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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1880 - 2 - April to June

Friday 2 April 1880

In the Insolvent Estate of James Hamilton CROFT, of Grahamstown.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown on Wednesday the 14th of April 1880 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for Receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

On Wednesday last (says the Diamond Fields Advertiser) a sad accident occurred at the Kimberley mine. It appears that Mr. Wm. STILWELL was getting into the tram tub to be drawn up, when the engine began working too soon. The consequence was that the unfortunate man was severely bruised and knocked about between the tub and the roof before the engine could be reversed and he be let down again. We are informed that his ribs have been displaced, and he is in great danger. Our readers will sympathize, as we do, with him in his sufferings, and with Mrs. STILWELL and family in their intense anxiety.

The death is announced at Uitenhage of Mr. Alexander THOMPSON, at the age of fifty years and eight months. Deceased had resided 28 years at Uitenhage, and was a most enterprising and active man of business. He was much respected, and his death is generally regretted.

Wednesday 7 April 1880

BIRTH at Knysna on the 29th March 1880, the wife of Mrs. A.H. DUTHIE, of Belvidere, of a daughter.

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. M.E. LAWRANCE, wife of Mr. Albert LAWRANCE of this city, and daughter of our esteemed townsman Mr. Jon WEBB, which sad event took place this morning, after a painful illness of two months. We offer our sincere condolence to the bereaved husband and relatives.

DIED this morning, April 7, at Market-square, the residence of her father, May Evans LAWRANCE, aged 22 years and 1 month and 1 day. Deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. Albert LAWRANCE will move from the residence of Mr. John WEBB, Market-square, tomorrow afternoon at four o’clock. Friends are kindly invited to attend.

Friday 9 April 1880

MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel on Monday 5th April, by the Rev C. Pettman, J.R.R. PERRING to Lydia COLLINS, both of this city.

MARRIED on the 8th inst at St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. C.L. Packman, John D. OVERBEEK of H.M.’s Customs, East London, to Clara Harriet, eldest and only surviving daughter of Charles Bagot SMITH Esq (late Deputy Commissary-General) of “Nurney”, near Grahamstown.

The funeral of Mrs. Albert LAWRANCE took place yesterday afternoon. A large number of relatives and friends followed the funeral cortege and the respectful esteem in which the deceased was held was evinced by the closing of several stores and shops as the procession passed.

Monday 12 April 1880

DIED at Grahamstown on the 10th inst, George SLATER, aged 72. Deeply regretted.

A pleasant and familiar presence has been removed from our midst by the death of our much-respected townsman Mr. George SLATER, who expired after a very painful illness, at the age of 72, on Saturday morning last. His funeral, which took place on Sunday afternoon at the Wesleyan cemetery, was largely attended. The service was conducted by the Rev. H.S. BARTON. We shall give in our next issue a more extended memorial of Mr. SLATER, by one of his oldest friends.

In its obituary notice of Judge STOCKENSTROM the Cape Argus says:- Mr. STCKENSTROM married a daughter of the late Mr. G.A. HARZENBERG, who formerly represented Graaff-Reinet in the House of Assembly. When financial misfortunes came upon this gentleman some fourteen years ago, the young barrister took the whole burden of the broken family upon his shoulders, and in their behalf cheerfully made such sacrifices as may never reach the public ear.

On Tuesday afternoon last Mr. ROBERSHAW of the Zwartkops observed the body of a man being washed down the lagoon into his woolwash dam. He at once sent word to the Magistrate, who proceeded to the spot, when it proved to be the body of a white man named William JARVIS, who had been drinking heavily for the last two or three weeks. On Monday week he was apprehended for stealing a bottle of brandy from Mr. TUNBRIDGE’s Hotel, and had not long been released when he was seen in a state of delirium tremens. It is supposed, says the Uitenhage Times, that whilst in that state he either committed suicide or was washed down in attempting to cross the river during the recent rains.

