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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1851 - 4 - October to December

Saturday 4 October 1851

DEATH at East London, Buffalo Mouth, on the 10th September, Helen Mary, the beloved wife of the Rev. Francis FLEMING, Military Chaplain and Minister of King William’s Town, aged 17 years and 11 months. “Deservedly lamented by all who knew her”. 13 chap of Mark, 36 and 37 verse.

HAW & Co
Are now receiving
Hanging paper, neat patterns, wagon arms, wagon rungs, iron and brass bedsteads, plough shares and mould boards, saddlery various
And always on hand a general assortment of ironmongery.

In the insolvent estate of Thomas CLACK of Graham’s Town, shopkeeper
All persons claiming to be creditors under this estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected in the appointment of sole trustee of the said estate, and that the Master has appointed the third meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his office at Graham’s Town on Wednesday the 15th October next at 10 o clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the trustee’s report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said trustee as to the management of the said estate.
And all persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

Saturday 11 October 1851

MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 2nd instant by the Rev. Mr. Copeman, Mr. B. SOLOMON of Somerset to Harriet, daughter of Mr. W. SMITH, surveyor.

DIED at Lyndoch on the evening of the 3rd instant, Mr. James Dalrymple LEWINS. He was a native of Haddingtonshire, and emigrated to this Colony in 1848. Deceased had been in the fields attending to his flocks when a body of the enemy came down upon them and swept them off – when endeavouring to make his escape he was surrounded by another party of our merciless enemies, caught, and cruelly murdered.

Millinery and Dressmaking
Late with Madam HILL, 171 Broad Street, London
Mrs. WILLIAMSON has the honour to inform the ladies of Graham’s Town that she has arrived from London with a beautiful assortment of millinery, consisting of summer bonnets, dress caps, head dresses &c, and has opened in the premises next to Mrs. CLAPPERTON’s, draper, Hill Street, where she respectfully invites their inspection and patronage. Mrs.W. will always have on hand a select stock of millinery, flowers &c of the latest fashion at moderate prices and trusts to have a share of the public support.
Hill Street, Oct 1851
An Apprentice and Improvers wanted – apply as above.

Saturday 18 October 1851

MARRIED on the 23rd Sept at Fort Beaufort by the Rev. Joseph Gill, James SAGE, boot and shoe maker, to Ellen THORNTON, only daughter of the late Francis James THORNTON of Graham’s Town.

Saturday 25 October 1851

DIED suddenly at King William’s Town on Wednesday 22nd inst, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of John HEWSON, aged 20 years and 7 months.

The undersigned being about to leave the Colony for England wishes all parties indebted to him to settle their accounts immediately.
Bread and Biscuit Maker
King William’s Town, Oct 22nd 1851

Takes this opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Graham’s Town and its vicinity for the liberal support he has hitherto received, and informs them that he has arranged with
Mr. William HOCKEY
For the future management of his business in Bathurst Street, Graham’s Town, in conducting which he intends for the future to adhere strictly to the Cash system, believing that in the end it will prove most satisfactory to him and his customers, enabling him to supply them with a good article for ready money at a reasonable price, which he trusts his past experience and intended residence at Port Elizabeth will assist him in doing.
Having disposed of his previous stock he has now for sale a new and general assortment of groceries, drapery and furnishing ironmongery; tea, coffee sugar &c, and is daily expecting
Eagle American Ploughs No.25
Extra shares for do.
Wagon arms and boxes
Carpenter’s and other tools
Flour, meal and rice
Graham’s Town 25th October 1851

Either for a term of years or quarterly, the well known extensive
Situate in Somerset Street, Graham’s Town, belonging to the insolvent estate of B. DICKS, on which are also erected several suitable rooms for a dwelling and a shop, and possessing the advantage of water being laid on the premises. For further particulars apply to
Attorney for the trustees
Graham’s Town 21st October 1851

Joiner, Builder and Undertaker
Begs respectfully to announce to the public in general that he has commenced business in the above lines, and hopes by strict attention and moderate charges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a share of public patronage.
Back of Mr. Abel HOOLE’s, New Street
NB, Funerals conducted in Town or Country at very moderate charges.

Saturday 1 November 1851

DIED on Sunday the 12th instant at Cradock, Mrs. Margaret TROLLIP, beloved wife of Mr. Jacob TROLLIP, aged 46 years. Her end was peace.

DIED at Cradock on the 25th October of typhoid fever, Lucy Harriet, only daughter of Lieut. Richard WHITE, Royal Navy, aged 16 years and 4 months.

