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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1881 - 2 - April to June

Friday 1 April 1881

The Diamond News publishes a very long account of the late William Moorsom LAURENCE. And the whole of the paper is in mourning for him. It appears that the late Major LAURENCE was one of the proprietors of the Diamond News.

DIED at Barkly on the 22nd March 1881, Maud Minnie, daughter of Frederick and Alice Maud NESBITT, aged 3 years 3 months and 2 days.

We learn with the deepest regret the decease of our townsman Lieut. R. MUNDY, who expired on Tuesday last at Mafeteng. He had suffered for some days previously with the low fever and dysentery, which are unfortunately prevalent just now in the camp, and had been invalided home, whither he was about to return. He died during the night, and was found lifeless in his bed in the morning. A telegram received by Capt. SAMPSON from the Assistant Adjutant General conveys the sad news, and adds that the deceased officer was about to be buried with military honours. We have very seldom had to record the death of one who will be so generally regretted in this city. Genial and pleasant in his disposition, he will be mourned by numbers of friends; as an energetic man of business always ready to give assistance in efforts for the general good, and as a zealous supporter of the volunteer movement, we shall greatly feel his loss; while all will deplore the sad and untimely end which deprives his young widow and his other near relations of one so amiable and so beloved.

We record with very great regret the death of Mrs. H. HOBBES, at East London, from decline. Mrs HOBBES was well-known and respected in this town, where her husband (at present editor of the E.L. Dispatch) filled a responsible post on the Journal. Mr. BRISLIN (Mrs. HOBBES’s father) left for East London this morning.

Tuesday 5 April 1881

A telegram received by Capt. SAMPSON makes a statement with respect to the decease of our lamented townsman, which would account for the suddenness of the sad event. It says that the medical men on examination were of the opinion that Lieut. MUNDY died of fatty degeneration of the heart, and not of fever as previously announced.

DIED at Penberry, District of Bedford, on 27th March 1881, John Clarkson PHILLIPS, aged 77 years and 7 months.

Saturday 9 April 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown this day, 8th April 1881, the widow of the late Geo. Hallem SOUTH (killed at Kalibani, Basutoland 19th October 1880) of a son.

On Sunday the 20th inst, says the G.R. Herald, Mr. ALPASS of Georgetown went to church, leaving two young children in charge of a coloured nurse, who as soon as her mistress’s back was turned, left the children to themselves. One of them got a box of matches and set fire to herself and her little sister. The nurse returned in time to see the children in flames; and instead of trying to extinguish them, ran screaming to a neighbour, who arrived too late to prevent a fatal result, for the youngest was so terribly burned that, notwithstanding all that Dr. LAWRANCE could do, she died the next day.

Monday 11 April 1881

DIED at Salem on the 6th April 1881, Annette may, youngest and beloved daughter of Samuel and Susanna WOOD, aged 3 years 10 months and 8 days.
E’er sin could blight or sorrow fade
Death came with pious care;
The bounteous bud to Heaven conveyed
And bade it blossom there.

The Advertiser says: In removing a stock of deals on the beach on Friday morning the body of an old man named John WHITE was found in a sitting posture with his back and legs broken. He was seen the night before near the spot, and it is supposed he must have got under the deals to rest when several fell over on him, crushing him to death.

On Thursday last, as the passenger train from Port Elizabeth to Grahamstown was rounding a sharp curve on the declivity near the 73rd mile between Alicedale and Springvale, a Kafir was seen lying on the metals. The driver of the engine, Mr. KEMPSTER, immediately shut off steam, opened the whistle, and made every effort to stop the train, but was unable to do so before the spot where the native was lying was reached. Being insensible to all alarm, the poor fellow was struck by the engine, his hands being both cut off and the back part of his head carried away. Upon information being given to the ganger of the nearest road-party, the body was conveyed to Alicedale and, after an examination by Dr. SHILLITO, decently interred.

Wednesday 13 April 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st inst, the wife of E. JORDAN of Kingwilliamstown of a son.

MARRIED at Bloemfontein, O.F.S, on Tuesday April 5 1881, by the Rev. Wesley Hurt, John Gordon MACPHERSON, only son of Donald MACPHERSON, Grahamstown, to Emily Ann, second daughter of E.T. LEE Esq, Modder River.

ENQUIRY is made for C. and H. SPRING, who were in Beaufort two years since, their mother Mrs. S. SPRING of Jamestown, Chautugua Co, New York, W.S. not having heard of them since that date. Also by Mrs. BULSTRODE, of the Albert Infant School, Ryde, Isle of Wight, concerning George BARTLETT, who left England for the Cape eight years ago.

The second officer of the ss [Philameller] now at Durban, Mr. James RIDDLE, was caught in the winch on board that ship, on the morning of the 5th April, and so badly injured that he died almost instantaneously.

Thursday 14 April 1881

MARRIED at the Baptist Chapel, Grahamstown, on Thursday April 14th, by the Rev L. Nottal, William John HAWKES to Charlotte Rhoda, youngest daughter of the late Henry AMOS of Woest Hill.

Thursday 21 April 1881

DIED at Grahamstown on the 16th April, William Parker CHARSLEY MD, late Principal Civil Medical Officer and Inspector General of Hospitals, Ceylon Service, aged 57 years.

KILLED IN ACTION on or about the 17th March last, at the Siege of Pretoria, whilst fighting for his country, John Croome CHARMBURY, of Bath, England, aged 26.