The following is communicated to the E.L. Dispatch:- A sad case of bereavement occurred on the farm od Mr. D. KETTLES, an old Kaffrarian farmer, highly respected, near Hangman’s Bush. Mr. KELLER had two sons at Mr. MULLER’s school in this town, both of whom went home for the Easter holidays. The elder, Edward, was apparently ailing when he got home, but his parents, thinking it was an ordinary cold, applied the usual remedies, but the lad gradually grew worse, and Dr. ROSS, who was sent for from Kingwilliamstown, pronounced it a severe attack of typhoid fever. The poor lad died on Thursday and was buried by Archdeacon KITTON on Saturday, in the presence of many friends. Dr. ROSS is of the opinion that the lad must have been suffering from the disease which killed him at least a week before he left school.

Wednesday 14 April 1880

DIED at Cradock on April 4th 1880, Jeremiah WOODLAND, aged 48 years 5 months and 4 days, leaving a wife and three children, also a number of relatives, to mourn his loss.
The friends of the deceased take this opportunity of tendering their sincere thanks to all those who showed kindness to him during his long illness. Friends will please accept this notice.

On the 2nd April Miss Eliza Power SMAILES, eldest daughter of the Purdon SMAILES, died in Colesberg after a long illness.

We are very sorry to learn that Mr. CURRIN, Poundmaster, and very well-known and respected in this town, is not likely to recover from the very severe attack of illness with which he was lately seized.

The Cradock Register regrets to have to chronicle the death of the late Mr. Jeremiah WOODLAND, so well-known in these parts. He died on Sunday week last after a protracted and painful illness. At the prayer meeting in the Dutch Reformed Church on Sunday evening, the Rev J.P. DU PLESSIS alluded to the circumstances. The departed was well-known among the Dutch-speaking inhabitants of the district. The rev. gentleman spoke in high terms of the consistent Christian of the deceased [sic] and offered a special prayer for his widow and little ones. The funeral took place at 4 o’clock on Monday afternoon, and was one of the largest witnessed in Cradock for a long time past. Messrs. G. ARMSTRONG, J.E. GREEN, A. ZIERVOGEL and W. KIDGER acted as pall-bearers. A good many of the coloured population also followed. The deceased was deservedly respected by all classes of the community, and was in fact everybody’s friend. Amongst those present we noticed the Rev. Messrs. PHILIP and DU PLESSIS, as well as many Dutch friends. A beautiful wreath of flowers, plaited by loving hands, was placed on the coffin. Rev K. GODYE, to whose church the deceased belonged, officiated on the occasion.

The late Mr. George SLATER was about twelve years old when he came to this Colony with the Settlers, in the year 1820. His father, who was an actual Settler and allottee, became a farmer at Salem: and George was his third son. As he grew up he became engaged in trading in Kafirland. He was for some time at St.John’s River, and afterwards traded for a while at Mazeppa Bay. He was one of the very few colonists who have any experience of that very dangerous anchorage; and could give a graphic description of the perils which beset vessels lying in its waters. He was able to offer his experience for the guidance of Government, when during the late Kafir war it was proposed to land troops at Mazeppa Bay. Having remained at that station for about a year and a half, he removed to Morley in the early part of 1846. Here also, in consequence of the outbreak of hostilities, it was impossible to remain: and Mr. SLATER sought security in Natal, taking the route through what is now Griqualand East, but then bore the appropriate name of Nomansland. The country that is now a thriving settlement, rapidly filling up with Europeans and native inhabitants, and dotted with rising villages, was then a desert; and Mr. SLATER’s wagons were attacked by lions during the journey. As soon as it was possible to return he ventured back into Kafirland with two wagon-loads of groceries and provisions for the relief of the various mission families, who were in a state bordering on starvation. During his long stay in Kafirland Mr. SLATER had many adventures and hairbreadth escapes, and it is a matter of regret that in his case, as in that of many of the early Settlers, the stirring incidents of such a career have not been recorded for the instruction of succeeding generations. He returned to the Colony in 1848, and settled first at Quagga’s Flat, and afterwards in 1853 at Assegai River. In 1867 he was elected to represent Albany in the Colonial House of Assembly, and sat until 1873. He also served in the Divisional Council for several years. During the last two years his residence has been in Grahamstown, where he became a member of the Town Council. He was in appearance hale and hearty, and always cheerful, and though 72 years of age at his death, he seemed to bid fair to enjoy life for a considerable time longer. A painful internal complaint was the cause of his death, after much patient suffering. His last request was that he might be buried in the Wesleyan cemetery here; and this request, as we have already recorded, was duly complied with. Mr. George SLATER will be universally missed and regretted amongst us. Few men are gifted with his genial and merry disposition, which made him a favourite everywhere. His true kindness and his willingness rather to suffer wrong than inflict it, will long be remembered. We are loth indeed to have thus to say farewell to another of the fast diminishing remnant of that noble band of men, who laid in cool courage and patient endurance the foundations of the Eastern Colony.

