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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1880 - 4 - October to December

Friday 1 October 1880

MARRIED by Special Licence at St.George’s Cathedral on the 30th Sept. by the Very Reverend the Dean of Grahamstown, Andries Ferdinand Stockenstrom MAASDORP, Her Majesty’s Solicitor-General, to Agnes Catherine Thomson, youngest daughter of Mr. John HAYTON of Grahamstown.

Friday 8 October 1880

BIRTH at Thorndon, Wilson’s Party, on the 3rd October 1880, the wife of Mr. C. PURDON of a son.

Wednesday 13 October 1880

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday October 11th 1880, of Inflammation of the Heart, Gertrude, daughter of the Rev John WILSON of Fort Beaufort.

We regret to have to record the death of Miss Gertrude WILSON, daughter of the Rev J. WILSON of Fort Beaufort, who died at the age of sixteen years on Monday morning last, at the School Residence, Beaufort Street, of inflammation of the heart. She had been somewhat indisposed for a few days previously, but it was not until the Saturday previous to her death that any serious symptoms presented themselves. Every effort to reduce the inflammation was made by her skilful medical attendant Dr. BECKER, and later in conjunction with Dr. E. ATHERSTONE, but without effect. Mr. and Mrs. WILSON were telegraphed to on Saturday, though at that time no cause for alarm was apparent, and again on Monday, but could not arrive in town until the evening of that day. They express themselves in warm recognition of the great care and kindness that had been shown by Miss LOWE and Miss LAING, the [ladies] resident at the Institution, as well as by the Rev J. WALTON and Mrs. WALTON, who had from the first been unwearying in their kind attention. The lamented deceased was of a most amiable disposition and was universally beloved by her masters and mistresses; and very great sympathy is felt for the sorrowing parents in their affliction. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Rev J. WALTON MA, attended by a large number of friends.

Robert MACWILLIAM Esq. MA of Aberdeen, Scotland, the new principal of Gill College, arrived in Somerset on Wednesday last and will be formally installed as principal today.

Friday 15 October 1880

DIED at Oatlands, Grahamstown on Tuesday 12th October, Wilfred Frank Cunningham, beloved son of Charles J. and Elizabeth ROBERTS, aged one year and seven months.

The Times of the 27th August announces the marriage at Broughton, Hants, on the 24th of that month, of Julia Mary, younger daughter of Captain J.G. GURNEY, retired half pay late HM Cape Mounted Rifles, to Captain J. Beckwith LEEFE, Royal Marine Artillery. Miss GURNEY is sister-in-law to Major FOX RA, so well and favourably known in various parts of South Africa where he has resided.

Monday 18 October 1880

DIED at Table Farm on the 11th instant, Anne Grant ATHERSTONE, widow of the late Dr. John ATHERSTONE. Aged 74.

Wednesday 20 October 1880

Thomas DAWSON, son of Thomas DAWSON, Hotel-keeper, in Stirling, Scotland, sailed from the British Channel as a common seaman on board the barque Araby Maid on a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope and Mauritius in the year 1852, and is understood to have left the vessel at Simon’s Bay. The said Thomas DAWSON, if alive, or his Children, if any, are requested to communicate with Patrick WELSH, Solicitor, Stirling, Scotland; or FAIRBRIDGE, ARDERNE & SCANLEN, Solicitors, Capetown; and if the said Thomas DAWSON has died without issue, any person furnishing satisfactory evidence will be suitably rewarded.
Stirling, Scotland
5th February 1880

BIRTH at Bedford October 5th 1880, the wife of A.J. McKENZIE of a daughter.

We observe in an up country paper notice of the marriage of Mr. W. KROHN of the bank of Africa, Winberg, to Miss Caroline HUTTON, Landdrost of Winberg. Mr. KROHN was a Grahamstown youth, and well and favourably known in this town. We wish him and his Free State bride a full cup of conjugal bliss.

