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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1881 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 4 January 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown, Cape Colony on New Year’s Night 1881, Mary Evans, the wife of W.B. SHAW, of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday Dec 31st 1880, Mr. Charles WATSON, in the seventy fourth year of his age.

Wednesday 5 January 1881

BIRTH at Whetstone Cottage, Bloemfontein on Christmas Eve, the wife of Robert [CASE] of a daughter.

We regret to learn that on New Year’s Day, while travelling by rail, our respected townsman Mr. Jabez SOUTH met with a severe accident. Finding the guard’s van inconveniently crowded, he was in the act of changing carriages when the train was in motion by walking along the footboard of the van, when, on passing the ticket station at West Hill, his legs came in contact with the curb stone of the platform – inflicting severe injuries. We are glad to hear that these are not of a permanent character.

Friday 7 January 1881

Mr.A. WILL of Grahamstown is now engaged in making two coffins of a peculiar nature. Inside the wooden case will be a metal shell ready to be soldered down when the bodies are placed therein. The coffins are being made at the order of Mr. BYRNES and Mr. MILNE, parents of Sergeant BYRNES and Private MILNE of the First C.V.R., who fell at the taking of Molitsane’s Mountain. The bereaved parents purpose accompanying the coffins to Basutoland for the purpose of removing the remains of the loved ones to Grahamstown for interment. They will be conveyed there and back in a covered cart specially constructed for the purpose.

The E.P. Herald reports the death at Port Elizabeth of Mr. Attorney HARRIES, a townsman who during his life was loved and respected by all who knew him, for the name of Walford HARRIES was ever associated with all that is bright, cheerful and charitable. On Sunday morning last, about 8 o’clock, Mr. HARRIES breathed his last. The deceased was the second son of the late Mr. William M. HARRIES, who for many years represented Port Elizabeth in Parliament and took a most prominent part in public affairs. Unlike his father the deceased seldom took any active part in politics or other public business, but was known as a kind friend and a most genial companion. Mr. HARRIES’s health failed him some time ago, and he visited England with a view to taking medical advice. After remaining at Home some months, without deriving that benefit from the change that he expected, he returned to this colony, but on reaching Capetown was in so exhausted a state that his brother-in-law, Mr. Henry DEARE, was telegraphed for, urging him to go to Capetown at once if he wished to see his relative alive. Mr. DEARE went, and Mr. HARRIES rallied a little, so much so that he was able to return to Port Elizabeth, which he reached about three weeks ago. It was felt, however, that his end was nigh, and though surrounded by kind friends, and with the best medical aid obtainable, it was seen that the sands of life had almost run out, and as stated, he died on Sunday last at the age of 48, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends who mourned him as if he were a close relative. The Rev. Thomas BENNETS, in his sermon at Trinity Church last Sunday night, made appropriate and touching allusion to the departed, whom he characterised as a warm friend and a staunch supporter of the church. For some years – 1858-62 – the deceased gentleman was editor of a leading newspaper in Vancouver’s Island, North America.

Monday 10 January 1881

BIRTH at Brakfontein, Victoria East, on the 1st inst, Mrs. Carly SLATER of a son.

We regret to learn that Mr. P.H. POPE, the well known hairdresser of Bathurst Street, died suddenly this morning. A medical examination will be held by the District Surgeon. We learn on further enquiry that the deceased was found lying lifeless on a sofa early this morning. The post-mortem examination left no doubt that the unhappy man, whose habits of late had been intemperate, had put an end to his life by prussic acid.

Monday 17 January 1881

DIED on the [14]th inst at the house of Mrs. CAWOOD, Donkin Street, Henry Frederick Johnson PEARCE, formerly of London, in his 88th year, who came out to the Colony on the ship [Ph…..] in 1848. Much respected and regretted by friends.

Last week (says the Beaufort West Courier) seven happy couples were launched into a state of earthly bliss by the Rev L. HUGO, the whole proceeding occupying not more than half an hour. Several more couples are awaiting to be similarly blessed. As a rule, people do not marry in bad times. On Saturday a large number of candidates were confirmed, which means more marriages at no distant date. Thus the waste places become peopled.

Thursday 20 January 1881

Early yesterday morning Miss SPEARMAN was drowned at Port Elizabeth at the end of the sea wall. Her sister also narrowly escaped, and got to the beach much exhausted. It is supposed that the unfortunate lady got out of her depth and into a current, when she lost her presence of mind. Many bathe regularly in the same place, and a coloured boy drowned there a few weeks ago.

