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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1877 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 2 January 1877

In the Insolvent Estate of William Henry GRAVETT
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to an confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Albany at his office, Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 17th January 1877 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned on or before the above date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Thos. HOLLAND, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 12th December 1876

Monday 8 January 1877

The United Albany Brethren Benefit Society
The Brethren will meet at Chubb House tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at [number obscured by ink blot] o’clock to proceed thence to the late residence of deceased Bro. Benj. HALL, West Hill.
Geo. SHAW, Secretary
8th Jan 1877.

MARRIED at Southwell on the 3rd January 1877, by the Rev Mr Stumbles, Mr. Samuel DONKIN of Lombards Post to Miss Sarah Elizabeth WALKER of Paarde Kraal.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday evening, 7th inst, Mr. Benjamin HALL, aged 87 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
The Funeral of the late Mr. HALL will leave his residence, near St.Andrew’s College, tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5 o’clock pm. Friends are invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker

DIED on Wednesday the 27th December 1876, at Spring Grove, Bedford, the residence of her sister Mrs Wm. AINSLIE, Isabella PRINGLE, in the 86th year of her age.

Amongst recent arrivals in this city is that of Mr. R.P. RYLAND, Surgeon-Dentist, who intends to settle in this city, and pay periodical visits to Fort Beaufort, King Williamstown and Queenstown. This gentleman comes direct from London with all the latest appliances and improvements for painless dentistry. For further information we direct attention to a leaflet containing extracts from The Times, Lancet &c in reference to Mr. RYLAND’s introduction of laughing gas &c.

We regret to note the death of Mr. Robert HALL, one of the oldest and respected members of the Albany Brethren Benefit Society. It will be seen that the funeral takes place tomorrow.

Wednesday 10 January 1877

WE (Courant) are sorry to announce the sudden death of Mr. Theunis VAN AARDT of Driefontein, in this neighbourhood. This took place on New Year’s Day night. A party had met there to celebrate the occasion, and Mr. VAN AARDT appeared in his usual health and spirits. About 8pm, feeling fatigued, he retired to rest, and about 12 o’clock someone entering the room found him dead. Apoplexy seems to have been the cause of death. It is said deceased had two slight attacks previously.

Monday 15 January 1877

Mrs. GLANVILLE, mother of T.B. GLANVILLE Esq, died at Plymouth on the 26th November last, at the advanced age of 87 years.

We (Cape Mercury) regret having to announce the death of Miss PRINGLE, of Lyndoch, sister to the late Mr. Dods PRINGLE, which took place last week. Miss PRINGLE was one of those who occupied herself with woman’s noblest work, home duties, and gained the affection of all who had the privilege of her acquaintance.

Wednesday 17 January 1877

BIRTH at Bedford on the 10th inst, the wife of Mr. W.H. WEBBER of a daughter.

A third meeting in this estate, in which the insolvent was acquitted on Monday by Mr. Justice DWYER on a charge of culpable insolvency, was held before the Acting Magistrate this morning. The insolvent appeared. A claim was proved of Mr. James GIBSON’s (open) £107:17s:6d, to be subject to investigation. The report of the trustee was read and Mr. STONE moved its adoption, and that the landed property be sold at credit of three and six months, which was carried, Mr. AYLIFF for the insolvent requesting it to be noted that he objected to the report.

Friday 19 January 1877

BIRTH at Seymour, Stockenstrom, on 11th January, the wife of Mr. N.H. SMIT Jun of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday evening, 7th inst, Mr. Benjamin HALL Senr, aged 87 years, leaving a large family. A native of Bath, Somersetshire, and one of the British Settlers of 1820.
English papers please copy.

Monday 22 January 1877

MARRIED on Thursday 18th January at Trinity Church, King Williamstown, by the Venerable Archdeacon Kitton, assisted by the Rev Jno. Gordon, J.P. DE WET Esq, Solicitor-General, to Emma S. FULLER, eldest daughter of Jas. FULLER Esq of Thornlands, Kaffraria.

DIED at Bedford on the 19th instant, Sarah Elizabeth, the beloved wife of W.H.D. WEBBER, aged 20 years.

In our obituary today will be found the death of Mrs. WEBBER, eldest daughter of Mr. Francis KING of [obscured] Farm, district of Bedford. Many of our readers will feel great sympathy for the family in this [obscured] grief. Mr. KING was in town last week and was called home suddenly, but he arrived too late [to see] his much loved daughter [obscured].

