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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1880 - 3 - July to September

Monday 5 July 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 22nd June, the wife of W. KEEN, Carlisle Bridge, of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 30th June by Special Licence, by the Rev W.B. Rayner, in the Wesleyan Church, Port Elizabeth, Miss Janet WILSON of Wynberg, daughter of Mr. John WILSON, Dumfries, Scotland, to Christopher BIRKETT Esq, Principal of the Public School, Fort Beaufort.

Friday 9 July 1880

BIRTH on June 30th, the wife of Mr. George PAULING of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday July 7th, after a long and painful illness, William KELLY, aged 72 years.

DIED at Seven Fountains, July 6 1880, after a long and painful illness borne with Christian fortitude, Margaret Catherine CANNON, (born FIGGET), aged 63 years 8 months and 21 days.
Jesus my shepherd is,
‘Twas He that loved my soul,
‘Twas He that washed me in His blood,
‘Twas He that made me whole.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

By the Balmoral Castle’s mail news was received in Grahamstown of the death of a well known citizen under very distressing and somewhat peculiar circumstances. Mr. BRITTAIN, accompanied by his daughter, recently went Home on a visit to the old country. Whilst walking on the banks of the Thames one day with a few friends he loitered behind and was shortly missed. Diligent search was made at once, but without avail. Next day he was found half immersed in and near the spot where last seen. As he had been complaining of giddiness it is supposed he fell into the water, and being unable to rise, was drowned. The falling of the tide revealed the corpse. We tender our sympathies to the large family and friends of the deceased.

Wednesday 14 July 1880

BIRTH at Bedford on July 8th, the wife of Mr. C.B. Cecil ROBERTS of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday 11th July 1880, James Macdonald QUAIT, eldest son of the late Sergeant William QUAIT. HM 91st Highlanders.

The following appears in the advertising columns of the Cape Times, on the 8th inst:-
NOTICE – Mrs. Arthur L. MORRIS begs to acquaint the public that her husband has left his wife and children and gone to Port Elizabeth with another woman, taking with him £150.

On Tuesday afternoon Mr. JOHNSTONE, who has for many years rented the farm “Bellevliet”, near Capetown, died from the effects of having been gored by a bull on the previous day. It would seem that the animal, becoming infuriated at the smell of blood, rushed at Mr. JOHNSTONE and fatally wounded him.

On Monday afternoon last the mortal remains of bandsman J.M. QUAIT, of the 1st City Volunteers, were consigned to the tomb. In response to the invitation sent out during the morning to the volunteers, between 60 and 70 members of the corps put in an appearance, showing the high esteem in which their comrade was held by them, by following his remains to the grave. The coffin was placed on a gun carriage, and about 4 o’clock the cortege started from Church-square, the Volunteers marching with reversed arms, as is usual on like occasions, and the band, nearly all of the members being present, playing very effectively Handel’s “Dead March in Saul”. Deceased, who had for some time been in a delicate state of health, had recently undergone a most painful surgical operation, under which he succumbed. A firing party of 15 men were told off for the volleys at the grave. Deceased was interred in the Presbyterian Cemetery.

A fatal accident on Monday afternoon at Uitenhage is reported by the Chronicle. Mr. William PANNELL, accompanied by a coloured driver (Plaatjes) was proceeding towards the brick kilns in a dray, drawn by oxen. The animals took a wrong turning, and in regaining the road capsized the dray, which fell heavily upon Mr. PANNELL’s head, causing fatal injuries. He died a few minutes after reaching home. Dr VANES, who was passing, was called in, but pronounced life extinct. Deceased was a son of the late Capt. PANNELL.

The following very sad death notice appears in the Volksblad:-
Relatives and friends are informed that it has pleased the Lord to take from us, between the 22nd May and the 2nd June, our five children of the following ages: 8 years and 14 days, 7 years and 23 days, 3 years and 4 months, 2 years and 10 months, 1 year and 2 months. Though it is hard for us to bear this loss we say “Blessed be the name of the Lord”.
Sutherland, 6th June 1880.

It is not often that the Argus condescends to perpetrate a joke. This is the latest attempt on the part of our drear contemporary:- The members of a multitudinous family, who have just arrived in the colony, will, we are sure, forgive a little innocent fun, which they are doubtless used to, on the shipment in one vessel of Mr. J.W. BULTITUDE, Mrs. BULTITUDE, Miss BULTITUDE, Miss A. BULTITUDE, Miss K. BULTITUDE, Master R. BULTITUDE, Master P. BULTITUDE, Master D. BULTITUDE – quite a multitude of them in fact. How many times, we wonder, has this obvious witticism enlivened the monotony of the Arab’s voyage? The same vessel has, curiously enough, brought us another ‘Mr. John PATERSON’.

