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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1882 09 September

Friday 1 September 1882

BIRTH on August 21st at Bedford, the wife of A.J. McKENZIE of a daughter.

The Budget records the death of Mrs. Wm. HOCKEY, the wife of the respected Chairman of the Port Alfred Municipality. The sad event occurred on Thursday morning last, after many years of suffering. The funeral took place on the following afternoon, and was one of the largest seen at Port Alfred.

Monday 4 September 1882

On Sept. 1st Warwick HILL Jun. was apprehended on a charge of arson, and committed on the day following by Mr. HUNTLEY. It appears that the unfortunate young fellow, who is 28 years of age, has lately given way to drink, and whilst under the excitement so produced, set fire to the dwelling-house which he occupied as a tenant. It appears from the evidence of George REYNOLDS, quarryman, who is a neighbour of the prisoner, that an alarm of fire was raised between 9 and 10 o’clock on the night of the 31st ult by Mr. CURREN. The fire was confined to the bedroom, and it was extinguished before much damage was done. The front door was closed and no one was in the house, but while REYNOLDS, COOPER and others were busy carrying the water, the prisoner came up to them in a state of intoxication. REYNOLDS said prisoner was a pretty sort of fellow not to help put the fire out, but to this the latter made no other reply than that he wanted to know why they were putting the fire out. When there was no danger of the fire again spreading REYNOLDS and others retired to their houses, but shortly after, on looking out, REYNOLDS saw to his surprise that the house was again on fire. Again assistance was called and the flames extinguished, whilst the prisoner walked about and whistled. REYNOLDS could only account for the fire breaking out a second time on the supposition that the coir mattress was left smouldering. Edward James CURREN gave evidence corroborative of REYNOLD’s statement. James P.LUCAS, brick and tile maker, and father-in-law to prisoner, said that on the night of the 31st ult the prisoner’s wife had sought his protection, as she had been turned out of the house by her husband. On going to the prisoner’s house next morning he found bottles which had contained paraffin oil in the rooms. The oil had been poured over the furniture and drapery. As many as seven bottles had been opened, and several others had been smashed. Mr. LUCAS went to the house at the request of the Chief Constable. It was stated that the house belongs to the prisoner’s father. The evidence having been taken, the prisoner, as stated above, was committed for trial. Much sympathy is felt with the friends and relations and wife of the prisoner, who have been caused much distress by this mad action on the part of the young man at a time apparently when he was under the influence of drink, and not knowing what he was about.

Tuesday 5 September 1882

The Kimberley Independent reports that a Boer named Piet NEL, while hunting in the neighbourhood of Kalkfontein recently, met with an accident which caused his death. NEL, it appears, had shot two wildebeests, and was following them up; his horse either bucked his rider or fell with him. The body of the unfortunate man was discovered the day after with the neck broken.

Wednesday 6 September

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. VAN DEN BROOK at Cradock. A private telegram was received in town this morning stating that his death took place yesterday morning, and that the funeral was to be held today. Previous advices had stated that the deceased gentleman was suffering from an injured arm, but his friends here did not think it was serious. Mr. VAN DEN BROOK was for some time proprietor of the Masonic Hotel, in which capacity he won much popularity.

On Saturday morning, as Miss BOWSHER was returning from a ride out on horseback, and when near the Mission House, she was thrown from her horse and sustained a severe concussion of the brain. Dr. PEMBERTON was soon sent for, and did all he could for the sufferer, who, though progressing favourably, will not be able to resume her duties as teacher of the Girls’ School for some time.

We (Watchman) are sorry to hear of a gun accident that happened last Saturday at the Perie Bush. One of Mr. SAGE’s daughters was playing with a gun, when by some accident the trigger was touched and the gun exploded, lodging the bullet with which it was charged in the neck of her little [sister] just below the ear, part of which was carried away. Assistance from town was at once sent for, but we have not heard how the little sufferer is.

