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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1883 01 January

Tuesday 2 January 1883

(Cape Times Dec 28)
It is rarely that the festivities, consequent upon the Christmas holidays, pass over at the Cape without the record of some sorrow which casts a gloom over all the rejoicings and holiday-making. This Christmas is unhappily no exception, to those which have gone before, in this respect. The accident which ended fatally at Kalk Bay on Tuesday will be mourned over in many a household here, for the MURISONs are known throughout the length and breadth of the land, and are deservedly respected wherever they are known. On Wednesday morning Mr. James MURISON jr and his family were on their way to the Kommetje, where they intended spending their holidays. After leaving Muisenberg, Mr. MURISON was induced by his son Alan, a bonnie laddie of little more than eight years of age, whose skill at riding had often been admired, to allow him to ride a mare whose quietness and good nature had been tested by long experience. There was no saddle with the party, but Alan could ride so well, and the mare was so quiet, that no one dreamt of any danger in his riding her with a sack substituted for a saddle. In a few minutes after mounting, however, the little fellow was thrown, and what occurred no one exactly knows. Alan was seen dashing along the Vischoek Beach; the mare had been frightened and the little fellow could not hold her, and he must either have slipped off or been jerked off on the hard road between the huge boulders leading to Vischoek Bay. When he was picked up he was unconscious, and it was seen that he had sustained great injury to the skull. He was carried to the residence of Canon BAKER, at Kalk Bay, where all that kindness could do was done. Dr. WRIGHT was sent for, and was soon in attendance, and Mr. MURISON came to town and took back with him DR. ABERCROMBY. But the injury sustained was beyond human skill. The doctors think that the horse must have struck the little fellow with a hoof as he fell, and fractured the skull. Death ensued shortly after midnight.

Friday 5 January 1883

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 3rd January 1883, the wife of A.W. BAKER Esq of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 5th January 1883, the wife of W.G. IMPEY of a daughter.

DIED at Oatlands Road, Grahamstown, 5th January 1883, Flora Emily, infant daughter of the Rev. Ben. and Emma Jane IMPEY, aged 2 months.

Monday 8 January 1883

The Fort Beaufort Advocate of the 5th says:- This morning two young men, named CAHILL and John NELSON, were bathing in the Kat River, immediately below the guard-house on the north side of the town. After swimming across the river, NELSON started to return, and when almost near the bank from which he started, he sank. CAHILL swam to his rescue and with some difficulty pulled him out. NELSON could have only been a minute under water. When drawn out he was placed on the bank. A boy who happened to be close at hand went for a medical man; another messenger started for the Fieldcornet, who arrived at the scene of the accident within twenty minutes after. NELSON was then dead. As the medical man did not put in an appearance, the body was removed into town. Deceased came here a few days since for the purpose of joining the new police force. He is said to have come from Knysna, where his parents reside. In his pocket was found an excellent testimonial as to character &c.

At about seven o’clock on Wednesday (says the Uitenhage Chronicle) a man named McDERMOTT, about thirty years of age, committed suicide by swallowing carbolic acid. A short time before he was talking with the Rev. J. O’BRIEN and said he had been having an argument with a friend on suicide, and continued to discuss the question with that gentleman, and concluded by saying he was “going on a long journey tonight”. The rev. gentleman, who was watering his flowers, reasoned with the man as he walked up and down the garden, and when near the passage leading to the street he was seen to put a small bottle to his mouth and walk away. He appeared perfectly sober, and argued in a rational manner as to allay all suspicion that he contemplated suicide. About this time a lad came into the garden, and was asked whether he had seen McDERMOTT. He stated that he saw him outside the gate spitting as if he had something offensive in his mouth. This aroused suspicion and the lad was sent after him but could not find him. A policeman was called in and search made, and the man was found dead in the Catholic school ground. The unfortunate man has been about eight years in the colony and is respectably connected in Ireland. He served in the late wars in the colony, and was engaged in the Zulu campaign, where he received several wounds in the head. For the last three months he has been working as a labourer in the Loco shops.

Tuesday 9 January 1883

DIED at Tukela, near Alice, on the 2nd January 1883, Thomas GARDE, aged 53 years and 8 months.
The bereaved family return their sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted during the severe illness of the late Mr. GARDE.

In the Estate of the late James Winthorpe MacWorth PRAED
All Persons having Claims against the above Estate are hereby required to file the same with Mr. Attorney VAN DER REIT at his office, High-street, Grahamstown, on or before the first day of March next, after which period none will be recognised.
Executor Dative
Grahamstown, Jan 8 1883.