Friday 22 April 1881

DIED at Grahamstown on the 19th April, George Graham, aged 1 years and 11 months, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. STRIRK.

DIED at his residence, “Stootje” on Sunday the 17th April, George Napper VAN RYNEVELD, formerly of Graaff-Reinet, aged 52 years.

Saturday 23 April 1881

We are sorry to record the death of Mrs. Margaret GUSH, a relative of the well-known Salem family. This lady died on Thursday at Woodberry, and was buried at Salem yesterday. Mrs. GUSH was one of the original settlers of the Salem party who arrived in the Colony in 1820, and she had reached the advanced age of 91 when she died. Neighbours from twenty miles round attended the funeral to testify the regret they felt at her loss. The pall was carried by Messrs. JENKINS Sen, MATTHEWS, Rev. B. SHAW and W. THOMAS JP, and the Rev Mr. WOOD read the funeral service.

Monday 25 April 1881

On Monday morning Miss LLEWELLYN, of St. Katharine’s, was united in wedlock, at Uitenhage, to H. HENCHMAN Esq, C.E. of Graaff-Reinet. The ceremony was performed by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown. We wish Mr. and Mrs. HENCHMAN every happiness.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday April 23rd, the wife of J.W. ROBEY of Manley’s Flat of a daughter.

Tuesday 26 April 1881

DIED at Woodbury, the residence of her son Joseph GUSH JP, on Wednesday 20th April 1881, Margaret, the relict of the late Richard GUSH of Salem, aged 90 years and 11 months. One of the Settlers of 1820.

Thursday 28 April 1881

MARRIED by Special Licence on Wednesday the 27th April by the Rev John Walton MA, Samuel William BARNSLEY, only son of Thomas BARNSLEY of Grahamstown, to Elizabeth Victoria, only daughter of the late Charles WATSON Esq.

We regret to record the death at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday last of Mr. Nathan SOLOMON, from apoplexy. Mr. SOLOMON was connected with the press of South Africa, having occupied positions of trust both on the defunct [D….] Bay Journal and latterly on the Observer. He was well known as a [severe but able critic on [….] performances both in Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth, and a large circle of [….] will mourn his decease.

Friday 29 April 1881

Information of this man, if alive, or his children, if any, is required by Mr. Patrick WELSH, Solicitor, Stirling, Scotland; or Messrs FAIRBRIDGE, ARDERNE & SCANLEN, Capetown. DAWSON sailed from Bristol in the Araby Maid in 1852, and left the vessel in Simon’s Bay.

At about seven o’clock on the morning of the 23rd, says the Cape Times, a young man named ROSS, residing at the Oxford Hotel, Long-street, was found dead in his bed. The body was removed to the hospital, and an inquest into the circumstances will be held today.

Monday 2 May 1881

BIRTH at Beaufort-street on the 2nd May, the wife of C.H. HATHERLEY of a daughter.

Whilst the ss Craigforth was discharging her cargo at East London on the 23rd inst, a warp, attached to a lighter alongside, parted, and the rope struck Mr. J.W. MILLS, the 2nd officer, on the breast, causing such severe injuries that he died almost instantaneously.

We are sorry to report the death of Mr. Wm. HAMMOND, the son of the late Lighthousekeeper in Port Elizabeth. Mr. HAMMOND had been living at Jagersfontein (O.F.S.) and was returning to Port Elizabeth to see into affairs of his family after the death of his father, when a sad fate befell him. He had come as far as Bethulie in a wagon which started sooner than HAMMOND had expected. He started in pursuit of it, but was overtaken by the darkness, missed his way, and must have fallen into a sluit and there perished. His body was some days subsequently discovered by a Kafir, and reported to the Magistrate, and his identity was proved by letters found in his pocket. The remains were decently interred by the neighbours in the vicinity.

Thursday 5 May 1881

On Sunday afternoon young Mr. SCOTT, who lives with his father in Cathcart Road, Queenstown, happened to go into the yard, and seeing smoke in the next yard (that of Messrs. BENNETT & BARFIELD, the forwarding agents) he looked over the wall and there saw a couple of white boys (neither of them more than six or seven years of age) actually making a fire under a stack of planks that had been off-loaded the previous day. Mr. SCOTT, with admirable presence of mind, at once threw some pails of water onto the fire and then went for assistance. It was then ascertained that some twenty or thirty planks had been charred and in another minute or two would have been in a blaze. These were a portion of 300 planks stacked in the yard, and when it is added that a number of tins of paraffin were in an adjoining store, and that a high wind was blowing at the time, we (Representative) may certainly congratulate Mr. SCOTT on the promptitude he displayed, and Messrs. BENNETT & BARFIELD and their neighbours on their escape from what would have been the most destructive fire ever seen in Queenstown.

Friday 6 May 1881

Respecting the £100 reward offered for the apprehension of the murderers of the late Mr. G.B. USHER, a trader informs us (Watchman) that the atrocious deed was committed by Pondomisi on the 23rd October last. The lamented gentleman was standing behind the counter of his shop, unsuspecting of evil, when two armed Pondomisi entered. “What is the news?” he asked. The ruthless savages buried their assegais in his bosom with the reply “That’s the news”. The body was dragged forth and horribly mutilated.

