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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1882 10 October

Tuesday 3 October 1882

A terrible accident took place at Dutoitspan Mine this morning. While the overhanging ground was being worked in the cape of Good Hope Company, a large piece suddenly gave way, buried HALLIFAX, JACKSON, and another white man and eight Kafirs. HALLIFAX, JACKSON and one Kafir were killed, the others badly hurt.

Samuel BROWN, a passenger from Grahamstown by NIEKERK’s wagon, died today of a bad type of smallpox at the Junction quarantine station. There is some slight chance of recovery for PICARD. Another patient, SPARGO, has an ordinary attack. MACLEAN, who was first laid up, is now convalescent, and acting as nurse to the others. A Zulu constable at the station shows symptoms of the epidemic. Every effort is being made to prevent smallpox coming in to the camp. The public have readily responded to the appeal of the combined sanitary committee for funds. There is a strong feeling against Government for refusing or delaying to keep to its promise of a contribution on the pound for pound principle. Altogether over £5,000 have already been paid by different bodies here in addition to £800 privately subscribed. Government has not paid a cent. The expenditure up to date is nearly £5,000. The present weekly expenditure is about £400, there being fifty persons now to keep at the Junction quarantine station, besides outlay for medical attendance, outposts and staff.

Wednesday 4 October 1882

MARRIED on Saturday 30th 1882, in St.George’s Cathedral by the Very Rev. Dean Williams DD,
Frederick Algernon, eldest son of Mr. Frederick DUNN of Mayfield, Worcester, to Frances Mary Annie, youngest daughter of Mr. James PRAED of Cornwall.

The Colony has lost an old and valued servant in the death of Mr. Charles POTE, which sad event occurred this morning at his residence at Fort England. Mr. POTE had been ill for many months, and before his illness he lived a very retired life for some years. His, however, was a prominent figure in politics some years back. He was five years member of the House of Assembly and ten years member of the Legislative Council.

The following is from the Natal correspondent of the Bloemfontein Friend. Despite the prevailing depression people will reject Mr. Punch’s advice and marry, and be given in marriage. White and black are alike in this respect. One day the victims are white folks of reputable life and respectability, who seem to enter into the affair with such zest and fervour as to make one believe that they wished it to be known to all the world that the one object of their life was to get married. This same feeling seems to have spread amongst some of our Christianised dark brethren, as witness a recent ceremony in St.Mary’s Church here by which Miss Emily Jane ELLIS, a coloured lady, was united in the bonds of holy wedlock to Mr. James Henry TAHANGE, described as “Native major-domo to Mr. WILTSHER”, solicitor of the town. The following is the way in which the special of one of the papers “does” the wedding:- The pair drove up to the church in a well-appointed trap, with the radiantly attired bridesmaid behind. TAHANGE being well up in the ways of the [……], escorted his bride to the altar in a really orthodox fashion. Miss Emily was attired in a light blue cord dress. White gloves covered her hands and a long white [veil] around her almost hid from the rude public gaze the “wreath of orange blossom”. The Rev W. WITTEN conducted the service according to the rites of the English Church and it was the general impression, when the happy pair had been joined in the “[bonds] that know no breaking” that the ceremony had passed off very successfully. The affair over, James led his wife to the carriage, but before stepping in Mrs. TAHANGE was [rained] with a shower of rice. This she took in good part. James grasped the reins, the bridesmaid jumped lightly into her place, and the party were off to enjoy the wedding feast. Let us hope James will be as able to keep Mrs. TAHANGE in hand during life as he kept the horse [which] took him away to his honeymoon. [Last sentence illegible]

The Funeral of the late Mr. Charles POTE will leave his residence, Fort England, on Friday morning at 8 o’clock, and will be at Market-square about half past 8. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Thursday 5 October 1882

To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas upon reading the petition of Andries Ferdinand Stockenstrom MAASDORP Esq, her Majesty’s Solicitor-General at Grahamstown, and the affidavit of Robert Charles FERRIS, and from a preparatory examination taken before the Resident Magistrate for Albany, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against Samuel Dorrington LONG, now or lately of Grahamstown, that he did on the 15th day of March AD 1882 commit the crime Perjury; and whereas the said Samuel Dorrington LONG was released on bail, and which said bail bond expired on the 30th September 1882.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said Samuel Dorrington LONG, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before the Circuit Court for the District of Port Elizabeth, together with the District of Humansdorp, to be examined and answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 3rd day of October 1882
Sidney Godolphin Alex. SHIPPARD
Puisne Judge of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope
Description Samuel Dorrington LONG:
Height about 5ft 9 in; age 54 years; hair, beard and moustache sandy mixed with grey, inclined to be bald; complexion fair; eyes washed our blue; face has the appearance of eruption attack; right shoulder rather stooping, inclined to be round-shouldered, narrow chest, stoops in walking; sawny way of talking; large projecting teeth, wide in front and discoloured; appearance rather dissipated.
[Transcriber’s Note: See Warrant of Apprehension notice for 31 July 1882]

Monday 9 October 1882

BIRTH at Calderwood, Alice, on the 6th inst, the wife of J.E. SLATER Esq of a son.