The G R Advertiser thus announces the marriage of two very much respected inhabitants of “the Gem”: The large congregation at St.James’ Church on Wednesday morning to witness the marriage of Mr. A.C. LOW, C’son, and Miss A.J. McKENZIE was a pleasant token and evidence of the esteem felt by Graaff-Reinet for the happy pair. Long before the time appointed for the ceremony the church was crowded, and the organ minder D. ARCHHOLD’s whiled away the time with music appropriate to the occasion. At 11 the bride, accompanied by her brother-in-law, Mr. C. GEARD, entered the church and advanced up the aisle, followed by her four bridesmaids and two charming little maidens, Mr. GEARD’s children. At the step of the chancel the procession was met by the bridegroom and his attendant friends, and by the Rev Canon STEABLER and the Rev A.T. WIRGMAN, D.C.L. of Port Elizabeth. Here the first part of the ceremony was gone through; and as the choir, of which the bride has long been a member, chanted the 128th Psalm, the procession, led by the ministering clergy, advanced up the chancel; and as they grouped themselves around the altar the picture was as charming a one as well can be. The bride was simply but elegantly clad in rich white silk, with wreath and veil. The bridesmaids (Miss E. HALLACK, Miss E. TOWNSEND, Miss F. GEARD and Miss A. ELLIOTT) carried each, instead of the conventional bouquet, a tiny basket filled with flowers wherewith to strew the pathway of the bride, and symbolise their expectations and good wishes. The Rev Mr. WIRGMANN delivered at the altar an eloquent address to the newly married pair, and the ceremony was over. The procession re-formed and moved off while the fine chords of the Wedding March resounded throughout the church.

Friday 22 October 1880

DIED at Kingsdale, District of E. London, on Monday 18th October, Cecil Ben, beloved son of John W. and Charlotte M. KING. Aged 5 months and 17 days.

The distressing intelligence reached us this morning that the lives of many Grahamstown and Albany men have been sacrificed in the engagement between Wepener and Mafeteng, which latter place was relieved on the 19th instant. Captain RYNEVELD’s troop lost 15 killed, and 1 wounded, who were most of them well-known residents in this neighbourhood. Capt. DELL’s troops, drawn from Lower Albany, has lost in killed 9, and in wounded 6. The remainder that go to make up the sad death roll must be assigned to the Second and Third Yeomanry. We do not gather from the few details that have reached us that our loss was caused by mismanagement. The relieving force was proceeding as it should, with skirmishing parties thrown out to face the enemy, who suddenly appeared in overwhelming force and drove back the brave but few and scattered men forming the advance. Supports speedily arrived, but the fight was a hotly contested one, and we seem to gather that the rebels obtained some further advantage, until they were ultimately put to flight with a loss, which though severe, is far from being a compensation for our own. The attack at close quarters with short assegais is probably borrowed from Zulu tactics, and the universal, irresistible conclusion arrived at here is that our men ought not to have been sent into action without revolvers. On whomsoever the blame may fall, we should be partakers in it if we were not faithfully to declare that the absence of arms for close quarters is set down as the cause of disaster in the present instance. Still we do not know[n] all particulars, and our judgement must be so far provisional. It is known that some of those whose names are on the fatal record were actually armed with revolvers. The first lesson to be learnt is to supply this lack to all our forces, and no weak detachments should be sent out unless fully equipped for such emergencies as that which has cost the lives of so many of our gallant friends and neighbours. The feeling here is one of deep sorrow and sympathy, but the practical result is an earnest desire to place more forces on the scene, and make an end of this calamitous business. The impulse that has prompted our brave townsman, Major NESBITT, to offer himself to raise a force for active service, gives an idea of the general sentiment. It requires more men to do the work thoroughly, and we believe the whole Colony would approve the calling out of 2,000 burghers to supplement the Colonial force now in the field. Let us not spend time finding fault with the civil or the military authorities. The credit of the Colony is at stake, as well as its peace and prosperity. We are bound to show the world that we are capable of our own defence. Nor do we believe that the task is an insurmountable one; and when once the rebellion is got under, we shall take good care we do not have the work to do again. The Colony, we earnestly hope, will make such an example of these ungrateful rascals, that they, at least, will not have the change to rebel a second time.

