Grahamstown Journal 1852 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 3 April 1852
MARRIED at St. Georges Church, Graham's Town on Wednesday 24th March 1852, by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman, Capt. H. BERTRAM to Mary, third daughter of Mr. P. BOLD
DIED at Alice this morning at 3 o clock, Emily Jenkins, the infant daughter of Mr. McGILLEWIE, aged 15 months, after an illness of eleven weeks. In her, death had no sting; the grave hath no victory!
March 29, 1852
For Sale by Private Contract
That excellent quit rent farm
Commonly called "Scorpion Kraal"
The property of Richard SOUTHEY Esq
Adjoining the farm GROEN VLEY
Situate in the Field Cornetcy of Voor op Sneeuwberg, District of Graaff-Reinet
Measuring 4529 morgen together with a piece of freehold land adjoining Scorpion Kraal.
The above property being so well known for its superior grazing capabilities, requires no further recommendation
For price and terms apply to Mr. George SOUTHEY, Bloemhoff, Messrs. LEEB Brothers, Graaff-Reinet or at Richmond.
12th February 1852
Saturday 10 April 1852
DIED on the 2nd instant at his residence, Market Square, after a short illness, William Cornelius VAN RYNEVELD, late Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of the District of Graaff-Reinet, at the age of 63 years – deeply lamented by a large family circle and all who knew him. The late Mr. RYNEVELD was 25 years head of the district.
Graaff-Reinet April 6th 1852
Saturday 17 April 1852
MARRIED on the 16th instant, John Henry CHADS Esq, Lieutenant 5th Fusiliers, to Elizabeth Anne, third daughter of Johannes DE SMIDT Esq, Assistant Commissary General
The 32nd anniversary of the arrival of the British Settlers and foundation of the District of Albany was observed at Graham's Town on Monday last. Saturday the 10th inst was the actual date for the observance, but it was for convenience postponed till Monday, two sermons, appropriate to the occasion, being preached in the Commemoration Chapel the previous Sunday. The 'gathering' on Monday evening took place in the public school room, in which tea &c was partaken of by a company amounting to about 500 persons. After this repast the chair was taken by the Rev. W. SHAW and addresses were delivered by the Chairman and by several other Ministers and laymen, bearing upon the origin and progress of the English Settlement, expressive of unshaken confidence in the English government, and of sanguine hope that, despite of every disaster, it would ultimately attain to that stability and prosperity which have marked the progress of British Colonialisation in every quarter of the globe.
Saturday 24 April 1852
DIED in Graham's Town on the 17th April, Mr. Percival FRAYNE, aged 56 years, native of Longo, Ireland. [sic, almost certainly Longford] He was one of the Settlers of 1820, much respected for his religious life and character, by all who knew him. Left a wife to mourn his loss.
The undersigned begs to acquaint the public generally, and especially parties travelling between Graham's Town and Port Elizabeth, that he has returned to his home (as above) and made very great additions to his Premises, in order to render the same comfortable for travellers, and where they can be accommodated with
Good well-aired beds
Foreign wines and spirits of every description
Cape brandy and wines
Bottled ale and porter &c
Excellent stabling for horses, and good forage will be constantly kept on hand. Also saddle horses may be had on hire.
Kereiga, April 20 1852
Saturday 1 May 1852
DIED on the 26th April, William Frederick, youngest son of Rev. H.H. DUGMORE, Wesleyan Minister, aged 10 months
Saturday 8 May 1852
Subscription for a Testimonial to Sir Harry SMITH, Bart.