Wednesday 24 January 1877

The Watchman reports: On Thursday morning last Trinity Church and grounds were crowded to witness the marriage ceremonial between J.P. DE WET Esq, Solicitor-General, and Miss Emma S. FULLER, eldest daughter of James FULLER Esq of “Thornlands” in this District. The bride was dressed in white silk and was followed by the bridesmaids, five in number (exclusive of two young sisters), dressed in book muslin, lavender trimmings, and rosebuds and bouquets. On reaching the foot of the chancel, the Rev J. GORDON, Acting Military Chaplain, read the first portion of the marriage service, the concluding sentences being delivered by the Ven’ble Archdeacon KITTON, at the Communion rail. The bridesmaids were Miss BERTRAM, Miss BLAKEWAY, Miss KETTLES, Misses FULLER (two). The groomsmen Messrs T.E. MINTO, Gordon H. STONE and two brothers of the bride. After the ceremony was over the wedding party returned to the residence of Mr. H.T. FULLER, D’Urban-street, and after a light refreshment there the happy couple proceeded to “Balfour”, in the district of Stockenstrom. The guests proceeded to “Thornlands”. Mr. WHITAKER officiated as organist at the Church, and played the “Wedding March”. We wish Mr. and Mrs. J.P. DE WET every happiness.

Monday 29 January 1877

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday January 24th 1877, Adelaide, the beloved daughter of John and Celia Jane HILL, aged 26 years.
The family tender their sincere thanks to Dr.BECKER for his unwearied care and attention, and also to all friends for their kindness and sympathy during her protracted illness.

The death is announced at George of the Rev. A.G.M. KAYE, and by it the district of Mossel Bay is described as having suffered an irreparable loss.

An unfortunate named Ellen NORMAN was found dead by her bedside in Capetown last week. An inquest was held on her body the same day, and Dr. ROSS certified that death was due to apoplexy.

The first departure of the Scotch emigrants expected for this Colony was to take place in this month, the Emigration Agent having arranged to forward the families by the sailing ship Tantallon Castle, belonging to Messrs. Donald CURRIE & Co.

Wednesday 31 January 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on January 29th 1877, the wife of the Rev. John A. CHALMERS of a son.

DIED at the Parsonage, Peddie, at 12 noon on Friday the 19th January 1877, the Rev. William VERITY, Pastor of the parish of Peddie, aged 46 years 9 months and 23 days, deeply and sincerely mourned and regretted by a widow and eight sorrowing children, his relatives, and numerous friends.

Last Monday evening (says the Argus) a fatal accident occurred at the docks. While Mr. T. COLLINS, a passenger from Algoa Bay to England by the European, was crossing from the Teuton to that steamer, he missed his footing and was precipitated into the water. He was reached in a very short space of time, but life had died, and it is presumed that in falling the deceased must have struck his head against the steamer’s side.

Our respected young townsman, Mr. G.V. DAVIES, was married this morning at St.George’s Cathedral to Miss COGAN, also of this city. We wish the wedded pair all happiness.

Friday 9 February 1877

LAWRANCE, Joseph, Church-square
POTE, Peter, Church-square
Drapery Warehouses:
BIRCH & COPELAND, Bathurst-street
HOWSE, REYNOLDS & Co, Bathurst-street
RYALL, KING & KING, Church-square
MACPHERSON, D, Bathurst-street
HEPBURN, F.W., Bathurst-street
Fancy Goods:
MUNDY, S., Church-square
Books, Music & Stationery:
RICHARDS, SLATER & Co, Church-square
Florist & Seedsman:
VROOM, J.J., nurseryman, Oatlands
Coach, Cart & Carriage Builders:
WEDDERBURN, J (established 21 years) New Street
Bakers and Confectioners:
DICKS, Joseph, Somerset-street, near the stone bridge
Diamond Broker:
BARR, Fred., High-street, near the Post-office
Boot and Shoe Warehouse:
BLACKBEARD, G.F, Bathurst-street
Government Surveyor:
GILFILLAN, Grahamstown
House Painters & Paperhangers:
LEVINGS, J, Bathurst-st, next London Studio

Wednesday 14 February 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 10th instant, the wife of Joseph LAWRANCE of a son.

MARRIED on the 10th inst at St.George’s Cathedral by the Very Rev the Dean of Grahamstown, Felix James CORNUEL, late of Hammersmith, London, to Amelia Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. A.B. BENN of this city.