TELEGRAMS – The Rebellion, Serious Loss
34 First Yeomanry Killed
One Diamond Field horse killed.

From the Officer Commanding, Wepener, for the Civil Commissioner, Grahamstown:-
General’s column arrived at Mafeting, at 3.15 yesterday. 34 Yeomanry killed, 10 wounded. One Diamond Field Horse killed, four wounded. No officers killed or wounded. First Regiment suffered severely.

The following private telegrams received:-
From Capt. RYNEVELDT, Mafeteng, to Mr SPEAR, Grahamstown.
Engaged enemy this morning. My troop cut up and half of DELL’s also. Thirty Four killed. Otherwise all well.

KILLED : 1st Yeomanry
FOGGEN, Trooper, G. or East London Troop
KERR, Trooper, G or East London Troop
MARTIN, Trooper, G or East London Troop
ROBERTS, Trooper, G or East London Troop
O’OELSEN, Trooper, G or East London
PRAED, Bugler, G or East London
PETERSON, Sergeant, G or East London
McNAMA, Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
WASSERFALL, Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
POCOCOCK [sic], Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
WATSON, Sergt-Major, B or Grahamstown Troop
SOUTH, Sergt., B or Grahamstown Troop
BEVRIDGE, Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
MURRAY, Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
WELLING, Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
HOLMES, Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
CHINNAR, Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
JABINE, Trooper, B or Grahamstown Troop
RANDALL, Trooper, C or Bathurst Troop
LANGLEY, Trooper, E or Kowie West Troop
NICOLLS, Trooper, E or Kowie West Troop
WESSON, Trooper, E or Kowie West Troop
VERNON, Trooper, E or Kowie West Troop
BRIG, Trooper, E or Kowie West Troop
JENNINGS, Trooper, B Troop, Grahamstown
GLASS, Trooper, B Troop, Grahamstown
HOFFMEISTER, Trooper, B Troop, Grahamstown
JAMES, E, Trooper, B Troop, Grahamstown
THORISEN, Trooper, B Troop, Grahamstown
MACLEAN, C, Trooper, B Troop, Grahamstown
MACNAMEE, Trooper, B Troop, died of wounds

Dangerously Wounded – 1st C.M.Y.
GRESSOLD, Trooper, G Troop
McCLEAN, H, Trooper, E Troop
GRAVETTT, Trooper, E. Troop
HEPTON, Trooper, E. Troop
LEWIS, Trooper, E. Troop

Severely Wounded – 1st C.M.Y
McNAMEE, Trooper B Troop (since died)
PITZER, F. Troop

Slightly Wounded – 1st C.M.R.
CAMPBELL, Trooper, E. Troop

C.M.R. Killed
FUNCAST, Sergeant
BABIE, Trooper

Kimberley Horse
Trooper McNALLY killed

Monday 25 October 1880

KILLED IN ACTION at the Kalabini, Basutoland on the 19th October 1880, aged 25 years and nine months, Henry James WATSON, Sergeant Major B Troop 1st Cape Mounted Yeomanry.

KILLED IN ACTION at the Kalabini, Basutoland on the 19th inst, George Hallem SOUTH, aged 31 years and 25 days, leaving a widow and two young children to mourn their irreparable loss.
The family of the deceased tender their sincere thanks for the many expressions of sympathy extended to them in their bereavement.

Wednesday 27 October 1880

MARRIED on the 11th September at the Parish Church, Moseley, Worcestershire (by the Rev W.B. Benison of Balsall Heath) Robert, second son of Stephen MANDY, of this city, to Mary A. McENTEE, second daughter of W.C. McENTEE of Birmingham, England. No cards.

DIED at Graaffreinet on the 26th October 1880, Frederick HOLLAND Esq. Aged 53 years.

KILLED IN ACTION at the “Kalabini”, Basutoland, on the 19th October 1880, John Charles GLASS, B Troop 1st C.M.Y. Aged 27 years and 3 months.