We take from the Transvaal Argus an extract from the District Orders by Colonel BELLAIRS CB, Commanding Transvaal District, Pretoria, April 5 1881: The Colonel Commanding desires to thank Mrs. Marion SMITH, widow of the bandmaster 94th Foot, for the good service she rendered after the Bronkhorst Spruit affair in nursing the wounded. Mrs. SMITH was herself present in the midst of the action, but though surrounded by the dead and dying, she in the most courageous way immediately set about alleviating the sufferings of the wounded, and for upwards of three months continued to be unremitting in attending upon them under very trying circumstances. Such true female heroism and devotion merits recognition and high praise. Colonel BELLAIRS therefore takes the opportunity of Mrs. SMITH returning to England to publicly refer to the good acts she has performed.

Tuesday 10 May 1881

DIED at the Kraai River Border Camp, near Barkly, whilst on Active Service, on the 6th May 1881, Paul GAU, Lieutenant 2nd Regiment C.M.Y., aged 28 years.

On Thursday evening a little son of Mr. GROVES of Argyle Street, Panmure, five years old, went into the bedroom where his sister, aged seven, was at the moment putting a smaller child of two years and ten months to rest. The father had unfortunately left a snider rifle on a box, which proved to be loaded. The lad took up the gun, pointed it towards his sister who was reclining on the bed with the little one, and discharged it, the bullet striking the smallest child, a little girl, in the side and passing through the pillow and the bed-clothes. Death was instantaneous. Lily, the older girl, had a very narrow escape. The bullet could not be found up to yesterday evening. Whilst expressing our deep sympathy with the parents we (Dispatch) call attention once more to the need of exercising greater care with firearms, especially where there are children in the house.

Wednesday 11 May 1881

On Monday afternoon a sad and fatal accident occurred at Port Elizabeth to a sailor named Thomas McCORMICK. Deceased, who had but a few minutes previously been discharged from the Ocean Chief, was walking along the line leading from the quarry to the new breakwater when he was overtaken by several trucks as they were rushing down, one of which passing over his neck severed his head from the trunk, causing instantaneous death. An inquest held before A.C.WYLDE Esq, C.C. & R.M., yesterday (Tuesday) morning resulted in a verdict of Accidental Death. A lad named WASSELFALL, who very pluckily tried to save deceased, narrowly escaped meeting with a similar fate.

The following is the list of those candidates from the Eastern Province who have passed the above Examination in
2 W.S. WEBBER, Public School, Bedford
3 H. BURTON, Public School, Richmond
4 { A.E. HAYTON, St. Andrews College, Grahamstown
   { Jane MULLINS, Dioc. Girls’ School, Grahamstown
10 Annie NORTON, Dioc Girl’s School, Grahamstown
11 Margery TUDHOPE, Coll Girls’ School, KWTown
12 I.E. BENJAMIN, Public School, Grahamstown
13 C. C. SHIPPARD, Public School, Grahamstown
14 Frances BUCKLAND, Public School, Uitenhage
16 G.E. STREATFIELD, St Andrews College, Grahamstown
17 H. EVERITT, Public School, Queenstown
21 J.H. RYAN, Public School, Queenstown
22 M.P. FITZGERALD, Dale College, KWTown
23 J.A. McINTYRE, Dale College, KWTown
26 Katherine JEFFREYS, Public School, Queenstown
27 K.C. NORTON, St Andrews College, Grahamstown
30 A.S. ARENHOLD, St Andrews College, Grahamstown
31 W. TUDHOPE, Public School, Uitenhage
33 Annie HALLIDAY, Public School, Queenstown

The following is the First Class Pass List:-
2 H. BURTON, Public School, Richmond
3 Henrietta McINTYRE, Public School, Richmond
4 Katie HOCKLEY, Coll Girls’ School, KWTown
5 H EVERITT, Public School, Queenstown
8 Emma MEINTJES, Riebeek College, Uitenhage
10 E. FLINT, Public School, Richmond
11 O. PEMBERTON, Public School, Richmond
12 Margaret O’BRIEN, Coll Girls’ School, KWTown
15 A. BROWNLEE, Dale College, KWTown
17 A. ATTWELL, Public School, Grahamstown
18 { F.B. FIELDING, Public School, East London
     { J.H. RYAN, Public School, Queenstown
     { G.E. STREATFIELD, St Andrews College, Grahamstown
21 Annie Bergh, Public School, Colesberg
22 I.E. BENJAMIN, Public School, Grahamstown
23 Jessie JOHNSTON, Girls’ Public School, Port Elizabeth
26 T. REIN, Panmure Grammar School
27 Hester NORTON, Dioc Girls’ School, Grahamstown
32 K BARTLETT, Public School, Richmond
35 A.S. ARENHOLD, St Andrews College, Grahamstown
37 K.M. TOWNSEND, Public School, Bedford
39 Ethel MULLINS, Dioc Girls’ School, Grahamstown
40 { A. ROLAND, Public School, Aliwal North
     { I.J. TITTERTON, Dioc Girls’ School, Port Elizabeth
43 W. McCARTER, Dale College, KWTown
44 { Isabel TUDHOPE, Public School, Fort Beaufort
     { K. WHITE, St Andrews College, Grahamstown
46 W.P. GRIMMER, Lovedale Institute
48 C.H. THERON, Public School, Fort Beaufort
49 W. KNOBEL, Public School, Colesberg
53 Amy BERGH, Public School, Colesberg
54 Ella McKAY, Panmure Grammar School
56 Amy LANDREY, Coll Girls’ School, KWTown
57 Mary BROTHERTON, Miss Brotherton’s School, Alice
63 { H.M. HOWARD, Public School, Grahamstown
     { Katie QUINN, Convent School, Grahamstown
64 Charlotte KAYSER, Girls’ Col. School, Port Elizabeth
65 Alice HOLLAND, Dioc Girls’ School, Grahamstown
66 M.W. THOM, Dioc Grammar School, Port Elizabeth
68 { A.J. SAMPSON, Public School, Grahamstown
     { H. WILLIAMSON, St Andrews College, Grahamstown
70 W. CAMPBELL, Public School, Colesberg
71 F.E. GEOGHEGAN, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
72 F.C. FULSE, Public School, Grahamstown
74 F.G. LUCAS, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
75 K FLETCHER, Public School, Queenstown
76 { J.LAING, Public School, Seymour
     { N. KIES, Panmure Grammar School
     { E. SLATER, Public School, Grahamstown
83 Lilian STREET, Public School, Port Alfred
85 A.T. BROOK, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
88 { O.GREY, Public School, Cradock
     { G. GRIFFITHS, Public School, Aliwal North
90 Eliza GODFREY, Miss Peacock’s School, Port Elizabeth
91 Mary LOMAS, Public School, Southwell
98 W. DICKINSON, Dale College, KWTown
100 { P.W. SHINGLER, Dale College, KWTown
       { Ella SHIPPARD, Dioc Girls’ School, Grahamstown
102 Edith GILBERT, Public School, Burghersdorp
105 Lilian MILLS, Public School, East London
107 Blancho CRAVEN, Dio Girls’ School, Grahamstown