Friday 23 April 1880

MARRIED by Special Licence at Uitenhage on the 20th April 1880, by the Rev W. Llewellyn MA, Joseph William ROBEY of Manley’s Flat to Louisa Catherine, second daughter of the late James CASTLEMAN of Port Elizabeth.

Monday 26 April 1880

MARRIED on Wednesday 20th instant, at Christ Church, by the Rev Wm. Impey, Floretta Mandeville, youngest daughter of Charles RHODES Esq of this city, to Arthur Robert, eldest son of A. CLARENCE Esq, Sheriff of Natal.

Wednesday 28 April 1880

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday 28th inst, Miss Hannah NORDEN, sister of the late Mr. J.D. NORDEN.


Riversdale: Mrs. M. JACOBSON, a son, April 8th.
Capetown: Mrs. J. ALEXANDER, a son, April 13th.
Port Elizabeth: Mrs. G. BROWN, a daughter, April 10th.
Uitenhage: Mrs. F.O. INGGS, a daughter, April 8th.
Bedford: Mrs. O. THORNE, a son, April 15th.
Queenstown: Mrs. J. EDKINS, a daughter, April 17th.
Swellendam: Mrs. A. REID, a son, April 12th.
Capetown: Mrs. C.W. UTTING, a daughter, April 13th.
Sea Point: Mrs. J.A. RHYNHOUD, a daughter, April 14th.
Seymour: Mrs. C. ROBERTSON, twins, April 15th.
Salt River: Mrs. E.A. GOODWIN, a daughter, April 19th.
Capetown: Mrs. STEEL, a son, April 19th.
Bredasdorp: Mrs. J.L. COOPER, a daughter, April 16th.
Kingwilliamstown: Mrs. R. MALCHER, a son, April 16th.

Graaff-Reinet: W. ARMSTRONG to Miss Carolina WIMBLE, April 7.
Zeerust: H.N. GATONBY to Miss M.N. THOMSON, March 24.
Clanwilliam: R.J.J. DU TOIT to Miss H.L. [BEINSKO], March 8.
Capetown: E.H. TAYLOR to Miss Ada CARDINAL, April 7.
Erste River: F.G. ALDERMAN to Miss C. DESSINGTON, April 20.

Rondebosch: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. MOSSOP, April 12.
Kimberley: Mrs. J. FILMER, of Capetown, April 13.
Amalinda: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. TAPSON, April 13.
Port Elizabeth: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. FOOKS, April 12.
Thornkloof Farm: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. NEWCOMBE, April 14.
Graaff-Reinet: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. TULL, April [18].
Cradock: J. WOODLAND, aged 48, April 4.
Capetown: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. ROWLANDS, April 16.
Capetown: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. MORRIS, April 16.
Rondebosch: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. MUSSON, April 8.
East London: W.R. BRUCE, aged [56], April 14.
East London: Mrs. E.W. FERRERS, aged 25, April 23.
Kingwilliamstown: Mrs. C. EASTES, aged 48, April 19.

