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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1877 - 3 - July to September

Friday 6 July 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th inst, Mrs. J. Ogilvie NORTON of a son.

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Rev W.H. Price, on the 5th July 1877, Alfred Charles, fourth son of G. CLARK of Sho Shong, to Amelia Eliza, second daughter of G.F. BLACKBEARD Esq. No cards.

We have to record the death of an old and much respected inhabitant of Kaffraria, Mrs. WHITCHER, of Keiskamma Hoek, at the age of 62 years. Mr. and Mrs. WHITCHER came to this Colony some seventeen or eighteen years ago, and established themselves in business at the Hoek, where they have been resident ever since. – Kaffrarian Watchman

Monday 9 July 1877

On Sunday evening last one of the oldest and most respected residents of Cradock, Mr. William CAWOOD, departed this life, at the ripe age of nearly seventy eight years. He was one of the Settlers of 1820, and wit them endured the numerous hardships and dangers which encompassed them on all sides, during very many years. When he first [poured] over the site of this town in 1823, it was not then established, and the grass was growing several feet high where our dwellings now stand. Since then he has resided here for more than thirty years, and been concerned in everything conducive to the improvement of the place. As a Municipal Commissioner he devoted very many years to the service of the town, and was in every sense an example to his fellow townsmen. Of late years age had begun to tell upon him, and he withdrew from the public positions he had held so long and with so much credit. He was of a quiet, retiring disposition, and very much liked by all who had any dealings with him, and certainly, if we may judge by the extent to which his name had become known throughout this and the adjoining districts, no idler in business. The funeral took place on the afternoon of Monday last, and was attended by a very large number of people, including very many of the farmers, with whom the deceased was always a great favourite. There could not have been less than from 170 to 200 persons in the procession. The burial service was read by the Rev. E. LONES, and at the close of proceedings the Rev. J.H. DU PLESSIS delivered a short and impressive address in Dutch. In closing this very brief reference to an event which has plunged a large and much respected family into deep affliction, we cannot help saying that although the deceased had of late years retired from taking any very active [part] in the events transpiring around him, the older inhabitants will not forget how much he did for this town when there were but few hands to assist in the work, and will deeply regret the loss of such an old and esteemed friend. – Cradock Register.

Wednesday 11 July 1877

BIRTH on the 23rd June last, the wife of Mr. A.H. DUTHIE of Belvedere House, Knysna, of a son.

The Cape Mercury reports:- We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Henry SPARKS of Sparkington. Mr. SPARKS was well known as one of our most enterprising frontier farmers. We believe that he was the first to import wire fencing in the district, and also the first to export his own wool. He attended the shooting match at Port Elizabeth, where he was attacked with dysentery, which, combined with the effect of a previous fever which he contracted at the Fields, caused his early death. Mr. SPARKS leaves a very large circle of friends to mourn his loss, and the entire community will miss him.

Monday 16 July 1877

BIRTH on the 16th instant, Mrs. Henry HAYTER of Hilton of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th inst, the wife of H. DUGMORE of a son.

We regret to record the death on Wednesday last of the only child of the Rev. W.A. JOUBERT of this town. The little girl was 9 months old. Diphtheria was the cause of death. We tender the parents, who have lost their two children in Alice, our sincere sympathy. – Times

On Thursday it was reported to the Magistrate that Andries, a Hottentot boy of about 13 years of age, had been killed by falling from the wagon of his master, Mr. Barnard GERBER. The accident occurred on the other side of Gollad’s Kraal. Both wheels of the wagon passed over the boy’s neck, killing him on the spot. The body was duly examined by the District Surgeon, and report made accordingly. – G.R. Herald.

The Cape Mercury reports:- Bro. Henry SPARKS, and Lieut. in the Kaffrarian Volunteers, was buried yesterday afternoon, a large company of mourners being present. First in the procession came the Masons, then a firing party of Volunteers under Lieut. M. WILLIAMS, and, following the hearse, relatives and citizens of all ranks from the Resident Magistrate down, and a great many Volunteers under Commandant LONSDALE. The coffin was taken to the Village Wesleyan Chapel, where a service was conducted by the Rev. William IMPEY, general Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions, and at the grave the Rev. Mr. REYNER officiated, and the W∴M∴ of the Kaffrarian Lodge, Mr. G.P. PERKS, read the masonic service, all the brethren throwing sprigs of acacia into the grave, after which a salute was fired by the Volunteers.

Monday 23 July 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday the 19th inst, the wife of Chris. S. WEBB of a son.

MARRIED on Wednesday the 18th July at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev. W. Tyson, John Andrew, second son of the late Mr. C.E. SHAMROCK to [obscured] Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. J. HOLMES, both of this city.

Friday 27 July 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. Thomas SMALLMAN of a son.

Captain John CARR, formerly of the 10th Regiment of Foot, and lately of Kimberley, has died in the Hospital at Bloemfontein, and been buried with military honours by direction of the President.