Saturday 22 January 1881

Four Distinct Shot Wounds.
Mr. MASON, ironmonger, Church-street, Maritzburg has received a letter from Mr. H. BIRD of Heilbron giving particulars of the recovery of the body of Capt. ELLIOTT, who was shot by a Boer escort whilst being conveyed into Natal. The body was picked up at the Vaal River by a man named PRINSLOE, who then buried it on the Free State side. Upon this information Mr. STEYN, Landdrost of Heilbron, and Dr. VOWELL went to the place and exhumed the body to ascertain whether or not it was the remains of Captain ELLIOTT. On the medical man making an examination he found the shot wounds: one in the temple, one in the wrist, one in the leg – which was broken – and one in the middle of the back.
Mr. BIRD gave a full description of the clothes that were on the body, and on this being shown to Capt. LAMBART he at once stated that the description was correct in every particular but one, and that was that Mr. BIRD stated that Capt. ELLIOTT’s leggings were black, whereas they were brown, but as the body had been lying in the river the action of the water had doubtless changed the colour. In the pockets were found £30 in notes, 6s in silver and a Victoria Cross, bearing the name of Private FITZPATRICK. At the order of Mr. STEYN, a coffin was made and the body decently interred on Mr. GROONI’s farm, Free State.

[Transcriber’s Note: Private Francis FITZPATRICK (1859-1933) was awarded the VC at the age of 20 for bravery during the Basuto War]

Friday 28 January 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown on January 27 1881, the wife of G.G. ATWELL of a daughter.

MARRIED by Special Licence at Port Elizabeth on Saturday 22nd instant, Richard HAMER, of Willow Park, Koonap, to Phoebe E. SEARLE of Chadlington, Oxfordshire.

DIED at Totnes, Devonshire on the 10th January 1881, Mary MONTAGU, relict of the late J.W. MONTAGU, and daughter of J.S. DISTIN, Talleberg Hall.

Wednesday 2 February 1881

MARRIED by Special Licence at Trinity Methodist Church, Bloemfontein, O.F.S, on the 19th January 1881, by the Rev Wesley Hunt, Carl Albert Friedrich, second son of Dr. C.J.G. KRAUSE of Bloemfontein to Caroline, youngest daughter of the late Mr. John RICHARDS of this city.

DIED at East London on the 28th January, William WATSON, Sub-Overseer at Convict Station, formerly of Grahamstown, aged 64 years.

DIED at Spitzkop on the 30th January 1881, of sore throat, James Edward, son of William NICOL, Spitzkop, aged 4 years and 3 months.

Thursday 3 February 1881

The Kimberley Independent regrets to hear that the storm which swept over the Fields on Thursday week was attended by a fatal accident at Bulfontein, a little girl six years of age, the daughter of Mr. TITUS, having been killed by lightning while sitting in her bedroom. Mrs. TITUS and another child, who were in the room at the time, were also struck down, but have since recovered from the shock. No material damage was done to the house.

Friday 4 February 1881

DIED January 18 1881, aged 42, at the Burgher Camp, Printje’s Borg (Frost’s Column), George STEWART, Wodehouse Border Rangers, of dysentery. R.I.P.

Saturday 5 February 1881

From information received from Mr. Geo. THRESH, of the Imperial Hotel, Maritzburg, the Witness learns that his son-in-law, Mr. R. MACDONALD, a former citizen of Pietermaritzburg, had met with a fatal accident resulting in his instantaneous death. It appears that prior to his departure from Lydenburg, Col. ANSTRUTHER, acting under orders, had an approach to the village undermined and laid with iron pipes containing gunpowder or dynamite – or more properly speaking with land torpedoes – in case of a Boer advance being made on the township. The people of Lydenburg being aware of the position of the torpedoes, and fearing that some accident might occur, prevailed upon Mr. MACDONALD to attempt to remove them. He did so, and the result was an almost immediate explosion, that blew him to atoms.

Friday 11 February 1881

BIRTH on Friday February 11th 1881, at Wychling Cottage, Prince Albert’s Road, Grahamstown, the wife of Reginald H. RICHMOND of a daughter.

We regret to hear of the death of the Rev. Mr. GIDDY, the father of the late Mr. T.H. GIDDY, and long known and respected as a Wesleyan Missionary in this colony.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 6th February, Harriet Kate, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter MORRIS of Slang River, Tembuland, aged 9 months.

Wednesday 16 February 1881

A shocking attempt was made in the gun store of Mr. ROWLEY, Kimberley, recently. A well-dressed man named WRIGHT entered the shop and asked to inspect some revolvers. The shopman placed one in his hands and, at his further request, gave him a cartridge to fit into the same. WRIGHT then pointed the weapon towards his left breast and fired it off. The bullet passed through the fleshy part of the arm, splintering the bone slightly, but doing, most happily, little injury. The unfortunate man appeared to be in a state of mind bordering on insanity. He was immediately removed to gaol, where his wound was intended to. The circumstances which led to the rash act are briefly as follows: WRIGHT is a deserter from the 91st Regiment, in which he was a mess-sergeant. He served through the earlier portions of the campaign in Basutoland as transport officer, under the name of BRADSHAW, but resigned in December last and went to Natal. Here he was picked up by a well-known local merchant, who sent him to the Fields to work in his employ. On arriving at the Fields he found that many persons recognised him as a deserter. He consequently gave himself up to the police, who communicated with the Adjutant-General at Capetown. By this official local authorities were directed to send him down to Capetown with the next batch of convicts. This so preyed upon the poor man’s mind that he conceived the idea of taking his own life as an alternative. Previous to his attempted suicide he wrote to the local authorities stating his unhappy position, and hinting at his intention of destroying himself.