Monday 3 May 1880

Mr. D. McALENAN, of Oatlands, died suddenly this afternoon in Bathurst Street, of heart disease. Mr.McALENAN is very well known in Grahamstown, and much respected. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss. The deceased was aged 58.

A Natal contemporary says:- Among a shooting party recently at Northdene was a Mr. Robt. ALCOCK. While out in the long grass with his brother sportsmen, this young gentleman accidentally trod upon one of the most venomous of all snakes, a black mamba, about seven foot long. The reptile sprang upon him, and ere he could get out of its way, it bit him on the hip. His horror-stricken comrades tried to shoot the snake, and failing, devoted all their attention to ALCOCK, who by this time began to feel the effects of the poison. Brandy and eau de luce were given to him in large doses, while a Kafir sucked the wound. In about an hour he began to get better, and is recovering. He had a narrow escape from a horrible death, as the mamba is very poisonous indeed, and this mishap should be a warning to all who go shooting to keep an eye open for “snakes in the grass”.

Wednesday 7 May 1880

Yesterday afternoon about 5 o’clock, as a son of Mr. George MARSHALL was crossing palmer’s Bridge, in Somerset-street, he was accidentally run over by a phaeton belonging to a gentleman in town. The little fellow, named Arthur, is only about 5 years of age and is somewhat deaf, which accounts for the accident, as we understand no blame is attributed to the driver. We are glad to hear the boy is not much hurt, and that he is progressing favourably.

Friday 7 May 1880

BIRTH at Tarkastad on the 3rd inst, the wife of Mr. H.T. WAINWRIGHT of a daughter.

DIED at Adelaide, District of Fort Beaufort, on the 2nd inst, after a long illness, John MIDGLEY, aged 46 years 6 months and 2 days, leaving a large family to mourn his loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Wednesday 12 May 1880

MARRIED on the 30th March ultimo at St.Andrew’s Church, Watford, near London, by the Rev. W. Yalden Thomas, Incumbent, H.C. HUNTLEY, Major H.M.’s [10]th Regiment to Sophie Harcourt (Myna), youngest daughter of the late Edward Harcourt LONGDEN Esq, H.E.I.C.S. and niece of Sir James LONGDEN K.C.M.G., Governor of Ceylon.

Friday 14 May 1880

DIED at Oatlands Road on 13th May, Jane Chapman (born EVENS), beloved wife of Thomas Grant STYLES, aged 29 years and 9 months.

A very sad accident, says the P.E. Telegraph, occurred on Saturday last during a cricket match that was played at South-end. Mr. J.P. MURRAY, a blacksmith of Port Elizabeth, was acting as umpire when a ball, vigorously struck, hit him on the temple. He was stunned for a time; but recovering partially, went home, and in the evening felt so much better that he was able to go out. Feeling unwell, he called at his sister’s residence. A doctor was sent for, who treated the injury as one not likely to prove serious. In the night the unfortunate man became delirious and died next morning at six o’clock. Deceased was a quiet young man, about 27 years, and was shortly to have been married. Being a member of No. 5 Company of Price Alfred’s Volunteer Guard he was buried with military honours, and there was a very large attendance of the members of the corps at the funeral, which took place on Monday afternoon. The band also attended and played in very solemn strains the “Dead March in Saul”. A large number of friends of the deceased, who was well-known, also followed his remains to the grave. The funeral cortege was one of the largest that has been seen in the streets of Port Elizabeth for some time.