Friday 16 July 1880

BIRTH at Lovedale on the 9th instant, the wife of H.C. GLOVE of a daughter.

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, West Hill, Grahamstown, on Thursday 15th inst, by the Rev E.D. Hepburn, assisted by the Rev H.S. Barton, Charles HEDDING Esq, Mount Coke, to Mary Elizabeth BUCKLEY: also John Frederick DOLLEY Esq, Uitenhage, to Fanny BUCKLEY, third and fifth daughters of Alfred BUCKLEY Esq, Grahamstown.

DIED on the 4th July at her Residence, Spring Grove, Bedford, Jessie AINSLIE Sen, relict of the late William AINSLIE. Aged 85 years.

Monday 19 July 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th July, the wife of Mr. Recorder BROWN of Kimberley (Griqualand West) of a daughter.

A correspondent writes from East London:- A fearful accident occurred here this (Saturday) morning by which Captain ZEALAND lost his life while crossing the line on foot near the ferry jetty. In the dust he could not see either way. The engine caught him and crushed him to pieces, cutting the top of his head across the eyes clean off. I saw the spot where the poor man was mangled.

Wednesday 21 July 1880

Born Sept. 15, 1805: Died July 13, 1880 (Cape Times)
“William PORTER died yesterday, a week after his brother.” – Such was the sad telegram received yesterday morning in Capetown, by Mr. Frank PORTER, from London. It was known here that Mr. William PORTER had gone to the bedside of the Rev. John Scott PORTER, who was dangerously ill, but that one brief telegram should bring the news of the death of the two brothers is indeed a dreadful shock to their relatives in this land. The flags half-mast high – wherever a flag could be seen in Capetown yesterday – showed how general was the grief of the metropolis, and wherever the news becomes known in South African, whether it be in the Transvaal, the Free State, or the Colonies of England in this part of the world, the same mark of respect will be shown, for no man has ever so gained the affection and admiration of the people of this country as did William PORTER; and in no country has ever such a reputation been more honourably and honestly won. We have only to read the history of the Colony from 1830 to 1885 to see how vast a place he filled in this country’s estimation, and how powerful was the influence which he brought to bear upon its future. He had all the attributes of a popular idol; he was the only orator the Cape has ever known, and his eloquence was based upon benevolence, candour, generosity, and an earnest desire to advance the country of his adoption. In the first Parliament held at the Cape of Good Hope, “Limner,” in the famous pen-and-ink sketches of those days, said of him: “He is frank, free, earnest, ready with his advice when called upon, readily appreciates a practical remark, never sneers at an awkward member.” This kindliness of heart never left him in the heat of debate, in his official work, or in any of his walks of life. Nine years afterwards, notwithstanding that the same writer had in the interval mixed in the political controversion of the day, and was then opposed politically to Mr PORTER, he wrote of him: “The Hon. W. PORTER has all the attributes of a great popular favourite. His tall, commanding figure, fine handsome face, intellectual forehead, easy and graceful manner, would, in themselves, be sure to impress the popular mind in his favour, if he had nothing else to commend him. If he rose in his place, threw back the collar of his coat over his left shoulder, as his custom is, and gave his arm but one single swing, half the House of Assembly would be convinced that the hon. Gentleman’s side was the right side. There is something grand, comprehensive, and eloquent about him that hushes the House into silence from the first moment he catches the Speaker’s eye. Immediately he is on his legs, the members, no matter how engaged before, turn their whole attention to him and drink in, as it were, his words….. Besides the orator there is much in the man to win popular favour and applause. He is generous to a fault, affable by nature, kind-hearted, charitable; with no spark of false pride, and all virtues and accomplishments are manly. None are so poor as to be beneath his notice, and none so clamorous against him that he cannot afford, or is not disposed, to forgive them –
“He doth bestride the narrow world,
Like a Colossus and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs; and peep about.”
To what we have already quoted, we must content ourselves with adding a brief summary of the final scene when Mr. PORTER retired from official life. All that could be done to do him honour was done. On August 17th, [1855], it was announced to Parliament that Mr PORTER was, on account of advancing years, about to retire from the office of Attorney-General, and the Parliament immediately voted that ‘a pension equal to the salary of office should be settled on Mr. PORTER for the remainder of his life.” On Monday, August 21st, Mr. PORTER entered the House of Assembly, and was received by the members standing. The Speaker – Sir Christoffel BRAND – in presenting the resolution at which the House had arrived, sketched the career of the Attorney-General, and did so in the warmest and highest terms of eulogy. Mr. PORTER, in the course of his reply, expressed his surprise at the full salary pension which had been awarded him, and which he had at first determined to decline, but he abandoned that idea in favour of showing that he was not unmindful of the large-hearted liberality to which he owed it. In stirring words the Attorney-General thanked the Parliament for the honour conferred upon him, and when the Act was passed which entitled him to his full salary, he with characteristic generosity, and in fulfilment of his address to the Assembly, secured that portion of his pension in excess of what was due to him under the Pension Regulations towards a scholarship in connection with the University. That scholarship (of some £300 a year) has enabled several colonial students to avail themselves of the Universities with gratifying success. Not only educational, but many institutions of the colony have reason to honour the memory of Mr. PORTER, and his career should stimulate others to exertion. Mr. PORTER commenced life in the mercantile line, and served his apprenticeship to business in Dublin, after which, by his own devotedness to study, he learnt classics and qualified himself for the Irish bar, where he had most favourable prospects, when he accepted the Attorney-Generalship of the Cape. Of his career here, we cannot conclude what we now publish more appropriately, than with his own eloquent acknowledgment of Mr. FAIRBAIRN’s many great services to the Colony. Of Mr. PORTER, as of Mr. FAIRBAIRN, it may well be said:- “In him we recognise the man who made the welfare of his fellow men the study of his life; and their blessings and thanks attend him to his grave.”
“But strew his ashes to the wind,
Whose voice or pen has served mankind.
And is he dead, whose glorious mind
Lifts thine on high?
To live in hearts we leave behind
Is not to die.”