Friday 8 September 1882

It was reported at the Police-station, Capetown, on Sunday, that a woman named Annie COLLINS, residing at 53 Buitekant Street, had committed suicide. The services of Dr. FALKINER had already been secured, and on arrival at the house he found the unfortunate woman had shot herself in one side with a revolver, two chambers of which were still loaded. She expired soon afterwards, and the body was removed to the Somerset Hospital. The suicide appears to have been a most deliberate one.

Saturday 9 September 1882

A serious accident was near happening on the 6th, says a correspondent of the Uitenhage Times. Miss MALHERBE and Mr. K. VAN HEERDEN were to be married, and the carriage of the Hon. Mr. BURGER was to bring the wedding couple, best men and brides men to the church. After the bridegroom and best men were in the church, the carriage went for the bride, her father and the bridesmaids. On arriving at the church door the horse shied and bolted. One of the buckles of the reins got through the ring, so that the coachman could do nothing. The horse went full speed through the streets, making short turns round the corners, until they ran against the stoep of Mr. F. V de MERWE’s house, virtually smashing the carriage. Such a smash is seldom seen. Both axles were broken. All four springs are off, one wheel has not a single spoke left. This fine carriage was left a complete wreck. Fortunately Mr. MALHERBE was with the ladies in the carriage and prevented them from jumping out. It is a miracle that they were not more hurt. Only one of the ladies got hurt. Another carriage was soon got, and the bride and her attendants proceeded to the church, where her intended was all the while waiting in the greatest anxiety of mind.

The Cape Times has the following memoir of the above gentleman, who was known to many under the nom de plume of “Sam Sly”:- We have to record the death on Friday evening, September 1, of one well-known to our readers and to the inhabitants of Capetown – William Taylor SAMMONS. He was in his eighty-second year, but up to Tuesday morning he seemed to be in the enjoyment of his usual good health. On Monday it was supposed that he caught a severe cold, which settled on his chest. He rallied for a few hours on Wednesday, but on Thursday he grew worse, and passed away quietly on Friday evening at half past eleven. Child-like in heart and full of tender sympathy, he had a kind word for all, a hard word for none. In the society and amusements of children he took the keenest delight, and he would pour out his heart to them on simple matters of faith, about which he felt reserved in speaking to their elders. It was characteristic of him that to a little child, yet old enough to understand him, he gave the only directions he has left behind as to his funeral and the disposal of a few favourite books and letters. All who knew him felt it to be a pleasure to be of use to him, and it may not be out of place to mention that he was keenly alive to the kindness of many of his friends. He has gone to his rest full of years, respected and beloved, leaving behind the memory of a good and gentle man.

Monday 11 September 1882

On Friday morning, at East London, the dead body of a man – Mr. John JONES – was found at the bottom of the quarry used by the Public Works Department, near the lifeboat station on the West bank. It appears (says the Dispatch) that the unfortunate man left his friends somewhat late in the evening, and, missing his way, fell from the top of the quarry to the hard bottom, where his injuries were such as must have caused speedy death. There was a bottle of brandy in his pocket, about half full, which was not broken by the fall.

Wednesday 13 September 1882

DIED at her residence, Oatlands Road, on Monday 11th inst, after a short illness, Jessie MARCH (born CRAWFORD), aged 60 years. The family tender their sincere thanks to the many kind friends for their sympathy during the time of their sore affliction.

We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. H.C. BAKER, the daughter of our respected townsman Mr. S. CAWOOD. Mr. CAWOOD received the melancholy news from Kingwilliamstown by wire this morning. The deceased lady had been ailing for some time, and Miss CAWOOD left for Kingwilliamstown on Monday. The sympathies of all are with Mr. and Mrs. CAWOOD and the bereaved families.

Friday 15 September 1882

MARRIED at Cradock on the 5th Sept by the Rev. Mr. Price, George John LEVEY to Mary Emma THACKWRAY, eldest daughter of John W. THACKWRAY of Cradock.