DIED at Graham’s Town on the 26th ult, Mrs. BATIST, widow of the late Mr. John BATIST, tobacconist, Cape Town

DIED at Fort Peddie on Friday 24th October, the infant daughter, aged 2 months, of Mrs. CROSS, widow of the late Mr. J. CROSS, Commissariat Department, King William’s Town

DIED at Graham’s Town on Tuesday 28th Oct 1851 after a lingering and severe illness of 5 weeks, Thomas Henry, the beloved and only son of Henry and Cordelia Susanna ROWLES, aged 2 years 2 months.

DIED at Burghers Dorp on the 21st instant, Henry Ivers, aged 5 years and 2 months, the only and beloved son of Thos. I. PORTER, late Color Sergeant of the Grenadier or Capt. C. Yarborough’s Company, 1st Battalion 91st Regt, and eldest son of Philip PORTER of Bally Crystal Cottage, King’s County, Ireland and late Lieut. of HM 72nd Highlanders.

Saturday 8 November 1851

DIED at Winterberg on the [29]th October 1851, John Robert RORKE, aged 17 years and 5 months. His death was occasioned by having received a severe wound in the groin on the 3rd August last, while he with 6 other young men bravely attacked a band of Rebel Hottentots, whom they totally defeated. His death is severely felt by his relations. His end was peace.

DIED in peace on the 16th October, at the Wesleyan Mission House, Colesberg, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. M.R. EVERY, aged 58 years. This excellent woman was a member of the Wesleyan Connexion 30 years, during which protracted period she walked humbly with God and adorned her Christian profession.

DIED at Fort Peddie on the 4th November, Maria Eleanor, infant daughter of Frederick Charles and Emily WEBB, aged 3 months and 20 days.

Saturday 15 November 1851

KILLED in action with the enemy on 6th November 1851, on the heights above the Waterkloof, Hinzel CAREY Esq, Lieut. 74th Highlanders, son of the late Major-General Sir Octavius CAREY K.C.B. Deeply lamented by his brother officers and all who knew him.
Camp 1st Division, Nov 9 1851.

DIED at Graham’s Town on the 1st November, aged 67 years and 7 months – Susan, the beloved wife of B.M. SHEPPERSON Senr. Deceased possessed many amiable qualities – for evenness of temper and [suavity] of manners she was particularly remarkable – a kind and affectionate wife and mother and a sincere friend. Her end was peace.
Graham’s Town, 16t Nov 1851.

DIED at his residence in Hill Street, Graham’s Town, on the 7th day of November 1851 – aged 78 years – Mr. Thomas HEWSON, formerly of Piccadilly, Westminster, gunmaker. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820. Upon the erection of this Township into a Municipality he was elected to and filled the office of a Commissioner. Deceased had been afflicted for many years past with a distressing malady, which having increased upon him, had latterly reduced him to the extremest state of debility, and for some few years previous to his death had confined him almost entirely to his chamber. Deceased was a man of irrepressible integrity, and highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him.
Graham’s Town, 12th Nov 1851.

DIED at Graham’s Town on Monday Nov 10th 1851, Edna Emma, second daughter of John and Sophia SWAN, aged 1 year 10 months and 6 days.

DIED at Cradock on the 10th Nov 1851, Mr. John PRATT, aged 67 years. Deceased had partially recovered from a state of illness, when on the Saturday previous to his death he was struck with an apoplectic fit, from which he never rallied. He was much respected by all who knew him as a conscientious honest man: “The noblest work of God.” He was one of the old Pilgrim Settlers of 1820.

DIED on Sunday 2nd inst at Eildon, Baviaan’s River, Hector FRASER, a native of Inverness-shire, and for 13 years a soldier in HM 72nd Regiment, aged 48 years. He fell by a musket ball thro’ the heart, whilst in the act of bravely charging a band of Rebel Hottentots. He has left three orphan children to lament his untimely fate.

DIED at Fort Peddie on the 7th November, after 20 days severe suffering, Jessey, only daughter of James and Cordelia LONG, aged one year and three months.
Fort Peddie, 9th Nov 1851.

Saturday 22 November 1851

Mr. C. PENNY begs to tender his warmest thanks to the Messrs. FILMER, J. THOMAS,J. WEBBER, W. GRAVETT and J. DOYLE for the prompt assistance rendered by them to his sons towards recovering his cattle from a party of marauders on the 20th inst.

BIRTH at Colesberg on Sunday the 9th Nov. 1851, Mrs. W.P.R. DIXON of a son.