KILLED IN ACTION at the “Kalabini”, Basutoland, on Tuesday Oct 19th 1880, James Winthrop Mackworth PRAED, Bugler B Troop 1st Cape Mounted Yeomanry, the youngest and beloved son of Mr. James PRAED of Grahamstown. Aged 28 years and 8 months. The deceased served as Serjeant under Major NESBITT during the whole of the Gaika and Galeeka war. Deeply regretted.

Friday 29 October 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th October, the wife of Dr.E. ATHERSTONE of a son.

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on Wednesday 27th October, by the Very Rev F.H. Williams DD, Dean of Grahamstown, Thomas SHEFFIELD to Catherine Martha, third daughter of the late Captain James MASON of Kinkel Bush, Division of Alexandria.

MARRIED on Thursday 28th inst at Christ Church, Oatlands, by the Rev M. Norton, John Henry WOOD to Elizabeth Mary Eleanor, third daughter of Henry DIXON, both of this city.

DIED at Mafeting on the 22nd October, of wounds received at the relief of Mafeting, James McNAMEE, aged 26 years, leaving a wife and one child to mourn their irreparable loss.

Yesterday Christ Church was the lively scene of a happy party consequent upon the celebration of the nuptials of Miss Elizabeth Mary Eleanor DIXON, daughter of Mr. Henry DIXON of Grahamstown, to Mr. John Henry WOOD. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of spectators and well wishers by the Rev. M. NORTON, the highly esteemed rector of this parish. We join with many friends in wishing the happy couple long life and every happiness.

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Solomon E. ROWLES, founder and proprietor of the Kaffrarian Watchman, which sad event took place at Kingwilliamstown early this morning after a long and painful illness. After receiving his training as a journalist in this office, Mr. ROWLES about a quarter of a century ago removed to Kingwilliamstown, where he conducted a newspaper from that time until recently, with credit to himself and benefit to the community. As an able exponent of agricultural interests, Mr. ROWLES soon earned for himself the name of “The Farmer’s Friend”, and as a reward for his labours might, had he wished, have been a few years ago returned to Parliament as one of the representatives of British Kaffraria, but he declined the honour. He is to be buried tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday 3 November 1880

BIRTH at Hillside, Grahamstown, on the 31st October, the wife of James B. BROWN of a son.

DIED at Kingwilliamstown on 29th Oct 1880, Solomon Estcourt ROWLES, aged 61 years 11 months and 6 days: leaving a Widow and Grandchildren and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore their loss.
The Widow takes this opportunity of thanking Drs. PETERS and EGAN, who attended her late husband during his long and painful illness, for the care and attention bestowed by them in alleviating his sufferings, as well as those sympathising friends who visited him whilst on his bed of sickness and followed his remains to the grave.

Friday 5 November 1880

FELL ASLEEP IN JESUS, at Lovedale, Alice, on the 1st November 1880, Daisy Edith GLOVER, the infant daughter of Susannah and Henry GLOVER, aged 3 months and 22 days.
“Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Thursday November 4th, Susan Keen, infant daughter of William Oliver and Hannah Grainger WEBB. Aged 8 months.

At a parade of the First City the other evening it was unanimously decided by the members of the corps that crape be worn by every member still in town in token of respect to those of the force who fell so nobly doing their duty.

We regret to have to record the sudden death of Mr. SHERWOOD, an employee of the Town Council, at six o’clock this morning. Deceased, who was universally known as a steady and reliable man, fed the Council’s horses, as was his wont, at dawn, and on leaving the stable fell dead near Mr. GALPIN’s. Heart disease is said to have caused the catastrophe, and we tender our sympathy to the wife and child left to mourn his untimely loss.

Monday 8 November 1880

KILLED IN ACTION at Lerothodi’s Village on Sunday 31st October 1880, Robert Christopher BYRNES, aged 22 years 4 months and 17 days, deeply regretted by all who knew him.
The family of the deceased tender their sincere thanks for the many expressions of sympathy extended to them in their great bereavement.

