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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 09 September

Wednesday 1 September 1886

Mr. Henry TARBOTON, of Driefontein, has committed suicide.

Thursday 2 September 1886

It is with deep regret that we have to state that on Friday last Messrs. SAVAGE & HILL received a cablegram from Mr. William SAVAGE announcing the death of his son Herbert, which sad event took place at Hull on the previous day. The young man was well known and highly respected here, and as soon as the intelligence was received flags at most of the wholesale stores were hoisted at half-mast, and expressions of sympathy and regret were heard on all sides. The deceased had been gradually sinking for some time, and for some weeks before his death was completely prostrated. To his sorrowing parents and friends we tender our heartfelt sympathy.

It is with deep regret (says a contemporary) that we have to chronicle the death of Mr. Richard VAUSE, of Durban, Natal, which sad event occurred yesterday morning at a quarter past 4 o’clock. The deceased had been incapacitated for some weeks, and for the greater part of last week was quite unconscious, but nevertheless hopes were entertained of his recovery; but alas! this was not to be. Yesterday morning Mr. FRANCE received a telegram from Durban announcing that Mr. VAUSE had breathed his last. The deceased was widely known and much respected in the sister Colony, where he took a foremost place. He was several times elected Mayor of Durban, and as editor and proprietor of the Natal Mercury – one of the best papers published in South Africa – he led a very busy, active life, accompanied by no little worry and care. He also took a prominent part in public affairs, and never spared himself when he thought he could be useful to his fellow creatures. He will be greatly missed in Natal, where his hearty genial manner and benevolent kindness were so well known and so highly appreciated by all with whom he came in contact. To his sorrowing relatives and friends we tender our sincere sympathy. The deceased was 65 years of age. In Mr. VAUSE our sister Colony has lost “a true Natalian” – a phrase never yet thoroughly understood in South Africa.

Sir John MOLTENO died suddenly last night. He was well and apparently healthy yesterday. The utmost sympathy is felt. All flags here as soon as the neighbourhood learns the occasion are hoisted half-mast high.

News from Namaqualand states that Mr. Peter BREDA, Resident Magistrate, died suddenly.

Friday 3 September 1886

Mr. L.L. PLAYFOD [sic – should be PLAYFORD], attorney, well and favourably known in Kimberley, was married last Tuesday morning to Miss Florence WEBB in St. Cyprian’s Church.

The Cape Times hears that Attorney MEIRING died suddenly early on the 29th ult at Hanover, through the effects of poison (morphia), supposed to have been taken inadvertently. The event has cast a gloom over the whole community, he being a universal favourite.

We (E.L. Dispatch) observe it is going the round of the papers that another football fatality has occurred, of which East London was the scene and young BRENNAN was the victim. This lad died, from meningitis, quite a fortnight after he was playing football, and there appears to have been no connection between the game in question and his death.

We regret to record the death of Mr. UNDERWOOD, which took place at eleven o’clock last night at his house in the Drostdy. The deceased served in the Imperial Army over twenty years and took his discharge in 1873. Since that time he remained a citizen in Grahamstown; some while since succeeding old Mr. SMITH as principal usher in the Eastern Districts Court. For several years he had been a useful member of the First City Volunteers as staff sargeant, and was much respected both in that capacity and as Usher. He was a severe sufferer from asthma and struggled manfully to the last to attend to his duties. The funeral, which will be paid military honours by his comrades, is to take place tomorrow, Saturday, at three o’clock.

Saturday 4 September 1886

Mr. MALAN, who it will be remembered (says the Volkstem) suddenly became insane about a fortnight ago, died in the gaol hospital last Saturday night. The unfortunate gentleman never regained his reason and after the first outburst of violence, became very weak until he calmly passed away last Saturday evening. His funeral took place on Monday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. He leaves a wife and 6 children who are living near Wellington, in the Cape Colony. We tender them our cordial sympathy in their sad bereavement.

About six weeks ago a poor woman named KNIGHT walked from Humansdorp to Uitenhage in a day and night. She immediately fell ill, most likely the result of the forced journey and insufficient nourishment. She was over fifty years old, and her system did not possess sufficient elasticity to enable her to recover. She died on Sunday and was buried (reports the Uitenhage Times) by the Rev. Mr. JACKS in St.Katherine’s cemetery.