DIED at his residence, Grahamstown, on the 12th September 1882, after a protracted illness, Marcus FRIEDLANDER, aged 78 years.

DIED on September 13th, Ruth, beloved wife of Herbert H.C. BAKER of Kingwilliamstown, and third daughter of Samuel CAWOOD of Grahamstown.

Saturday 16 September 1882

A report was lodged at the Capetown Police Station on Monday to the effect that a man of the name of CELLER, stated to be a resident of Gray’s Pass, had been picked out of the water at the Central Wharf in a dying condition. The man was alive when taken out of the water, but all efforts at resuscitation proved in vain, and an inquiry will probably soon be held.

Tuesday 19 September 1882

DIED at Queenstown, September 16th inst, Alice, the bellowed wife of Frederick George SLESSOR, Civil Engineer.

DIED at Bethulie, O.F.S., on Sunday 10th Sept 1882, William Joseph YELLING, in his 33rd year. Deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.

The Funeral of the late Mrs. S. BRUMAGE will leave the residence at the Location tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 3.

Wednesday 20 September 1882

DIED at Fair Lawn, Grahamstown, on Wednesday 20th September, Herbert William Harding, second son of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. GREATHEAD, aged 4 years and 3 months.

The following is from Kimberley Independent of the 14th:
We have to record the death of Mr. Francis Edward KIRKBY, well known in Kimberley as the bookkeeper at the Transvaal Hotel. From what we can gather he had had for some time a quantity of strychnine in his possession. On Tuesday night he was at the house of a friend lying on the bed, and suddenly said “I have poisoned myself”. In a moment or two afterwards tetanic spasms set in, and two doctors were at once sent for. They arrived in a few minutes, bringing a stomach pump and emetics, but all their skill failed to save the unfortunate man’s life. He expired about half an hour after the first visible symptoms, in the meantime suffering terrible agony. The cause of his rash act is unknown, the only clue being his last words “I have been negligent about the books but the money is all right”. We are glad to state that his late employers have no doubt whatsoever as to the fidelity and honesty of the deceased. The inquest yesterday ended in a verdict of “Suicide while in an unsound state of mind”.

Friday 22 September 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 18th inst, the wife of W.R. PIERS Esq of a son.

Saturday 23 September 1882

At the Cathedral, Glasgow, on 21st inst, by the Rev. George Stewart Barns DD, assisted by the Rev John WALTON MA of Grahamstown, South Africa, father of the bridegroom, John Lawson WALTON of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, to Joanna McNeilage, only daughter of Robert HEDDERWICK, Oakfield Terrace, Glasgow and The Retreat, Isle of Bute.

In the Estate of the late Alfred Francis HILLMAN, of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are hereby requested to file their Claims with the Undersigned within two months from this date, at his Office, High-street, Grahamstown; and those indebted to the said Estate to pay their Debts forthwith.
Executor Testamentary
Grahamstown, 7th September 1882

In the Estate of the late George PACKHAM, barman, of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are hereby requested to file their Claims with the Undersigned within two months from this date, at his Office, High-street, Grahamstown; and those indebted to the said Estate to pay their Debts forthwith.
Executor Testamentary
Grahamstown, 7th September 1882

As Mr. Hendrick M. POTGIETER, of Sunday’s River, says the Uitenhage Chronicle, was proceeding home from Kariega Station on Thursday last in a Scotch cart heavily laden with merchandise, he fell from the vehicle, the wheel of which passed over his body. He was conveyed to the farm Malmaison, and the following morning succumbed to the injuries sustained.

Thursday 28 September 1882

DIED at Ampthill, Beds., England on the 29th August 1882, John GREENE, Attorney and Solicitor. R.I.P.

DIED at Daggaboer, September 13th, Martin STEIGERS, one of the German Legion, and old and faithful servant of John TROLLIP Esq. J.P.


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