Monday 17 May 1880

Joined to the joyful news that a further portion of the American’s passengers and crew have been saved, comes the mournful intelligence of the death of Mr. John PATERSON, our distinguished Colonist. After crossing the ocean so many times, it has been his sad fate to be wrecked at last, and though rescued with the rest, yet to meet his death by drowning, in some further disaster of which no particulars have reached us. It is very possible when the full tidings are communicated, that we shall find he has risked his own life in endeavouring to help and succour others. By his untimely end the Colony loses one of its most able citizens, and one who stood in the first rank of its public men. Mr. PATERSON will be universally regretted, and his loss, at a time when his experience and ability were specially needed in the settlement of many most important questions, will be severely felt, and cannot be supplied. None of our Parliamentary leaders had given so much attention to Confederation as the Member of Assembly whose death while returning to his Parliamentary duties we have now to deplore: no-one more fully understood the needs of the Colony in respect of railway extension; and no-one is left who can speak with more authority on finance. Those who differed from him in opinion will none the less cordially join in the expression of sorrow for the calamity which removes Mr. John PATERSON from our midst. While we lament this painful disaster we must also still suffer terrible uncertainty as to the fate of the two remaining boats’ crews which have not yet been heard of. It is so far reassuring to know that a steamer is now in active search of them. We hope and pray that they may soon be delivered from the dread perils and inevitable suffering of a voyage in open boats under a tropical sky, and find themselves once more safe on land, or on the deck of a British man-of-war.

[see entry for 4 June below for an account of the American’s sinking]

Friday 21 May 1880

BIRTH on the 18th ultimo at “The Retreat”, the wife of Capt. T.F. GIBBS of a son.

MARRIED at Maseru on May 11th by the Rev. H.M. Dyke, Charles BRUMAGE of Peka, Basutoland, to Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. A. SIDWELL, Maseru.

The death is announced from Natal of Mrs. GREENSTOCK, eldest daughter of the Bishop of Edinburgh, formerly Bishop of Grahamstown. Mrs. GREENSTOCK’s husband for many years devoted himself to native missions. Only recently Mrs. GREENSOCK returned apparently in good health from a trip to England.

Friday 28 May 1880

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 25th inst, Mrs. W. WENTWORTH of a son.

MARRIED by Special Licence on May 20th, at Queenstown, by the Rev. R. Lamplough, H.B.B. ROBERTS, eldest son of Mr. S.H. ROBERTS, Fort Beaufort, to E.M. STAPLES, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. STAPLES, Grahamstown. No cards.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 25th May, after a long and painful illness, Louisa Jane, the beloved and affectionate wife of Peter Paul PRAED, aged 28 years.
Mr. PRAED and the members of the family desire to return their grateful thanks to their many friends; and most particularly to Mrs. McARTHUR (midwife) for her kind and untiring attention to Mrs. PRAED during her long and severe illness.

The Sporting Times of the 10th April notices in the following the death of the late Mr. A.A. GEARY: “A staunch sportsman, a clever writer, and emphatically a good fellow, poor GEARY, owing to a delicate constitution, had to leave this country and his London literary duties for a more congenial climate and less pleasant journalistic work. He looked us up at our office eighteen months ago, and seemed bright and cheery. We have heard only this week from a friend of his decease. Peace, which he vainly sought for in this life, is now his.”

Wednesday 2 June 1880

DIED at Bishopsbourne, June 2nd, Ruth SHORT, aged 81.

McEVOY, whose leg was broken by falling into Baaken’s River with his cart and horse, had his leg amputated on Thursday last (says the E.P. Herald) but gradually sunk, and died on Saturday.

Friday 4 June 1880

Webster’s Agency
Capetown, Thursday
Teuton arrived at 8 with 20 passengers. For eastern ports: Messrs. GARDINER, HELMORTH, HEISCHER, KAGER, CRAG, MACKINTOSH, BETHUNE, WARD, BUCCOLIE, CREEDE, SUTHITT, Mrs. Misses (2) and Masters (2) ESKER.

[Transcriber’s note: According to the Teuton also landed the passengers from the American (see below) at Capetown.]

