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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1882 12 December

Saturday 2 December 1882

MARRIED on the 29th inst at Commemoration Chapel, by the Rev. E. Lones, Edward, second son of William WICKS Esq, to Amy, fourth daughter of Mr. Charles WEBB, of Grahamstown. No cards.

Monday 4 December 1882

DIED at Uitenhage on 1st instant, after a protracted illness arising from an accident at the Diamond Fields, James RICHARDS, formerly of Port Elizabeth, aged 40 years.

We regret to hear that Mr. James RICHARDS died at Uitenhage on Thursday morning, after a long period of suffering. Mr. RICHARDS was a step-son of Mr. Robert GODLONTON, and followed the same calling, that of a journalist, for many years. Deceased (says the P.E. Telegraph) was formerly partner in the proprietorship of the Eastern Province Herald, and on relinquishing his connection with that firm, entered into farming pursuits in the Uitenhage division. Subsequently proceeding to the Diamond Fields, he was travelling from Kimberley about years ago [sic] when the coach was overturned in a drift, and Mr. RICHARDS was violently hurled on to the hard ground, falling on his head. The consequence of this distressing accident led to serious affection of the eyes and brain, necessitating constant attention and care from others. During the latter part of his life he was a great, but uncomplaining sufferer. He leaves a widow, four daughters – two of whom are married – and two young sons, all of whom have our warmest sympathy in their trying circumstances. The funeral takes place this afternoon at Uitenhage, the Rev. C. PETTMAN being the officiating minister.

Thursday 7 December 1882

The death of Mr. MITCHELL, the Superintendent of the lazerette, from small-pox (says the Graaff-Reinet Advertiser of the 5th) is a very sad one in its consequences to his family. He has left a wife and six or seven children wholly unprovided for. He caught the infection from the native from Victoria West, whom he had to attend, and soon succumbed. He was vaccinated when he went to take charge of the patient – so we are told; but the event shows that he had been no way protected by the operation. He was buried on Sunday morning. To that end the Sanitary Committee employed a Kafir, who had the disease here in 1859, to assist the present Superintendent. The case is one that calls for active public sympathy and charity. It is true that MITCHELL undertook the office for the pay: but there are so few of his station that would do the same thing that he may be looked upon in a sense as having exposed himself to danger for the public safety. And then there is his family – his widow, a helpless woman, and so many helpless children. But the public and the Municipal Council know their duty in the case and will doubtless do it.

Friday 8 December 1882

BIRTH at Somerset East on the 6th December, Mrs. F.R. SOUTHEY of a son.

DIED at Molteno on the 26th Nov 1882, on her way from the Diamond Fields, Ada Lydia, third daughter of Mr. S. MOUNFORT of Manley’s Flats, aged 17 years.
The parents of the deceased wish to express their heartfelt thanks to the inhabitants of Molteno for the kindness shown to the brother and sister of the deceased, who were perfect strangers amongst them.
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Saturday 9 December 1882

On Tuesday last before Mr. CAMPBELL, R.M., Capetown, an inquest was held into the circumstances attending the death of an infant named Ellen Maud ROCHE. Christina ABRAHAMS stated that she had been in the employ of Mrs. ROCHE for three months. On Sunday she was left with the three children. The youngest, Ellen Maud, went to sleep, and she put her in the perambulator outside the door. Shortly afterwards the little boy, aged three years, came to her and told her that the baby was crying. She went out and noticed that only the whites of the baby’s eyes were visible, and she was throwing her arms and legs about. She appeared to be choking, and her lips changed colour. She then ran to Mr. MILLER’s, two doors higher up, and upon her return with Mr. MILLER the child was dead. She had seen it twice before in the same condition. Dr. PARSONS thought it probable that death was due to convulsions, excited by the process of dentition.

Monday 11 December 1882

DIED at the residence of his brother-in-law, East London, Walter OGILVIE, on Saturday December 9th 1882, Daniel PENN, aged 63 years and 8 months. His end was peace.

On Wednesday last Mr. A.S. HOOLE, clerk to the Civil Commissioner of Alice district, and son of the late J.C. HOOLE Esq. M.L.C., was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Miss MATHEW, daughter of Mr. T.P.G. MATHEW of Adelaide. The marriage, says the Alice Times, took place in the English Church, the Rev. T. CHAMBERLAIN BA officiating. Mr. HOOLE with his bride left the same day for Cathcart, whither he has been appointed to a similar position to that held in Alice. He has been for upwards of six years resident in our midst, and has invariably given entire satisfaction to his duties, and has the respect of those with whom he has come in contact. We wish the new couple much joy in their new life and distant home.

Thursday 14 December 1882

DIED at fair View on the 13th Dec 1882, Hannah, the beloved wife of Mr. C.P. LATHAM, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian fortitude, aged 49 years 4 months and 3 days.