J.B. EBDEN £5 0 0
A. DE SMIDT £5 0 0
W. PORTER £5 0 0
W. FIELD £5 0 0
John STEIN £5 0 0
R.J. JONES £5 0 0
Sam. BUSHELL £5 0 0
J. PYBUS £5 0 0
H. LYNAR £2 10 0
A. DUPRAT £2 0 0
Richard P. DOBIE £5 0 0
W.J. MACKRILL £2 0 0
T.B. VENN £5 0 0
F. PORTER £2 0 0
C.E. BURTON £2 0 0
W. BERG £2 0 0
B. NORDEN £5 0 0
J.S. MOORE £2 2 0
E. DE PASS £2 2 0
W.F. FIELD £2 0 0
James SEAWRIGHT £5 0 0
John KING £5 0 0
J.D. THOMSON £5 0 0
Geo. THOMPSON £5 0 0
Thos. HALL £5 0 0
Wm. HOPE £5 0 0
C. BELL £2 10 0
H. RIVERS £5 0 0
J. STEUART £5 0 0
T.H. BOWLES £5 0 0
H. LE SUEUR £2 0 0
J. CAREY £2 0 0
Wm. McNAMARA £2 0 0
D.J. CLOETE £2 0 0
S. RODOLF £2 0 0
Edw. EAGAR £5 0 0
Edw. NORTON £2 0 0
Hamilton ROSS £5 0 0
W.J. GREIG £2 0 0
S. MANIER £2 2 0
J. BANCE £2 0 0
H. WILSON £1 0 0
Charles BOYLE £3 0 0
E. HULL £1 0 0
J.J. MEINTJES £1 0 0
Nicol STENHOUSE £2 0 0
J.P. DENEYS Gs £1 0 0
W. DE SMIDT £7 0 0
D. DE JONGH £1 0 0
J. BARKER £2 0 0
Dean of Cape Town £5 0 0
Sam. HALL £2 2 0
Thos. ANSDELL £2 0 0
John G.B. ROSE £1 0 0
John WYLDE £5 0 0
R. WIDDOWS £1 0 0
G. HOLDEN V.D. £1 0 0
John CAIRNCROSS £2 0 0
Edw. J. JERRAM £5 0 0
John S. PRINCE £5 0 0
R. CLOETE £1 0 0
C. MANUEL £2 0 0
John SHEPHERD £1 0 0
C.H. HODGSON £2 0 0
Wm. OPENSHAW £2 0 0
F. UNNA £2 0 0
Ewan CHRISTIAN £2 0 0
R.H. ARDERNE £1 0 0
P.G. VAN DER BYL £2 0 0
John BARRY £2 0 0
Dr. S. BAILEY RN £2 0 0
M.C. GIE £1 0 0
G. LUCK £5 0 0
C. HARRISON £1 0 0
S. DE SMIDT £1 0 0
C. MORRIS £1 0 0
T. WELSH £1 0 0
R. SOUTHEY £3 0 0
Thomas JONES £1 0 0
W.G. ANDERSON £2 0 0
George MARSH £2 0 0
N. MEYER £1 0 0
S. SAVAGE £1 0 0
R. MUTER £2 0 0
Graham's Town – R. GODLONTON £5 0 0
Subscriptions received by Mr. ROSE, Commercial Exchange, and at the Cape of Good Hope Bank
J.W. EBDEN, Hon. Treasurer
Saturday 15 May 1852
DIED on Friday 7th instant at his residence in Graham's Town, Mr. John PAINE, schoolmaster, aged 67 years. He was for many years a faithful, consistent and useful member of the Wesleyan Church, and one of the Settlers of the Salem Party of 1820
DIED on the 12th May, Edward, the infant son of William and Jessie PAXTON, aged 15 months
Saturday 22 May 1852
MARRIED on Wednesday the 5th instant at Goliad's Kraal, near Graaff-Reinet, by the Rev. William Long, Alfred Portlock RUBIDGE Esq. JP to Elizabeth, only daughter of the late William Spencer BROOK Esq
MARRIED at Fort Peddie on Wednesday the 5th May 1852, by the Rev. George Thompson, Bedford DAVIES Esq, Cape Mounted Rifles, fourth son of the Rev. Charles DAVIES of Bathampton, Bath to Harriette, fourth daughter of the late W.C. DAVIES Esq of Bridge North, County of Salop
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 19th instant, the Lady of Major SOMERSET CMR of a son
DIED in her house in Market Square, Graham's Town, after an illness of a few days, on Friday morning 21st May 1852, Mrs. Hannah MACDONALD, relict of the late Mr. Alexander MACDONALD. It is believed that at the period of her death she had resided longer in Graham's Town than any other inhabitant. Her end was sudden and unexpected, but those who knew her best believe it was safe. Mrs. MACDONALD was for many years a much respected member of the Wesleyan Methodists.
DIED, May 21, at his residence, Graham's Town, P.C. DANIEL; sincerely regretted by his family and friends. Aged 75 years. Deceased was a Settler of 1820.
DIED at King William's Town, 13th May 1852, Elizabeth, the beloved daughter of Charles and Sarah FULLER, after an illness of 4 days, aged 14 years and eleven months.
DIED on Sunday 16th May after short but painful sufferings, William John, the second son of George and Sarah Ann CUMMINGS of this town, aged 5 years.