The following passed in the Second Class:-
109 P.P. BORCHERDS, Public School, Seymour
110 { Helen BROOKE-SMITH, Miss Peacock’s School, Port Elizabeth
       { J.H. HULBERT, Dale College, KWTown
       { Marie JENSEN, Convent School, Grahamstown
114 C.N. PORTER, St. Barth High School, Grahamstown
116 { Louise EDINGTON, Dioc Girls’ School, Grahamstown
       { G. MULLER, Panmure Grammar School
119 { J. DALLAS, East London West Boys’ School
{ H. KELLY, St Andrews College, Grahamstown
121 R. U. MOFFAT, Lovedale Institute
122 Mary CHALMERS, Dioc Girls’ School, Grahamstown
123 Florence BROSTER?, Coll. Girls’ School, KWTown
128 { Eliza HILL, Convent School, KWTown
       { Jessie LEATHERLAND, Coll Girls’ School, KWTown
130 R.W. DUNCAN, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
131 { W.M. BAXTER, Dioc Grammar School, Port Elizabeth
       { Edith KIDWELL, Public School, Burghersdorp
133 Margaret MACINTOSH, Girls’ Coll School, Port Elizabeth
135 Amy BANKS, Public School, Southwell
137 { Eloise HOPLEY, Public School, Burghersdorp
       { Elizabeth PUTH, Riebeek College, Uitenhage
140 Mary JANION, Panmure Grammar School
142 { H. Mock ELLIOTT, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
       { A. EVERY, Public School, Richmond
145 { C.E. JEPSON, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
       { W.C. KIDGER, Public School, Cradock
147 G.G. MILLER, Public School, East London
150 Mary BORCHERDS, Public School, Seymour
151 J. OLIVIER, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
152 A. CLARKE, Public School, Fort Beaufort
154 D. MILLS, Dale College, KWTown
155 F. BLUNDELL, Public School, Port Alfred
156 { R. ATWELL, Public School, East London
       { A. DREDGE, Dale College, KWTown
159 { Edith PEARSON, Col Girls’ School, KWTown
       { F. S.[FALSBRIDGE], St Andrew’s College, Grahamstown
{ A. RIES, Panmure Grammar School
162 Eleanor ADCOCK, Girls’ Coll School, Port Elizabeth
163 A. CADLE, St Andrew’s College, Grahamstown
164 { Annie FULLER, Col Girls’ School, KWTown
       { R. GILFILLAN, Public School, Cradock
166 N. O’C SMITH, St Barth High School, Grahamstown
170 I. JAMES, St Andrew’s College, Grahamstown
172 Annie RAN, Public School, East London
176 Alice CATHRINE, Dioc Girls’ School, Grahamstown
181 S.C. PARKIN, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
182 { W. DYASON, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
       { Millicent FRANCIS, Dioc Girls’ School, Grahamstown
       { W. MURRAY, Panmure Grammar School
185 F. HENDERSON, Private Study, East London
186 { F. BESWICK, Public School, Queenstown
       { J.M. GORDON, Dioc Grammar School, KWTown
194 J.I. MURRAY, Panmure Grammar School
195 D. INNES, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth
199 { Una MILES, Coll Girls’ School, KWTown
       {Antoinnette SISSING, KWTown
201 G. GIBSON, Dale College, KWTown
202 T.R. CURNICK, Private Study, East London
205 J. OTTE, Panmure Grammar School
206 E. GIDDY, Public School, Cradock
208 G. COTTERELL, Public School, Queenstown
210 P. LOWRY, Dale College, KWTown
211 Maria MYBURGH, Riebeek College, Uitenhage
212 Winifred HALLACK, Girls’ Coll School, Port Elizabeth
213 { C. McCALGAN, Public School, Queenstown
{ H.D. ROBERTS, St Andrew’s College, Grahamstown
215 Adeline GLOAG, Girls’ Coll School, Port Elizabeth
216 C.C. MAYNARD, Public School, Cradock
220 O. HOUZET, Dale College, KWTown
221 Matilda MELASS, Public School, Fort Beaufort
222 { W. SHAND, Public School, Swellendam
       { H. WALLIS, Public School, Cradock
225 M. GOEDHALS, St Andrew’s College, Grahamstown
226 { Mary LOCKE, Miss Featherstone’s School, Grahamstown
       { Hester LOUW, Public School, Colesberg
229 A.H. DUNCAN, Dale College, KWTown
231 F. EVERITT, Public School, Tarkastad
233 { G. CARPENTER, Dioc Grammar School, Port Elizabeth
       { Amy STIRK, KWTown
236 Ada WHITE, Girls’ Coll School, Port Elizabeth
237 Haitlie PRINGLE, Miss Humphrey’s School, Adelaide
238 A G BIRT, Public School, Grahamstown
240 Emily LOCKE, Miss Featherstone’s School, Grahamstown
241 { Isabel DUNCAN, Miss Peacock’s School, Port Elizabeth
       { P.E. LANGE, Public School, Uitenhage

