Grahamstown Journal 1846 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 4 April 1846
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 28th instant, the Lady of Surgeon W.C. EDDIE, of the Cape Mounted Rifles, of a daughter.
Cypress Cottage March 30th 1846
An account has been received of the death of a son of Mr. SANDS of Fort Beaufort, by the accidental discharge of a percussion gun. It seems that this youth, about 19 years of age, quitted Graham's Town, where he was in the store of Mr. CANNELL, with Mr. NILAND, on Friday se'nnight,; that they proceeded to the farm of the former, where early on Monday morning last he was in the act of taking his gun from a wagon, in which it was placed loaded, when the lock meeting with some obstruction, the piece was instantly discharged, the ball entering the breast near the shoulder. The unfortunate youth survived only about one hour.
During the night between Monday and Tuesday last the residence of Mrs. JOLLY at Fort England was struck by lightning, but we are happy to state without any fatal consequences. The shock was severe, one of the walls of the building, being so shattered as to make it a question whether it will not be necessary to have it rebuilt. No injury was sustained by any of the inmates of the dwelling.
All things continue in a state of unsettledness in this part of Lower Albany. The Settlers, smarting under the remembrance of past troubles, are forming encampments at Cuylerville, at Cawoods, at Trapps' Valley, at New Bristol, at the Mill near Port Frances, at Mr. COCK's at the Kowie, at Mr. S. DELL's and at Theopolis, so that should the Kaffirs have the temerity to enter these parts they will meet with most determined resistance.
We all feel greatly encouraged that the Governor at Cape Town so highly approves of our late proceeding. All say only let us be supported and Lower Albany will do its duty. Much cannot be done because of our being so few in number. Some of our men are yet in Graham's Town – we hope that they have not got out of the way purposely – we expect that they will soon be home to aid at the present juncture of affairs. All look toward the Kowie with regret that we have not a port there. Patroles have been out in all parts, but not a Kaffir spoor is visible. The Wesleyan Minister, the Rev. J. AYLIFF, held Divine service in two of the camps yesterday (Sunday).
J. and T. BAILIE
Information has been received this morning that a verdict of Guilty has been returned by the Jury at Uitenhage against Messrs. J. and T. BAILIE, father and son, of the murder of the farmer DU PLOOY, across the Northern boundary. The accused had no counsel, and only one out of the ten witnesses which they requested might be subpoenaed in their defence. The Jury, who were all night in deliberation, accompanied their verdict with a strong recommendation of mercy. This conviction appears to have caused a great deal of excitement, and at this particular moment to have called forth strong and deep public sympathy. It is not forgotten that during the last Kafir war these unfortunate men were not only amongst the severest sufferers, but also amongst the bravest who took the field in the general defence. Not only did the elder BAILIE sustain a dreadful wreck of property, having a large and expensive residence fired, but his whole estate was laid waste, and his prospects blasted. In addition to this, his eldest son, one of the finest and most gallant young men in the colony, fell by the hand of the Kaffirs in the Amatole mountains – from the shock of which he never recovered. He subsequently submitted to voluntary exile. In an evil hour he crossed the boundary, was involved in a quarrel with the deceased DU PLOOY, whom he shot in a scuffle, and which has placed him in the melancholy situation in which he is now found. John BAILIE is the Pioneer of the British Settlers of Albany, being the head of the first party which trod the shores of Algoa Bay in 1820. Memorials will, it is understood, be immediately transmitted to His Excellency the Governor, praying for arrest of sentence.
[See issue of 31 July 1845 for details of the murder]
Saturday 11 April 1846
DIED at Haslope Hills, Tarka, on Friday 3rd April of Croup, William David Barry, son of Anthony and Caroline FRANK, aged 14 months.
We reported a few weeks ago a severe accident having happened to a miner named MIDGELY, employed in the construction of the new road in Howison's Poort. A similar accident has befallen his son within the last few days. By the premature explosion of a blast this young man was severely cut and bruised about the head by fragments of stone, and thrown senseless to the ground a distance of several yards from the spot on which he stood at the moment of the concussion. Prompt medical assistance having been obtained he is now in a fair way of recovery.