Thursday 11 January 1883

Kimberley Advertiser, Jan. 6
A murder most foul and brutal was committed on the night of Wednesday last at a house near Kimberley, on the road to Griquatown. The victim of this dastardly act is a little girl of eight years of age, daughter of Gideon VANDERNESS, a wood-rider. From information received by the police authorities, who, we may mention, retain an official reticence with regard to particulars, being desirous of having the matter clearly investigated, the Assistant Resident Magistrate proceeded to the scene of the murder early yesterday morning for the purpose of investigation. Arriving at the house, which is situated near the last toll of that road, he found a little girl lying in a pool of blood on a bed, with her throat cut from ear to ear, and her father in the custody of a constable. Mr. BRADSHAW was informed that soon after the murder was committed the girl’s father came out of the house and told his son, who was sitting outside, to go into the house and see his sister, who was lying dead in bed. He did so, and saw her as stated. On examination of the place a knife, a large bladed one, with which the deed is supposed to have been perpetrated, was found wrapped up in the mattress of the bed on which the unfortunate girl was lying. Nothing has been ascertained which can in any way account for the hand of the murderer being used in such a cowardly manner as has been indicated above. It is said that the murder might have been committed by some native who got into the house by the window, and finding the girl asleep, cut her throat; but probabilities do not support such a supposition. The father of the murdered child had been drinking heavily for some time, but on the night of the murder appeared to be perfectly sober. VANDERNESS, who is the only one arrested on the charge, is the father of eight children older and younger than the one who has thus been deprived of her life. He was brought before the Resident Magistrate yesterday and remanded pending a post mortem examination by the resident Surgeon being held on the body of the deceased.

Friday 12 January 1883

DIED on the 30th ult at Carnarvon Hospital, Kimberley, aged 33, Thomas George, third and beloved son of Sarah and the late J.F. SLATER Esq of “Carnarvon Dale”, leaving a wife and three children, with a large circle of sorrowing friends, to mourn his irreparable loss.

We (Diamond News) have to record a very sad accident which happened to a boy, named George BENNETT, aged twelve years, who, whilst playing near the powder magazines with some of his companions, found a large quantity of what was supposed to be damaged gunpowder. He gathered up about 5lbs weight and threw a large piece of it into the fire. It immediately exploded, and the damage done to his head and body is something so frightful that the doctor fears the boy’s face will be scarred for life. There seems to be a gross carelessness exhibited in allowing such dangerous kinds of explosive to lie about like this, and we hope some enquiry will be made as to who is responsible for such carelessness.

It is our sad duty (writes the Diamond News of the 4th) to record the death of Mr. Tom SLATER, who died in Carnarvon Hospital on the 30th December. The deceased gentleman, who was the son of the late Mr. John SLATER of “Carnarvon Vale”, Bushman’s River, had only lately arrived in Kimberley on a visit from the Transvaal. Shortly before reaching here he was taken ill, and on arrival his friends considered it advisable to remove him to the Carnarvon Hospital. Notwithstanding the utmost care and attention bestowed upon him, the unfortunate gentleman gradually sank and died on the day mentioned, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends who deeply lament is loss. To his relatives and friends we tender our sincere sympathy in their hour of sorrow.

A private letter from Ventersburg, district of Winburg, O.F.S., to the Express, gives particulars of a terrible and melancholy accident, which happened there some days ago. On Thursday Dec. 14th, about three o’clock in the afternoon, in consequence of the heavy rains, the house of P.J. v.d. BERG fell in, with the result that four children, two girls and two boys, between the age of nine and two, were buried in the rubbish. The tidings of the sad occurrence mad a deep impression on the inhabitants of the town and district, and much sympathy prevailed for the parents, who at one fell swoop had been deprived of four of their offspring. This sympathy was practically displayed on Sunday the 17th Dec, when the mutilated corpses were consigned to earth in the presence of 140 men, women and children.

Monday 15 January 1883

BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown, Jan 14 1883, the wife of A.F. S. MAASDORP, Solicitor-General, of a daughter.

We (East London Dispatch) very much regret to hear of the death of Mr. Gorge JANION, son of Mr. J.B. JANION of this place, which has occurred at Bloemfontein, whither he went recently for the sake of his health. The cause of death was consumption, but the end has come with unlooked-for suddenness, and we beg to express our sympathy with the bereaved family.