DIED at Oatlands Road on the 12th last, Winifred Shaw, child of the Rev. Ben. and Emma Jane IMPEY, aged 2 years and 4 months.
Grahamstown, Dec 13 1882.

We (East London Advertiser) have to record the death of Mr. Daniel PENN, who has been living with his relative, Mr. W. OGILVIE, on the West Bank for some time, in the hope of recruiting his impaired health. Unfortunately the change did not do him that good which it was anticipated would result from the change, and he breathed his last on Saturday night. The remains of the deceased gentleman were interred in the West Bank cemetery on Sunday afternoon, and were followed to the grave by a large number of the inhabitants, who had known the deceased in his lifetime. Mr. PENN was a respected brother of St.John’s Lodge of Freemasons, Grahamstown, and the B.B. of the Buffalo Lodge attended the funeral in regalia, and, at the close of the church service, the beautiful and impressive funeral service of the craft was read by Bro. O.H. BATE W.M. The church services were conducted by the Revs. J. RUSSELL of the Presbyterian Church and W.S. CALDECOTT of the Wesleyan Church. Mr. D. PENN was for many years a resident of Grahamstown, where he held a somewhat prominent position, but of late, owing to ill health, he travelled a good deal. We are sure his many friends in Grahamstown and elsewhere will receive the news of his death with deep regret.

Saturday 16 December 1882

We (Watchman) hear of a very serious wagon accident in Gaikaland. A man named ELS was coming along a nasty place, and the oxen being young, although there was a leader, could not be kept in the right track. ELS seeing the wagon about to capsize, endeavoured to prevent it doing so with his own strength, and was consequently crushed beneath it. His wife with the aid of the screw-jack extricated him, when it was found that his collar-bone and some of his ribs were broken. A little girl, the daughter of the unfortunate man, had her skull fractured, and although a large piece of bone had been successfully removed by the Doctor, her recovery is looked upon as hopeless.

Tuesday 19 December 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on the 17th Dec 1882, George Wreford Rickman, beloved and only child of Rowland and Jemima WALLIS, aged 1 year 11 months and 13 days.
Adieu dear loved one, we wished that you might stay,
But angels bright have beckoned you away.
Oh! May our end, as yours, be free from stain,
Then shall we meet above, nor part again.
Mr. and Mrs. WALLIS beg to tender their sincere thanks to Dr. GREATHEAD and the many Friends for the kindness they received during the Child’s illness.

Wednesday 20 December 1882

MARRIED on the 19th inst at Seven Fountains, by the Rev. Jno. W. WOOD, Charles James, only surviving son of Mr. Samuel ALLISON, Goodman’s Kloof, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Williamott KEMSLEY, Seven Fountains.

An inquest was held at Capetown on Thursday before the Resident Magistrate, J. CAMPBELL Esq, in his capacity as coroner, on the body of a white man named Louis BROWN, who was killed in the Docks on Wednesday morning last. James JONES, a coloured man, deposed: I was in a boat on the occasion of the accident, engaged in “slinging” the timber to be hoisted up by the crane. Whilst hoisting the timber, and when it was under the “cross-heads”, I saw the crane oscillate from side to side. As the crane appeared to be about to fall, I saw the remainder of the men jump from the platform and the deceased fell under the handle. In its rotations the handle on the south side of the crane struck the deceased on the head each time, tearing off the flesh and portions of the skull at each blow, until the timber reached the water, when it stopped. I did not go myself to see the body. Elijah BROWN, a coloured man, stated: I was one of the party working at the crane yesterday morning at the Breakwater. I with two others were working on the north side of the crane, the deceased being engaged on the south side. After heaving up the arming to a certain height I felt a great weight and strain upon my arms. I shouted out “What’s the matter” but receiving no answer and the strain becoming greater, I could not hold on any longer, and sprang off. On reaching the staging I found the two men who had been working with me also there. Whilst at the handle, I felt the crane “canting” over to my side, and fearing it was about to fall over upon me I left it. I know the jib of the crane was fastened down with chains to prevent it from falling over. I did not see how the deceased met with his death.

Friday 22 December 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th December 1882, the wife of J.B GREATHEAD MB(Edin) of a daughter.

Wednesday 27 December 1882

DIED December 20th 1882 at the farm “Parliament”, near Whittlesea, Louisa Johanna, widow of the late Mr. Charles MILLER, aged 42 years and 8 months, leaving a family of nine children to mourn their loss.

A young Scotsman named Robert MACMILLAN died in the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, on Monday. The deceased (says the Telegraph) came to the Colony for the benefit of his health, and his death resulted from that insidious disease – consumption. He leaves a widow and seven children in Scotland.

Friday 29 December 1882

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 15th Dec, the wife of W. Howard HARRIS Esq, Consulting Engineer,

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