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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1877 - 2 - April to June

Tuesday 3 April 1877

BIRTH at Seymour, 22nd March 1877, the wife of Geo. G. MEURANT Esq, R.M. Cathcart, of a daughter.

MARRIED on Thursday 29th March 1877 at St.George’s Cathedral by the Very Rev. F.H. Williams DD, Dean, James Parker WINTER, second son of Mr. George WINTER, to Maria Margaret MARSHALL, second daughter of Mr. John MARSHALL of this city.

MARRIED at Grahamstown by the Very Revd. Dr. Williams, in St.George’s Cathedral on Tuesday the 3rd April inst, Thomas Francis Barry VAN DER REIT to Jessie Dand, third daughter of John HAYTON Esq of this city. No cards.

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday morning the 30th March 1877, Albert Edward SCOTT of Seven Oaks, near Grahamstown.

The Natal Mercury says:- In our obituary notice today we regret to see the loss of another of Natal’s oldest pioneers, Mr. SCHWIKKARD, well known to all our older colonial readers. Mr. SCHWIKKARD came to Natal as far back as 1839 and has had [valued] experience not only up country but on the coast. For some time he carried on business in Greytown, in this Colony, but more recently at Standen’s Drift, Vaal River, where he died on the 15th March, deeply regretted. Possessing a practical knowledge of mining, he had also tried his fortune in Australia and at the Diamond Fields.

We regret extremely to have to record the death of Mr. Albert E. SCOTT, of Seven Oaks. The deceased gentleman came to this colony in search of health a year or two ago, and purchased the beautiful estate of the late Mr. HUME, called Seven Oaks, about nine miles from Grahamstown, which he improved considerably. He endeavoured by turning his attention to [obscured] pursuits to make the remainder of his life as happy as his health would permit, but last week, while in town, he broke a blood vessel and, notwithstanding the vigilant attention of Dr. WILLIAMSON and numerous attached friends he quietly passed away on Good Friday morning, at the early age of 44 years. We understand that besides the Colonial estate the deceased was possessed of considerable property in England.

Friday 6 April 1877

DIED at Palmiet Fontein Police Station on the 28th March 1877, Maria, the beloved wife of James SURMON, aged 41 years.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

DIED at Grahamstown on 4th April 1877, of consumption, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Thomas F. HUTCHINSON, aged 23 years.

A large company assembled at the Cathedral on Tuesday morning, when Mr. Thomas Francis Barry VAN DER RIET of this city, son of the Civil Commissioner of Simon’s Town, was united to Miss Jessie Dand HAYTON, third daughter of Mr. John HAYTON. The Dean officiated at the ceremony and a large company sat down to breakfast at Mr. HAYTON’s residence. We wish all happiness to the newly wedded pair.

Monday 9 April 1877

We regret having to record the demise of Mrs. HOWSOM, the late wife of the commander of the Balmoral Castle. Capt. HOWSON has many friends in the Colony who will deeply sympathise with him in his affliction.

Friday 13 April 1877

BIRTH on Thursday April 12th, Mrs. John Mitford BOWKER of a daughter.

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, on the 12th inst by the Rev. W.H. Price, Miamin, youngest son of the late Capt. M. ANDREW of Redruth, Cornwall, England, to Martha Ann Shaw, youngest daughter of Mr. J.N. DANIEL of this city.

Monday 16 April 1877

DEPARTED this life on the 2nd inst, at Rondebosch, Capetown, Emma, relict of the late Charles HAW Esq, C.C. and R.M. of Graaff-Reinet, aged 57 years.

DIED at Grahamstown 16th instant, Ethel Grace KING, infant daughter of Edward and Susannah KING, aged 8 months 27 days.

Wednesday 18 April 1877

MARRIED at Humansdorp on 11th April by the Rev. W. Llewellyn, Henry John RIGGE, Cape Government Railway Department, to Lucy Mary, third daughter of F.K. DAMANT, [Tzitzokama], Humansdorp

DIED at Grahamstown on the evening of the 16th instant, John Joseph, eldest son of Mr. John WALKER, of Prince Alfred-street, aged 12 years 4 months and 18 days.

A little girl, 18 months, the daughter of Mr. H. [H.] DENTON of Sidbury, in climbing up the stoep of her father’s house, was bitten by a night adder. There were no remedies at home and the child soon became so alarmingly ill that death was apprehended. On sending to the next farm, however, a bottle of Croft’s Tincture was obtained, and applied though after very considerable delay, with the result of saving the infant’s life.

Friday 20 April 1877

DIED at Grahamstown on the 19th April 1877, Hamilton Percy Lawrence infant son of William and N.E. [PAGE] Jun, aged 3 months.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

Monday 23 April 1877

MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s Church by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, on Thursday April 19th 1877, Herbert Melville GUEST to Lucy Charlotte LUCAS.