Monday 6 September 1886

The late Sargeant UNDERWODD was buried on Saturday afternoon with military honours, one battery of G.V.H. Artillery, under Major NELSON, and 130 men of the 1st City, under Capts. McLACHLAN and COPELAND and Lieuts. HAW and HOOLE accompanying it from the late residence of the deceased, in the Drostdy grounds, to the Cathedral, where the funeral service was conducted by the Rev. E.M. BURNEY; as also were the prayers over the grave in the Church of England cemetery. The Brass and Drum and Fife Bands of the 1st City played the Dead March in Saul and other suitable music while the funeral was passing through the town.

(Cape Times)
It is more than half a century ago that on the death of his father, who had been in the revenue office in England, John Charles MOLTENO, then a lad of about sixteen years of age, came to this Colony, and was for some while a clerk in the South African Public Library, when Mr. A.G. JARDINE was librarian. From the quiet life of a library to the active employment of a mercantile career was congenial to such a nature as Mr. MOLTENO’s, and there are colonists living who remember him as a Capetown merchant. Always on the alert, and ever confident in the colonial future, he availed himself of the opportunity to purchase a large farming area at Nel’s Poort, and moving into Beaufort West district he became a farmer as well as a merchant, for he it was who founded the firm which afterwards became known as that of ALPORT & Co. He was ever ready to do service for the Colony. In the war of 1846 he was one of the Commandants of the Beaufort Burghers, and accompanied them in the expedition under Sir Andries STOCKENSTROM, which was so successful in clearing the Amatolas of the Kafir enemy. He together with Commandants DU TOIT and PRINGLE also accompanied Sir Andries STOCKENSTROM to the Kei, where they followed Chief Kreli to his retreat in the fastnesses of the Kei, and effected the peace which brought the war to a conclusion. He was also a strong supporter of Sir Andries STOCKENSTROM and Mr. FAIRBAIRN in their efforts to secure Representative Government in the Colony, and it was mainly through their efforts that the Constitution was granted, and when the elections took place in 1854 Sir John MOLTENO was returned as the representative for Beaufort West. ….

Thursday 9 September 1886

NOTICE is hereby given that all powers given by me to James Burns BILLINGHAM, formerly Book-keeper in my employ, to collect Debts, have been cancelled, and that the said James Burns BILLINGHAM has no authority to receive or recover moneys on my behalf or in my name, and any Receipts given by him hereafter will be wholly void and of no effect.
Kimberley, Sept 4th 1886

Mr. J. B. KNOBEL, attorney, of Burghersdorp, died very suddenly on Saturday last.

Saturday 11 September 1886

Eastern Province Guardian, Loan and Investment Company
In the Insolvent Estate of William T. LUCAS
Notice is hereby given that the Second and Final Administration and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie at the office of the Resident Magistrate, Grahamstown, for a period of seven days from Monday 13th inst, for inspection of Creditors, and, if no objection is raised thereto, same will be forwarded to Capetown for confirmation by the Hon’ble the Supreme Court.
Ben. B. ATTWELL, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, Sept 10 1886

Monday 13 September 1886

The death took place on Friday last of the widow of the late Mr. Wm. HYDE, of Hounslow. The deceased lady was born the year after the arrival of the British Settlers, and has for many years lived at the farm of her son, and of her late husband. Her death will cause more than a passing regret among those who knew her, as her great kindness was proverbial, and in cases of sickness she would go to farmhouses miles distant, to lend her kind help. The funeral moved from the house of her niece, Mrs. SHORT, in Oatlands, yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of farmers as well as townspeople. The pall-bearers were Messrs. J.E. WOOD MLA, D.O. BOWKER, John WEBB and D.C. GRADWELL. The Rev. Canon MULLINS conducted the service at the cemetery.
Transcriber’s Note: This is Sarah KING, daughter of John KING and Eleanor CLARK of HYMAN’s Party]

It is with much regret that we record the death of Mr. JAMES, which took place yesterday morning, after a long illness, brought on in the first place by cold taken several years ago, and which settled in to a decline. Our respected fellow-townsman, who was in his fifty-second year, arrived in this Colony about 28 years ago from the United States, where he had spent a year or two after first leaving England. In Port Elizabeth he engaged in business as a builder, and with his partner erected some of the finest buildings in Main-street, and a short time after established himself in business in Grahamstown, where he has since that time resided. Though never engaging in politics or municipal duties, Mr. JAMES has been well and favourably known amongst our commercial community. The widow and family of the deceased have our sincere sympathy.