Friday: The "church-going bell" reminds one this morning that this is a day (Good Friday) which has been set apart by the English Church for the celebration of religious worship, in memory of the most stupendous event the world has known. It is also the Anniversary of the landing on the shores of Algoa Bay, twenty six years ago, of the first party of British Settlers – "a homeless, houseless band". Little could they have imagined the possibility that on the 26th annual return of the day they would be found in arms, prepared to repel an expected attack by the neighbouring Kaffirs. Surely there must be something radically wrong in a system which has not conducted to a better result than this.
Saturday 18 April 1846
Cape Town April 4th 1846
To the Editor: Sir,
We, the Agents of the Emigration Company, request that you will insert in your journal the following statements in reference to the remarks in your paper of the 28th of last month, under the head of 'Immigration'.
The Government have expressed themselves perfectly satisfied with all the arrangements made for the comforts of the emigrants by the Susan.
The emigrants were all along told by us that they should be sent to Algoa Bay if they wished, according to agreement; and a notice requesting all persons, both emigrants and passengers, to apply to us for that purpose was inserted in the Commercial Advertiser of the 7th February.
They never were, by our authority, informed that they must accept situations here. Their appointment has nothing to do with us and is quite beyond our control.
We do not recollect any reference being made in the Legislative Council about the matter, and shall feel obliged by your referring us to it.
The ship was chartered by the Emigration Company to proceed to Algoa Bay, and any unnecessary delay would have incurred demurrage.
We need not trespass on your time by any further remarks, as these will doubtless be sufficient to set the matter right, and in conclusion remain, Sir &c &c
[In reference to the above we beg to state that the information upon which we based our remarks, referred to in the above, was given us by a passenger by the Susan. We understood that the subject was mentioned in the Legislative Council by the Honourable Mr. ROSS.]
Fort Peddie 17th April 1846
The Murderers of poor PIKE have been detected. They were four in number. Three have been taken and the fourth has made his escape. They were sent into Peddie last night by STOCK (ENO's successor). Captain McLEAN is at this present moment investigating the case. The evidence is clear against them – one of the men had on a white counterpane which belonged to poor PIKE.
Report of cannon heard in the distance, supposed to be from Colonel SOMERSET's camp on the Debi Flats. The Debi Flats can be distinguished from the top of a mount, called 'Somerset Mount', about three miles from Peddie; a party going to ride out this evening with their spy-glasses, in order to observe the situation of the camp.
All very quiet about Fort Peddie. During the past week we have had Noneba, Suani, Pato, Umkie and Cobus Congo as visitors. They look as if they were humbled – quite respectful in their bearing. Fingoes out in all directions after the stolen oxen from Grobblers Kloof. Our Diplomatic Agent very active.
It is all life at Peddie now – bugles blowing – troops parading – cavalry and artillery skirmishing and besieging all the krantz and valleys round about Peddie; while the Fingoes are firing guns in all directions. Post just going.
It is with the most poignant sorrow we give publicity to one of the most mournful and distressing occurrences it has ever been our duty to record. We refer to the accidental death of Mr, Louis NORTON of this town, which took place on the afternoon of Wednesday last. The circumstances of this sad catastrophe are briefly as follows:- The deceased had requested of Mr. M.B. SHAW the loan of his horse, a fine spirited animal, then standing saddled and bridled on the spot. In mounting, the horse sprang forward before the deceased could gain the saddle, and he was thrown heavily, pitching upon a hard and stony part of the road, upon the back of the head. His Uncle, Mr. J.D. NORDEN, and a group of his personal friends, were on the spot at the moment, and rushed to his assistance, but life had fled, the blow being so violent as to cause a concussion of the brain, from which he never for an instant rallied. Dr. G. ATHERSTONE was in attendance within a few minutes after the accident, and who was speedily followed by Drs. MORGEN and HADOWAY, 91st Regt, all of whom, unaware of the exact nature of the injury, had recourse to every means to restore animation, but of course utterly in vain. He never was observed to breathe after receiving the fatal blow.
It is due to the memory of the departed to say that he was amongst the young men of highest promise in this Settlement. With a remarkably even temper, his manners were gentle, cheerful and ardent; while with great aptitude for business he had devoted a considerable portion of his time to the discharge of those duties which he had imposed upon himself as a member of this community. The Graham's Town Yeomanry has lost in him one of its most active members. He had attained the age of 28 years and has left a widow and two young children to deplore, with a numerous circle of friends, their irreparable loss.