DIED at Oakville, Fort England, Grahamstown, Charles St.Clair POTE, in his 73rd year.

DIED at Bloemfontein, O.F.S., on the 21st September ult, at the residence of her son-in-law Judge GREGOROWSKI, Katherine, widow of the late Henry BROWN, of Haddington, Scotland.

Friday 13 October 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th inst, the wife of Mr. John SCOTT, Civil Engineer, of a daughter.

The death is announced of Mr. Frederick GODFREY, the justly-celebrated military band-leader and musical composer. The Coldstream Guards and the English public have lost in the death of Mr. GODFREY a worthy and estimable musician who at all times was ready to exercise his brilliant talents and hearty exertions for the public pleasure. Mr. GODREY, as the leader of the above-named bands is in the very early recollection of many of our readers, who we have no doubt have had the pleasure in the old country of listening at public concerts or in some gaily-decked bazaar to the sweet strains of the Coldstream Guards band under the able conduct of its late leader, whose memory for many years to come will be cherished by his music-loving countrymen.

Saturday 14 October 1882

In the Insolvent Estate of J.R. PINNOCK
All Persons indebted to the Insolvent Estate of Joseph Randall PINNOCK are requested to pay the same within seven days hereafter to the undersigned, failing which legal proceedings will be taken to recover the same.
The attention of Debtors who have already had accounts rendered will please accept this as a final notice prior to proceedings being taken.
W.B. SHAW, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, October 11 1882.

Monday 16 October 1882

We (P.E. Telegraph) presume the following incident to be without parallel. Last week a female relative of Mr. F. DU PLESSIS died up-country. Almost simultaneously Mr. DU PLESSIS sustained an accident by which amputation of one of his legs was necessary. The funeral of the deceased was to take place on the afternoon of the day of the operation, and at DU PLESSIS urgent request his leg was enclosed with the corpse of the lady. The same funeral rites served for the combination of subjects, and Mr. DU PLESSIS has expressed himself perfectly satisfied with the disposal of his favourite leg.

We (Telegraph) regret to hear that Mr. C.L. STRETCH, an old and very worthy colonist, died at Somerset East on Thursday evening last. The deceased came to the Colony when quite a young man, having previously, we believe, held a commission in the Royal Engineers. He married a daughter of the late Robert HART, the founder of Somerset, and one of the most enterprising and successful of the early South African farmers. Mr. STRETCH had a varied career in the Colony, and a sketch of his life would carry us all over the leading events in the Colony during the last fifty years or so. He held at one time a diplomatic appointment with the native tribes on the border, served in several Kafir wars, was employed by Government in road surveying, and had charge of the party that constructed the road over [the] Zuurberg, which was the most important work of the kind undertaken in the Colony up to that time. After leaving the public service he entered Parliament, representing Port Elizabeth in the House of Assembly. He was then elected to a seat in the Legislative Council for the Eastern Province. Though not what may be termed a brilliant man, he was endowed with much sound common sense, and whether in or out of Parliament always commanded respect by the intelligence he displayed, and by his thorough independence of spirit. He was a very fine specimen of the good old English gentleman; a type that, fast dying out in this Colony or elsewhere, deserves to be held in the highest veneration. Mr. STRETCH had attained the ripe old age of 85 years.

Tuesday 17 October 1882

This morning at St.Bartholomew’s Church Mr. T. HOOLE, youngest son of the late J.C.HOOLE Esq, was married by the Rev. Canon ESPIN to Miss Frances G. WOOD, third daughter of Geo. WOOD jun. Esq. The ceremony was attended by a large and fashionable company. The bride looked fresh and lovely in a handsome dress of white silk, and she was well supported by her bridesmaids, Miss WOOD, Miss Nora WOOD, Miss Jose. WOOD and Miss Gerty WOOD, who were charmingly dressed in ivory cashmere, with lace to match. Mr. A.S. HUTTON was best man, and was followed by Messrs. WHITE, J. HOOLE and Harry WOOD. The wedding march was played on the organ, and the Cathedral bells were rung in honour of the bride. From the church the wedding party and a great number of guests drove to Mr. WOOD’s private residence, where they sat down to a wedding breakfast tastefully arranged and prepared by Messrs. GOWIE & BOWLES, in their best manner. The wedding presents, which were very costly and numerous, were arranged in one of the ante-rooms, and attracted much admiration. At noon the youthful pair were escorted to the station by their friends and left by train for Port Elizabeth, accompanied by the most hearty wishes in which we join, for long life and happiness. This evening in celebration of the happy event a ball will be given at the residence of the bride’s father.

Wednesday 18 October 1882

The following notice appears in the Dordrecht Guardian:-
I, the undersigned, Elizabeth SCHULTZ (born JOST), residing in Dordrecht, hereby give notice to my husband, Heinrich SCHULTZ, who deserted me here about fifteen months ago, that unless he returns to me within three months from this date, and provided for the maintenance and support of myself and three minor children, aged respectively six years, four years and two years, I will take steps to obtain a Divorce from him.
Elizabeth SCHULTZ

The ball given last night by Mr. Geo. WOOD jun, in honour of his daughter’s marriage, was most successful. The whole of the balcony and verandah were screened by canvass, and a supper was laid by Messrs. GOWIE & BOWLES in the verandah. The improvised supper room was decorated with ornamental plants and ferns. Dancing was kept up until a late hour, and the numerous guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves. As both the bride and bridegroom number a very large circle of friends, with whom they are very popular, the invitations reached over a hundred, and included many in the country.

