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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1852 - 1 - January to March

Saturday 3 January 1852

BIRTH at Cradock 18th December, Mrs. Wetherington LLOYD of a daughter

DIED on the 31st ultimo at Somerset, David McMASTER Esq. Sen. of Linton, Mancazana, aged 66 years, deeply lamented by his numerous family and all who knew him.

DIED on the 16th, James, youngest son of the widow Eliza JELLIMAN, after a lingering illness, aged [12] months

The state of affairs in this lower part of the Baviaan’s River continues in the same hopeless state that it has been in for the last 6 months. Mr. W. TROLLIP had another attack last week, 16 Kaffirs making a clean sweep of the whole of his sheep and horses while grazing near the houses. This was shortly after the animals were turned out of the kraal in the morning. Two of Mr. T’s sons and two other young men followed them in the direction of Pretorius Kloof by James’. Four or five of the marauders went ahead with all speed with the sheep &c, and the others a few hundred yards in the rear, keeping the pursuers at bay. A good many long shots were of course exchanged, when at the critical moment two more young men, GILBERT and STOKES from the adjoining laager, hove in sight. Being now half a dozen, and headed by Mr. Henry TROLLIP, who I believe shot more Kaffirs last war than any one individual on the frontier, they set to in good earnest and plied the rascals so bravely that the rear guard quickly closed up. The enemy’s ammunition was evidently running short. They now manoeuvred to get away with a small clump of the sheep, leaving the horses and the bulk of the sheep behind them. The manoeuvre, however, did not succeed, and the upshot of the affair was that the whole were recaptured, together with 3 horses belonging to the enemy, (or rather what they had previously stolen somewhere else) one of them being shod all round. Some of the fellows doubtless were hit but were able to make their way to a kloof close at hand, a position the pursuers deemed it prudent to leave alone, and got back with the stock. In consequence of this affair Mr. TROLLIP, after holding out for a twelvemonth and sustaining heavy losses in every description of stock, has sent all away; an example that the 4 or 5 who still occupy the line from Dagg Boer Neck to the Goba will be obliged very shortly to follow unless a change for the better takes place.
There is another evil rapidly increasing which menaces us with still additional disasters unless overawed in time – I mean the growing hostility between the Boers and Fingoes. Which party is to blame is not worth while discussing – the remedy is the great consideration. There are strong bodies of the latter lying in our localities with large quantities of stock; for the fact is the war has been a rich harvest to them. The farmers sometimes find their horses and cattle in the possession of these people, and when so discovered they of course have always been recaptured from the Kaffirs, and salvage is then claimed, and as this is not always moderate altercation ensues and mutual threats and defiance are the result. There is no controlling power to interfere with and mitigate this state of things. Magistrates and Field Cornets can do nothing; and all authority is in abeyance. This is a pretty state of affairs while people at a distance are only intent on choosing representatives! Settle the war first, so that the farmers may get back to their farms and put up at least a £25 hut and occupy it a twelvemonth, or where is his title to vote, it being the value of the building that qualifies. If it be the mere occupation of ground that qualifies these the suffrages will be most formidably extended in certain localities. I mention this as it appears to me that some hundreds of white men are disenfranchised at this moment from non-occupation; and the destruction of their dwellings would keep them so for a considerable time after their return, unless some alteration be made in section 8. I fervently hope, however, that the whole affair will be shelved for another year or two at least. It is monstrous to entertain the question in the present state of things.

Saturday 10 January 1852

MARRIED at Salem on Wednesday 7th January 1852 by the Rev. E.D. Hepburn, Mr. William A. RICHARDS to Mary Anne, youngest daughter of W.H. MATTHEWS Esq, JP

BIRTH on the 9th instant, Mrs. H. KNOWLES of a daughter

DIED at East London on the 30th December 1851, Annie, the beloved of Mr. William JONES, aged 27 years

DIED on the 4th January 1852, at his residence in Graham’s Town, William CALVERLEY, aged 46 years and 6 months

DIED at Somerset (East) on the 4th January 1852, after a painful and lingering illness, John D’Coercy, youngest son of Mr. Charles BEAMISH, aged 13 months 5 days.

