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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1882 11 November

Tuesday 7 November 1882

BIRTH at Berlin, near Kingwilliamstown, on the 31st October 1882, the wife of Mr. Charles BRUMAGE of “Schutte’s Draai”, Orange Free State.

DIED on the 2nd November 1882, Annie Elaine, dearly beloved daughter of Benjamin Cotterell and Sarah Hariette HOOLE, aged 10 months.

DIED at Olifant’s Kloof on the 2nd Nov 1882, Emma (born BEDDOE), the beloved wife of M.R. BOWKER, aged 48 years. The bereaved tender their sincere thanks for the kindness and attention of all friends.

On Friday last at Port Elizabeth, A.C. WYLD Esq, C.C. and R.M, held an inquest on the body of a newly-born child of Catherine MITCHELL, whose death was supposed to have been caused by violence to the mother. Emma JOHNSON gave evidence that she often saw MITCHELL ill-treat his wife, kicking her with his boots, and the woman crying, as she said she had no friends in Port Elizabeth. The last time witness saw the prisoner ill-treat his wife was about a month before the Races. The Hottentot who attended the woman said she had heard no complaints of ill-treatment on the part of the husband. Catherine MITCHELL, the wife, deposed her child was born on Wednesday week. Her husband, though he used to make rows, never kicked her; in beating her he only slapped her on the face. She did not believe the death of the child resulted from injuries received. Thomas MITCHELL denied that he ever beat his wife, but sometimes she made him cross and he slapped her. A verdict of death from disease was returned.

Wednesday 8 November 1882

We (Watchman) are sorry to hear that while fixing up the stage in the Town Hall, Kingwilliamstown, for the performance of the Leon Variety Company last Saturday afternoon, a man named BARTELLS, in the employ of Mr. J. SYMONS, fell off the ladder. He was picked up and at first was not thought to be seriously hurt, but the injuries he had sustained were so severe that he expired from them on Sunday morning. The Leon Variety Company will give a special performance for the benefit of the deceased’s family tomorrow night. We trust they will have a large house. The performance will be under the patronage of Mr. CHALMERS, C.C. and R.M, and His Worship the Mayor.

Thursday 9 November 1882

The East London Advertiser reports as follows:- A painful sensation was created in town on Sunday by a report to the effect that the Rev. Albert MAGGS had committed suicide on the previous day at Newlands Mission Station. On the receipt of the official notice, Dr. PALEY immediately left for Newlands, where the confirmation of this dismal report awaited him. It appears that the unfortunate gentleman was found dead in the grounds near his house on Saturday last at one pm. A “bull-dog” pistol was lying at his side. The bullet had entered the roof of the mouth behind the teeth and had passed through the base of the brain to the skull, where it was lodged. Death was apparently instantaneous. No motive whatever can be assigned for the fatal act by the friends of the deceased, who was widely beloved and respected. It is said, however, that Mr. MAGGS was observed to be subject to fits of depression of late, and that he despaired of striking a due chord of sympathy among the native population at his mission. He has remarked sometimes, with a feeling of regret, that they failed to perceive that he had a deep sympathy with them, and this idea seems to have depressed him very much. Mr. MAGGS is known to all who have come in contact with him as a zealous and good clergyman, who was animated with a strong desire to educate and elevate the natives under his charge, and his melancholy end will cause a painful feeling throughout this part of the Border.
We learn since the above was written that some two years ago Mr. MAGGS had a fall from his horse, from which he sustained a fracture of the skull which entailed such severe injuries to the brain that his life was for some time despaired of. Since then he has many times complained of the effects of the accident, and to this fact is attributed in some measure his last act on his own life. Mr. MAGGS was interred at Newlands on Sunday afternoon with the full rites of the Episcopal Church, the Revs. IMPEY, MULLER and ESPIN conducting the service. His remains were laid next to his late wife.

Friday 10 November 1882

We (Port Alfred Budget) regret to record the untimely death of Mrs. J.T. TODD, which occurred on the 1st instant at the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. W.W. HORTON, after a comparatively short illness. The fatal disease (consumption) which carried her off developed final stages much more rapidly than had been anticipated and her death was extremely sudden and unexpected. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon and was impressively conducted by the Rev. W. HELFORD. The presence of a large number of friends testified to the general sympathy felt for her relatives, and to the regard in which the deceased was held, who had formerly been well-known in Port Alfred, and was very highly esteemed by a large circle of acquaintances in this and other places. The progress of the funeral was interrupted by an accident which might have had a very melancholy termination. A cart containing the ladies of the family followed the procession, and while going down a rather steep bank, suddenly upset and precipitated its occupants into the road. Fortunately the horses were remarkably steady, and stood immovable while the ladies were extricated from the fallen vehicle. Slight bruises were sustained by Mrs. HORTON and Miss SHEPHERD, but the other occupants, Miss STYLE and Mrs. AITCHISON, escaped without injury, which is to be attributed to the soft and sandy nature of the ground.