Tuesday 16 January 1883

MARRIED at Bedford, January 11, by the Rev E. Solomon, John Henry Malloch BROWN LLD, Barrister-at-Law, of Kimberley, seventh son of the late W.T. BROWN, Government Surveyor, to Eleanor Mary, second daughter of Francis KING JP, of Bedford.

The “Mrs. HILL Memorial Cottage”, erected by the Ladies’ Benevolent Society at the request of Sidney HILL Esq, in memory of his deceased wife, is now finished, with the exception of the scroll work on the gable with a suitable inscription. It is a pretty little cottage near the Cape Road with four rooms, capable of accommodating two occupants, though at present it is occupied by one family. There is a small strip of garden in front of the house, and water is laid on to the premises. Altogether the building does credit to the architect, Mr. J. Thornhill COOK, and to Mr. HILL, who has thus erected a memorial of his beloved wife amidst the very scene of her former labours. Mrs. HILL in her lifetime always took a deep interest in the Ladies’ Benevolent Society, and took her full share of its duties. In the erection of an almshouse of this kind, where poor women can live rent-free, there is something fitting in the memory of Mrs. Sidney HILL, who was never so happy as when employed in works of charity, visiting the sick and relieving the distressed. On behalf of the Ladies’ Benevolent Society and the public generally, we (E.P. Herald) thank Mr. HILL for his valuable and most useful gift, which will long remind us of his departed wife, once so well-known amongst us and so highly respected.

Mr. Jacob VAN HEERDEN, of Albania, Griqualand West, has been struck dead by lightning whilst riding on horseback near the residence of Mr. SINDEN in that district. When discovered the body had been devoured by aasvogels, only the hands and feet being left, and the body was identified by the clothing. The horse, which was also struck dead, had not been touched by the aasvogels.

A very sad occurrence, says the N.M. Advertiser of the 10th, took place on the Beria on Monday night, when Charlotte BRISTOW, the wife of Geo. BRISTOW, committed suicide by shooting herself with a rifle, the deed being no doubt committed during a temporary aberration of the mind. The deceased lived with her husband and family in a house on the Maritzburg road, just beyond the toll-bar, and it appears that on Monday evening she requested her husband to go into the bedroom and get the children to sleep, she herself being too hot and fatigued to perform the duty, and wishful as she said to sit in the back room in order to cool herself. Previously to this Mrs. BRISTOW had told the Kafir who generally slept in the kitchen to go and spend the night in an outhouse situated in the garden. In answer to her request Mr. BRISTOW went to the children, and soon after nine o’clock was startled by hearing the report of a gun at the back of the house. He rushed out and found his wife lying on her back in the room she had been sitting in, while a gun was by her side and the room was filled with smoke. BRISTOW called his neighbour, Mr. E. MIDDLEBOROUGH, to come to his assistance, and on his doing so the latter found that the rifle was on the deceased’s left side, with the muzzle, which was pointed to her head, clasped in her left hand. From the surroundings it was gathered that Mrs. BRISTOW fastened a piece of tape to the trigger of the rifle, which she had loaded herself, and that when she had put the muzzle of the gun in her mouth she pulled the tape with her toe. The gun was thus discharged and the bullet smashed the upper jaw, passed through the brain and skull, and lodged in the ceiling overhead. Death must have been instantaneous. The deceased had at one time been confined in the Maritzburg Asylum for insanity, which was temporarily cured, but lately she had been rather peculiar in her ways, and there is no doubt that the shocking deed was committed during a temporary fit of insanity. Mr. BRISTOW and the family have our sincerest commiseration.

Wednesday 17 January 1883

The Templar Advocate of January 1st contains a photograph and memorial notice of the late Mr. Charles ROBERTS, of Dutoitspan, and P.G.W.V.T. and G.W.T. of the Grand Lodge of Central South Africa, of whose life and services to the cause of temperance an interesting account is given.

Another accident (says an up-country paper) has occurred from the careless use of explosives. It appears that Mr. DELPORT, who was on his way from Caledon to the Free State, called at the farm of Mr. P. DU PLESSIS, Draaifontein. He took up a dynamite detonator and lit the fuse, holding the cap between the thumb and forefinger, the result being that they were smashed. He was brought into town and attended by Dr. FICK, who amputated the jagged portions.