Dissolution of Partnership by mutual consent between
Smiths and Farriers
Graham’s Town
From 31 December 1851
Claims on the above are requested to be sent for adjustment, and all accounts are requested to be settled as soon as possible
Graham’s Town January 10th 1852

Tuesday 13 January 1852 (Supplement)

An atrocious assault was committed yesterday in the precincts of Graham’s Town which demands publicity, in order to guard the public against similar acts of violence. The case is at present under examination by the Resident Magistrate, but as far as we are informed the following are the leading facts of the case. An industrious man, named SAMPSON, usually employed in quarrying stone, was walking near the place of Mr. ALLISON, behind the Cape Corps Barracks, when he was met by two Hottentots in the dress of that Regiment. These men accosted him, asking for tobacco. After the exchange of a few words pro and con, one of the scoundrels struck him a violent blow on the head, which stretched him on the ground senseless, in which state they inflicted on him several other severe injuries also with stones, and then decamped, after robbing him of two sovereigns and some silver money. It is supposed that some clue has been afforded to the villains – a Hottentot who, it is said, can be identified, having passed a sovereign in a small shop in town the same evening. The military authorities, it is said, are equally anxious as the civil for the detection of the offenders.

Saturday 17 January 1852

Wanted by the undersigned, a good Journeyman Blacksmith, to whom liberal wages and constant employment can be given. None need apply but those who are of sober habits.

DIED, on New Year’s Eve, Henry and Edward, the two sons of Mr. William TROLLIP of Dagga Boer’s Neck – Henry aged 27 years, leaving a widow and three infant children, and Edward aged 19 years. They were shot down within a few hundred yards of their father’s residence by a party of Kaffirs and Hottentots, who waylaid them on their return from Blue Krantz, to which place they had been to escort some livestock – of which painful bereavement relatives and friends will be pleased to accept this notice.

DIED at Cradock on the 6th instant, Charles Ross, youngest son of Charles BLAKEWAY, aged 1 year and 8 months

Tailor, Draper and General Shopkeeper
Begs to inform his friends and the public in general that he has removed to the house he formerly occupied in High Street, opposite the Eastern Province Bank, where he proposed carrying on the above business.
J.W. has just received a good supply of the best
West of England Cloths
Woollen and Cotton Cords
Fancy Waistcoatings
&c &c
NB A good supply of clothing always on hand (not slops)
Made on the Premises same as to order and SOLD VERY CHEAP FOR CASH