Thursday morning.
Below is a condensed narrative by Mr. COX of the P.E. Advertiser of the accident to the American. The accident was due to the breaking of the shaft near the stern, and the starting of the plates occurred about 5am on April 23rd. The donkey engine remained at work pumping, but on the Captain finding that the water gained, the boats were swung out and provisioned. Breakfast was served out in the saloon, but on its becoming evident soon after that the ship was rapidly sinking, the ladies and children were put into the boats. Volunteers then assisted the crew with a will in pumping, and lightening the vessel by throwing coal overboard. All efforts were unavailing, and all on board were ordered to take to the boats, the Captain being the last to leave the deck. At 12:30, an hour after the last boat had got clear, and 7 hours from the first leakage, she sank stern foremost. A course was shaped for Cape Palmas, distant 210 miles, when a fair wind sprung up, and though the weather was fine and the sea fairly smooth, the boats separated. On the following evening a light was seen, and the boat in which the narrator was was picked up by an American barque – the Ernina F. Denman, which had already picked up the captain’s boat. Early on the next morning she also picked up the fourth officer’s boat. The barque then stood for Monrovia and at midnight on the 26th she was overtaken by the steamer Coanza, which put back with rescued passengers to Grand Bassa, where the Liberian Government rendered every assistance. Here they embarked on the Senegal. The passengers (70) and crew suffered much from low nervous fever. On May 12th, while rounding Collzenius, eight miles below Las Palmas and about a mile and a half from the beach, the Senegal struck, and as she was making water fast the captain put her ashore, the bank being very steep. All the boats were lowered safely with the exception of the starboard quarter boat, containing Mr, Mrs, and Miss LORD; Messrs. LEVI, PATERSON, COX, HUMPHRIES and WILKINSON. Someone, without orders, lowered the bow tackle, and the boat was cut in two. Life buoys were then thrown over and a fishing boat near picked up all but PATERSON, who was never seen again. The LORDs had a narrow escape, and WILKINSON lost a finger. PATERSON had remarked to the captain that very morning how well he was.
The following additional particulars about the American are from the journal of Mr. NEWLANDS, who was one of those in the first three boats arriving at Madeira. When the accident occurred the boatswain was lowered over the stern, and reported a hole two feet square below the water line; all boats were lowered and left together, but became separated. The boat in which NEWLANDS was made for Cape Palmas, and reached there at midnight on Sunday April 25th. Before landing, however, they were sighted by the steamer Coanza and were taken on board, when they found that two other boats had already been picked up.

The late fatal accident is thus reported by the Watchman:- On Saturday the 25th ult Mr. William John LAWLER was cleaning his gun – a double barrelled weapon; one charge he had fired off, the other barrel remained unloaded. In turning round, however, the stock of the gun struck against some object in the way, causing the weapon to explode, and the contents were lodged in the pit of the stomach. The unfortunate young man lingered on from one o’clock till twenty minutes to five pm, when he breathed his last, and was interred at Clarksbury on the following Tuesday morning. Mr. LAWLER had only been married about four months, and it is sad to think of a young and promising life being snatched so suddenly away.

Monday 7 June 1880

MARRIED at Middleburg on the 2nd June by the Rev […ge] of Cradock, Walter J. COLLETT, eldest son of John COLLETT of Green Ridge, Cradock, to Berenice, second daughter of George INNES.

Wednesday 9 June 1880

BIRTH at Bedford on the 9th June, the wife of Mr. J.H. CROFT of a daughter.

On Monday last Mr. F. VAN RENSBURG, a young farmer, whilst on his way home to Dikkop Flats with his wagon from Grahamstown market, met with an accident which caused instantaneous death. It appears that he was getting off the dessel-boom when one of the oxen kicked him, and he fell with his head beneath the wheel, which passed over and crushed it. Mr. C. WEBB, Field Cornet, went out yesterday morning to where the accident occurred and enquired into the particulars. Deceased has left a widow and children to whom we tender our sincerest sympathy.