Friday 18 February 1881

DIED on the Farm Bushman’s River, from dentition, Feb 11 1881, Mary Elizabeth Jane, infant daughter of Frederick and Jane GOWAR, aged 1 year and 6 weeks. Friends will notice this.
“Mingling among the spirits in glory”.

This venerable and esteemed Wesleyan Minister (reports the Northern Post) has passed away. On the last Sunday in January he preached his farewell sermon at Wittebergen to a united congregation of English and Natives, and was in his usual health and to all appearances likely to live for many years. Early the following week he started by ox-wagon for his new home in New England, or rather the Barkly district, where he intended to reside and still hold Divine Services [from Sabbath to Sabbath?] as a “[…]” Wesleyan Minister among the neighbouring farms. On the road heavy rains came on, and Mr. GIDDY appears to have taken a very severe cold, which brought on dysentery. The best medical attention was got, but the disease progressed rapidly, so much so that it was thought necessary to summon the family from New England. Mrs. GIDDY arrived on the Saturday in time to see her beloved husband while he was still conscious. Early on Sunday morning the 6th February the spirit took its everlasting flight. He passed away calmly and peacefully without pain. On Monday the 7th inst the funeral took place at the farm where he died, that of Mr. Willem STAFFELBERG near Lady Grey. The funeral was largely attended, a number of Dutch members of Rev D. ROSS’s Church in Lady Grey being present, as well as representatives of Mr. GIDDY’s English and Native congregations from Wittebergen. The service was very impressively conducted by Rev D. ROSS MA, of Lady Grey. The kindness and attention shown to the Rev. Mr. GIDDY during his illness, and to the family during their heavy trial, by the family of Mr. STAFELBERG, will not easily be forgotten, and deserves special recognition in this notice. The Rev R. GIDDY was one of the oldest Wesleyan Missionaries in South Africa, and was one of the very few men in this colony who had seen the first Napoleon. Mr. GIDDY was born in the year 1806 and was consequently in his 75th year when he died.

Monday 21 February 1881

DIED at Grahamstown on the 18th February 1881, Minnie Maria Caroline, youngest and dearly beloved daughter of the late Thos. R. and Elizabeth J. SCANLEN, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.

Wednesday 23 February 1881

MARRIED on the 17th inst at Port Elizabeth, by Special Licence, M.L. GERRARD, late of Her Majesty’s Bengal Military Police, to Isabella TURNBULL of Tynemouth, Northumberland, England.

BIRTH on the 21st inst, at Eden Grove, Grahamstown, the wife of Colonel MINTO, 3rd Yeomanry Regiment, of a daughter.

Saturday 26 February 1881

MARRIED at Christ Church Feb 23rd, Arthur H.D., second son of Henry HUTTON Esq JP, to Mary L. DeNeuville, eldest daughter of W. Tyndal LUCAS Esq JP of “Gletwyn”.

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 25th February, Bridget Henrietta DUNN, aged 72.
The Funeral of the late Bridget Henrietta DUNN will move from her residence, Hill-street, at 4’o’clock tomorrow afternoon. No cards.

Tuesday 1 March 1881

MARRIED at All Saints Church, Somerset East on the 23rd Feb 1881, by the Rev Canon Woodrooffe MA, Henry CHASE Esq, Humansdorp, to Mary Amelia, eldest daughter of Prof. MacOWAN, Somerset East.

DIED at Grahamstown on February 26th 1881, after an affliction of nine months, Elizabeth Ann, beloved wife of George Henry LEVEY, aged 28 years and 7 months. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

On Saturday 12th instant a man named Sarel CILLIERS and a boy named Okker BRITS, whilst riding in a wagon a few miles from Frankfort, Orange Free State, were both killed by lightning. The oxen kept the road and continued the journey, with the dead man sitting in front of the wagon. The boy must have fallen off the wagon, as the body was found the next morning lying in the road. A Kafir boy, seeing the wagon stop near a farm house, ran to see who it was; but after calling to the man and getting no answer he, surmising that something was wrong, went for assistance. When the neighbours arrived they found the unfortunate man to be quite dead. Search was then made for the leader, but without success, until the next morning, when a search party, with a cart, found the body of the poor lad.

