenly yesterday at the residence of Mr. George WRIGHT. The deceased gentleman had but arrived here from Bloemfontein three weeks ago, and had only lately returned from a visit to the Kowie. Though he had for some time been out of health, we understand that nothing serious was apprehended, and he was walking in the garden yesterday morning. During the afternoon an attack came on, which ended fatally in a very short time. Mr. PAGE with his family lived for some years in Grahamstown, in which they have a large circle of friends, who will feel much sympathy for the widow and family on whom this sudden bereavement has fallen.

Saturday 9 October 1886

The Budget regrets to record the sudden death of Mr. Dennis HIGGINS, Gaoler of the Port Alfred Prison, which sad event took place at the Albany General Hospital, in Grahamstown, on Monday evening last, the 4th instant. Mr. HIGGINS had been ailing for some time past, but no one surmised that the end was so near.

Mr. J.H. FORDRED, son of Mr. Jas. FORDRED of Port Elizabeth, has been found dead at Uitenhage, from a self-inflicted wound.

Tuesday 12 October 1886

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday 6th Oct, George PAGE Sen. Esq. of Bloemfontein.

With deep regret we have to announce the death of the Hon. R.W. Hoskins GIDDY, who arrived from Kimberley only a few days ago, apparently in health, on a visit to his family. We understand, however, that the malarious fever prevalent on the Diamond Fields had undermined his system, and on Wednesday night, after a few days suffering, he passed away. Mr. GIDDY, the son of a missionary of the Wesleyan Society greatly respected in his day, entered the Civil Service in the year 1850 as Clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Winburg in the Orange Sovereignty. After serving in a similar capacity in Smithfield and Queenstown, he was appointed Clerk of the Peace in the year 1858 for Fort Beaufort and the associated districts, holding that office until [1864]. A few years later he accepted the appointment of Civil Commissioner at Bedford, whence he was transferred to Cradock. Upon the opening of the diamond fields it was found necessary to ensure the most efficient administration of justice in a Magistrate’s Court, subject to an extraordinary pressure of civil and criminal business, and Mr. GIDDY’s experience, sagacity and tact pointed to him as peculiarly fitted for the responsibility. He accepted the Magistracy of New Rush in those early days together with a place in the triumvirate of Commissioners who administered the government in that strangely constituted community. In that capacity Mr. GIDDY’s tact and savoir faire were exposed to s severe trial, but through all the trouble and unrest of the time, when Lynch Law was in danger of overwhelming the ordinary administration of justice, he retained the popular respect without the very least unworthy concession to the popular rage. Upon the setting up of the Provincial Government Mr. GIDDY was placed at the head of the Treasury. After his retirement on pension Mr. GIDDY became largely interested in mining affairs. He was married to a daughter of Mr. Theophilus SHEPSTONE; one of his sons is the popular barrister and Volunteer officer; another in the Civil Service; one of the daughters was recently married to her cousin, Mr. Henriques SHEPSTONE. Mr. GIDDY was fifty-three years old, an age in which a man of his temperament and manner of life should be at his best for work requiring intellectual penetration and sound judgement. And only a few days ago he seemed at his best in conversation upon matters of public importance. Neither in appearance nor in manner was there any sign of failing power. Almost suddenly a career is closed which was rich in service to the State during the term of his public employment, service of which the record will remain in honoured memory.
The funeral, which was of a strictly private character, took place yesterday evening in the St.Peter’s Cemetery, Mowbray, the solemn service being conducted by the Rev. Canon OGILVIE.

Saturday 16 October 1886

FELL ASLEEP at Grahamstown, Oct 12th 1886, James GORRIE, aged 71, deeply regretted by his devoted wife and sorrowing friends.
“Simply to Thy cross I cling”

One of the most gorgeous Malay weddings that have marked the history of that people in Port Elizabeth took place at the Mahomedan Mosque on Monday, reports the [obscured]. The bridegroom, a smart, intelligent young Malay named Hadja JALANIE, of Uitenhage, was united in matrimony to Miss Fadeja SAHE. The dress of the bride was rich white satin with gold trimmings, and she wore a handsome chain and locket, a present, we were told, of H.W. PEARSON Esq, Mayor. There were four bridesmaids, all richly dressed. They were Misses Miriam ISHMAEL, Amina [MALON], Kaboa SAHE and [None] SAHE. The banquet was held in the large store of Messrs Philip, Tudhope & Co, in Strand-street, and six tables were laid out in profusion. There were over 400 guests present. As is customary on such occasions the bride changed her dress several times, being conveyed in a landau drawn by four chestnut horses to her father’s house to [obscure] each time apparel more gorgeous than that which preceded it.