Saturday 14 May 1881

To the Field-cornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants.
Whereas from information taken upon oath before me, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against Thomas GRAVETT, a Wagon Conductor, of Kockstadt, that he did, some time in the month of November last, 1880, commit the crime of Theft.
These are therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you apprehend and bring the said Thomas GRAVETT, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me, to be examined and to answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 13th day of May 1881
Res.Mag. for Albany
European – speaks English, Dutch and Kafir; age – about 40 years; height 5ft 10in; hair, moustache and beard - sandy; eyes light; stoops a little in the shoulders; was born in Lower Albany, or Albany; has served as a private in the C.M. Rifles, also in Ferreira’s Horse.

The Offices of Messrs. DYASON & CARLISLE, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public, have been removed to the Premises in Main-street, between the Store of Mr. T. BIRCH and the premises of the Provident Insurance Company.
Port Elizabeth, 2nd May 1881

BIRTH at Salem on the 11th May 1881, the wife of Mr. H. M. HILL of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th inst, the wife of J. Ogilvie NORTON of a son.

BIRTH at the Bank of Africa, Grahamstown, on the 12th instant, the wife of Angus FRASER of a son.

Tuesday 17 May 1881

DIED at Peddie on the 10th May 1881, Hannah, the beloved wife of the Rev R.W. STUMBLES, aged 52 years.

DIED at his residence (Spring Valley, Nazaar) on Friday May 13th 1881, Richard T. GUSH, aged 45 years and 4 months.

The diary of a loyalist at Potchefstroom, while that town was held by the insurgents, gives the following account of this crime: January 6th:- This day was marked by a tragedy: the trial, condemnation and execution of Christian WOITE, a native of Prussia. After living some years in the Cape Colony, he settled in the Transvaal six years ago, where he acquired a well-earned reputation for the treatment of disease, though he was not a regularly qualified medical practitioner. The proceedings of the Kriegsrand were kept profoundly secret, but it was well known that the accusation against him was that of having supplied information to the English Government of the proceedings of the Boers at their meeting. His son Wilhelm, a lad of 19, was at the same time charged with a like offence. He was acquitted, his father was found guilty and condemned to death. Immediately this became known, his fellow countrymen in the town hastily got up a memorial praying for commutation of the sentence, but the Kriegrand refused to entertain the memorial. Mr. WOITE was 42 years of age, had a wife and 9 children, the eldest of whom was tried and acquitted for the same offence as his father. Mrs. WOITE and her children were allowed a short interview with the condemned man, and then at 2 o’clock he was conveyed handcuffed under a strong guard to the vlei at the rear of the Royal Hotel. The Rev. H. KOHLER of the Berlin Mission Station – one of his countrymen, and next door neighbour, offered up a short impressive prayer at the open grave. A firing party of eight men received the signal, and WOITE, with one convulsive bound, fell dead. Three bullets had pierced his breast, and one had struck his forehead. On the walls of the cell in which he was confined previous to his trial and execution were found written the following words in his native language: “I trust in Jesus. I have given myself into his hands. I am glad to die. In Christ I shall live. In a little while I shall be no more seen. I go to the Father. C.O. WOITE.” The execution was witnessed by Mr. YOUNG.

Wednesday 18 May 1881

BIRTH at Prince Albert Street, Grahamstown, on the 17th May 1881, the wife of Mr. J. Montagu STONE, Solicitor, of a daughter.

DIED on Friday 13th May at the residence of her father, E.C. JEFFREY Esq, Kamastone, after a long and severe illness, Mary Matilda, the dearly beloved wife of W. Fuller SHEPSTONE of Barkly, Division of Barkly, aged 25 years 7 months and 14 days.
“For ever with the Lord
Amen, so let it be.”

WE hear that a man named BAKER, a resident of Fort England (who was on horseback yesterday amongst the crowd who went to meet the Volunteers) was found dead this morning in his bedroom.

Saturday 21 May 1881

DIED at Uitenhage, May 11th 1881, of Croup, Edmond Charles Jeffrey, the dearly beloved (twin) son of Linsley and Charlotte GREEN, aged 7 years 11 months and 14 days.
Our hymns, which were sung at our Sunday School anniversary, April 10 1881, were selected from the New Wesleyan Sunday School Hymn Book. Hymn 403 became his favourite, which he often sang so sweetly: and was sung over his grave by the teachers and scholars. The following is the last verse:
And since I’ve found my Saviour
The first link in the chain,
I’ll trust in Him for ever,
Till Heaven at last I’ll gain.
I love that blessed country,
Where tears are wiped away,
I want to live with Jesus, The Bible says I may.