Friday 23 July 1880

MARRIED in St.John’s Church, Mohale’s Hoek, Basutoland by the Rev E.W. Stenson, assisted by the Rev J.W. Stenson, James HAMILTON Esq of Hamilton to Evelina Maria (‘Lily’), younger daughter of the late Captain James SURMON CMR.

A correspondent in this region writes as follows:-
Notwithstanding the present dark and troublous aspect of the political horizon here, occasions of true enjoyment still sometimes present themselves to the anxious inhabitants. Such an one was that at Mohale’s Hoek on Wednesday the 7th inst, when James HAMILTON Esq of the Transkeian Civil Service led to the hymeneal altar Lilly, the second daughter of the late Captain James SURMON of the Cape Mounted Rifles. Everything went merrily as it should do. The bride was escorted to the altar and “given away” by her cousin, W.H. SURMON Esq. RM. She wore white silk, and looked lovely indeed. The bridesmaids, who appeared in very prettily trimmed white alpaca dresses, were Miss Amy SURMON, sister of the bride, and Mary, the daughter of W.H. SURMON Esq. The groomsmen were J.E. SURMON Esq and Lieutenant SUTHERLAND of the Cape Mounted Rifles. After the ceremony in the church, which was performed by the Rev E.W. STENSON, assisted by the Rev John STENSON, the party adjourned to Mr. SURMON’s residence for the customary “breakfast”. This proved to be everything that could be desired. After the breakfast, amidst showers of rice, which must have caused the four prancing steeds to imagine that the Basutos were upon them, the happy couple started for their new home at Idutywa. May their journey through life be strewn with roses!

Monday 26 July 1880

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 23rd July 1880 at the residence of his father, Archibald, eldest and dearly beloved son of Arthur Graham BROWN and Mary McKAY, his wife, aged 5 years and 2 months.
The parents tender their sincere thanks to all kind friends for their sympathy and help during their sad trouble, and especially to Dr. Edwin ATHERSTONE for his patience as a doctor, and kindness as a man.

Wednesday 4 August 1880

MARRIED at Christ Church, Oatlands, by the Rev R.J. Mullins, William Cole Currie, only son of Henry OGILVIE Esq, district of Cradock, to Alice Maria, eldest daughter of the late Alfred OGILVIE Esq of Grahamstown.

MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, on the 3rd inst, by the Rev C.H.L. Packman, Mr. W.H.S. BELL, son of Major BELL, Resident Magistrate of Thlotsi Heights, Basutoland, to Charlotte, second daughter of Geo. WOOD Esq of this City.

DIED at Graaff-Reinet, on the 2nd inst, Alice Margaret, infant daughter of Arthur and Anna Maria BRIGG: aged 6 months.