The funeral of the late lamented Mr. Louis NORTON took place on Friday afternoon, and was attended by as large a cavalcade as we ever remember to have seen, on any occasion of a similar character. Lt.Col. JOHNSTONE, Major O'REILLEY and several other military officers were present. The Freemasons, of which Association the deceased was a zealous member, wore the insignia of their order, while the Graham's Town Yeomanry attended in the Uniform of their Corps. All the Civil Authorities of the district were amongst the mourners, together with a large number of the inhabitants of the town, thus publicly marking their respect for the deceased, and their sympathy with his bereaved relatives.
We understand that the life of the deceased was insured in "The Cape of Good Hope Mutual Life Assurance Company" for £1,000.
Saturday 25 April 1846
MARRIED at Glen Avon on the 15th April 1846, by the Rev. J. Pears, Edward WADE of Glen Avon to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr. John LEONARD of Graham's Town.
DIED at Graham's Town on Monday 20th instant, Mr. John CAWOOD, aged 45 years. Deceased was an Emigrant of 1820, since which period he always resided on his original Location in Lower Albany, where he was universally esteemed as a man of sterling character. In his exertions to do good in the neighbourhood in which he resided, his efforts were unceasing, and in which his early death will be deeply and generally deplored. Of mild, quiet, unassuming manners, he lived as became the Gospel of Christ, and his end was Peace – a confident assurance in the mercy of God and a steady, humble faith in Him on whom he had long believed. He has left a Widow and six Children.
Saturday 2 May 1846
BIRTH at Groen Fontein on April 22nd 1846, Mrs. Joshua TROLLIP of a son
BIRTH at Colesberg, the wife of Mr. Thos. HOLMES of a daughter
Graham's Town 2 May 1846
1. Lieut. M.B. SHAW, the Senior Officer of Yeomanry, will assume the Command of that Corps in succession to Field Commandant NORDEN, killed in action on the 25th instant. In making this announcement the Lt.Colonel considers it due to the memory of the deceased to express the universal regret felt in this Garrison for the loss of so public spirited and gallant a Leader, and to add to this token of respect the following testimony to his value from His Honor the Colonel commanding, namely:- "I deeply and sincerely regret the loss of that gallant, useful and excellent Officer, Captain NORDEN of the Graham's Town Yeomanry. Such men as Mr. NORDEN must be deeply lamented.
2. Mr. THACKWRAY of Graham's Town is appointed Captain and Superintendent of the Fingo Levy, and to be obeyed as such; Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. HOOLE and Mr. HANCOCK will act as Assistants and Interpreters; Mr. BLAINE as Quarter Master.
Mr. THACKWRAY of this Levy will increase their numbers to Two Hundred and Fifty Men. Those on Out Piquet will daily draw full Rations.
Brigade Major
The villages of Bathurst, Port Francis, Farmerfield, Salem and Sidbury have as yet maintained themselves, nor do we hear that they have been as yet seriously attacked at any of those places. Their safety depends however upon immediate succour, and which we now call upon our fellow Colonists promptly to afford.
Mr. H. FULLER's farm was attacked a second time last night, but the assailants were again gallantly beaten off by the little garrison. The Kaffirs on this occasion endeavoured to surprise the place, and did not fire a shot, leading to the supposition that they are getting short of ammunition.
A party of eight of the inhabitants of Bathurst came in today from that village and reported that with great difficulty they had, by taking a circuitous route, succeeded in reaching town. A body of the enemy lined the drift at Blue Krans, the approach to which down the descent is very bushy. But keeping their horses in hand until they came to this point, they then dashed forward and got through without harm, the Kaffirs firing a volley after them as they ascended the opposite hill, and which, drawing up their horses, they returned. They state that nearly the whole of Lower Albany has been laid waste, the houses and stacks fired and the cattle swept into Kaffirland...