An Englishman named William ROBERTS, recently employed on the Beaufort West Extension Railway, has died in the Railway Hospital at [Worcester] from injuries that he had received in his head during a fight with a coloured man, who was also employed on the railway works at Hex River.

Wednesday 1 August 1877

DIED on the 21st May 1877 at "Boltons Walls" Caledon, County Tyrone, Ireland, the residence of her son-in-law Charles PRINGLE Esq, of heart disease, Anne, relict of the late Lieut. and Adjutant John GORDON, HM 91st Regt, aged 64 years.

DIED at Parra Kraal, near Grahamstown, after a long and painful illness, Mr. Henry GODFREY Senr, aged 64 years and 6 days. Friends please accept this notice.

Friday 3 August 1877

DIED at Grahamstown, August 1st 1877, Archibald John, the beloved only son of Ben and S.J. JOHNSON, aged 7 months and 22 days.
Mr. and Mrs. JOHNSON beg sincerely to tender their thanks to the many kind friends who assisted them during the illness of their late and beloved son.

Wednesday 8 August 1877

BIRTH on the 7th inst at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. B.D. GODLONTON of a daughter.

Monday 13 August 1877

DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th August 1877, John HILL, in the 78th year of his age.
The Funeral of the late John HILL will move from his late residence, Market-square, tomorrow, Tuesday, afternoon at half past 3 o’clock precisely. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Friday 17 August 1877

BIRTH at Oatlands on Saturday the 11th, Mrs. Henry WOOD of a son.
Grahamstown, 13th August 1877.

MARRIED on Wednesday the 15th inst, at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. J.A. Chalmers, Samuel William, eldest son of Mr. S.D. LONG of this city, to Esther Eliza, only daughter of Mr. William MARSH of Keiskamma Mouth.

DIED on Sunday night at Blackwoods, Eland’s Post, James Mirrlees, eldest child of John and Helen LAING, aged 3½ years.

The Cape Mercury has given eloquent notices of the decease of this gentleman, the dispenser of the hospital at King Williamstown, who has died suddenly. It says: The funeral was the largest we have seen in King Williamstown, most of the shops and stores being closed. The pall was borne by the Resident Magistrate and Messrs. BAKER, BATE and TOWNSEND. Amongst the followers were the clergy of all denominations, members of the Civil Service, and representatives of all the societies and institutions, the boys of the Public School, and many natives from Brownlee Mission Station. On entering Trinity Church the choir sang Hymn 350 – “When our hearts are bowed with woe”, after which the Ven. the Archdeacon of Kaffraria read the Psalm and Lesson. At the conclusion the choir sang Hymn 401 – “Now the labourer’s task is o’er”, and at the grave the Archdeacon read the remainder of the service.

Wednesday 22 August 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 20th August, the wife of Mr. J.M. GIBSON of a son.
Grahamstown, August 22nd 1877.

MARRIED at St. Mark’s, Transkei on the 12th July, the Rev. H.J. MITCHELL to Julia, second daughter of [Archdeacon] WATERS

The Express reports: It is our painful duty to record the decease of the Rev. J.H. CLOETE, Minister of the D.R. Church at Ladybrand, at the early age of thirty six years. The reverend gentleman, who but a few months ago had accepted the requisition of the Dutch Reformed congregation at Ladybrand, was to have been installed on the 21st ult.

Tuesday 28 August 1877

DIED on Saturday the 18th August, at the residence of her daughter, Somerset-street, Grahamstown, Mrs. Ann SANDERS, relict of the late Lieutenant SANDERS, Royal African Corps, aged 83 years.

The Standard and Mail reports: A deplorable accident occurred on the Camp Ground, Capetown, on Saturday, by which a promising boy, a son of the late Mr. R. SAVAGE, met his death. From what we have been able to gather it appears that Master SAVAGE, together with some of his playmates, had amused themselves with making a hole in the side of a sand bank. At dinner time the other boys left for home, but SAVAGE remained behind, and is supposed to have continued the work, for on the return of his companions they were horrified to find that in the meantime the earth over the hole had fallen in and their late playfellow had been smothered by it. The deceased was only twelve years of age, and the accident has caused a feeling of profound regret in the neighbourhood where it happened.

Friday 31 August 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 28th August, Mrs. R. TILLARD of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown, on 30th August 1877, the wife of Mr. W.V. STOKES of a daughter.

Monday 3 September 1877

DIED at Kinsale, Ireland on 27th June 1877, Major WARREN, late 12th Regiment.

The Advertiser reports: We regret to report that a young man in this town, Mr. W. JAMES. committed suicide on Wednesday afternoon last, by shooting himself through the head with a gun. He lingered on until about midnight, when he breathed his last.

Wednesday 5 September 1877

We (Frontier Guardian) regret to have to announce the death, at the historic island of St. Helena, on the 13th July last, of Mrs. COLE, mother of our esteemed Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, T.H.M. COLE Esq, in her 80th year. The deceased lady was born in St. Helena, where the family have resided for three generations, and where the members of it have at all times occupied the highest positions. Dr. COLE (brother of our C.C. & R.M.) is now the Colonial Surgeon of this island, while his cousin, Mr. Bazett KNIPE, fills the high office of assistant Colonial Secretary.

