Grahamstown Journal 1846 - 1 - January to March
Saturday 3 January 1846
BIRTH on the 22nd ult, at Fort Beaufort, the wife of H. HALL Esq. R.E.D. of a son
DIED at Bathurst on Wednesday 31 ult of an affection of the lungs aggravated by the prevailing influenza, Mr. John Matthew DOLD, aged 47 years. Deceased was one of the original Settlers of 1820, and for several years after the formation of the Settlement of Albany displayed considerable activity and energy; but a rupture of a blood vessel broke his health, and laid the foundation of that disease which ultimately removed him from the earth. He was amongst the early “Local Preachers” in the Wesleyan Denomination in Albany, and while in the enjoyment of health was most assiduous in travelling from location to location to aid his fellow Settlers in the worship of the Almighty. His sufferings were long and severe but he was in general enabled to bear them with the spirit of a Christian. His end was peace.
DIED on the 29th November, the Rev. Ernst SCHOLZ of the Berlin Missionary Society. Deceased was the only son of his parents left to them of fourteen children. After having finished his course of study in the Missionary Seminary at Berlin he was sent in company with four other Brethren as a Missionary to the Kaffirs, and arrived at the Cape after an unexampled short voyage. The Missionaries had with the same speed come to the vicinity of Fort Peddie when their waggons were attacked in the night by Kaffirs. Mr. SCHOLZ was wounded by an assegai thrown into the waggon and expired after a few hours of suffering. The undersigned Missionaries, while they deplore the loss of this amiable and devoted Brother, who promised to become a valuable fellow laborer in the Mission field, feel a consolation in remembering the sympathy and kind assistance which they experienced from the Officers and Missionaries at Fort Peddie at the time of this afflicting event, and they desire to express thus publicly their sincerest gratitude for the same.
The Missionaries of the Berlin Missionary Society in Kaffirland.
Bethel, December 4 1845
Saturday 10 January 1846
The Undersigned have this day commenced business as
Port Elizabeth 1st January 1846
BIRTH at Glenthorn on the 3rd inst, Mrs. CUMMING of a son
On Saturday last a party of young men were bathing in the Kasouka River near Theopolis when a young man of the name of JONES (for some time in the service of Mr. Attorney JARVIS in Graham’s Town), while swimming with the others across the river, was seized with cramp. He called for help, when one of the party, Mr. POULTON, swam back with a branch of a tree, and bid him lay hold of it. By this means he was brought to near the edge of the river, when unfortunately the branch was jerked by the struggles of the drowning man from the grasp of the individual who was endeavouring to save him, and he sunk to rise no more.
His body was not recovered till the next day. A coffin was prepared for him at the farm of Mr. S. DELL, and I learned that it was the intention of the party to bury him at Theopolis yesterday (Monday 5th)
Saturday 17 January 1846
BIRTH at Colesberg on Tuesday 6th January, Mrs. W.P.R. DIXON of a daughter
DIED here on Sabbath the 11th instant, Mr. Thomas CAMPBELL, Missionary Cathechist of the Glasgow African Missionary Society.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord,
They rest from their labours.”
Graham’s Town 13th January 1846
On Wednesday 21st instant the Undersigned will sell in front of the Stores of
100 oxen
300 wethers
6 saddle horses
1 wagon
10 good cows
And a varied assortment of merchandise
J.D. NORDEN, Auctioneer
Saturday 24 January 1846
BIRTH at her residence at Fort Beaufort on the 21st January 1846, Mrs. John VAUGHAN of a son
For Sale at the Stores of
Charles FULLER
Christy’s Black and Drab Beaver Hats 21s each
Superfine do 27
Harris do 27
Paris Hats 16
Gassamer 7/6d
Naples 10/6d
Wide-a-Wake 6
Manilla 6
Batavian 5
500 Mens and Boys Caps 1
Fancy Cloth do 3s 4/6 6s
Blue Navy Caps 6
Double and Single Guns
For Sale at the Store of
Boys Single Percussion Guns £1 : 10s
do do do £1 : 17: 6
Flint do £1 : 1s
Gents Single Percussion do £3
Double do £5
Farmers’ Double Flint Guns £4 : 10s
Do Single £1 : 10
Superior Rifles £4 : 10
Fine and Coarse Powder
Percussion Caps
Saturday 7 February 1846
And for Sale at the Stores of the Undersigned
A batch of very superior
And a few barrels of fresh
Charles POTE
An Apprentice to the Boot and Shoe-making Business
Apply to the Undersigned
Bathurst Street, 10th Jan 1846
MARRIED in St.George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on the 3rd instant by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, William CANNELL Esq, only son of P. CANNELL Esq of Douglas, Isle of man, to Rosetta, eldest daughter of Mrs. FEATHERSTONE, Fort England.