The following melancholy recital is given by Mr. G.F. STOKES of Baviaan’s River, whose name alone to all who know him will be ample guarantee for the fidelity of the statement; one which depicts the sufferings and condition of the exposed frontier farmers in colours so vivid as cannot fail to excite the commiseration of every feeling heart:-
“No event during the war has plunged so large or a more respectable circle of relations and friends into grief and mourning than the one I now relate will do. Henry and Edward, two sons of Mr. William TROLLIP of Daggaboer’s Neck, are slain, waylaid and shot down by an unseen enemy, within sight and but a few hundred yards from their father’s door. The following circumstances connected with this tragedy will, I dare say, be read with some interest by their numerous friends and acquaintances. Between 4 and 5 o clock on New Year’s morning I was awoke and a note handed to me by my esteemed neighbour to the purport that Henry and Edward were lying dead within a short distance of the house, and that he had not force sufficient enough to venture do go and bring them home, and soliciting help. The horses being at home, six of us immediately started and reached the place, about 12 miles distance, by half past six o clock. Here I found the father and mother; both infirm, and fast breaking from the cares and anxieties of the past year – a young wife, with an infant at her breast, and two others at her knees, and a sister of about 17. Bust we must pass over this scene of woe; suffice it to say that in addition to the knowledge of the fact that their beloved sons, husband and brother, were lying murdered at a short distance from the house, they were the whole night in expectation of the house being attacked and fired over their heads. I saw no time was to be lost, as the vultures were already hovering, and had begun to drop. A Hottentot had been sent out previous to our arrival to reconnoitre, and who returned and said he had seen a few Kaffirs near the spot where the bodies lay; a statement which I was subsequently led to doubt the truth of. We, eight in all, at once proceeded to the place pointed out, and a few feet out of the waggon road, found the bodies stripped and lying in a sluit on the left of the road. Wrapping them up in sheets, we brought them home on hurdles. The circumstances that led to this unfortunate affair are that Mr. William TROLLIP Sen, having sent all his livestock away, in consequence of the repeated attacks they have had latterly, a flock of goats belonging to his son John – who a short time ago retired beyond Cradock to his father-in-law Mr. COLLETT – alone remained. An opportunity offering, in consequence of two wagons going, Henry and Edward and a Hottentot named Klaas NORMAN, went as far as the Fish River drift, Blue Krantz, to escort and assist them through the drift. Klaas, who escaped, states that they fell in with ten Kaffirs and two Hottentots in going, and who had evidently been watching the movements about the house, the Kaffirs halloing and telling them that they would go and attack the house while they were away. After seeing the wagons and goats across the Fish River drift, they returned towards home, and reaching the Kromme River they were startled by observing the spoor of the whole party referred to, proceeding along the high road in the direction of their house. They immediately put their horses to full speed and reached the top of the last descent in sight of their father’s house; Henry leading, Edward next, and the Hottentot last. Near the bottom of the hill three shots were fired by the unseen enemy. Edward fell – Henry pulled up and turned his horse towards his brother, when another volley was fired and he received a ball in the upper part of his head, and fell also; his horse also received a ball in the shoulder. The Hottentot’s horse plunged, threw him, and dislocated his arm, but he managed to escape with his gun, and reached the house a few minutes after. An Englishman and an old Hottentot were the only servants at the house. The old Hottentot was dispatched to me with a note in the course of the night, but did not reach here until daylight, as above stated, being afraid to approach the house in the dark. Edward probably fell dead as the ball passed through the neck a couple of inches below the ear. Poor Henry probably breathed after his fall, as he had received a heavy blow from a stone on the forehead. They were stripped of the last thread, and then a gun had been placed to Henry’s side and another ball sent through his body. Performing the necessary services in the best manner I could, I returned home, and the next day went and assisted in the last sad office, putting them both into one grave. Thus after holding out for 12 months, and losing an immense stock of all kinds, the TROLLIP family are obliged to leave their home. This farm and the adjoining place, Mr. JAMES’, also abandoned, have standing on them crops of oat hay and Indian corn, which will doubtless, when ripe, be appropriated by the enemy. In the death of Henry TROLLIP it may truly be said the country has lost one of its ablest defenders. Of an uncommonly powerful frame, quiet and retired manners, cool and determined in danger – in fact, as a valuable man in the present horrible state of the country he was second to none, not excepting names that are far more familiar to the public eye. In every domestic relation he was estimable. Edward was a fine grown young man of pleasing and mild address, and has been repeatedly engaged in dangerous enterprises within the last few months.”
Letters received from Somerset and Cradock state that the banditti who shot the young TROLLIPs, as detailed above, were subsequently fallen in with by a party of Burghers, and that six or seven of them were killed. One of the guns taken from the Messrs. TROLLIP was recovered from these marauders, some of whom, it is said, were clad in the clothes of which the brothers had been stripped.