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Wednesday the 12th instant, the wife of [Rev. F.A. LA...] Esq. of a son.

DEATH at Mount Prospect on the 20th Nov 1851, Antoinette Augusta, youngest daughter of Capt. O’REILLY, aged 1 year & 4 days.

DIED on Sunday the 9th Nov, infant son of Mr. W.P.R. DIXON, Deputy Sheriff of Colesberg.

Saturday 29 November 1851

MARRIED at St.George’s Church on the morning of 25h November by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Mr. REYNOLDS of Port Elizabeth to Mary, daughter of Mr. Lauchlan DALLAS, saddler, Wick, Caithness, Scotland.

DIED at Zeekoe Room , District of Uitenhage, on Friday 3rd October 1851, Johannes Hermanus Jansen VAN RENSBURG (M.E.Son) aged 45 years and 19 days
(born MOOLMAN)
Uitenhage, November 10th 1851

Saturday 6 December 1851

NOTICE is hereby given that the Resident Magistrate for Albany has fixed Monday 29th Dec next at 10 o clock am to dispose, under the 10th and 11th sections of the Ordinance No.29 of 1846, of the undermentioned applications for LICENSES to sell by retail wines and spirituous liquors. All objections to the granting of certificates by law required to be lodged in writing with the Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court on or before the 27th December next:
High Street, D. McMASTER, inn and tap; New Street, W. YELLING, do.; Bathurst Street, S.D & J.W. MANDY, do.; Hill Street, J. YELLING, do., H. KNOWLES, do.; Somerset Street, D. SCOTT, do.; Beaufort Street, J. EVERLEY, A. DYKE, do.; Dundas Street, B. BROOKS, do.; Market Square, S. HARDING, do.; Fort England, Mrs. LAMONT, W. WEBB, do.; John O’BRIEN, Somerset Street; John HARTLEY, Cape Corps Camp; H. O’DONNELL, New Street; R. ORSMOND, do.; J. JACKSON, do.; Karreiga, S. MASSEY, do.; Assegai Bush, T. MILLS, do.; Sidbury, T. POLLARD, do.; Bushman’s River, T. ISEMONGER, do.; J. THOMAS, Hill Street; Mrs. TOMLINSON, New Street; W. WINK, Bathurst Street; T.G. STYLE, Bathurst Street; J.W. GOODES, African Street; T. FRANCIS, Espags Drift; J.H. KEULDER, near Howison’s Poort.
C.H. HUNTLEY, Act.Res. Magistrate
Resident Magistrate’s Office
Graham’s Town 22nd Nov 1851

Saturday 13 December 1851

MARRIED at King William’s Town Dec10 by the Rev George Dacre, Military Chaplain, Latham William BLACKER Esq, D-A Commissary General, third son of Latham BLACKER Esq, HM Customs, London, to Harriette De’maine, second daughter of the late J.J. SMITH Esq, Asst.Commis.General

DIED on 10th November of wounds received in action with the enemy in Waterkloof, on the 14th October last, at Post Retief, F.W. RICKETTS, Ensign 91st Regiment, aged 23 years, universally and sincerely regretted by his brother officers and all who knew him.

DIED at Salem on the 6th inst, Isabella Saulina, infant daughter of Philip and Mary Hannah AMM, aged 13 months
December 13th 1851

Saturday 20 December 1851

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 18th inst, Mrs. W. SELWYN of a son

DIED on Friday 5th December from drowning, T.K. BERESFORD, aged 27 years, in crossing Palmiet Spruit, and second son of the late M.J. BERESFORD of Broughton Monchelsea, Kent, England, leaving a large circle of friends to lament his untimely death.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 6th inst 1851, after a lingering illness, Alfred, youngest son of Mr. Edmund BRADFIELD, aged 13 months.

Saturday 27 December 1851

MARRIED on the 4th November at the Wesleyan Commemoration Chapel by the Rev. Wm. Shaw, Henry KEYS to Frances WATSON, the only daughter of the late Mr. G. WATSON, Cape Town

MARRIED at Bathurst on 25th December by the Rev.Mr. BARROW, Mr. George PALMER to Mrs. Christiana LEVY

DIED of fever at Zoutpan’s Drift, District of Cradock, on 8th December 1851, Hamilton Walter, son of Jacob and Louisa TROLLIP, aged 5 months and 21 days

DIED at Somerset on Monday 22nd inst, of inflammation of the lungs, John Henry, only son of W.H. and Emily DIXON, aged 12 months and 24 days.

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