Last week (says the Advertiser), while Mr. H.T. TOMES was opening a bottle of German beer, the bottle burst in his left hand, lacerating it most severely. Mr. TOMES lost a great deal of blood, but did not attach great importance to the injury. Two days afterwards, however, alarming symptoms set in, the hand beginning to mortify; and an operation then became necessary. The arm was amputated above the elbow, and for a short time the sufferer appeared to be getting on nicely. A few days ago, however, delirium set in, and Mr. TOMES has since been lying in a very precarious condition.

The G.R. Herald regrets to have to record the death by accident of Mr. Jacob COETZE, of Bovenplaats. It seems he had spanned his horses to go somewhere, and that while he was standing on the ground beside them, his hand or the reins touched the back of one of them, they took fright, and in the effort of holding them in one of the reins broke, the horses wheeled short round and overturned the cart, which fell on Mr. COETZE and broke his leg. Dr. TE WATER went out and amputated the leg, which was in a very inflamed state. Mr. KOETZE, however, died shortly afterwards.

Thursday 18 January 1883

Very great regret was felt here on the arrival of intelligence of the death of Mrs. CROXFORD, wife of Mr. John CROXFORD, formerly resident in Grahamstown, and now at Kimberley. Mrs. CROXFORD was a daughter of our esteemed fellow-citizen Mr. C. RHODES.

It is our painful duty, says the E.L. Advertiser, to record the death of Mr. Geo. JANION, son of Mr. J.B. JANION, which occurred recently at Bloemfontein. Deceased was suffering from consumption and left East London for Bloemfontein some months ago, in the hope of finding relief in change of climate. He was about 24 years of age, and was esteemed and respected by all who knew him. His loss will be deplored by a wide circle of relatives and friends.

Willie EVERT and Piet MOLENVELDT, two well-known wagon drivers in Worcester, met with a bad accident lately. They were removing filth from the back yard of the Masonic Hotel when suddenly they were attacked by a swarm of bees. The two men were stung in a fearful manner. Medical assistance was soon sent for, and Dr. BECK did all he could to give the patients relief. We (Worcester News) hear that Willie EVERT is seriously ill. One of the two horses was stung to death and when we saw the other one it was almost mad with pain. At the time we went to press EVERT had lost all he possessed. We strongly appeal to our fellow citizens to help us raise a small fund for this unfortunate man. All gifts will be thankfully received at our office.

Friday 19 January 1883

DIED at Kimberley on the 2nd January 1883, W.G. SARGEANT, son of the Rev. W. SARGEANT, aged 32 years.

On Sunday evening, says the G.R. Herald, a patient at the Midland Hospital, Graaffreinet, committed suicide under somewhat singular circumstances, by drowning himself in a raised tank, in which is stored a supply of water for irrigation. The man’s name was Thomas PARR, aged 42 years, who had been a patient residing in the hospital for the past three months from chronic rheumatism. He had previously been for the same disorder at the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, from whence he was removed to the ward for the chronic sick in the Albany Hospital. He left that institution voluntarily, and subsequently found his way here, and was admitted to the Midland Hospital. His back was bent from the rheumatism, and his hands were stiffened, and nearly useless. He was of a quiet habit, but from what he said latterly to other patients it is clear he fell into a desponding state of mind as to his condition, and wished himself dead. He did not express this feeling to the Superintendent. It is the custom at the Hospital that when the Doctor pays his daily visit such patients as may be in the garden should at once return to their respective wards. On Sunday morning last Dr. MAASDORP attended at the Hospital about half past 11, and was engaged for a short time with Mr. READY, the Superintendent, and Mr. TEBB. The patients who were outside meanwhile returned to their wards, excepting only PARR, who stayed behind. The last one to come in told him to come, and he said he would do so presently. Being thus left alone in the garden PARR placed his hat on the ground, and turned over a bucket which was near the tank. Upon this he stood so as to lean over the wall, and there can be no doubt that he deliberately threw himself into the water, which was then only two and a half feet deep. As the doctor and superintendent went their rounds, PARR was missed from his place, and on being sent for was discovered partly immersed in the tank, and quite dead. The Resident Magistrate, Mr. HUDSON, held an inquest on deceased yesterday, which was adjourned until Thursday in order to obtain the evidence of Dr. MAASDORP.