The undersigned desires to tender his sincere thanks to those kind friends who showed their sympathy for the late sad accident to his sister, Mrs. F. KIDSON. Where all vied with each other in kindness, it is difficult to name each. I beg particularly to return my thanks to Mr. R. PAYNE and family of Botha’s Hill, to Mr. O. ESTMENT and family, to the undertaker Mr. WILL, and Mr. WEDDERBURN, for their great respect to the memory of the deceased, and for trying to alleviate the sufferings of the living, and also to those who attended her remains to their last resting place.
Mount Pleasant, April 1877

DIED by the accidental capsizing of her wagon in descending the Queen’s road, near Grahamstown, on the morning of the 12th April 1877, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. F. KIDSON of Wakelyn, near Queenstown, and second daughter of the late Mr. W. DENTON, aged 53 years 7 months and 10 days, leaving a sorrowing husband and large family to mourn the loss of a most kind and loving wife and mother and a long friend.
In the midst of life we are in death.

BIRTH on April 21st at the Kafir Institution, West Hill, the wife of Rev. Robert J. MULLINS of a daughter.

Wednesday 25 April 1877

KILLED. At Seymour, a Mr. SHARP, the gaoler of that place, foolishly presented a loaded revolver at some Hottentot girls. His aim was good, for on the pistol going off one of the girls was shot dead. SHARP has been taken before the Magistrate, and is now on bail of £1,000.

Mr. HUGGETT, formerly of Adelaide, was found near Cookhuis Drift one day last week with his throat cut. Deceased had been unfortunately addicted to intemperate habits, which, as the post mortem showed, had resulted in a softening of the brain, and consequent mental derangement. The melancholy deed was committed while under a paroxysm of cerebral excitement occasioned by the cause before mentioned.

On Thursday last as Mr. DU PLESSIS was conveying a waggon load of wood along the road leading from LOVEMORE’s on the Klaas Smidt River to Queenstown, he was overtaken by a heavy thunderstorm, the lightning struck the leader and killed him, then passing along the trektow it killed six of the oxen also. Mr. DU PLESSIS fortunately escaped. The oxen are still lying on the flat – the natives don’t care to touch them for the purpose of skinning and the aasvogels won’t eat their flesh.

Monday 30 April 1877

DIED at Grahamstown 28th April 1877, Edward, youngest twin son of [S].B. and M.A. SHAW, aged two weeks and two days.
Gone to be with Jesus
He shall carry the lambs in His bosom

Wednesday 2 May 1877

MARRIED on the 28th April by the Rev J.A. Chalmers, George CHADWICK to Henrietta Marian SPENCER, both of this city, formerly of England.
Australian papers please copy.

Our neighbour, Mr. GRAINGER, of the Gun and Rifle Factory, entered into the bonds of matrimony this morning at St.George’s Cathedral. We wish the bride and bridegroom all happiness. Four other weddings took place this morning.

Friday 4 May 1877

BIRTH at Waterloo House, Grahamstown, May 4th 1877, the wife of Mr. P.H. POTE of a son.

MARRIED on Wednesday 2nd May by the Rev. W. Price, at Commemoration Chapel, Robert Garrett TORBET of Capetown to Emily, fourth daughter of the late Mr. B.M. SHEPPERSON of Grahamstown. No cards.

MARRIED on the 3rd May 1877 at the Commemoration Chapel by the Rev W.H. Price, Henry Mortimer, fourth son of the late Mr. Henry HILL, of Salem, to Agnes Margaret, only daughter of Mr. John DOLD of Grahamstown. No cards.

We (Argus) regret to have to announce the death on the 28th isn’t of the Hon. Daniel CLOETE MLC, at the early age of forty-four. The event was expected for some time past, and on more than one occasion it was reported that the end had come, but Mr. CLOETE lingered on till Thursday, when he expired. The deceased was a man of much energy, and conducted a large business as a brewer. He was considered as very liberal by those in the liquor trade who had dealings with him, and he exercised a good deal of influence in that department of business. A few years ago he was returned to the Legislative Council on what was called the Conservative platform, but in the Legislature his votes were generally given free from partisan spirit. His loss will be much felt by a wide circle of friends.

Monday 7 May 1877

BIRTH at Fern Villa, Grahamstown on the 4th May 1877, the wife of Mr. Tom KING of a son.

MARRIED on Wednesday May 2 1877, in St.George’s Cathedral by the Very Rev. F.H. Williams, Dean of Grahamstown, Mr. John GRAINGER to Mrs. Esther M. STOPFORD, both of England.

Monday 14 May 1877

DIED May 12th at her residence, High-street, after a lingering illness borne with resignation, Elizabeth, wife of Peter Fraser GATONBY, aged 61.

Wednesday 16 May 1877

We (Cape Mercury) announce with regret the death of Mrs. Major ELLIOTT, which took place in Tembuland last week. Mrs. ELLIOTT had scarlatina on the way to East London, and then nursed her children attacked by the same disease, two of whom died at East London, but whether he died from the fatigue of this nursing and the journey, or had a relapse, we have not heard. It is said that Major ELLIOTT will return to the colony immediately.

On Saturday last a deep gloom was cast over the community of Middelburg by the announcement of the sudden and unexpected death of J.W. MONTAGU Esq at Tafelberg, early in the morning.