DIED on the 20th inst, Charlotte Jane, eldest daughter of John DICK of Church Square, Graham's Town, aged 5 years 7 months.
Saturday 29 May 1852
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Sunday 23rd inst, the Lady of N. BIRKENRUTH Esq of a daughter
MARRIED at Sidbury on the 12th inst by the Rev. Mr. WILSHERE, C. RIPPON Esq of Red Hill Farm to Emily, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. DENTON, Lower Bushman's River
DIED May 20th at her son-in-law's, Wm. YELLING, Graham's Town, Mrs. Anne ASHDOWN, aged 78 years.
DIED on Monday the 24th inst, Margaret, third daughter of W.M. and E. JAFFRAY, aged 3 years and 2 months
The members of the above are reminded that the Shooting for Prizes on Saturday next, 5th June, will commence at 3 0 clock precisely, and an early attendance is desirable.
Stephen MUNDY
Hon. Secretary
LOWER ALBANY: We publish below Mr. Fld.Cornet COCK's official report of the late patrol to the Karraa, in which five persons were drowned while fording the Kasouga River at a point within the tidal reach. Considerable blame appears to attach to the individuals mentioned, who caused a division of the patrol, and so led to the lamentable accident described. That some measures ought to be adopted for the better regulation of Burgher operations, and that a more stringent system seems needed, there is ample evidence afforded. The Ordinance No.73 is held to bear upon this question, that is when "any officer of the law" calls upon any inhabitant to assist him in preserving the public peace. But let us take it that no law exists on the subject, the innate feeling of honour and patriotism that is found in the breasts of Englishmen ought to be sufficient prompting to the call of that species of duty which has for its object the repulse of a common enemy and the mutual defence of a threatened district.
Some enquiry will undoubtedly be made into this matter, when the whole case will be laid open. We learn that when the "deserters" were crossing the river they had nearly lost three men at the first current, which however all passed in safety, and reached a sand bank in the middle of the river where the whole party collected. The ringleaders, seeing the tide rising, plunged into the stream and swam to the opposite bank, promising to return for their companions, which however they did not do. Those left upon the sand bank, seeing the flowing tide gaining upon them, made a desperate effort to reach the shore, out of which four Fingoes and an English boy named CLOG were drowned. The Fingoes strapped their clothes, blankets, guns and kettles upon their heads, which weighed them under water and eventually sank them. The case of the poor lad seems particularly distressing, as he suffered much from cold while exposed on the sand bank, and being helpless from terror suffered himself to be led by the hand by one and another until, induced to attempt the passage, he sank to rise no more.
So disastrous a termination of this patrol and the disgraceful conduct of the fugitives tends to discourage the efforts of the few willing men who have during the whole of the war succeeded in keeping Lower Albany clear of the enemy, in which they have performed a service not easily to be appreciated at its full value.
Hope Farm, 21st May 1852
Sir, As Captain STUBBS will have reported the circumstances of a patrol on the 15th instant a repetition will be unnecessary, further than that 17 guns were captured, two of which are Cape Corps double carbines and one 2nd Queen's.
On the 19th instant, by request of some of the farmers, I assembled a patrol of 40 foot men and proceeded to the Karraa, my intention being to attempt a second surprise. On the morning of the 20th we arrived at the rebel camp, but found it deserted. After a diligent search we were enabled to take up a distant spoor, suffused with blood, indicating the route the rebels had taken with their wounded. I proceeded some 500 yards on this spoor when one of the party (MR. John DELL) came to inform me that 25 of our men had gone into the 'Springs', within 100 yards of the rebel camp, to make coffee. I returned to the 'Springs' and found to my astonishment that the making of coffee was a pretext for returning home, and leaving me in the bush with only 15 men. As it would have been folly to remain in the Karraa with so few men, and apprehensive that some disaster would befall the deserters in attempting to cross the Kasouga at an improper time of the tide, I followed them as fast as I could, and arrived at the ford in time to save one man from being drowned. This Man (R. MANLEY) was saved through the intrepid exertions of Charles BROWN, David MORTON and B. KEATON Jnr. One Englishman (J. CLOGG) and four Fingoes were drowned, and with two or three exceptions the whole party lost both arms and ammunition.
On enquiry I found that two of the party, by name John THOMPSON and William McLEAN, were the ringleaders in this disgraceful affair, the former in the capacity of Commandant and the latter as guide, both being good service men and not thinking one moment of the capabilities of the misguided wretches who accompanied them.