MARRIED on Wednesday 14th inst in St.Augustin’s Church by the Rev. G. Cocoran P.P, Patrick HOWARD to Elizabeth Goldsmith PHILLIPS, second daughter of John PHILLIPS of the Fish River Mouth
BIRTH on the 3rd inst, Mrs. G.J. NICHOLLS of a son
BIRTH – Mrs. CHALMERS of a daughter at the Chumie Missionary Station, Kaffirland, on the 2nd instant
DIED at Colesberg, the infant daughter of Mr. W.R. DIXON, aged 6 days
By the mail, which came in on Tuesday last, we learn the arrival in Table Bay of the first Emigrant ship, chartered under the new government regulations. The immigrants brought by this arrival consist of 78 married persons, 37 single men, 17 single women and 12 infants. The adults are classed as follows:
10 Carpenters
4 Male Domestic Servants
43 Agricultural Laborers
4 Bricklayers
1 Mason
6 Smiths
13 Female Domestic Servants
6 Shepherds
2 Sawyers
4 Female Farm Servants
Besides these, the same vessel brought seven cabin passengers, namely Messrs. C. FLORY, C. EWEN, J. LYALL, J. RUSSEL, H. COXHEAD and BIRTWHISTLE (surgeon) and Miss THOMPSON.
During the voyage it appears that the measles broke out on board and proved fatal to 19 children. The following certificate, however, testifies to the healthy state of the ship at the period of arrival.
Table Bay, January 27th 1846
The ship ‘Susan’ left Plymouth November 23rd for Cape of Good Hope with Emigrants. On December 1st lat 59 51 North, long 15 West, the first case of measles occurred, and this disease continued till the 18th Jan, when the last case was put out of the sick list well, and in my opinion the ship is now free from infection.
The ship is in the same condition for cleanliness it has been during the voyage, and all clothes and linen of every description have been washed and thoroughly purified.
Capt. BANCE RN &c &c
Notice by the Government had been given that the immigrants would be in readiness on the 30th ult at the Chevonne Battery, to receive proposals from, or to enter into engagements with persons requiring their services. The next emigrant ship will land its passengers at Port Elizabeth.
Saturday 14 February 1846
On Friday 20th February
Four Pieces or Plots of Building Ground
Most desirably situate for business at the corner of D’Urban Street and the Parade.
A Plan of the Ground divided into Lots may be seen at the office of Mr. BELL, Auctioneer, Fort Beaufort
Graham’s Town 16th Jan 1846
CHRISTENING in the Drostdy House Graaff-Reinet on the 2nd instant by the Rev. W. Long, a son of Mr. Honoratus VAN RYNEVELD of Rynheath, baptised “Maynier” [sic]
Saturday 21 February 1846
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Monday the 9th inst, Mrs. J. SAVORY of a son
BIRTH at Cape Town on Saturday 14 February, Mrs. J. M. AITCHESON of a son
DIED at Graham’s Town on Thursday Feb 19th 1846, John, the infant son of Arnold and Harriet SHEPPERSON, aged three months
A private soldier of the 91st Regt., named McINTYRE, clerk to the paymaster of the regiment, committed a most determined act of suicide on Monday morning last, by shooting himself through the head. It appears that early in the morning he arose, loaded his gun, placed the muzzle in his mouth, placed the stock on the ground and then, with his foot pressing the trigger, the piece exploded, and the wretched man lay instantly a breathless and mutilated corpse. No reason is assigned for this fatal act except that lamentably frequent one of intemperance in the use of intoxicating liquors – and which has worked such extensive mischief in the British Army, and especially on foreign service.