The following narration is by a well-known correspondent. It shows vividly the continual danger, labour and excitement of the life of a border farmer at this crisis:-
Tarka, Jan. 2: The Commandant DE WET having received a report that a large number of Hottentots were at the Raaties Flackte on the Winterberg, he sent to the neighbouring farmers, directing them to meet on Sunday last at Mr. MORRIS’s, the furthest farm up on this side of the Winterberg. About forty men assembled, and were most hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs. MORRIS, to whose kindness all who have travelled this way can testify. About 4pm we started, winding up the kloof till we came into the footpaths leading from the old Tarka Post to Post Retief. Here we off-saddled at a small spring, a common resting place for travellers, while a party went to the top of the hill, but nothing was to be seen. We then moved on again, leaving the paths to our right, till we came to the top of another range, but still could see nothing of the enemy. We had, however, a good view. Southwards was the Raaties Flackte, an elevated table land of a wild and dreary appearance, though somewhat relieved by the number of large ponds of water scattered over it. There were a few hartebeests and a couple of oribees, so tame as to show that they had not been much disturbed lately. To the East was the Katberg – then Tambookieland. Whittlesea, Kamastone and Shilo were hid from view by the hills among which they are situated, though we could see far beyond them. To the North lay the Zwarte Kei and Klaas Smits River, the view being bounded in this direction by the Stormberg range. At no great distance are two remarkable table hills standing together. These according to Umlangeni (the Kaffir prophet) were to have fallen as soon as the war began, and a small portion of one did actually fall with a loud noise, causing considerable alarm to the Kaffirs living in the neighbourhood. In the direction of Cradock and Graaff-Reinet the view was very extended, the blue hills melting away in the dim distance. Though quite a calm where we were all the low country was covered by clouds of dust. But while I am describing scenery the party have moved on. At dusk we off-saddled on a small stony koppie when, after partaking of some refreshment, which luckily we had ready cooked, as there was not a bush or stick of wood within many miles, we composed ourselves as well as we could among the stones, and were just fancying ourselves comfortable when the order was given to saddle up. We had scarcely started when a thick mist came on. Our guide was, however, well acquainted with the country, yet when we got a glimpse of the moon we felt quite certain we were going wrong; but we consoled ourselves with the thought that the route we seemed going in would lead us directly back to Mr. MORRIS’s. Some of us were even speculating as to whether we should be too late for supper. I know not when I enjoyed a ride so much as this night. There were some ten young Englishmen and we rode together, calling ourselves the No.1 Company; and as there was no likelihood of meeting the enemy where we were we amused ourselves by jokes and snatches of songs, much to the surprise of the more sedate Dutchmen. The country travelled over was very heavy, the soil being very light and porous, the horses sinking in at every step. We had to cross a large hollow filled with angular holes of water, no sooner stepping out of one than into another. It is from these, called ‘raatjes’ or squares, that it has the name of Raatjes Flackte. We were at last from the uncertainty of our route compelled to halt and were soon dreaming of ‘the girl we left behind us’. Before morning I found my solitary blanket a rather insufficient protection against the chill air. At daylight we again moved on, the mist still continuing very thick. In about an hour old Winterberg frowned above us, dimly seen towering above the mist. The grass here was very fine, the horses as we rode leisurely along being able to crop the seed of the tallest without stooping. Presently we began to climb the hill, rather a tough job, gradually rising above the mist, and when we got into a neck about 200 yards below the summit a most splendid scene burst on our views. Instead of being able to see the whole of the country as far as Graham’s Town, or rather the seas, for here is nothing save the distance to hinder it, the whole of the country below us was covered with one white mass of clouds, while all above was clear and bright. It resembled the sea in every particular, excepting that it was too white for a calm and too quiet for a storm. The clouds so closely resembled waves that you could almost fancy you could see them rolling and breaking into spray. We were not allowed to enjoy the scene long. Our proposal was to ascend to the summit, as it was comparatively easy from where we were. This was overruled and we had to skirt round it about 100 yards from the krantz. The face of the mountain is very steep and covered by small loose stones. I often looked to the top, thinking if there had been any of the enemy there and that were to roll a few of the large stones down on us, a great deal of mischief might be done us with very little danger to themselves. When we got nearly half way round, the front men on emerging from a hollow saw six or seven Kaffirs walking leisurely along the top of the krantz, apparently not having seen us. We immediately halted, and after some delay, and leaving a party with the horses, as it was impossible to take them up, we commenced the ascent; but it was so steep and stony that had we been opposed by only half our number we could scarcely have succeeded. But we met with no opposition, and at length reached the top, and a more difficult place to fight the Kaffirs in I never wish to see. It is about a mile square, covered over with stony koppies, large rocks and long grass. This platform is surrounded on almost every side by precipitous rocks at least 100 feet high, broken up into detached masses filled up with the wild bamboo. We spread ourselves over the top, cautiously advancing, as we did not know how many of the enemy we might be called upon to engage. After passing a number of suspicious looking rocks without meeting with anything in the shape of an enemy we saw a signal recalling us. On getting to where the signal came from we found that the Kaffirs had been seen getting among the rocks, quite unaware of our presence. Before, however, we could reach the party the Kaffirs got alarmed. The men fired and dropped one; the rest were instantly hid among the rocks; then the hunt commenced, which I can assure you is a more difficult affair than anyone who has not been so engaged would suppose. You must keep both eyes open, and both hands on your gun, so as to be ready at a moment’s warning, and this in places where both hands and eyes are required to secure safety, even were there no enemy lurking perhaps within two yards of you. It is rather unpleasant, especially when you recollect that Kaffirs do actually shoot with ball, and that Hottentots can take steady and deadly aim when screened behind rocks. But I am losing myself among these rocks and reflections. Presently the head of one was seen in a crevice of a rock. Though he was not altogether protected by the rock, the bamboos were so thick that we could only tell his whereabouts by their motions; so a good many shots were fired before he was disposed of. At this time a party of our men were on top of the krantz, the Kaffirs nearly at the bottom, with a deep ravine between them. A few of us went down the ravine but we could see nothing of them. I and another then got on top of the rock under which they were, but it was rather overhanging, so that we could not see them. Presently a Hottentot, after firing one shot, attempted to bolt, but was quickly brought down. Another Kaffir had also been shot. Our men were proceeding to get the guns of the slain when “mowow! mowow!” was heard from a Kaffir sitting behind a rock, with a loaded and cocked gun. The person nearest immediately fired and shot him dead, making in all five killed, and taking three guns and a number of assegais.
I was too tired and footsore or I would have gone and looked at a spot where four Englishmen, William and John WEBSTER, Thos. RANDALL and another had an engagement with three Hottentots and three Kaffirs, killing the whole of them after four hours’ fighting, almost hand to hand. Ten Hottentots and Kaffirs had taken a flock of sheep on the Tarka, which were followed up during the night by a party of Dutch and the Englishmen named, who found them at the top of the Winterberg. They recaptured the sheep and the Boers are said to have shot three Kaffirs (making in all nine), though they declined to go down among the rocks.