In common with the whole of Grahamstown we regret to have to report that Dr. WILLIAMSON died yesterday morning at half-past four o’clock. The favourable symptoms which we recorded in our last took a sudden change for the worse on Monday night, after which he never rallied. We mourn the loss of a skilful physician, a courteous and kind-hearted citizen. “The friend of all and the enemy of none”, deeply lamented, in the prime of his life he goes to his rest full of honour. We tender our deepest sympathies to Mrs. WILLIAMSON and the little ones left fatherless.

Friday 6 August 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Friday 6th August, the wife of C.N. De Riberac EDDIE Esq of a son.

DIED at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Thos. TARR, near Clumber, on August 1st 1880, Mrs. Grace BOOTH, relict of Mr. Thos. BRENT Sen. (born ELLIOTT) of Bideford, England, aged 90 years 5 months and 16 days. She was one of the Settlers of 1820. She was greatly afflicted, being unable to leave her bed for more than four years. She bore her sufferings with Christian fortitude and resignation, and died rejoicing in Christ her Saviour.
“Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.”

To the Editor of the Journal,
Sir, As the pilgrim fathers and mothers of this colony are fast passing away from us, and are becoming but few in our midst, I thought, perhaps, you would find room in the Journal for a few words respecting the late Mrs. Grace BOOTH, who departed this life on the 1st inst. She arrived in this colony with her husband, Mr. Thos. BRENT, in the year 1820, and was located in the Bathurst district, where she resided until her death. She was a woman of untiring energy and courage – being left a widow in 1837, with a family of six children, she struggled through the wars and all the disappointments and difficulties incident to the early days of the settlement, bringing up her family respectably, and living not only to see them married and settled in life, but also to see many of her great grandchildren – having lived to the ripe age of ninety years. She was a woman of large sympathies, and many who resided in her neighbourhood remember with gratitude the help and sympathy she gave them in their time of affliction and trouble. She was for many years a member of the Wesleyan Society, and witnesses a godly profession. About four years ago she had an attack of paralysis, and from that day to the day of her death was unable to help herself. She bore her long and wearisome affliction with calmness and Christian fortitude, and died sweetly resting upon her Saviour.
I am &c
One Who Knew Her
Aug 4th 1880.

The funeral of the late Dr. WILLIAMSON MD, on Wednesday last, was largely attended by all classes of the community, and the local Foresters, of which body he was the medical officer.

Wednesday 11 August 1880

BIRTH at East London on the 6th August 1880, the wife of Osborne H. BATE of a son.

DIED on the 20th June, at sea, Charles FARMAN CE, second son of the late Rev. Samuel FARMAN of Layer Marney Rectory, Essex, aged 40 years.

The Herald reports that there was considerable consternation on board the C.R.M.S. Florence, which arrived from Natal on Friday, when it became known that a man named Richard SMITH, who was a passenger from that port to Capetown, had inflicted a frightful gash in his throat, and was nearly dead. He had been drinking heavily, and was believed to have been in a state of delirium tremens. He was removed to the Hospital, where he died soon after being admitted. The deceased, who, we believe, carried on business in Capetown, has been living in Maritzburg. He was a fine looking man, of very gentlemanly appearance, and, according to his certificate of birth, which Inspector CHERRY found in his possession, was born in January 1845.

Friday 13 August 1880

BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown, on 12th August 1880, the wife of Mr. C.T. CROFT of a daughter.

On Wednesday last a large number of persons gathered in Trinity Church to witness the marriage of Mr. POTE, of Somerset East, to Miss Margaret M. SURMON. Miss PAGE and two Misses DICKS made very attractive bridesmaids.

Yesterday Mr. John L. JAFFRAY, aged 70 years, an old and well-known resident of this city, was carried to his “last home”. A large number of citizens followed the remains to the grave, amongst whom were some thirty members of the Good Templars, deceased having been for some time a consistent member of the Livingstone Lodge of that order.

Friday 20 August 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 13th inst, the wife of Mr. G.H. REW of a son.

BIRTH at Highlands on Tuesday the 10th August, the wife of Arthur GOLDHAWK of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown of diphtheria, on the 13th August 1880, Robert McKay, second and eldest surviving son of Arthur Graham BROWN and Mary McKAY, his wife. Aged 3 years and 9 months.
“Suffer little children to come unto Me”.

Wednesday 25 August 1880

DIED at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on the 21st August 1880, Dorothy DRIVER, aged 11 months, daughter of C.H. DRIVER Esq, RM, Glen Gray.