Colonists (says the Telegraph) will learn with great regret that the amiable and indefatigable Dr. MANN, of Maritzburg, has died rather suddenly at Wandsworth, aged 69. About 35 years ago the Doctor lectured in the north of England on Natal, showing its advantages for emigrants. He was a devotee to science, and not long ago prepared a pamphlet on lightning conductors. He also wrote a portion of Mr. BROOK’s excellent History of Natal, which is illustrated. The Doctor had charge of the Natal Court, Kensington.

Tuesday 14 September 1886

FELL ASLEEP at Hounslow on 10 Sept. 1886, Sarah, beloved wife of the late William HYDE.

An Aliwal paper reports: One of the oldest farmers in the district, Mr. Marthinus HENNING, passed away suddenly on Saturday night last. He had gone to bed and, after remarking to his wife that he felt tired, turned over to go to sleep. His breathing, however, attracted the attention of Mrs. HENNING, who became alarmed and lit the candle, when to her great horror and grief, she found her husband was a corpse. The news of the sad event cast quite a gloom over the congregation of the D.R. Church last Sunday.

Thursday 16 September 1886

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown, on the 15th Sept 1886, by the Rev. Wm. Impey, Walter Henry GALPIN, second son of H.C. GALPIN, of Grahamstown, to Annie I’ONS, eldest daughter of F.H. I’ONS, of Kimberley.

DIED on Sept 16th, at his residence, Francis-street, after a painful illness, John (MEMERRY) MERRY, aged 60, late of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland.
Funeral will leave his residence, Francis-st, tomorrow at 4 o’clock.

Friday 17 September 1886

The Bay papers report the death of the Rev. Mr. JARVIS, Congregational minister at Bedford. He had been ailing but a very short time, and his death was quite unexpected, and occurred with painful suddenness from haemorrhage of the lungs. The Rev. Mr. JARVIS succeeded the Rev. E. SOLOMON in the pastoral charge of the church at Bedford, and was previously Congregational minister at Claremont. He arrived in the Colony rather more than two years ago.

We (Dispatch) regret to report the death by drowning of Dr. JACKSON, of Macleanstown, on Thursday last. Dr. JACKSON was at the entertainment at Fort Jackson on Wednesday evening, and left for home on Thursday morning. The road is for the most part a lonely one, and the distance some twelve or fourteen miles. He was seen by Mrs. DEAN, daughter of Mr. J.T. HARTLEY, riding past the farmhouse at a distance of some sixty yards, and she considers he was not sober. This was within half a mile of the Nahoon Drift. A German named Johan MAYER, from Macleanstown, went to the Nahoon to fish on the day in question with his nephew. He was coming up the river when he saw a horse feeding, saddled and bridled. Presently his attention was called by his nephew to something in the river at a short distance from the drift, and what looked like the back of a man’s head. He went up the bank and could see that it was a body in the water. He went off and told some natives, and then went home to Macleanstown, where he reported the matter to the police. The natives wished him to go down with them to the spot, but they say he declined. The natives having seen the body, gave information to Mr. HARTLEY and also sent to inform the police at Fort Jackson. The information reached the police station at 5pm, and Privates [DEMMER] and DYE at once proceeded to the spot, and took the body from the water. The action of MAYER is peculiar, and the natives appear to have used more discretion than he did. An inquest was subsequently held, at which most of the above facts came out. Dr. JACKSON was only in his 29th year. He was a native of Yorkshire, and leaves a widow and one child to mourn his loss.