How small an accident may cause death is illustrated (says the Empire) by a painful event which has occurred at Whitby last month. A lady named WOOD slipped down a flight of steps, and falling backwards, the teeth of a comb which bound her hair at the back were forced into her neck and severed the spinal cord, death ensuing almost instantly.

Monday 14 June 1880

MARRIED at St.James’ Church, Graaff-Reinet on the 20th May 1880, by the Rev Canon Steabler, George Lorraine WHITE to Louisa Carlisle CURRIE, stepdaughter of H. HUDSON Esq, C.C.

Last Saturday morning Mr. Henry WATERMEYER, a young man of about twenty one years of age, and son of Mr. Philip WATERMEYER, a Cape M.B., committed suicide on a farm about fifteen miles from Potchefstrom, by placing a pistol to his forehead and blowing out his brains. The fatal act was committed in the garden, a short distance from the house, where the discharge was distinctly heard. What prompted the unfortunate man to commit this rash act is not known.

We, Cape Times, do not remember to have ever seen in this colony so large and heartfelt demonstration of sympathy as was evinced on Wednesday last, when the remains of the late Mrs. MILLER were followed to the grave. Both houses of the Legislature suspended business; the private carriage of the Governor, in which was His Excellency, who was attended by the Hon. Mr. LITTLETON and Mr. DALRYMPLE A.D.C, followed the mourning coaches; and the funeral procession was probably the longest that ever passed under the oak avenue which leads from Mowbray to Rondebosch. The procession left Percy Lodge, Rosebank, shortly before four o’clock, and proceeded to the chapel at the entrance to the new cemetery of St.Paul’s, on the Camp ground. The little chapel was far too small for the many people who were present, but those who were able to obtain admission witnessed a most impressive ceremony. The massive teak coffin, with its simple inscription “Sarah MILLER, born 18th March 1824, died 8th June 1880”, rested on trestles in the body of the church, whilst on the velvet pall was a magnificent wreath of camellias. The burial service was read by Archdeacon BADNALL, who was assisted by Canon OGILVIE, and the service being concluded, the procession proceeded on foot to the grave. The pall-bearers were the Hon. J. Gordon SPRIGG, the Hon. T. UPINGTON, the Hon. J. LAING, the Hon. W. AYLIFF, L. WIENER Esq and J. DYASON Esq. Behind the mourners came Mrs. SPRIGG and Mrs. UPINGTON, carrying wreaths of flowers, and they were immediately followed by His Excellency Sir Bartle FRERE, and the many personal friends of the deceased. Before the coffin was lowered into the grave it was covered with magnificent immortelles and wreaths of beautiful flowers – the largest wreath of everlasting flowers having been sent by Lady FRERE. The flowers were arranged on [the coffin] by Mrs. SPRIGG and Mrs. UPINGTON; [obscured] the final words of the burial service being said, the coffin was lowered into the grave.

Wednesday 16 June 1880

BIRTH at Maseru on the 2nd June 1880, the wife of C.G.H. BELL Esq of a son.

DIED at Durban, Port Natal, John SPRUCE (late of Grahamstown), aged 50 years.

DIED on Sunday June 13th, Thomas Simpson, youngest son of T.J. and M.J. COCKCROFT, aged 1 year 11 months and 7 days.

Wednesday 23 June 1880

We extremely regret to report the death of Mrs. LUNDGREN, which occurred at her residence, in Hill-street, on Monday morning last. It will be fresh in the memory of our readers that she was one of the most severely injured passengers who were upset in the disastrous coach accident which occurred on the first day of the races, held here in May last. She was injured both externally and internally, the latter being of such a nature that, notwithstanding the best medical assistance available was obtained, and the patient carefully nursed and her every want supplied, she finally succumbed to the injuries sustained as stated above. We tender our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved husband and family of the deceased, who we understand have been unremitting in their attention. The funeral took place this afternoon, the Rev J.A. CHALMERS officiating at the grave.

Wednesday 30 June 1880

BIRTH on Saturday 26th June at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. W. HOLLAND of a daughter.


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