Saturday 28 February 1846
Custom House, Cape Town 18th Feb 1846
Notice is hereby given that the ship ‘Recorder’, with about 200 Immigrants, was to sail from Southampton on the 16th December, and may therefore be daily expected.
After inspection at this Port upon her arrival, she will immediately be despatched with all the Immigrants on board to Port Elizabeth, and as it is very desirable that they should meet with immediate and advantageous employment upon their landing, it is requested that all Persons who may be desirous of availing themselves of their services, shall, without loss of time, address proposals to the Sub Collector of Her Majesty’s Customs at Port Elizabeth, containing the undermentioned particulars, in order to enable the Sub Collector to advise the Immigrants to accept those proposals which shall appear to contain the most advantageous terms.
With a view to prevent disappointment to persons residing in the Country Districts of the Eastern Division of the Colony, it is particularly recommended that they should take care to be themselves at Port Elizabeth upon the ship’s arrival, so as to enter into agreements with the Immigrants, or that they should nominate Agents on the spot, fully authorised to act for them in hiring the Immigrants.
W. FIELD Collector of HM Customs
Proposals to contain the following particulars:
1st The Christian and surname of the applicant in words in length, with the usual additions, stating also the profession, occupation or other description.
2nd Name of their place of residence and the District in which it is situated.
3rd Number of Immigrants desired
4th What description, specifying whether bricklayers , carpenters, masons, smiths, domestic servants, farm servants, agricultural laborers, shepherds
5th Whether single men or men with families
6th Rate of wages, in money, per month or per year, and whether with or without rations, and whether house or lodging provided or not
The respective Field Cornets and Wardmasters are requested to give notice of the above advertisement in their Wards.
Saturday 7 March 1846
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 24th ult, at the Wesleyan Chapel, by the Rev. John Richards, Mr. Charles Ross GOWIE of Graham’s Town to Mary Ann, only daughter of Mrs. Ann SMITHSON of Hull, Yorkshire.
MARRIED on the 18th September 1845 at the family residence, near the city of Campinas, in the interior of the Province of San Paolo, Brazil, Richard Gumbleton DAUNT Esq MD to the Donna Anna Francelina, 4th daughter of the Senhor Joachim Joseph DOS SANTOS E DE CAMARGO, cousin german to his deceased Excellency Didicus Antony FEIJO, sole Regent of Brazil during a part of the minority of the present Emperor &c &c The ceremony was performed by special licence in the Oratory of the family residence by the vicar of Belem, assisted by the family chaplain.
The better known and understood will be more valued and appreciated by the lovers of harmony.
Mrs. Geo. GUNN Jun.
Lawrence Street
Begs to inform her friends and the public that she is giving lessons in MUSIC, comprising the PIANOFORTE, SINGING &c
In the most approved English, Scotch and Italian style, adopted by the first Vocalist and Pianist of the day – affording to the learner an opportunity of acquiring a thorough knowledge and ground work of Music as they advance, in an easy and brilliant manner; and hopes by strict attention to her Pupils, and selection of their advancement in the Theory as well as practical instruction in Music to merit a continuation of their favour and patronage.
Mrs. G.G. would have no objection to attend the schools in the vicinity of Graham’s Town, or receive pupils at her own residence.
Piano Forte per quarter £2:2:0
Attendance at the pupil’s residence 10:6
Single lesson 2:6
Singing per quarter £2:2:0
Attendance at the pupil’s residence 10:6
Single lesson 2:6
Piano Forte & Singing included per quarter £3:3:0
Attendance at the pupil’s residence 10:6
Single lesson 3:6
Mrs. G. GUNN Jun will give two lessons per week, one hour each lesson; Piano Forte and Singing included two lessons per week, two hours each.
Music copied on the lowest terms, from her own or other selections as required.