(Mossel Bay Advertiser)
During the last two weeks the feelings of our usually quiet and peaceful community have been outraged by the discovery of two brutal murders within this district. The first of the two cases occurred on the 30th ult, near an isolated and unoccupied house, on the farm Melkhoutvlei, the victim being a crippled and comparatively helpless Englishman, and the perpetrators of the murder three coloured men, one of whom, called Piet HESS, maddened with drink, and without any provocation whatever, so far as the evidence reveals, committed the fatal assault, the other two being more or less accessory to the outrage. The victim of this frenzy proves to be one Frank SEAMON, or SEAMAN, a native of Newark, England, who came out upwards of twenty years ago in connection with the works of the Wellington railway. Being disabled by a fracture of the left arm, he had latterly been employed by various farmers in the capacity of a shepherd, and was endeavouring to collect sufficient money to proceed to hospital. Piet HESS has been formally committed for trial for murder, and Hector and Uithalder as accessories.
The second of these dreadful crimes came to light on Thursday 12th inst, when it was reported to the Resident Magistrate, R.J. CROZIER Esq, that a young woman named Maria NELSON, a private teacher, had been murdered at a farm named Melkhoutessenbosch, on the Riversdale side of the district, and about 40 miles distant from Mossel Bay. At about 6 o’clock on Friday morning, Mr. CROZIER, accompanied by the District Surgeon, Dr. KITCHING, proceeded to the spot, which they reached after a wearisome journey of over eight hours, being compelled after leaving Herbertsdale to walk a considerable distance, owing to the almost impassable state of the roads. Here they found the body of the unfortunate woman lying in the veld a short distance from the house of one Balthazar RAUTENBACH, where she lived. On inspection it was found that she had been most foully murdered, her skull having been brutally battered in, besides other wounds inflicted about the head. The statements of the Field-cornet and others were taken, and a post-mortem examination was made by the District Surgeon. On Monday last a farmer, Johannes Jacobus MEYRING, made an important statement before the Magistrate, on which a warrant was issued for the arrest of a young man named Gert RAUTENBACH, who is said to have been the seducer, and is suspected of being the murderer, of the unfortunate victim. Yesterday Chief Constable ROGERS with two policemen proceeded to put the warrant into execution. The residents in that portion of the district where the murder was perpetrated being a rough, almost uncivilised lot, the Chief Constable deemed it necessary to be well prepared in the event of any resistance to his authority being offered. Late last night RAUTENBACH was brought in by the Chief Constable and lodged in gaol. A preliminary examination will take place on Friday.
A reward of £100 has been offered by Government for such information as may lead to the conviction of the murderer or murderers.

Thursday 26 May 1881

DIED on April 7th after a long illness, at her residence, Oxford Villas, Tedington, Mary, widow of John ATHERSTONE of Clarence Villa, Tedington, Middlesex, aged 72.

We regret to hear that another of the First City Volunteers has died from fever. The last to succumb to the disease was Private BLAKE, who went up with the second detachment. The poor fellow on his return reached Queenstown, where he grew worse and died on Saturday.

In Kimberley last week the eldest son of Mr. Hyam ABRAHAMS, a diamond buyer, was accidentally shot in the stomach by a broker named SYMONS, who was examining a revolver. Hope is entertained that the wound is not mortal.

Monday 30 May 1881

In the Estate of the late Mary Catherine LONG and surviving spouse John LONG of Albany.
Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims, and those indebted thereto to pay their Debts at the Office of the Undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof.
B.J. SHAW Jun.
Agent for Executor Testamentary
27th May 1881

In the Estate of the late Jacoba Susanna Philipina Lodowien VOGEL of the farm Blauwe Krantz, Division of Alexandria.
Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims, and those indebted thereto to pay their Debts at the Office of the Undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof.
B.J. SHAW Jun.
Agent for Executor Testamentary
27th May 1881

In the Estate of the late John AUSTEN Esq, Resident Magistrate, Quithing District.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Accounts with the undersigned within six weeks from this day’s date, after which period no Claims will be recognised; and those indebted thereto are requested to pay the same within the said period.
(Signed) Christina AUSTEN
Executrix Testamentary
Herschel, via Aliwal North
May 21st 1881.

We (Watchman) regret to hear of the death of Mr. E. PHILLIPS, of Risinghume in the district of Cathcart, a gentleman highly respected by his neighbours, and a farmer of enlightened views and enterprising habits. The Cathcart Farmers’ Association will lose in Mr. PHILLIPS a most useful and valued member. We offer our most sincere sympathy to the mourners and the bereaved.

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Richard CURRIN, who expired on Saturday evening a half past 5. The deceased has for years past been one of the best known figures in the Grahamstown streets, and his genial presence will be missed by many. Mr. CURRIN has long suffered from a severe internal complaint, and was last year brought so low that his life was despaired of. Owing to careful attention, however, he recovered, but was obliged to abandon the post of Town Crier, which he had held for some years. His death will be regretted by a wide circle of friends.