DIED at Brandtleegte, Fish River Randt, on the 5th November 1880, Harry M. ROBINSON, aged 18 years.

DIED at the Farm Ethick, Baviaan’s River on Thursday 4th November last by Drowning, William Taylor, fifth and much beloved son of Philip and Fanny AMM, aged 13 years and 5 months.

Wednesday 10 November 1880

MARRIED on November 6th at the Russel Road Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev W.B. Rayner, Charles PETTMAN, Wesleyan Minister, Grahamstown, to Annie Alicia, second daughter of the late T.B. GLANVILLE Esq.

KILLED IN ACTION at Lerothodi’s Village, on the 31st October, James, eldest son of James and Margaret MILNE of Grahamstown. Aged 18 years 10 months and 5 days.

KILLED IN ACTION at the Kalabini, Basutoland, on the 19th October 1880, George LANGLEY, eighth son of Mr. Edward LANGLEY of Grahamstown. Aged 25 years, leaving a large circle of relatives to mourn his loss.
Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee.
Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them.
Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men.
For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform.
Therefore shalt thou make them turn their back, when thou shalt make ready thine arrows upon thy strings against the face of them.
Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.

DIED at Olive Burn, District of Bathurst, November 5th 1880, Rebecca RANDALL, wife of the late James RANDALL of James’ Party. Aged 100 years. Was one of the Settlers of 1820.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

The death of Mrs. Rebecca RANDALL, of Olive Burn, Bathurst district, is announced. Deceased was a hundred years old. She was one of the Settlers of 1820, and came to this country with JAMES’s Party.

Monday 15 November 1880

BIRTH at Kingwilliamstown on Nov 10th 1880, the wife of the Rev John GORDON of a son.

BIRTH on the 7th inst at Grahamstown, the wife of W.R. PIERS Esq of a daughter.

Friday 19 November 1880

BIRTH at Thorn Grove, District of Bathurst, on the 13th November 1880, the wife of Mr. Walter Simpson COCKCROFT of a son.

DIED at Kuruman on the 2nd November, John CHAPMAN, aged 53 years. Friends at a distance please accept this notice. (Deeply regretted)

Monday 22 November 1880

MARRIED at Trinity Church on the 17th November 1880 by the Rev Jno. A. Chalmers, Richard Anthony HULLEY, Governor’s Kop, to Elizabeth Charlotte, fourth daughter of Mr. Henry WEBSTER, Grahamstown.

BIRTH on the 21st inst, the wife of Mr. Arthur MATTHEWS of a daughter.

Lieut. R.R. COCKIN, who was killed in a recent action, was, says the Free Press, son-in-law to Mr. FROST, and leaves a widow and young family to mourn his untimely end. He was young and active, an intelligent farmer, well educated, and took a lively interest in all pertaining to the good of his adopted home. He will be missed at many a meeting in the district, and by a large circle of sorrowing relatives and friends, to whom we tender the sympathy of the town and district.

Wednesday 24 November 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 22nd November 1880, the wife of Mr. Samuel STAGEMAN of a daughter.

DIED at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on the 19th November 1880, Katherine Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Ambrose HARVEY and daughter of the late Rev James Stewart THOMAS, Wesleyan Missionary. Aged 24 years and 8 months. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Friday 26 November 1880

In the Insolvent Estate of Stephen DELL Sen. of Albany, Farmer
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at Grahamstown on Wednesday 8th December next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

BIRTH at East London on the 24th November, the wife of George Murray MACFARLANE of a son.

DIED at his residence, High-street, Grahamstown, on Thursday 25th November 1880, Mr. James WOOD. Aged 53 years.

DIED at the Hotel, Coerney, on the 19th inst, suddenly, of Apoplexy, Mr. W.G. CARREL, formerly of Queenstown and East London.

Wednesday 1 December 1880

BIRTH on the 19th instant at Gordon Terrace, Port Elizabeth, the wife of H. Lardner BURKE of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st December, the wife of Charles Henry ABBOTYT of a son.