Saturday 18 September 1886

In the Intestate Estate of the late George Donkin Charles O’REILLY of the Kareiga, Albany, Farmer
All Persons having Claims against this Estate are required to file the same with the Undersigned at his office in Grahamstown within six weeks from this date; and all Persons indebted thereto to pay their respective Debts to the Undersigned, at the same place, and within the same period.
S.C. CRONWRIGHT, Executive Dative
Grahamstown, 17th Sept 1886

The Border News records the death at Tarkastad, on the 7th inst, of Mr. John GIE, second son of T.I.M. GIE Esq, C.C. and R.M. of Aliwal North. The deceased was a bright, intelligent young man, who had just attained his majority. He was articled to his uncle (Attorney HAARHOFF of Kimberley) and gave every promise of being an ornament to his profession and a source of pride to his family. Some few weeks ago he was seized with the insidious “Camp” fever, and came down to Tarkastad to recruit his health. Every attention was paid to him, and at first his health improved, but subsequently a relapse proved fatal.

Monday 20 September 1886

BIRTH at the Wesleyan Parsonage, Cradock, on the 18th September, the wife of Mr. W.T.T. BROWN of a daughter.

[From Minutes of Albany Museum]
Dr. ATHERSTONE was requested to draw up a resolution referring to the death of Mr. D.H. KENNELLY, the Treasurer, for the purpose of placing the same on the records of that Society.
Resolved that Mr. H. KENNELLY be elected a member of the Committee.
Resolved that Mr. KENNELLY be requested to accept the office of Treasurer, which has become vacant through the death of his father, Mr. D.H. KENNELLY.

The sad news reached town yesterday morning of the death of the Rev. Edward SOLOMON under very melancholy circumstances. The body of the deceased gentleman was discovered early in the morning lying amongst the rocks on the beach beyond the residence of Mr. SAUNDERS, and much cut and knocked about, the side of the head and face in particular being much disfigured. Mr. SOLOMON was dressed in his usual walking attire, except that he had no boots on; but as he was in the habit of wearing loose slippers at home, it is supposed that he had slippers on when he left the house, and that these have been washed away. The only probable explanation of the sad event is that Mr. SOLOMON, feeling restless, got up very early (as he had gone to bed as usual) and having dressed himself, went down to sit on the rocks. It is easy to suppose that in the fresh air, the sleep he had sought in vain indoors overcame him, and then he must have fallen to the spot below, where he was found dead. During the last few days he had been complaining of overwork and nervousness; nevertheless he had attended to many ministerial and other duties. He was Secretary to the head branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and it was noticed at the depot on Tuesday that he was unable to bring his once vigorous mind to the proper examination of the accounts. He had been somewhat relieved of late in this department of work by the Rev. W.B. PHILIP, and he had also taken a brief holiday at East London, from which, indeed, he had only returned a few days ago. He was at Mr. VARLEY’s service at the Dutch Reformed Church the previous evening, and was not missed until the household was up in the morning.
The deceased minister was a leading and highly respected member of the congregational body, having been pastor of the Congregational church at Bedford for very many years, and an outspoken advocate of civil and religious freedom at all times. In the Missionary Conference, and other circles on the Frontier, his name will long be remembered. When he resigned his charge to come to Capetown he was overwhelmed with manifestations of respect and affection. He preached during the absence of the Rev. J.M. RUSSELL in England, and has occasionally ministered at the Congregational and other churches. He had preserved his activity to full old age, never probably having done more than since his nominal retirement, and presented the bright, cheery appearance of one with many years of work still in him. He leaves four sons, Mr. E.P. SOLOMON, late of Kingwilliamstown, attorney-at-law; Advocate Richard SOLOMON; Advocate W.H. SOLOMON; and one son, we believe, following farming pursuits at Bedford; and four daughters, one married to Mr. A.R. WEBB C.C. and R.M. of Herschel; one to Mr. WEBBER of Bedford; and one to Mr. J. SPYKER of the Education Department; and Miss Emily SOLOMON. The event will cast a shadow over a very large circle of family connections and friends. – Cape Argus.