Friday 25 May 1877

DIED on the 13th May at the residence of Mr. John S. DISTIN, Tafelberg, district of Middelburg, John Charles Worsley MONTAGU, aged 27.

Wednesday 30 May 1877

BIRTH at Smithfield, OFS, on the 22nd instant, the wife of Mr. J.H. FRANK of a son.

BIRTH on Tuesday May 29th, at the Drostdy, the wife of Mr. P.J. MAUER of a daughter.

Friday 1 June 1877

MARRIED on the 19th inst at St.John’s, Notting Hill, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London, assisted by the father of the bridegroom and the Rev. John Gell, the Rev. H.F. MACDONALD, Minister of St. Paul’s, Leamington, eldest son of the Rev. T.M. MACDONALD, Prebendary of Lincoln and Rector of Kersal, Manchester, to Susan Helen, eldest daughter of Jonathan AYLIFF Esq JP, of Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope
[Transcriber’s Note: This marriage took place in St.John’s, Notting Hill on 19 April 1877 and was between Henry Francis MACDONALD and Helen Susan AYLIFF]

MARRIED by ante nuptial contract at Sand Flats on the 24th May, by the Rev William Llewellyn, Albert FOWLER of the firm of PULLETT and FOWLER of Uitenhage, to Emily, eldest daughter of William THOMAS Esq JP of Hillary Farm, Bushman’s River. No cards.

Monday 4 June 1877

BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown on Thursday 31st May, the wife of M.B. SHAW Esq, RM, Shawbury, St.John’s Rectory, Transkei, of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday 2 June 1877, Mrs. Robert KING of a daughter.

Our readers will have noticed in the usual place the announcement of the marriage in London of Miss Susan Helen AYLIFF, eldest daughter of Jonathan AYLIFF Esq, our esteemed townsman, to the Rev H.F. MACDONALD, vicar of St.Paul’s, Leamington. We shall not be too late some weeks after the event in wishing all happiness to the bride and bridegroom, as well as a speedy return to Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF.

Monday 11 June 1877

The distressing intelligence has reached Queenstown that Mr.J. BLAKELY, well known there, had shot his wife. It is said they had just returned to the house from a walk up the garden when a Mr. COX heard the report of a gun from an adjoining room; rushing in he saw Mr. BLAKELY with a double barrelled shotgun in his hand, and Mrs. BLAKELY lying on the ground with a part of her face blown away. He seized the gun and fired off the other barrel. Mr. BLAKELY remained in the room, and Mr. COX was afraid to go in because he had a revolver with him. Information was at once sent to Dordrecht, and we anxiously await further particulars.

Wednesday 13 June 1877

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, 12th June 1877, by Rev. W. IMPEY, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions, father of the bride, assisted by Rev R. Lamplough, Alfred ALEXANDER of Cirencester, England, to Frances Patton IMPEY of this city.

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 12th June 1877, by the Rev. J. Edwards, John William, eldest son of the late William WATSON of Somerset, to Emily Jane, third daughter of Samuel WILMOT of Spring Vale.

Yesterday, at Commemoration Chapel, the marriage took place of Miss Fanny IMPEY, daughter of the Rev. W. IMPEY, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions, to Alfred ALEXANDER Esq, lately from England. The ceremony was performed by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Robert LAMPLOUGH, and the bride was given away by Henry WOOD Esq. There were six bridesmaids, and the bride was attired in white cashmere, with the usual bridal adornments. The tout ensemble of youth and beauty was very complete and interesting. A large company assembled at the house of the father of the bride, to breakfast, after which the happy pair left town.

Friday 15 June 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday the 14th June 1877, the wife of Mr. William WALKER of a son.

Monday 18 June 1877

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on the 13th inst by the father of the bride, assisted by the Venerable Archdeacon of Grahamstown, Bruce Albyn PATERSON Esq MLA to Gertrude Emily, second daughter of the Rev. M. NORTON of Christ Church, Grahamstown.

DIED at Hill-street, Grahamstown, June 17th, Edmund Charles, only child of Robert and Elizabeth HOWARTH; aged six months and one day.

Wednesday 20 June 1877

BIRTH at “The Oaks” on the 18th instant, the wife of Hugh Campbell HUNTLEY of a daughter.

MARRIED at the Baptist Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Rev W.H. Price, Wesleyan Minister, on the 13th June 1877, William Thomas SAMPSON to Jessie Jane BROOKSHAW, both of this city.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 18th June 1877, Mrs. C.C. PERRING, aged 31 years and 6 months.
The relations tender their sincere thanks to Dr. BEKER and friends for their great kindness to her during her long and painful illness.

Wednesday 27 June 1877

BIRTH at Mount Pleasant, Bushman’s River, on the 24th June 1877, the wife of Mr. H. W. DENTON of a daughter.

We regret to learn just before going to press that Mr. William CAWOOD, of Cradock, is reported by a telegram just received to be dangerously ill.

Friday 29 June 1877

DIED on Thursday 28th June 1877, at Oatlands, Grahamstown, James Herbert Walter, eldest son of J.W. and J.E. HANCOCK, aged 2 years and 22 days.

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