Tuesday 19 October 1886

DIED at Grahamstown on the 16th instant, William WENTWORTH Sen. of Collingham, aged 81 years and 7 months. A Settler of 1820.
Friends please accept this notice.

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Wm. WENTWORTH Senr. of Collingham, which took place in Grahamstown, where he had been staying for some time for the sake of medical attention. The deceased, who was in his eighty-second year, arrived in the Colony with the British Settlers in 1820, and has nearly ever since lived in the district of Albany, in which his name is held in universal respect. We offer our condolence to the family in their trouble.

Thursday 21 October 1886

Another of that band who came to these shores in 1820 has passed away, at the ripe old age of 81 years and 7 months. We refer to the late William WENTWORTH, of Collingham. He arrived in the good ship Northampton, after a tedious voyage of six months, and was, with others of his fellow-voyagers, located at Collingham, where during the earlier part of his career he earned a living by the sale of firewood and timber to the inhabitants of Grahamstown, and many a good beam and many a piece of quartering from yellow-wood trees hewn in the Government bush, form part of the materials of houses in this city. In 1832 he married Elizabeth, the second daughter of Jeremiah HONEY, who was also of the Collingham party. The issue of the marriage was a family of twelve children, five of whom attained their majority and are still living, three of them being resident at Collingham.
In the war of 1835 Mr. WENTWORTH did duty in the field, in the course of which the following remarkable incident occurred. He and his friend, Charles SCANLEN (father of Sir Thomas) were going down a kloof, a little distance apart, when a Kafir with assegai in hand rushed out on WENTWORTH, whose quick eye and ready hand just succeeded in parrying the thrust of this deadly weapon. In the struggled which ensued, both men went down, WENTWORTH being uppermost at one time and the Kafir at the other. How the fierce struggle for life between those two powerful men would have ended it is difficult to say, had not Charles SCANLEN come up, and watching his opportunity to fire without danger to his friend, shot the Kafir, whose antagonist was deluged with his blood. Another witness of this scene was Mr. Robert STANTON, of this city.
In 1837 Mr. WENTWORTH left this district for Colesberg, where he lived for the next 16 years, following the trade of a carpenter, and in that town he took a prominent part in introducing the Wesleyan cause. Ill-health induced him to return to Albany, when for two years he lived at Barville Park, but as his sons were growing up he found it desirable to return to his old location at Collingham, to which from time to time he added other pieces of land by purchase, becoming finally the owner of eight out of the 12 locations originally granted at that place. For many years he left the work of the farms to his sons, during which period he may be said to have devoted himself almost entirely to mission work in the neighbourhood. Till within a few months of his death he maintained the wonderful activity that had always distinguished him, when his health failed, and decay set in so rapidly that he was induced to come into Grahamstown five weeks ago, and to put himself under the treatment of Dr. GREATHEAD, who however saw at once that the end was only a question of a few weeks, and all that human skill could do was to alleviate suffering. This he bore with Christian fortitude, and in his last moments he was cheered by the visits of many kind Christian friends, who can bear testimony to his sure and certain hope of an eternal home above.

Saturday 23 October 1886

We regret having to record the death of Mr. D.L. DAVIS, which occurred early this morning, after a short illness. We tender our condolence to the bereaved family.

Tuesday 26 October 1886

BIRTH at Ladybrand O.F.S. on 25th Oct, the wife of Richard TROWER of a daughter.

DIED at Kingwilliamstown on the 26th inst, aged 21 years, Alice Hudson, the beloved wife of Osborne MORLEY of East London.

The Dispatch writes: We record with regret the decease of Mrs. Osborne MORLEY, wife of Mr. Councillor MORLEY, from congestion of the lungs. Mrs. MORLEY was about to proceed to Grahamstown for a change, but was seized with a severe attack of illness at Kingwilliamstown, and died there on Tuesday last. Mr. MORLEY has the sympathy of the town in his sad bereavement. Mrs. MORLEY was a daughter of Mr. D. BYRNES of this city.