Friday 4 March 1881

BIRTH at Oatlands Park, March 3 1881, the wife of Wm. Wreford PADDON of a son.

MARRIED by Special Licence at the residence of the Bride’s Father, on the 22nd February 1881, by the Rev E. Lones, David HALL, of Kimberley, to Harriet, daughter of R.J. POTE Esq, of Hopewell Farm in the district of Somerset East.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 11th February, Ann VON PLANTER, after a long and painful illness; aged 55 years.
For ever with the Lord
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Tuesday 8 March 1881

BIRTH at West Hill on the 5th inst, the wife of the Rev Canon ESTIN of a son.

Friday 11 March 1881

BIRTH on the 4th February at Brighton, the wife of Brevet Major H.C. HUNTLEY, 10th Regt., of a daughter.

DIED at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on Tuesday evening the 22nd February 1881, Sydney Arden, eldest and dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. COLLINS, at the early age of 7 years and 4 months.
Bloemfontein, 28th February 1881.

Tuesday 15 March 1881

We regret to learn that Mr. John RYAN, a mason, formerly of Grahamstown where he resided many years, was killed on Saturday evening in Port Elizabeth, being knocked down at a railway crossing by a passing train and run over.

DIED at Colesberg on the 2nd March 1881, Charles Harry, youngest twin son of John and Amelia ANDREWS, aged six months.

Saturday 19 March 1881

BIRTH on the 16th March at Grahamstown, the wife of James BUTLER C.E. of a daughter.

A sad case of drowning took place on the Western beach, Port Alfred between the pier and the stranded vessel “Rosalie” on Friday last. It appears by the account given in The Budget that about six o’clock in the afternoon of that day, two strangers, named John HARRIS and Richard DRAWBRIDGE, who had only the day previous arrived from East London, went down to the beach for the purpose of bathing, when the latter, who it appears could not swim, got out of his depth and was drowned. The deceased had only been a few months in the colony. The verdict at the inquest was in accordance with the circumstances.

Tuesday 22 March 1881

We are sorry to announce the death of Lieut-Colonel Charles HUDSON, brother of the C.C. and R.M. of Graaff-Reinet. Lieut-Col. HUDSON commenced his career in the Ordnance Department at Grahamstown, and served during the Kafir Wars of ’46 and ’54. He also took part in the Crimean Campaign.

DIED at Bedford on the 16th instant, Edward Solomon, beloved son of Walter and Isabella WEBBER, aged 3 years and 9 months.

Friday 25 March 1881

BIRTH on the 23rd March at Grahamstown, the wife of Harvey BAGNALL of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 25th March 1881, the wife of Mr. T.J. COCKCROFT of a son.

MARRIED on the 23rd instant at Christ Church, Philip BARRAND of London to Louisa Emma, daughter of the late Rev. Wm. VERITY of Fort Peddie.

DIED at Southwell on the 15th instant, Susanna Mary, beloved wife of James Barrett CAWOOD, aged 43 years.

We regret to learn that Mr. W.S. KIRKWOOD, brother of Mr. J.S. KIRKWOOD, the late member, died suddenly on Sunday. The deceased has been in business many years in Port Elizabeth, and must have died suddenly, for we saw him at the wool market last week.

Saturday 26 March 1881

The marriage of Rev T. CHUBB BA, Chairman of the Clarkebury Missionary District, to Miss PARSONSON, daughter of the Rev J. PARSONSON, formerly resident of Kingwilliamstown, was celebrated on Friday last at Queenstown.

Tuesday 29 March 1881

Yesterday morning, says the Dutoitspan Herald, the inhabitants of the West End of Kimberley were startled by the discovery of another shocking murder in their midst, committed some time during the previous night. This time the victim was a Mr. Fred. ASTON, who we believe was employed as [booker] at the Diamond News office. The murder was evidently for robbery, as when the body of the deceased was found, his hat and boots were gone, and his pocket appeared also to have been rifled. We have not heard whether there is any trace of the perpetrators of this last murder at the West End, though there is little doubt that if the miscreants could be brought to justice they would be found to have been connected with the other dreadful tragedies for which that neighbourhood has been notorious during the last twelve months. Where are the police? Is it not possible that these villains can be traced out?

Major LAWRENCE of the Kimberley Horse, who was killed the other day at Thlotsi Heights, had been for a long time connected with the press. He was war correspondent of one of the leading London journals during the Zulu War, and since then has edited one of the Diamond Fields papers, and his loss will be much felt there.

An Englishman named George Theophilus MORLEY was sentenced at Cradock on the 19th March to two years’ imprisonment with hard labour, for housebreaking and theft; and at the same sessions Edward BROWN, a farmer residing near Steynburg, was convicted of horse stealing and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment.


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