Friday 3 December 1880

DIED at Malta on the 17th October 1880, Captain Hastings St.John DE ROBECK RN (deeply regretted).

DIED at Cradock on the 28th day of November 1880, Catherine Mildred, infant daughter of William and Elizabeth HOLMDEN. Aged 11 months and 9 days.

MR. ARTHUR COLLING, of the 3rd Yeomanry, who was killed at Gola Mountain, was (says the G.R. Herald) the son of Mr. Jacob COLLING of Uitenhage, and formerly of Port Elizabeth. The deceased was a fine young man of about eighteen years of age, well disposed and highly respected.

Much regret was expressed in Capetown last evening by the announcement that Mrs. Smith SPENCER, wife of the respected Wesleyan Minister of that city, had expired during the afternoon. The deceased lady, whose accouchement (says the Argus) took place on Sunday, was in a very precarious state on the evening of that day, and yesterday afternoon as announced, death put a period to her sufferings. Mrs. SPENCER was an active member of the Wesleyan Dorcas Society, and was always prominent in aiding every good work which came within her cognisance. Her bereaved husband feels his irreparable loss most poignantly, and to him and his family we tender the most respectful sympathy.

Monday 6 December 1880

DIED on 3rd December 1880, Ellen M. WATSON of “Oakley House”, Caverham Hill, Oxon. Aged 24 years. R.I.P.

On Sunday last the Wesleyan Chapel was draped in mourning in consequence of the death of Arthur COLLING, who was killed whilst fighting with the 3rd Yeomanry in one of the last engagements in Basutoland. In the evening the Church, says the Chronicle, was filled to overflowing, and it was found necessary to put extra seats in the aisle in front of the communion rails to accommodate the large numbers who were desirous to take part in the solemn service. The Rev.Mr. PRICE delivered a very telling and impressive address from the words “There is but a step between me and death”. The Rev. gentleman’s description of the sentinel on duty in South Africa during war time, when the enemy was expected, was true to life and very effective. During the sermon many persons were moved to tears. Several ladies and gentlemen kindly assisted the choir, and the singing was in keeping with the sad and mournful character of the service. The Rev.Mr. PRICE read in conclusion a very interesting memoir of the lamented young man whose death gave point to the text.

We exceedingly regret to have to record the death at the early age of 17 years and 2 months of Sydney Hope WRIGHT, son of our respected townsman and eminent Attorney, Mr. G.G. WRIGHT. The death, which took place at his parents’ residence on Friday evening, was attributable to injuries received two months ago by a fall from a horse. The funeral took place yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, and was very largely attended. The St.Andrew’s Cadet Corps, of which deceased was a non-commissioned officer, marched in front, dressed in white silk sashes, and six of whom were pall bearers; the names of these being Masters S. RIPPON, H.W. COURT, C.R. CHALMERS, E.B. McMASTER, G.C. MURRAY and R.S. FAIRBRIDGE. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev.Dr. ROSS, the highly respected principal of St.Andrew’s College. The deceased was one of the most promising youths at the College, as well as one of the most popular, both with his tutors and schoolfellows. Of rare ability, he had passed with credit several examinations and bid fair to make his mark in the world. As a member of St.Andrew’s Debating Society he distinguished himself upon several occasions, particularly so upon the recent occasion of the delivery of a lecture upon poetry by Sir Jacob Dirk BARRY Knt. He was also a contributor to their quarterly, and wrote some very readable articles in that magazine. At the grave the fellow students and others bestrewed the coffin – a very handsome one, covered with black velvet and silver mountings, which did credit to Mr. A. WILL, the conductor of the funeral – with garlands and bouquets of flowers. We tender our sympathies to the bereaved parents in their sad loss.