Saturday 14 March 1846
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 2nd instant at the early age of 32 years and 11 months, after a severe and protracted illness, which she bore with exemplary patience, and resignation to the Divine will, Christiana, the beloved wife of Anthony ISEMONGER, leaving her bereaved husband to mourn the loss of a most affectionate partner, and two children of the assiduous care and example of a tender mother.
Of the Arrival of the British Settlers
Will be held at Bathurst
On Wednesday 1st April
When an address will be delivered
By the Rev. H. H. DUGMORE
Service to commence at 11 o’clock.
Dinner and Tea will be provided by the Commemoration Committee. Tickets to the same may be had – Graham’s Town Mr. W. HARTLEY, Mr. D. PAXTON and Mr. FLETCHER; Bathurst, Mr. J. GOLDSWAIN and Mr. E. DELL
Tickets to Dinner and Tea 3s
Saturday 21 March 1846
DIED on the 10th inst, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph WALKER of Bathurst Street, Graham’s Town, aged one year, nine months and ten days.
It will be seen that the Commemoration of the foundation of the Lower Albany Settlement, which it was intended to observe at Bathurst on 1st April, has been postponed till the 15th of that month. Various reasons have conduced to this postponement, the chief of which is the near approach of the Circuit Court. By postponing it for a fortnight, many persons, who in consequence of this could not have attended, will now be at leisure, and it is confidently hoped that every British Settler in the district will endeavour to be present, and that all will unite their endeavours to make this Annual Commemoration not only an occasion of social festivity, but of useful profitable intercourse – that it will be found a season of grateful refreshment to the fathers of the Settlement, and a means of moral and social good to their children.
The Colonial Government having announced in the Gazette their intention of forwarding the whole of the second portion of Emigrants per ‘Recorder’ , expected daily, to Algoa Bay, it will be advisable for parties in the Country requiring
To immediately make application through an Agent to obtain the class they require, the Undersigned having already numerous applications will use his best endeavours to procure suitable Servants by full particulars of the nature of employment – rate of wages &c, being transmitted to him, enclosing a fee of 3s.
Port Elizabeth Feb 27 1846
Saturday 28 March 1846
DIED on the 26th instant at Vyge Kraal of Croup, Fanny Elizabeth, second daughter of James and Jane JAY, aged 2 years and 10 months.
Although this is an unfavourable moment for bringing under the notice of our readers the subject of Immigration, yet nevertheless there are several facts connected with the new government scheme, and particularly as respects the transit or voyage of the Emigrants from the parent country to this colony, which demand remark, and must not be overlooked. The impression seems to be, from what has hitherto transpired, that the Emigrants who have recently arrived have been dealt with fairly and kindly on their passage from home to their new abode. Facts, however, have come to our knowledge somewhat at variance with this. Take one example: - The schedule drawn out by the Emigration Agents in England for the information of intending emigrants states that the ‘Susan’, the only vessel which has yet come out, would, after her arrival at Table Bay, proceed with all possible despatch to Algoa Bay. In consequence of this, many of the Susan’s passengers, and also her Bounty Emigrants, shipped on board her for the latter port, under the full expectation – caused as well by the public schedule as by private letters from the Agents in London, J. MARSHALL & Co – that they would be conveyed in her to Port Elizabeth, On the arrival of that vessel in Table Bay these persons were, however, informed that they must accept of situations there, as they would not be forwarded any further, and that if they wished to go to Algoa Bay it must be at their own expense. This breach of engagement was brought to the notice of the head of a respectable firm in Cape Town, and by whom it was mentioned in the Legislative Council; the Agents then finding that they could not escape from their engagement, consented at length to convey to Port Elizabeth such as chose to proceed there in the Susan. In the meantime, however, some, believing they would not be forwarded, had taken situations, and others who had the means paid for a passage by the Steamer, their slender resources being thus unnecessarily diminished, and they themselves unfavourably impressed with the good faith of the Emigration Agents.
Col. PIPER and Lieut. JERVOIS R.E. have recently passed through Graaff-Reinet on their way overland from Natal to the Cape: these officers have made numerous sketches of the country through which they have passed, as well as obtained a variety of particulars respecting the political state of the people inhabiting it, both Europeans and natives.
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