Saturday 20 January 1883

On Sunday morning last, says the Cape Times, a coloured man named Carel AMOS, who was about thirty years of age, met with a serious accident which later proved fatal. The deceased was a coachman in the employ of Mr. FLOWER, in whose service he had been but for a day, and whilst working in the stable of his master one of the horses got loose and managed to get into the street. The coachman pursued the animal, but on getting close to it he received a severe kick in the side, which induced a rupture of the liver, to which he succumbed shortly afterwards. The body was subsequently removed to the New Somerset Hospital, where Dr. PARSON made a post mortem examination upon it, and from the results attributed death to haemorrhage produced by rupture of the liver.

Wednesday 24 January 1883

BIRTH at Hope Villa, Havelock-street, Port Elizabeth, on the 20th January 1883, Mrs. Robert KING of a daughter.

This morning at St.George’s Cathedral the bonds of matrimony were entered into between Miss Florence PAGE, daughter of our esteemed townsman Mr. W. PAGE, and Mr. J.W. BAYES, also of this city. Long before the arrival of the bride the Cathedral was well filled with interested spectators. The Very Rev. the Dean, assisted by the Rev. C.M. DAVIES, performed the marriage ceremony. After the knot had been tied, the bride was presented with a beautiful silver card case on behalf of the members of the Cathedral choir, from which her sweet and powerful voice will be greatly missed. The bridesmaids were Miss E. PAYNE, Miss L. LUCAS and Miss M. PAGE, with Mr. C.J. ALDHAM (best man), Mr. P.L. PAGE and Master R. PAGE as groomsmen. The bride looked very charming, and was dressed in a rich brocaded satin trimmed with Maltese lace. The bridesmaids wore middle-blue broche satin trimmed with sky-blue Madras muslin. After tiffin, which was partaken of at the residence of the bride’s father, the happy pair left town for Port Elizabeth, whither our best wishes for their lifelong happiness follow them. Several congratulatory telegrams were received from Port Elizabeth and elsewhere. The wedding presents were very numerous, handsome and costly, including several which had been sent expressly from England for the occasion. On Monday evening next Mr. W. PAGE intends giving a party to welcome the happy pair home to Grahamstown, for which nearly sixty invitations have already been sent out.

A telegram reached Bloemfontein on Friday last that the youngest child of the Rev. C. MORGAN had died at Aliwal North on Thursday previous from the effects of a sunstroke. The Rev. Mr. MORGAN is detained in Capetown on account of the illness of one of his children. The younger children were sent to Aliwal North to meet their parents, with the result above noted.

Thursday 25 January 1883

BIRTH on the 23rd January at West Hill, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Justice BUCHANAN of a daughter.

The Kimberley papers record with regret the death of this much esteemed and lamented lady, who died on the 17th inst, as already mentioned by us. She leaves eleven young children, one of them a fortnight old. The immediate cause of death was jaundice. Our sympathies, like those of every Grahamstown resident, will be with the bereaved husband and his family, in the untimely loss of one whose kindness and goodness to the poor were well-known during her lifetime in this city.

DIED suddenly this morning at Bloemfontein, O.F.S., Michiel William SMUTS, late of Capetown.
January 25th.

Monday 29 January 1883

MARRIED on the 25th January at Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. Gordon, William St.John, eldest son of Surgeon-General TURNER, late Bombay Army, to Charlotte Anne (Lottie), eldest daughter of the late J. TAYLOR Esq, of Grahamstown.

On Thursday last, at Kingwilliamstown, Mr. TURNER was married to Miss TAYLOR (eldest daughter of the late Mr. John TAYLOR of Grahamstown) at Trinity Church, by the Rev. John GORDON.

Tuesday 30 January 1883

We (P.E. Telegraph) are sorry to hear a telegram was received in Grahamstown on Thursday announcing the death of Mr. Michael SMUTS at Bloemfontein. Mr. SMUTS was formerly in the colonial service and served for several years in the Civil Commissioner’s department at Hanover and Riversdale. He left the colony for the Free State about six months back for the benefit of his health. His brother, Mr. Grindley FERRIS (formerly SMUTS), the manager of the Standard Bank at Pretoria, is well-known in this town.

Wednesday 31 January 1883

The Cradock Register regrets to hear that a man named BILLINGSHURST, a contractor on the Colesberg extension, was accidentally killed on Monday afternoon. It appears that on the arrival of the engine, with a long train of trucks, at Zoutpansdrift, the man was missed, and about an hour and a half afterwards a following train was signalled to stop by some platelayers, who had found the man lying beside the rails, with both legs broken and so injured that he died before reaching Zoutpansdrift. The supposition is that he fell off between the trucks [and] the wheels went over him.

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