It is also our painful duty to record the sudden death of Miss Hellen M. WATSON, one of the teachers at the Diocesan Girls’ College, which event took place at the residence of the Rev. Mr. MULLINS on Friday morning last. As stated, the event was very sudden, the deceased lady having, while bending to fasten a bootlace, broken a blood-vessel, and shortly afterwards expired. The cortege proceeded from the residence of Mr. MULLINS to St.Andrew’s Church, where service was conducted by the Rev.Mr. ESPIN, who also presided at the cemetery. The pall-bearers were young ladies from the College, who were dressed in white. The coffin also was covered with pure white cloth, and decorated with floral crosses and wreaths, being surmounted with a plain silver name plate. Deceased, who only recently arrived in the Colony, is spoken of as a very talented young lady: and to her brother, who is her only relative in the Colony, and her friends in England, we tender our expressions of condolence. Although her residence at the College had been but brief, she had won the affection of all the pupils, and is highly spoken of by the esteemed lady principal, Mrs. ESPIN.

Wednesday 8 December 1880

DIED at Vleyplaats on the 1st December 1880, Daniel James ROBERTS, eldest son of Mr. Daniel ROBERTS of Graaff-Reinet, aged 16 years and six months. Deeply regretted.

News has been received in Kingwilliamstown to the effect that Lieut. W.C. HONEY had been killed while out on patrol. No further particulars have been received. Mr. HONEY left town as one of Capt. LANDREY’s troop, and was one of the smartest young men in it. We (Watchman) believe he was subsequently appointed an officer of Fingo levies. He was only about 17 years of age, and a large circle of friends mourn his untimely fate.

Mr. Frederick KELLY, son of a highly respected townsman of Port Elizabeth, was standing upon the steps of an office opposite the Victoria Hotel whilst it was in flames, in conversation with an acquaintance, and, bidding his friend adieu, he turned, instead of taking the proper footpath, and fell over a wall into a passage. He was lifted up and at once conveyed home. Dr. EDWARDS was immediately in attendance, and Dr. ENSOR saw him later on, but the injuries received were of a fatal character. Mr. KELLY was much respected.

Friday 10 December 1880

MARRIED by Special Licence at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. R. CAMPBELL, by the Rev. J.A. Chalmers, on the 8th December 1880, Mr. Thomas KNOWLES of Grahamstown to Mary, third daughter of the late William HUTCHESON of Arbroath, Scotland.

The Masters and Scholars of Dale College, says the Watchman, are raising a fund for the placing of a marble tablet in the hall of the School to the memory of Charles William HONEY, whose death in the action fought under Col. WAVELL on the Mdunguele Plains on the 30th November has already been officially notified. Mr. C.W. HONEY was a great favourite both with his teachers and school-mates. He was the recognised champion of the little boys, and was so generally respected as to be able to control all ages by his example and advice. He had nearly reached the age of 17, and was prosecuting with great promise his studies for the profession of a Barrister. Next year he was to go up for his B.A. examination. He enlisted in Captain LANDREY’s Horse, and upon the death of Capt. BLAKEWAY, a commission becoming vacant in the Transkei Militia, he was appointed a Lieutenant in that force.

Monday 13 December 1880

FELL ASLEEP on Sunday December 12th, at the Kafir Institute, Grahamstown, Mildred Agnes, third surviving daughter of the Rev. R.J. MULLINS, aged 3 years and 8 months.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 3rd December 1880, Sydney Hope WRIGHT, third son of Mr. and Mrs. G.G. WRIGHT of this City.

Thos. WARD Esq, of Fort Beaufort, was married on the [4]th inst to Miss Catherine WYNNE, daughter of W. WYNNE Esq of Woodstock. The ceremony took place in St.Bartholomew’s Church, Alice, the rector, the Rev.Mr. MARTIN, officiating.

Wednesday 15 December 1880

BIRTH on the 10th December at the Hermitage, Oatlands, the wife of Geo. REYNOLDS of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th December, the wife of Mr. T. [H….] of a son.