Friday 20 October 1882

WE are glad to learn that Mr. Walter CURRIE has been appointed inspector of police. His appointment will please the farmers, as he is thoroughly acquainted with the district, and as a farmer himself he has known what it is to have his stock stolen, and how necessary it is to capture the thieves. Mr. CURRIE was field-cornet for one of the Fish River wards for some time, in which capacity he gained the respect of all. He is a nephew of the late Sir Walter CURRIE and enters the service with a thorough appreciation of the duties he has to fulfill.

Monday 23 October 1882

MARRIED on Tuesday 17th instant by the Rev Canon Espin, in St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, Thomas T. HOOLE (youngest son of the late J.C. HOOLE Esq) to Frances, third daughter of George WOOD jun. Esq of this City.

The following is from the Tarka Herald of the 20th. On Saturday morning last Mr. Daniel HURTER sen, Town Clerk, breathed his last at the ripe old age of 65 years. The deceased had been gradually breaking up for some time; and for the last few weeks was confined to his bed. Mr. HURTER has served this Colony well during his lifetime. In the war of 1851 he was in command of 100 mounted levies, and patrolled the neighbourhood of Alexandria, then one of the out-posts of civilisation in this Colony. When this force was disbanded, Mr. HURTER joined the Civil Service, and acted as Clerk to the Magistrate of Alexandria. He then engaged in business pursuits for many years, until the outbreak of the Gaika rebellion, when he was again to the front in an office of responsibility.

An inquest was commenced in Capetown on Wednesday last before Mr. CAMPBELL R.M., touching the death of John LAMBERT, who was found dead in Clifton-street on Tuesday morning. Police constable HAIM said he was on the reserve at the Sir Lowry-road Station on Tuesday at 5:15am, when some person reported that a man was lying dead I the gutter in Clifton-street. He immediately went to the spot, and found the body of a white man lying on the right side, with his head resting on his right hand. At 6:10am, after being relieved, he reported the circumstance to Sergeant JOHNSON, and at 9:10am the body was removed to the New Somerset Hospital. Mary Jane Ellen REED stated that she had known the deceased for about two years. He was a painter, and resided at 18 Hanover-street. On Monday evening he came to her house: he seemed somewhat strange in his manner, but he accounted for it by saying that he had just heard of his mother’s death. He was a sober man. Maria FOLEY said the deceased hired a room from her. He had always been sober, but during last week she had noticed he had been drinking. He came in on Monday evening for about five minutes, and she had not seen him since. A memorandum of the post mortem examination made by Dr. F.J. PARSON was put in. He found the kidneys somewhat congested, the stomach and duodenum were apparently much inflamed from their external appearance, and on being opened were found very much whitened as if from some corrosive fluid. Their contents smelt powerfully of carbolic acid, and were accordingly placed in a jar for analysis, if considered necessary. He believed that death was due to poisoning by carbolic acid. The inquest could not be concluded, owing to the absence of a witness who could identify the body of the deceased.

Wednesday 25 October 1882

BIRTH at Zoerust, South African Republic Transvaal, 13th October 1882, the wife of H.N. GATONBY of a daughter.

The Burghersdorp Gazette of the 20th has the following:- A sad and fatal accident happened on Wednesday to the son of one of the most respected farmers resident in our district, Mr. H. PELSER of Roodebergavlei. For some time baboons were destroying the lambs on the farm, and a hunt was organised to get rid of them. In the course of the hunt, Gert, the second son of Mr. PELSER, climbed on to a pinnacle of rocks and sitting pushed away a large boulder. With its release the stone on which he was perched, and which is supposed to weigh about 3,000lbs, was also dislodged and he rolled down the declivity, knocked about by it and other stones, till he was stayed at the edge of a sheer precipice of some seventy yards. Immediate aid was procured and in face of almost unsurmountable obstacles he was removed home. Medical aid was present, but nothing could be done against the severe internal injuries he had received. The poor lad only survived till morning. The deepest sympathy is felt throughout the community for the sorrowing parents, who are absent at Lady Grey, where Mr. PELSER had gone to attend a Church Conference to which he was one of the deputed elders. He was immediately telegraphed to, and is expected today when the funeral will take place.

Thursday 26 October 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday 26th Oct, Edwin G. REED, aged 31 years.
The Funeral of the late E.G. REED will leave his residence, African-street, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Friday 27 October 1882

DIED on the 26th October 1882 at his residence, Grahamstown, Edwin Gustavus LeNeve, fourth son of David McConnell REED MD FRCS Edinburgh, of London, and grandson of Augustus William Henry LeNEVE RN, aged 32 years.
English papers please copy.

Monday 30 October 1882

BIRTH at St.Mawes, Cornwall, on the 5th October, the wife of Rev. T.H. WILKIE of a daughter.

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