Monday 30 August 1880

DIED at Queenstown, August 29th 1880, Rev Patrick LYDEN. R.I.P.

Wednesday 1 September 2017

BIRTH at Brickwood House, Mimosa Dale, on August 24th 1880, the wife of Wm. KELBRICK of a daughter.

MARRIED by the Rev C. Pettman at Grahamstown on the 26th August, Charles GARDNER of “Mount Pleasant” to Mary Ann FISHER of Salem.

We (Mercury) announce with much regret the death of Mrs. JENKINS, the “Queen of Pondoland” as she was sometimes called. Her influence over the Pondos was very great, and in her death that tribe and the colony have lost a very valuable friend.

The Mercury Advertiser says:- We regret to have to report the death of Mr. Advocate COPE, which took place at his residence, Pine Terrace, yesterday morning. Deceased had passed the allotted span of human life – three score years and ten – being 71 years old when he died. He was a well-known and widely-esteemed colonist. He had practised for many years at the Bar of the Supreme Court, of which he was an able and prominent member. At one time he acted as judge, and it was understood he would receive a permanent appointment, which, however, did not happen. Lately Mr. COPE had been growing very feeble. Some years ago he married Miss HALL, whom he now leaves a widow.

Friday 3 September 1880

We regret to learn that on Wednesday last our esteemed townsman Mr. Wm. WEBB, while driving in a buggy with Mr. THACKWRAY (who at the time was holding the reins), when near Botha’s Hill was thrown out of the trap and severely injured, so much so as to necessitate a resort to crutches for some time to come.

Friday 10 September 1880

BIRTH at Colesberg on the 6th September, the wife of Mr. J. ANDREWS of two sons.

We have to congratulate Mr. Thomas W. GILBERT, of Messrs. STONE and Sons, upon his having satisfactorily completed his articles and passed his examinations for an attorney and notary public. It is gratifying to find so large a number of those who were trained in Grahamstown educational establishments fitting themselves for the high and important position of an attorney.

Monday 13 September 1880

Thomas Poston BIRD, for some time auditor of the East London and Queenstown Railway, has been convicted of the crime of embezzlement to the extent of £40 from the East London Mutual Hall Company, of which he was the Secretary, and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment.

Wednesday 15 September 1880

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. W. McGREGOR, the contractor for the new Free Church at Bedford. The deceased breathed his last on the night of Sunday last, at the age of 60 years. Mr. McGREGOR has resided in Bedford for many years, and is long and honourably known on the frontier.

A “Man and a Brother” rejoicing in the euphonious name of MONKEY, who is suspected of having committed the crime of theft, and for whose apprehension a warrant has been issued by the Resident Magistrate of Cathcart in the Government Gazette: “MONKEY, 5ft 2in high, yellow complexion: slight build: has a habit of always grinning when speaking, also a habit of scratching his belly, which is covered with small pimples caused by the scratching. He is about 19 years of age.” A.P.S. please copy.

Friday 17 September 1880

BIRTH at Burghersdorp on Sunday 5th Sept, the wife of the Rev T.W. POCOCK of a son.

BIRTH at Calderwood Farm, near Alice, on September 14th 1880, the wife of Mr. Jno. E. SLATER of a daughter.

Monday 20 September 1880

BAPTISED on September 17 by Rev J. Walton MA, Arthur Thomas Frere Grey (born August 7 1880), son of T and H.A. HANN of Bathurst-street.

DIED at Sidbury on Sept. 15 1880, Eliza, beloved wife of Thomas CLACK Sen, aged 52 years and 6 months, leaving a large family to mourn their irreparable loss.
The family desire to offer their sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy they have received from all.

DIED at Peddie on the 4th September, Sophia, beloved wife of Joseph STIRK; aged 76 years.

Wednesday 22 September 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 20th September, the wife of Chris. S. WEBB of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday 21st September 1880, Jane Penny, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas LEPPAN, aged 47 years, leaving a disconsolate husband, seven children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Deceased was the eldest daughter of Mr. T.H. PARKER, Queenstown.
The funeral will move from the residence of Mr. T.H. PARKER Jun, Oatlands Road, at 10:00 tomorrow (Thursday) morning. Friends are respectfully requested to attend.

Friday 24 September 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 21st September 1880, the wife of Mr. S.D. CAWOOD of a daughter.

Monday 27 September 1880

MARRIED by Special Licence at St.George’s Cathedral, on Saturday Sept. 25th, Samuel William DELL, captain 1st C.M.Y. to Mary, daughter of Mr. John HAYTON of Grahamstown.


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