Tuesday 21 September 1886

The E.P. Herald very much regrets to have to record the death of Mr. WEBER, who was thrown from his horse on Sunday morning almost opposite the Algoa House Hotel. Mr. WEBER had on Saturday purchased a horse, and mounted him for the first time early yesterday morning at the Club stables. He seems to have crossed by the Vley, and ridden a short way up the Western Road, when his horse became restive, and bolted back to the stables. The unfortunate rider apparently lost control of the animal, and on turning the corner of the Vley again, the horse slipped on the smooth stones of the water-course which crosses the road at this point, and fell with, and upon, his rider. Had the accident ended here, Mr.WEBER would probably have escaped with his life; but unfortunately he failed to free himself from the horse, and in the latter’s struggles to rise received further injuries. He seems, however, to have held to the saddle for a second, when the brute bucked, and Mr. WEBER was thrown violently on his head on the kerbstone. Assistance was at once rendered, but the unfortunate man was picked up quite insensible, and expired within half an hour of his accident. Mr. WEBER has been a resident here for some five years, and was a native of Germany.

The Capetown papers give the medical evidence of Dr. G. ANDERSON at the inquest of the Rev. Edward SOLOMON, found drowned at Sea Point on Wednesday, as follows: I went to Sea Point on Wednesday and inspected the body of the late Rev. Edward SOLOMON, lying at his residence at Sea Point. The body was quite cold, apparently dead many hours, and rigor mortis was still general. The clothes, which still remained on him, were wet, and the lower part of the trousers torn in several places. There were bruises, abrasions and cuts on the most exposed parts of the body, viz. the heads, hands and feet, and legs as far as the knees. These were apparently all ante mortem, and might have been caused by falling down a rugged place or in struggling on the rocks, but did not look like passive injuries to a dead body knocked against the rocks. The face was of a deep purple colour, the rest of the body normal in colour except where injured. On opening the mouth a thin foam exuded. In the evening, with the assistance of Dr. BAIRD, I made a complete post mortem inspection. A large clot was found under the scalp (in connection with one wound), proving the injury ante mortem. All the organs of the body were sound, but generally congested. The left side of the heart was firmly contracted, and the right side distended with coagulated blood. The appearance leaves no doubt whatever that death was due to drowning.

Wednesday 22 September 1886

BIRTH. WAINMAN – Sep 11th, at Potchefstroom, Transvaal, the wife of the Rev Thos. H. WAINMAN of a son.

A child named ROSWELL, daughter of Mr. A.W. ROSWELL, fell from the window of a house on Richmond Hill on Sunday, and was so severely injured (reports the Telegraph) that she died yesterday morning.

Saturday 25 September 1886

It is with much regret that we have to record the death of Mrs. McPHERSON, which occurred early this morning. The deceased lady had for many weeks past been invalided and in a very weak state, but we understand that there was no special cause for alarm till the attack of spasm of the heart which came on, which proved fatal. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband and children.

Monday 27 September 1886

DIED at Grahamstown Sept 25th, Emily Ann, the beloved wife of J. Gordon McPHERSON, aged 26 years and 6 months.

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday morning, the 27th instant, Esther JAMES, aged 86 years and 9 months. Deceased came out with the 1820 settlers.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Bathurst-st, tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Friends are invited.

We regret to have to announce the decease of Mrs. JAMES, a lady who has long been resident in this City, and who was one of the rapidly-diminishing number of those who came with the Settlers of 1820. Mrs. JAMES was born January 6 1800, and was the daughter of the late Mr. Thomas TROLLIP of Ford’s Party [sic – should be Joseph TROLLIP of Hyman’s Party], with whom she came to this Colony. On landing in this country she married Mr. Samuel Taylor JAMES, who was the head of the party known as James’s Party. Here she resided with her husband till about 1846, when they removed to Dagga Boer’s Nek, and remained there till the war of 1851 compelled their removal to Cradock. After some years’ residence in that town Mrs. JAMES removed to Grahamstown, where she has lived up to this time, having been a widow for more than thirty years. Mrs. JAMES was a member of the Wesleyan Church, with which she became connected shortly after her arrival in this Colony.

Tuesday 28 September 1886

MARRIED at Healdtown on the 7th September, by the father of the bride, Mr. Wesley WILSON, of Fort Beaufort, to Ellen M. HOLFORD, eldest daughter of the Rev. W. HOLFORD.

We regret to have to announce the death of Mr. George WINTERSON, which occurred early this morning after a few days illness. The deceased, who was in his seventy-eighth year, came to this Colony thirty-six years ago, since which he has lived the greater part of his time in Grahamstown. He leaves a widow and large family, to whom we tender our sincere sympathy.

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