Saturday 24 January 1852

MARRIED on the 7th instant by the Rev. A. Bonatz, Robert JEFFERSON to Mary Anne, only daughter of Mr. Thos. WEBSTER of Whittlesea.

MARRIED at Colesberg on 13th January 1852 by the Rev. Thos. Thos. Keid [sic] of the Dutch Reformed Church, John Conraad HEEVERS to Martha Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas P. CROMAN of Colesberg

Saturday 31 January 1852

DIED at Uitenhage on the 22nd instant, aged 60 years, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. James LANCE, late of Graham’s Town, and one of the British Settlers of 1820

DIED at Graham’s Town on Saturday 24th inst, Louisa Georgina Clarissa, only daughter of Captain HARE CMR, aged 2 years

DIED at her residence at Graaff-Reinet on Sunday 11th January 1852, after a short illness, Melicent Jane THORNTON, aged 28 years, the beloved and lamented wife of Mr. Alfred THORNTON, leaving a disconsolate husband and four young children to lament their irreparable loss

DIED of hooping cough on the 28th instant, aged 8 weeks, Alexander, son of A. HAY, Baptist Minister, Graham’s Town

Saturday 7 February 1852

DIED at Cradock on the 1st Feb 1852, Miss Annette AUSTEN, aged 37 years. She had been a constant member of the Wesleyan Church for about 20 years, maintaining the character of a humble follower of Jesus Christ, and found the comfort and consolation of that religion in which she had believed. Her end was peace.