MARRIED by Special Licence at the residence of the Father of the Bride, G. ROWLEY of Kimberley to Lois PAXTON of Grahamstown. No cards.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 15th Dec 1880, Sarah, relict of the late William ENNIS, aged 75 years and 8 months. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. W. ENNIS will move from the residence of Mr. T.J. COCKCROFT, Bathurst-street, tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Friday 17 December 1880

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday Dec 8 by the Rev W.H. Price, assisted by the Rev [Geo.] Weaver, the Rev. Thos. WILKIN, of Port Alfred, to Miss S.G. ANDREW of St.Mawes, Cornwall.

DIED at Kariega Mouth on Thursday morning, the 9th December, [Sarah] Eliza, the beloved wife of W.H. CAMPBELL, aged 74 years and six months.

Monday 20 December 1880

MARRIED by Special Licence on Saturday 18th December, by the Rev J.A. Chalmers, at the residence of the bride’s father, William Henry GOLDSCHMIDT, of Adelaide, to Lillian Henrietta LINTON, only daughter of Henry LINTON of Grahamstown.

This morning a select and fashionable number of guests assembled at St.Andrew’s Church to witness the interesting ceremony of the marriage of Miss CRAWFORD, of this city, to the Rev.Dr. ROSS, the esteemed able Principal of St.Andrew’s College. The ceremony was performed by the Rev.Dr. WIRGMANN DCL, Rector of St.Mary’s, Port Elizabeth, after which, amidst the congratulations of a large number of friends, the happy pair left by the noon train for Zwartkops, where they intend spending their honeymoon. We wish the worthy Doctor and his happy bride – both of whom are well and deservedly known throughout the town – every happiness and prosperity.

Wednesday 22 December 1880

MARRIED by Special Licence on Wednesday the 15th December, by the Rev J. Walton MA, at the residence of the bride’s father, Geo. ROWLEY of Kimberley to Lois PAXTON, fifth daughter of William PAXTON of Grahamstown. No Cards.

DIED suddenly at Gletwyn, the residence of P.W. LUCAS Esq, on Sunday December 19th, William CAMPBELL Esq of Alexandria, in his 66th year. He was a son of the late Major-General Chas. CAMPBELL of Barville Park, Lower Albany.

Monday 27 December 1880

We have been requested to state that the man killed at the fight at Potchefstroom was Mr. J. COLLINS, and not Mr. Hollins, as stated in our telegram of Friday last.

Wednesday 29 December 1880

We regret to hear that Mrs. CADLE, the respected hostess of the well-known hotel and “retreat” at Van Staaden’s Heights, died on Friday last.

A Richmond Burgher writes the following sad news to the Era.
Aliwal North, Dec 16th. I have sad news to chronicle. After we had been here a day or two some of our men borrowed a net and went down to the Orange River to fish. After the second haul Sergeants MARSH and WOLHUTER and Trooper Piet LOOTS went further down and tried to swim across the river. WOLHUTER turned back, and MARSH, who was swimming ahead, called out to LOOTS, “Look out! You’ll go down here”. With that both MARSH and WOLHUTER disappeared. MARSH eventually succeeded in getting out, but LOOTS has not since been seen. The last words the poor fellow uttered were “My God, must I get drowned?” It was impossible to render any assistance. When the news reached the camp everyone was cut up, as LOOTS was a general favourite in the corps. All search has been made for the bodies but without avail.

Friday 31 December 1880

BIRTH on Wednesday 29th instant, the wife of Hugh Campbell HUNTLEY of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on December 29th, Mrs. Ernest GLANVILLE of a daughter.

BIRTH at Mount Pleasant, Lower Bushman’s River, December 18th 1880, the wife of Mr. H. DENTON of a daughter.

DIED at Kimberley, Griqualand West, on Sat Dec 18 1880, Thomas HEDDING, second son of the late Leonard and Mary Ann HEDDING, and formerly of Grahamstown. Aged 38 years and 4 months.

The Funeral of the late Mr. Chas. WATSON will leave his late residence, Hill-street, on Sunday next Jan 2nd 1880 [sic] at 3 o’clock. No special invitations will be issued, but all are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

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