The Uitenhage Times publishes a letter written over three years ago by the late Mr. Hamilton HOPE, who was recently so treacherously murdered by Umhlonthlo. It will be seen from this remarkable document (observes our contemporary) that the idea of the tragedy in which Mr. HOPE was the chief victim was long cherished by the country’s enemies. Our readers will remember that a few months ago we were able to state authoritatively that Mr. J.M. ORPEN MLA, brother-in-law to Mr. HOPE, while in Basutoland with Mr. SPRIGG, was informed by a native that Mr. HOPE had been murdered, some weeks before the crime was committed; and the narrator detailed the circumstances of the foul deed, just as it was subsequently carried out. All this tends to show that the unfortunate magistrate stuck to his post while murder was threatening him at every turn; and when he must have known that he was discharging his duty to Government at the imminent risk of life. The following is the letter.
Resident Magistrate’s Office
Quithing, Basutoland
23rd April 1878
My Dear Sir,
Many thanks for yours of 15th instant.
It has lately (for some reason quite unknown to me) become the fashion for natives to give utterance to absurd threats about me. At a meeting of Moniron’s army, where there were about 700 wretches armed to the teeth, which took place within rifle-shot of my house a few weeks ago, it was actually proposed to open the ball by cutting y throat. Fortunately for my clerk and myself this motion was not carried.
I can’t be that flattered that even at Kimberley the natives do not forget me. Setting chaff aside, I really am very much obliged to you for having told me this story.
There is little doubt that if we cannot shoot the natives that we can take care of ourselves – even the Basutos (who are well disposed as a nation) will have to sail with the stream, but we must hope that the war in the colony will soon be brought to a close and the Kafirs subdued.
Yours very truly
Hamilton HOPE

Tuesday 31 May 1881

DIED at his residence, Grahamstown, on May 28th 1881, after a long and painful illness, Richard CURRIN, aged 67 years 6 months and 21 days, leaving a wife and large family to mourn their irreparable loss; deeply regretted by all who knew him.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord”.
The family beg to tender their sincere thanks to the many kind friends who assisted during their troubles, and particularly to Mr. J. ORSMOND and Mr. W. MOORE.

Saturday 4 June 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st June, the wife of O.W. SOUTH of a daughter.

Monday 6 June 1881

DIED at Alexandria, at her residence, on Friday 3rd June 1881, Sarah, the wife of Jeremiah LONG, aged 62 years.
Mr. LONG tenders his sincere thanks to the many friends for their kind attentions to his late wife during her illness.

We hear with much regret that Mr. Charles CHALMERS, who was much hurt in the late railway accident, has succumbed to the effect of his injuries. [Transcriber's note: see notice for following day]

Mr. SHEPSTONE, Acting Colonial Secretary of the Transvaal, has issued the following extract from a report made by the Landdrost of Potchefstroom: “Three men reported drowned in the Vaal River eight days ago. They were Volunteers of Ferreira’s Horse. One body was found last Tuesday morning and buried on the banks of the Vaal. Two slips of paper were found in his pocket, one containing the address of Henry FREEBORN, Pretoria, and the other of Mrs. GRIFFITHS, Kimberley.”

Tuesday 7 June 1881

DIED at Colesberg on the 3rd June 1881, Arthur Ernest, eldest twin son of John and Amelia ANDREWS, aged 8 months and 28 days.

We are glad to be able to state that there is no truth in the rumour current yesterday and today that Mr. Charles CHALMERS died from the effects of injuries sustained in the railway accident on Friday night. He assures us that he was never more alive than he is now, and though there were many who yesterday were prepared to maintain that he was dead, we prefer to believe in the original himself.

Monday 13 June 1881

BIRTH at the Wesleyan Mission House, Salem, on June 12th, the wife of the Rev. J.W. WOOD of a son.

BIRTH on the 11th inst, at Fair View, Oatlands, the wife of Robt. BERTRAM of a daughter.

Tuesday 14 June 1881

BIRTH on June 14th at Cradock, Mrs. R.E. WOOD of a son.

MARRIED at Tavelberg Hall on the 14th June, Charles Joseph, eldest son of the Hon’ble T.C. SCANLEN to Louisa Violet, third daughter of J.S. DISTIN Esq.

Thursday 16 June 1881

DIED at her residence this morning, Mary, beloved wife of Mr. N.T. SMITH, after a long illness.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. N.T. SMITH will move from the Baptist Chapel in Bathurst-street tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Friday 17 June 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th June, the wife of John QUAIT of a daughter.

Monday 20 June 2017

We regret to learn that Mr. COLE, C.C. and R.M. of Humansdorp, died suddenly on Thursday afternoon.

A serious accident, says a contemporary, happened at Adelaide one day last week for a five year old son of Mr. PEDLAR of Cottesbrook. The little fellow put a couple of burning mealie cobs in his pocket, thinking they had been burned out, and in a few moments his clothes took fire and he was enveloped in flames. His sister threw her cloak around him and screamed for assistance, but before the fire could be extinguished the poor little fellow was seriously burned about the lower part of the abdomen. He is not expected to recover.

Tuesday 21 June 1881

DIED at Glen Roy, District of Tarka, on May 26th 1881, Thomas Rolland John, the dearly beloved (twin) son of Thos. L.H. and Helen ROBSON, aged 1 year 9 months and [22] days.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Friday 17th June, the wife of R. TROWER, Maseru, Basutoland, of a son.