We (Argus) deeply regret to announce the death of Sir Charles RUMBOLD, Commissary of Ordnance. The deceased had been ill for some time, and some days ago his death was expected. He was a most efficient and popular officer.

Friday 7 September 1877

DIED at Sea, on board the Nyasna, on Thursday evening the 26th July, Elaine (“Nelly”), daughter of W.A. and M.A. RICHARDS, aged 7 years.

Monday 10 September 1877

BIRTH on the [9]th inst, at West Hill, the wife of Mr. Justice WEBB of a [son].

We have today to chronicle the death of a gentleman of the highest standing and repute in the district of Bedford, and one whose memory will long survive him throughout the entire Eastern Province. Ernst Daniel WIENAND Esq. JP, of Bellevue, near Bedford, expired at his residence on Sunday evening last, the 2nd September, at the advanced age of nearly 81 years, and his remains were consigned to their last resting place on Tuesday last by a numerous assembly of relatives and friends.
The deceased gentleman had seen a long and eventful life. Born in Germany, and growing up at the time when the star of the 1st Napoleon was in the ascendant, fired with the martial spirit of the times, he joined the army of the great conqueror when a lad between 15 and 16 years of age and was one of those who achieved the celebrated Moscow campaign in 1812. By the bad fortune of war he was taken prisoner in Russia, and was long [detained], enduring all the severities of the Russian climate, and all the hardships which fell to the lot of prisoners of war. At last set at liberty, he had to find his way alone and on foot and unbefriended to his native village, in the heart of Germany, and reached his father’s door in such a wretched plight, and so long after all thought of his being still alive had been abandoned, that his parents could scarce believe he was their long-lamented soldier-lad. He was one of the Guard who assisted his Emperor in the escape from Elba, and retained through life the warmest attachment to and admiration of his great and illustrious general. After the pacification of Europe Mr. WIENAND found his way to the Eastern Province of this colony, and married into one of those families whose name has become almost a household word in Albany and the neighbouring districts, finding a worthy partner in the daughter of the [rider] POHL of Carel’s Rust, who still survives him, an honoured and beloved lady. It was the warrior’s delight to rehearse to his family the heroic deeds of his [guardian] Emperor and to instil into these liberals something of the [fire] which animated his men, and with delight and pride his worthy son Frederick recounts how, during the return of the 3rd Napoleon, he laid wait for the Emperor’s carriage in the porch of Notre Dame de Paris, and pushing forward to the very door of the carriage, waved his hat, and cried Vive L’Empereur in the name of his old venerable father. The noble old man had shared with his fellow [inhabitants] all the vicissitudes of frontier life. Sundry times driven by Kafir wars from his home, his homestead burnt down, he returned again and again, nothing daunted, to rebuild his dwelling and repair his ruined fortunes, in which he was eminently successful, leaving [behind] a beautiful estate and a [obscured] competency. For many years he had quite retired from society, but still kept himself well informed of all that was passing in the world. Fluent alike in the English, Dutch, German and French languages, and naturally fond of science and books, he spent his days in reading and imparting instruction to his grandchildren, and has gone to the grave crowned with much more honour than most men can aspire to, and leaving behind him a family who rank second to none on the Frontier, and will doubtless perpetuate the good name and prove themselves worthy descendants of a worthy sire. It is impossible within the limits of a newspaper paragraph to do justice to his memory, but we hope some able pen will be found to publish a full account of the life of a truly great man. Requiescat in Pace.
September 4 1877.

We (Fort Beaufort Advertiser) regret to announce the death of Mr. Joseph O’GARA, the well known and kind hearted host of the Royal Hotel in this town, which took place on Thursday afternoon. The deceased was for many years a member of the Divisional Council and a Municipal Commissioner, and until comparatively recently took an active and liberal part in all public matters.

Friday 14 September 1877

On Saturday last at Port Elizabeth a boy named Henry RUDOLPH was sitting about 150 yards from the wreck of a vessel upon which some experiments were being made with dynamite. Just after the explosion the boy was observed to leap in the air and fall prostrate. On examination he was found to be dead. A piece of iron from the hull of the ship had entered his breast, and passed out beneath the shoulder, thence it perforated a board of the hut, tearing a hole 2½ in by 4 in.

Friday 21 September 1877

DIED at the Residency, Fingoland, on the 11th September 1877, Jessie Winifred, daughter of James and Anna AYLIFF, aged 7 years and 7 months.

Wednesday 26 September 1877

BIRTH at All Saints Mission, Transkei, September 15th 1877, the wife of the Rev John GORTON of a son.

BIRTH on Sunday 23rd inst, the wife of Mr. B. HOOLE of a son.
Grahamstown, 24th September 1877

Friday 28 September 1877

MARRIED on September 26th in the Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. W. Impey, Albert KING of Seven Oaks to Charlotte Elizabeth TYSON, second daughter of the Rev. W. TYSON.

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