Tuesday 14 November 1882

In the Testate Estate of the late Martha Maria ROUX (born DELANGE) of Riebeck, Widow of the late David ROUX
All Persons claiming to be Creditors of the above Estate are requested to file their Claims with the undersigned, Christoffel Anthony ROUX, at Riebeck, within six weeks from this date; and all Persons indebted to the Estate to pay their respective Debts to him, at Riebeck, within the same period.
Jan Gideon ROUX
Christoffel Anthony ROUX
Executors Test.
Grahamstown, 7th November 1882

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 12th inst, Mrs. Henry WOOD of a son.
Grahamstown, 13th November 1882.

Wednesday 15 November 1882

We (Cradock Register) regret to hear that Mr. Jan VAN HEERDEN, of Klip Kraal, Achter Sneeuwberg, committed suicide on Monday morning by hanging himself. Since the death of his wife some six or eight months ago, whose loss he appears to have keenly felt, as well as the bad seasons, he has been much depressed in mind. Monday morning was his son’s wedding-day, and Mr. VAN HEERDEN got up at daybreak with the intention, as he said, of going to Cradock to meet the wedding party, and sent a relative of his into the veld to bring the horses. After a while, Mr. VAN HEERDEN not being anywhere about, he was sought for and found in the wagon-house, suspended from a beam, life being quite extinct.

Thursday 16 November 1882

DIED at Grahamstown, 16th November 1882, after a lingering illness, Catherine LEAHY, sister of the late P. SHEA, aged 73 years. R.I.P.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. Catherine LEAHY will move from her late residence, Cross-street, at 3 o’clock on Saturday afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker.

We (Cape Mercury) regret to hear that Mr. MARSH, father of our respected townsman Mr. G.A. MARSH, of the firm of BOURKE and MARSH, fell down dead on Saturday afternoon about four pm, close to Reeve’s Hotel, Mount Coke. It appears he walked hastily to some wagons, and was observed to have his hand upon his heart, and was well nigh breathless. Having made enquiries as to his friends in town, and hearing they were unwell, he dropped down suddenly and expired ere assistance could be rendered. His remains were brought into town and interred yesterday.

Monday 20 November 1882

BIRTH at Oatlands Road on November [14]th, the wife of the Rev. Ben. IMPEY of a daughter.

BIRTH at Alexandria, November 17th, the wife of Walter STANLEY M.B.C.M (Edin.) of a son.

Tuesday 21 November 1882

A very sad death, caused by lightning, took place on Friday the 3rd inst, on the road from Grootfontein to Pampoenfontein. It appears (says the Herald) that on that day Mr. John MURPHY left the latter place for his residence in Uilspoort. He was travelling quite alone in an open cart and two horses. He reached Grootfontein in the afternoon, and left again about half past three. On Monday morning Mr. BRUYN found him dead behind a bush along the road, and from all appearances it seems that deceased must have got off his cart during the storm which raged shortly after he left Grootfontein, and took shelter behind the bush, where he was killed by lightning. Part of his beard was burned off, a hole was found in his hat and the bush was singed. Deceased was for many years a teacher in this district, and deservedly respected. He leaves a wife and several children.

Wednesday 22 November 1882

Yesterday morning an enquiry was made by Mr. HUNTLEY, C.C. and R.M., into the death of a new born child under the most peculiar circumstances. It appears that six days ago Mrs. BURTON, wife of Samuel BURTON, a barman recently engaged at the Commercial Hotel, gave birth to a female child. The husband was engaged at the bar, and his sister-in-law, Miss GALWORTHY, went to summon him. They arrived at the house in the evening, and, according to the evidence of Miss GALWORTHY, found that the baby was dead, because it did not to her eyes appear to breathe. The husband then took the child away from its mother’s side, and left the house with it. On his return indoors Miss GALWORTHY asked him what he had done with the baby, and he said he had buried it. Here the matter ended for a time: but Mrs. BURTON fell ill with milk fever, and the doctor being called in, he found at once that a child had been born. He thereupon made enquiries, which were not altogether satisfactorily answered, although he was subsequently told that the baby was buried in the water-closet. Information was laid before Sergt. NEWCOME, who proceeded to the premises of BURTON, where he made search, and finally with the assistance of the father found the child. The little body was covered with lime and wrapped in oilcloth. In reply to the police-officer BURTON said he had buried the child because it was dead. BURTON was in the dock, and did not appear to be moved at the course of the proceedings. The case was remanded until today, when certificates were put in by Drs. PEMBERTON and DILLON to the effect that the child was born alive and had died from neglect. The Magistrate was not clear whether to [convict] the prisoner on the evidence elicited and has remitted the record to the Solicitor-General for his opinion.

Thursday 23 November 1882

MARRIED on Wednesday the 15th inst. at Christ Church, Adelaide, by the Rev. J.F. Sinden, George Liddle FULLER, second son of Wm. FULLER Esq of “Rockwood”, District of Bedford, to Emmeline Edith, second daughter of Charles CALLAGHAN Esq. J.P., of Adelaide.