Desirable and substantially built Premises known as
Where a lucrative business has been carried on for the last twenty years.
This offers an opportunity to speculators which seldom occurs, it being situated on the main road to the Kowie Seaport, which from its position cannot fail in drawing a very extensive traffic; and as it also offers to invalids and others the convenience and benefit of sea bathing, must become at a very early period a place of considerable traffic, a large portion of which must pass through Bathurst.
In addition to these recommendations there is every prospect afforded of this “Richmond of Albany” , from the picturesque grandeur and classic beauty of its environs, becoming a fashionable resort for Indian and other visitors seeking to repair in the genial climate of the Cape Colony that health of which less favoured climes have robbed them. The Kowie and Mansfield Rivers, within half an hour’s walk of the Inn, abound with fish, whilst the bush country offers every inducement to the Rifle Sportsman.
A liberal credit will be given and conditions made known on the day of sale
For Self and Co Executors

Saturday 14 February 1852

The bereaved family of the late James HOWSE Esq take the present opportunity of publicly tendering their thanks to Major-Gen SOMERSET and Col YARBOROUGH, as also to Capt. W. WYNNE, of Fort Beaufort, and Capt. BOYES, of the Provisional Corps of Alice, for deep interest taken by them in recovering the remains of their departed relative, and also for the deep and universal sympathy felt for them by their friends and fellow Colonists.

DIED at King William’s Town on the 5th instant, James WATTS, aged 65. Deceased was a Settler of 1820 and belonged to HOWARD’s Party

DIED at King William’s Town of dysentery on the 8th inst, the son of Thos. NIGHTINGALE Esq, lately attached as Lieutenant of 1st Corps of Native Levies.

The remains of this much respected gentleman were interred at the Wesleyan Burial Ground in this town on Sunday last, and followed to the grave by a large train of sincere mourners.

We have been requested to bring more prominently forward than we have hitherto done the example of early closing, adopted first in Cape Town, and subsequently imitated in Port Elizabeth, and which it is wished should be followed up in Graham’s Town. We are told that the desire is to get the merchants to close their stores by common consent by 10 o clock on Saturdays, thus allowing their clerks and employees a half holiday each week.

Saturday 21 February 1852

BIRTH at Burghers Dorp on the 9th instant, Jane S, the wife of James BOARDMAN, of a daughter named Jane Sophia.

BIRTH at Cradock on Monday 19th January 1852, Charlotte, wife of William G. EVERY Esq, of a daughter

Saturday 28 February 1852

MARRIED at Uitenhage by the Rev. Alexander Smith, on Thursday 5th instant, Edward James, second son of Mr. William SMITH to Jacomina, youngest daughter of the late Mr. John Adam RENS
Uitenhage Town, Feb 20th 1852

In the Supreme Court of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope
Cape Town, Thursday the 12th day of Feb 1852
In the Insolvent Estate of Thomas KEEN and John SWAN, formerly trading under the firm of KEEN & SWAN of Alice
Whereas on the ninth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight the abovementioned Insolvent Estate was by order of the Honourable Mr. Justice MUSGRAVE, one of the judges of this Court, placed under sequestration in the hands of the Master of this Court, upon the petition and surrender of the Insolvents.
And whereas the Master has reported to the Court that it has appeared to him, on examination of the proceedings in the said Insolvent Estate, that the certificate of the said Insolvents has been signed by three-fifths in number and value of the Creditors who have proved debts against the said Estate, and that the account and plan of distribution therein referred had been confirmed six calendar months:
And whereas John SWAN for himself and late co-partner , and one of the abovenamed Insolvents, hath made oath in writing that he hath made a full and fair surrender of the Estate of the late firm of KEEN & SWAN, and has not, nor has the said Thomas KEEN, granted or promised any preference or security, or made or promised any payment, or entered into any secret or collusive agreement or transaction in order to obtain the consent and certificate of the Creditors:
And whereas application hath this day been made to the Court to have the certificate and discharge granted by the Creditors to the said Insolvents, allowed pursuant to the 117th section of the Ordinance No.6, 1843.
And due notice having been given of the said motion in the Government Gazette, and none of the Creditors of the said Thomas KEEN and John SWAN, formerly trading as aforesaid, having shown any objection thereto.
Now therefore the Court doth allow and confirm the said certificate.
By the Court
Registrar of the Supreme Court