I beg you will cause enquiry to be made into this affair, and if possible punish the men guilty of such despicable conduct.
Mr. Commandant CURRIE came to my assistance this morning, when myself and the remainder of my party (15) crossed the river in safety, recovering seven of the lost guns. You will please to understand that the ford is not more than three feet deep at low water, but the infatuated men tried to cross at very nearly high water. I beg most respectfully to say that until some regulations are in force to prevent Burghers deserting their Commandants, in places infested by the enemy, I shall decline acting in the critical and thankless office.
I have &c
Cornelius COCK
Field Cornet, Southwell
Saturday 5 June 1852
DIED at Cradock on the 19th ult in the 34th year of his age, John Harries, youngest son of Thos. PHILLIPS Esq JP
DIED at Cradock on the 18th May, Mary the beloved wife of Charles COUSINS, aged 29 years
DIED at Cradock on the 28th ult, after a long and protracted illness, Elias Augustus Davidson, eldest son of the Rev. A. WELSH, Glen Lynden, aged 34 years
Cradock June 1st 1852
Plumber, Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger
(next to Mr. HARLEY's store, Bathurst Street)
Spring Valve and Pan Water Closets and Pumps fixed and repaired
Water leadings laid on
Writing, graining and colouring in distemper
NB Lead coffins made on the shortest notice
Saturday 12 June 1852
MARRIED at Colesberg on the 12th May by the Rev. Dr. Orpen, Mr. Chas. W. MATHEWS to Miss Eliza MATHEWSON
BIRTH on the 6th inst at the residence of Mr. READ, Graham's Town, Mrs. Herbert RUBIDGE of a son
DIED at Graham's Town on Tuesday the 8th inst, Mr. Richard ATTWELL, formerly of Toddington, Bedfordshire, aged 82 years. Deceased came to this Colony with a numerous and useful family among the emigrants of 1820; and he has left numerous descendants to aid in defending and improving the country of his adoption.
DIED at her residence, Graham's Town, on the 2nd June, Mrs. Ann TALBOT, aged 73 years, beloved wife of Mr. T. TALBOT, after long and protracted sufferings, which she endured with Christian fortitude. Her end was peace.
DIED at Uitenhage on the 2nd inst, of consumption, Mrs. F.O. HUTCHINSON, aged 39. She had long manifested the influence of vital Christianity in her conduct and conversation, and her death was singularly happy, from her perfect and unwavering trust in Him on whom she had believed.
DIED at East London, Buffalo Mouth, on the 6th instant, William ABERNEATHY, aged 37 years, after a short illness of only three days. He was a most kind and affectionate husband and tender parent, and was beloved by all who knew him. He has left a widow and five small children to lament his loss.
Saturday 19 June 1852
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 17th instant, Mrs. Robert READ of a son
BAPTISED at the Mission House, Salem by the Rev. W. Shaw, David Baird, fourth son of the Rev. E.D. HEPBURN
DIED at the Mission House, Salem on the 17th instant, William Scott, aged 5 years and 11 months, third son of the Rev. E.D. HEPBURN
DIED on Friday 11th inst, Walter John Clement, youngest child of F. CARLISLE Esq of Graham's Town, aged 2 years
Saturday 26 June 1852
MARRIED at St. Georges Church, Graham's Town on Thursday the 24th June 1852, by the Rev. J. Wilson MA, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Edward IRVING Esq JP, eldest son of the Rev. J. IRVING, Vicar of Wigton, Cumberland, to Deborah, fourth daughter of the Hon. Wm. COCK Esq, Member of the Legislative Council
MARRIED at Somerset (East) on the 15th inst by the Rev. J. Piers, Dutch Reformed Minister, P.C. MUSSYN Esq of that place to Cathrina Margaretta BOUWER, widow of the late P.W. BOUWER of Mayers Kraal, Somerset District
MARRIED at Alice on the 15th inst by the Rev. H. Calderwood, Mr. James Brilliant TEMLETT, to Jemima, second daughter of Mr. Joseph RALPH
DIED at Burghers Dorp on Thursday 10th June 1852, Eliza, the beloved wife of Mr. C.S. HALSE, aged 24 years 8 months and 16 days, leaving her bereaved husband and a large circle of relations and friends to mourn the loss of one in whom all the domestic and social virtues were centred. Her end was peace
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