Friday 16 February 1877

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Bathurst, on the 15th February 1877, by the father of the bride, Jesse Spicer HONEY to Marion, daughter of the Rev. John WILSON

Monday 19 February 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown, February 12, the wife of Mr. DOUGLAS of Heatherton of a son.

DIED at Collingham on the 15th inst, James William, infant son of Stephen KING and Francis WENTWORTH, aged 15 months and 15 days. “Folded for ever”.

An old man of 90, named Tommy MOLE, who got leave of absence from the Old Somerset Hospital, Capetown, for a few days, appears to have walked into the sea, as his body was found afterwards much mutilated on the beach near Salt River.

Friday 23 February 1877

DIED on Monday 19th February at West Hill, Grahamstown, Francis Edward, second son of the Rev. F. Gilbert WHITE, curate of Highweek, Devon, aged 16 years.

We regret to announce the death of the Rev. Gardner SCATES, Wesleyan Minister, who died of [obscured] fever on the 15th instant at Bloemfontein, to which place he had gone from Kimberley for a change of air. From the particulars handed us we learn that he was received as a candidate for the ministry in 1868, and was then admitted to the Missionary College, Richmond, where he remained three years, winning a high reputation for diligence, ability, and successful [study]. In 1871 he was sent out to Capetown and Mowbray, where he laboured with natives..[obscured] and in 1876 was [obscured] to the Diamond Fields. Here he sustained his high reputation as a pastor and preacher, and had entered upon the second year of his ministry in the Circuit, when he became indisposed, and it was thought advisable that he should visit Bloemfontein for a change. The progress of his malady was slow, and he was even able to officiate [obscured] at Trinity Wesleyan Church, but afterwards it became more developed and ultimately proved fatal. He leaves a widow and one infant child, who were not able to reach Bloemfontein in time to see him before he died.

Wednesday 28 February 1877

DIED at Fort Beaufort, February 21st, after a short illness, Susan, the beloved wife of Chris. BIRKETT, Principal of the Undenominational School.

DIED suddenly on the 23rd January, at the residence of her father, John ALLEN Esq, Ivybridge, near Plymouth, England, Mrs. Amelia SLATER, wife of the Rev. Wm. Paull SLATER, Governor of the Wesleyan College, Taunton.

DIED at Seven Fountains, February 22nd 1877, Esther Cathrine, aged 1 year 4 months and 28 days, daughter of Robert and Eliza SHORT.
She has braved cold Jordan’s billows
And has passed through deaths alarms
She is free from every sorrow
In the Saviour’s loving arms.

Monday 5 March 1877

MARRIED by special licence on the 2nd instant, by the Rev. J.A. Chapman, Mr. P. AMM to Mrs. H. PALMER.

Friday 9 March 1877

BIRTH at Shadwell, Zuurberg, on Monday 5th March 1877, the wife of Mr. Samuel WEBSTER of a daughter.

In the Intestate Estate of William OGILVIE
Notice is hereby given that the account of the above Estate will be in the office of the Resident Magistrate, Albany, for fourteen days from this date for inspection by all [concerned].
For Self and Co-Executor
Estate late William OGILVIE
Grahamstown, 7th March 1877.

Wednesday 14 March 1877

BIRTH on the 12th inst at Oatlands, the wife of J.G. KOTZE, Barrister-at-Law, of a daughter.

MARRIED at Somerset East, on the 7th inst, by the Rev. Arthur Brigg, assisted by Rev. Johnstone, J.S.B. HOLDEN, youngest son of Rev. W.C. HOLDEN, to Ada, daughter of Mr. Thomas BROWN. No cards.

Wednesday 21 March 1877

DIED on Monday March 19th 1877, at the residence of Mr. W. PAGE, Hill-street, Grahamstown, after a long illness, Mary, daughter of the late Mr. Henry LATHAM, aged 48 years.

This morning a great deal of excitement was caused in the town by a report that a man had been killed in New-street. It appears that one “Patsy” quarrelled with a young man named BROWN, and they stood up to fight. It is said that BROWN kicked “Patsy”. The latter was seen to fall suddenly, and was taken up dead. BROWN is in custody. There are no marks on the deceased. Both men were in liquor.

Friday 23 March 1877

Resident Magistrate’s Court
One BROWN, a navvy, was charged with culpable homicide in having caused the death of Bartholomew MITCHELL, another navvy, by knocking him down during fight in New-street on Wednesday morning….

Wednesday 28 March 1877

BIRTH on the 25th instant, the wife of Mr. Arthur JUBB of a son.

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