Begs to acquaint his friends and the public in general that he has become the proprietor of that long established inn known as
“Widow HARTLEY’s Hotel”
Where he has made arrangements for the accommodation of Travellers, Tourists, Seabathers and others.
Of this hotel it has been remarked that it is situate in “The Richmond of Albany” which, from the picturesque grandeur and classic beauty of its environs, affords fashionable resort for Indian and other visitors seeking to repair in the genial climate of the Cape Colony that health of which less favoured climes have robbed them. The Kowie and Mansfield Rivers, within half an hour’s walk of the Inn, abound with fish, whilst the bush country offers every inducement to the Rifle Sportsman.
Every attention will be paid to the comfort of visitors, who will find this hotel offering a delicious relaxation from the arduous pursuits of business.
To the inhabitants of Graham’s Town this hotel has long been a highly favourable retreat, and the present proprietor hopes that from the nature of the comforts that he will be enabled to provide that a continuation of the liberal support given to the late Mrs. HARTLEY may be extended to him.
Good stabling is provided, at which horses can stand at livery on the most reasonable terms.
Foreign wines, spirits, English and Colonial ale always on hand
The hotel will be re-opened on the 1st April next, the interval being required for the completion of extensive improvements now in progress
27 Feb 1852

Begs to inform the inhabitants of Bathurst and surrounding district that he is about to commence a retail store, at which there will always be on hand groceries, piece goods and general drapery.
27 Feb 1852

Saturday 6 March 1852

MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 12th February 1852 by the Rev. Mr. Copeman, Mr. Skelton E. WIMBLE to Eliza, second daughter of Mr. W. SMITH of Uitenhage

MARRIED at Colesberg on the 3rd instant by the Rev. Dr. Orpen, James McNALLY, boot and shoe maker, to Esther Ann WALLACE
Colesberg 25th Feb 1852

MARRIED on Wednesday 25th February at the Commemoration Chapel, Graham’s Town, by the Rev. W. Shaw, John Powel GARDNER to Anne PARKER, both of this place.

DIED at Fort England this morning, March 5th 1852, Benjamin Montacute, infant son of B. HOCKEY, aged 1 year.

Saturday 13 March 1852

DIED on the 5th March at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. TITTERTON, in Port Elizabeth, after a short and painful illness, Mrs. Mary PASSMORE, relict of the late Thomas Eddy PASSMORE, aged 59 years, leaving a family of five children and a numerous circle of relatives and friends to mourn this painful bereavement,

DIED at Graham’s Town on the 11th March, Emily Margret, daughter of Mr. John RICKIE, aged 10 months and 17 days

Saturday 20 March 1852

DIED at Graham’s Town on Saturday 13th March, William Henry Matthews, only son of Mr. Geo. IMPEY Jun, aged 1 year

DIED at Fort Beaufort on Thursday 11th inst, Mrs. Mary Anne CAMPBELL, relict of the late Dr. P. CAMPBELL, aged 40 years
Fort Beaufort, 13th March 1852

DIED at Cape Town on Thursday March 11th, Robert Featherstone, son of Mr. W. CANNELL, aged 3 months and 7 days

Saturday 27 March 1852

MARRIED at Graham’s Town on the 25th instant, by the Rev. W. Shaw, Mr. Benjamin ROBERTS to Trezah [sic] Ann, eldest daughter of the late George LEE Esquire, and grand-daughter of W. TROTTER Esquire, of Graham’s Town.

DIED at the residence of the Hon. W. COCK Esq, Graham’s Town, on the 20th March 1852 – in his twenty-fifth year - Amos, son of John HEYTON Esquire, of The [Lees], Green Row, near Wigton, Cumberland.

DIED at Somerset on Saturday the 20th March 1852, after a painful and protracted illness, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of C.J. LEPPAN, aged [33] years. Deceased has left a family of seven young children to deplore their irreparable loss, and a numerous circle of relations and friends to mourn her premature death. She was an affectionate wife, a kind and indulgent parent, a warm friend and a faithful companion. Her end was peaceful and triumphant.


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