On Sunday the remains of Private WOODWARD of the G.V.H. Artillery were borne to the grave with military honours. His comrades of the Artillery followed and also the 1st City, and the Society of Oddfellows, of which he was a member. The 1stCity Band played the dead march on the way to the cemetery, a firing party at the grave being furnished by the G.V.H. Artillery. The Rev. J.A. CHALMERS conducted the funeral service.

Mrs. GARDINER Sen, an old resident (says the F.B. Advocate) died suddenly on Monday morning. To appearance she was in her usual health up to the time she was last seen alive. The previous evening she attended church, and when her morning cup of coffee was taken to her on Monday she appeared to be cheerful. Half an hour afterwards she was found to be dead, having gone off quietly as if in a sleep. Deceased came out with the Settlers in 1820, and was 80 years of age. Her cheerful face was always welcome where she was in the habit of visiting. She was highly respected.

The regretted death of Mrs. UPPLEBY, a lady well-known in Port Elizabeth and highly esteemed in religious and philanthropic circles, is recorded by the Herald as having happened on Saturday last.

Thursday 28 October 1886

Early yesterday morning Mr. W.J. FERGUSON, proprietor of the hotel at Dundas Bridge, died suddenly in his bed. Death was attributed to the sudden cessation of the heart’s action, as he had been for some time under treatment for a weakness in that organ. The deceased was known as a kind-hearted man, as was shown by his having adopted three orphan children. We offer our sincere sympathy to the widow and family.

Another Kafir war veteran has departed this life. The name of the brave, genial, hospitable Barend WOEST has been a household word in many a frontier home. When the British Settlers of 1820 landed on the bleak shores of Algoa Bay, Mr. WOEST was one of those who conveyed many of them to their no less bleak-looking locations in Lower Albany, and many are the amusing and interesting stories and anecdotes the writer has heard him relate of those “raw” Settlers when sitting round the bivouac fire while on patrol in the Kafir war of 1851-52. Mr. WOEST served in every Kafir war since the year 1820. He at one period of his life resided near Salem, on the farm “Providence”, and was then celebrated as a keen sportsman and supporter of the Grahamstown turf, on which his horses took many plates. He was passionately fond of a good horse, and never kept a bad one. In the Kafir war of 1851 he was residing in Oliphant’s Hoek, near the present village of Alexandria, and when the war broke out the inhabitants of that locality farmed a “laager” at the village, and kept that part of the country not only clear of Kafirs, but it served as a depot to supply the large demand for oathay for the cavalry regiments and other mounted men. A Committee of Safety was formed, of which the following were members: P.J. WOEST, Commandant, C.G.HALL, J.A.VOGEL, O.F. SCHEEPERS Fson, L.H. MEURANT, B.M. WOEST, C.V. BUCHNER, nearly now all gone to their last homes. When the fight took place near Theopolis between the Oliphant’s Hoek Burghers, Lower Albany men under Fieldcornet GREY (who was shot dead) and the Grahamstown Sporting Club under the late Commandant Thos. STUBBS, and the rebel Hottentots under Uithaalder, Mr. W. STUBBS was wounded in the forearm (broken) and Commandant John WOEST (younger brother of B.M. WOEST) was wounded in the knee. Commandant B. WOEST, jointly with the late M.C.T. SCHEEPERS Senr, then took command of the camp, and commanded numerous patrols which came into conflict with Kafirs and rebel Hottentots. At the conclusion of the war, B.M. WOEST had a farm granted to him in the beautiful Chumie Valley (under the Cathcart system), which he named “Weltevreden” and upon which he erected a fine double-storied dwelling-house, and a water-mill, and there he displayed the same energy for which he was so conspicuous. Few men served their Queen and country better, or as well. During the latter period of his life Mr. WOEST resided in the village of Alice (Victoria East). He departed this life on the 22nd September 1886, after a short illness of about a week. He was ailing a little before, though nothing serious was apprehended, but he took to his bed, from which he never rose again alive. Up to nearly the last he was riding his horse, and driving his own cart, and working in his garden. Only a week before his death he drove his cart to the farm of Mr. CAIRNS, to get timber to build a new house. He died a true Christian, in his 85th year. He was a total abstainer for over 50 years.

Saturday 30 October 1886

MRS. ANNE EATON, who came out with Willson’s Party on the Belle Alliance, is now resident at Gamtoos River, in the Oudtshoorn district. She is 80 years of age, and in circumstances to appreciate a little help from those who are disposed to cheer the latter days of an old Settler.

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