MARRIED on Tuesday 21st June 1881 at Grahamstown by the father of the bride, assisted by the father of the bridegroom, Richard SOLOMON Esq. MA, of St.Peter’s College, Cambridge, and of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, to Mary Elizabeth WALTON, third daughter of the Rev. John WALTON MA, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions.

This morning Miss M. WALTON, second daughter of the Rev. J. WALTON MA, was married to Mr. Advocate R. SOLOMON. The weather has not been bride’s weather, if we must go by the English saying that “happy is the bride the sun shines on”, for a heavy rain has been falling all morning. In the cold, wet, [obscured] clime of England we can understand the application of the proverb, but it does not carry weight in this Colony. In the dry climate of South Africa we say “Happy is the bride the rain falls on”, and leaving the question of comfort we have no doubt the proverb as amended is more fitting to the present case. We heartily wish the happy couple joy and prosperity.

Wednesday 22 June 1881

We take the following from the local Echo:
It is our painful duty to today record the death, on Thursday last, of our Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, Thomas R.M. COLE Esq. The sad event was of so sudden an nature that it has cast a gloom over the whole district. On Thursday morning the deceased gentleman arose apparently in good health, and partook of a healthy breakfast, during which he exhibited more than usually high spirits. After breakfast, about half past nine, whilst playing with his children he was seized with a fit of apoplexy. Dr. LITTLE and his assistant were at once sent for, and did all they possibly could; but the unfortunate gentleman never regained consciousness, and passed away at half past five the same afternoon. This is, we hear, the third time he has been attacked with fits of apoplexy. As an affectionate husband and loving parent, Mr. COLE we should imagine had very few equals. His whole life appeared to be wrapped up in his family, and the shock occasioned by this terribly sudden bereavement to his widow must be such as to call forth the heartfelt sympathy of every inhabitant of the district. During her short residence in Humansdorp Mrs. COLE has endeared herself to the inhabitants in a manner that only those possessed of the very best of hearts can do, and many a heart in Humansdorp is this day in sympathy with the bereaved lady and her desolate little ones. Mr. COLE, who was, we believe, born at St.Helena, and was a relative of the present Governor of that island, has been in the Colonial Civil Service dating the period of about twenty five years, and was appointed Resident Magistrate of Humansdorp on the promotion of the late Mr. SMYTH, now some two years and a half ago, after for some time previously filling a similar post at Dordrecht. We beg respectfully to tender our sincerest condolence to Mrs. And Miss COLE (the deceased gentleman’s sister) in their great trouble. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. Mr. HALSE, who for some time was Acting Magistrate in Port Elizabeth, left for Humansdorp on Friday to take over the deceased gentleman’s duties temporarily.

Friday 24 June 1881

DIED at the Farm “Tentergate”, the residence of his sister, Mrs. Wm. SHAW, District of Queenstown, on Sunday 12th June 1881, William Harrison STUBBS, aged 67 years and [6] months, deeply regretted.

WE regret to record the decease of Mr. Samuel Alfred PROBART, which took place on Monday last at Graaff-Reinet, resulting from internal organic disease, which for some weeks past had kept him in a constant state of acute suffering. Mr. PROBART, says the G.R. Herald, had previously sought in England the best surgical and medical aid, and had hopes that the disorder was successfully eradicated. Unfortunately this hope was unfounded, and the reappearance of his malady within the past few months was looked upon most seriously by his medical advisers. For some weeks past he suffered severely, and was painfully conscious, except when temporary relief was obtained by opiates. Mr. PROBART was allied to Graaff-Reinet by very early associations. As a young man he was employed in the business of Mr. R. SOUTHEY at Graaff-Reinet, in the premises now occupied by Messrs. O. BRENNER & Co. Mr. SOUTHEY rose to distinction until he became Colonial Secretary, and afterwards Administrator of the Cape Colony upon the recall of Sir George GREY. Mr. PROBART, meanwhile, devoted himself to farming pursuits in this district, and took an active interest in its affairs. Having been educated in the South African College in Capetown, he enjoyed an advantage which very few Colonial men in those days could expect; and was looked up to for his superior intelligence and knowledge of the world. In 1860 he was requested to stand for Parliament to represent the newly-made electoral Division of Richmond and Hopetown, and was returned for the House of Assembly with Mr. N.H. THEUNISSEN. On the dissolution of Parliament he was then requested to represent the Division of Graaff-Reinet, and was returned without opposition. In 1875, and while still representing Graaff-Reinet in Parliament, he was appointed by the Molteno Ministry to be a Special Commissioner in Transkeian Affairs, and made a tour throughout Ocalekaland and Griqualand East. At this time much uneasiness prevailed amongst the natives, and shortly afterwards the war with the Tambookies and the Ocalekas broke out. Since that time Mr. PROBART spent much time in England and on the Continent, with hope of a permanent recovery from his distressing malady. He returned last year to the Colony, looking remarkably well, and buoyant in spirit; but recently the disease reappeared, and he succumbed after great suffering. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. To his aged mother, Mrs. PROBART, and a large circle of his children and family, the kindest sympathy has been shown, and is shared in by us.

Saturday 25 June 1881

BIRTH on the 24th inst at Grahamstown, the wife of Robert Wm. WELLS of a son.

Thursday 30 June 1881

The Queenstown and Cathcart Burghers, numbering about a hundred, and under the Command of Commandant W. WIGGILL and captain F.W. SHEPSTONE, reached Queenstown on Saturday morning and were played into town by the amateur band, a large crowd being assembled to receive them.



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