A painful incident happened on Sunday last near Lilyfontein, says the Dispatch. Mr. MATSKY, an immigrant with a wife and family, who was doing well on his place, was going out to shoot, and having got his gun, set it up by his side, leaning on it while he was buttoning up his coat. His dog came out, and jumping up, unfortunately discharged his gun. The charge of shot entered the side of Mr. MATSKY, causing a most serious wound, and steps were at once taken to obtain medical assistance by sending to East London. We believe that the message brought back word that neither of the doctors could go out, and in the evening it was decided to send the patient to the East London Hospital, which was accordingly done. We regret to say that the unfortunate man expired on Monday night.

Saturday 25 November 1882

DIED at Somerset East after a brief illness, the wife of the Rev. John LONGDEN, Wesleyan Minister, of Somerset East

Tuesday 28 November 1882

BIRTH at Stonehenge, Grahamstown, on the 25th instant, the wife of James B. BROWN of a daughter.

DIED at Somerset East on Saturday November 25th, in great peace, Louisa, the beloved wife of the Rev J. LONGDEN

Rev Thos. GUARD:- by private telegram from Port Elizabeth we learn with very deep regret the tidings of the decease of this beloved and eloquent minister of the Wesleyan Church, who died at Baltimore, United States, on Sunday 15th October. We understand that Mr. GUARD’s system succumbed to the effects of a surgical operation which had become necessary, but are without further particulars. Multitudes in South Africa will mourn his death.

Wednesday 29 November 1882

We are indebted to the kindness of Mr. J. THEOPHILUS, Port Elizabeth, for the following obituary notice from the Cork Constitution:-
Yesterday morning (October 20th) intelligence reached this city of the death at Baltimore of the Rev. Thomas GUARD, so well known in Ireland as a pulpit and platform orator. The deceased, who was the eldest son of the Rev. T. William GUARD, Methodist Minister, and brother to the Rev. L. Wesley GUARD, of Omagh, was born in Laurencetown, County of Galway, and entered the ministry in 1851, filling some of the best circuits, such as Derry, Dublin (Abbey Street), Limerick and Belfast (Donegal Square). In 1861, on account of his wife’s health, he went to Grahamstown, South Africa, where he laboured for some nine or ten years. Afterwards he removed to the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States, spending three years in Mount Verdon Church, Baltimore, and subsequently four years in San Francisco. He was just completing his second term of years in Mount Verdon Church when he was seized with the illness that has proved fatal. We understand he underwent an operation on Tuesday October 10th, and for a little time seemed to have got on favourably, but on Thursday his strength gave way. After this he sank rapidly, and on Sunday he entered into the rest that remaineth for the people of God. The demise of the Rev. Thomas GUARD, who was so justly loved for his amiability of disposition and his great ability as an expounder of the word of God, will cause deep sorrow throughout the Methodist connexion. Mrs. GUARD, who was a native of Dublin, died whilst her husband was stationed in San Francisco, and seven children now mourn the irreparable loss of both their parents. It need not be said that in this city the liveliest sympathy is felt for the Rev. Wesley GUARD, who feels greatly the loss of his gifted brother.

Thursday 30 November 1882

On Saturday last the inhabitants of Somerset East were startled by hearing of the death of Mrs. LONGDEN. This sad event took place on Friday night, the 25th instant, at five minutes past 12 o’clock. Though Mrs. LONGDEN had been a resident in Somerset East but a short time, she was much loved and respected by all with whom she had come in contact; and much sympathy is felt, and has been expressed for the bereaved husband and motherless children. Mrs. LONGDEN had been ailing several days, but it was not thought necessary to call in medical aid until Thursday. On Friday evening, however, the doctor told her there was no hope of recovery; she received the intelligence calmly, but said: “it is all right, yet I am sorry to leave my large family”. Soon after she became unconscious and passed away so – death claimed her, but very gently – and her spirit winged its flight to God who gave it, without even the expression of a sigh or moan. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and was very largely attended. It was very pleasing to see the ministers of all the denominations in town present at the ceremony. The first part of the service was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, which was draped in black. Rev. Mr. SMITH read the 15th chapter of the 1st Corinthians, after which he gave out hymn 949, “Come let us join our friends above”; the Rev. Mr. HOFMEYR then delivered an impressive address, followed by prayer. They then carried the remains of the departed to their resting place, where the Rev. Mr. OATES conducted the burial service at the grave, which is beside that of Mrs. GREEN (late wife of the Rev. Mr. GREEN). Much sympathy is felt for the eldest son, who was in Queenstown, and had not seen his mother for a long while. He arrived too late for the funeral. One daughter was in Grahamstown, but reached this place on Saturday, and so saw the dear one again, though not in life. The pall-bearers were Messrs. HISCOCK, WEBBER, TROLLIP, HOLDER, HULLY and ROBINSON.
“A few more struggles here,
A few more passings o’er,
A few more toils, a few more tears,
And we shall weep no more.”
Somerset East, 28th November 1882.


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