The following letter from the Rev. J. AYLIFF, Wesleyan Minister at Bathurst, shows the deeply painful situation in which the inhabitants were at the time it was written:
Bathurst, Tuesday Morning
We are all driven to the church, where to the present we are safe. I bear arms and take my share of night duty. Yesterday a party came in from CAWOOD's, saying that all the Fish River cattle had gone; that the Kaffirs had secured the boat of J. PHILLIPS, with which they were crossing the river near the mouth. James, my youngest son, went yesterday morning 8am (without my permission) to water the horses at the fountain by the Drostdy, when two Kafirs sprang upon him and seized his arm, saying "Give your horses!" Yes I will, said James (in Kafir) if you don't kill me, and began crying. The Kafir replied, hold your noise, I won't kill you. At this moment the horses broke away, and they left him and went after them. I have much to say, but time does not allow me to add any more than to say that the officer in command, Mr. TUNNARD, is exceedingly kind and attentive to our concerns, and so are the small party of the 27th, which he commands.
Reports received that about 1200 head of the cattle taken at Mr. McLUCKIE's station had been recaptured by a small party of farmers, who sallied out headed by Mr. W. EASTMENT, and who behaved throughout the affair with the most determined courage, actually springing into the kraal amongst the Kaffirs, and shooting with his own hands with a blunderbuss heavily loaded, several of the enemy. The Kaffirs subsequently went to the dwelling house of this individual, a short distance from McLUCKIE's, and pillaged and destroyed the whole of the property it contained, not leaving Mr. EASTMENT a single article of clothing or other necessary. The following night the Kaffirs attacked McLUCKIE's house, a second time, but the cattle recaptured had been sent to an adjacent station and the enemy were disappointed in booty. They however surrounded the house in force, in extended order, and then commenced firing upon the premises, calling out at the same time to the little garrison to come out if they were men and fight. This challenge it was not thought prudent to comply with, and the savages shortly retired. In these attacks the enemy have shown little of that courage which many are disposed to give them credit for. They fired from a great distance, and permitted a handful of brave men to wrest their prey from them. The defence of a kraal or dwelling should be mainly from without, and not from within the walls. The most effectual way to counteract such attacks would be to have picquets placed in ambush at a short distance from the point expected to be attacked, and then, while the marauders were received with spirit by the garrison, they should be suddenly taken in rear by the outside guard. This would cause instant panic, and the enemy being encountered in his own way would soon be shorn of that confidence which now marks his nightly assaults. No position should now be held where there are not sufficient hands to make such a defence.
Informed that a large herd of cattle have been taken from Mr. DELL's station, at Barville Park, but the details not given.... Today the remains of Field-Commandant NORDEN were consigned to the silent tomb, and as expected were followed by all the military officers in the garrison, and by a large concourse of inhabitants. The ceremony was conducted according to the impressive ritual of the Jewish Church, to which deceased belonged. The coffin was entirely without ornament, and was borne from the carriage to the grave by those only of his persuasion. Each member of his family, beginning with the eldest son, cast some earth into the grave, and which was not quitted until it had been entirely filled in. The lamented deceased has left a widow, a native of New York, and several children to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and tender parent. To some it may not be known that the late Mr. L. NORTON, whose premature death by a fall from a horse we recorded this day se'nnight, was a nephew of the deceased, and who was overwhelmed with grief at the sudden death of one with whom he was on terms of the most fraternal intimacy, little thinking that, ere the lapse of many days, he, like him, would become the tenant of the silent tomb. It is an occurrence worthy of record in the annals of British warfare that an individual of the Jewish Religion fell, as leader of a party, fighting in the common defence of the country.
Received an account of a very gallant defence made by a small party assembled at the farm of Mr. J.J. SMITH in the Winterberg. The Kaffirs made their night attack with their usual determination and subtlety but were steadily met by the gallant little party – keeping up an incessant fire of vollies from three guns at a time, until the enemy at length sheered off without his expected booty. Mr SMITH's sons distinguished themselves by great intrepidity.
Saturday 9 May 1846
In consequence of MARTIAL LAW being proclaimed, the Undersigned begs to notify that credit is discontinued from this day.
Graham's Town 21st April 1846
This Division has suffered equally with the other parts of the District, a large proportion of it is swept bare of livestock, and the buildings, stacks of corn and fences are in ashes. The village of Bathurst is yet spared from the fire-brand, the inhabitants still maintaining themselves bravely in their little fortification, the Episcopal Church, and submitting with the most exemplary fortitude to those privations which are the necessary concomitants of their painful position. A letter before us dated 4th instant says:
All the houses in JAMES Party were burnt on Saturday except the house of Mr. USHER. The Chapel is consumed as well as all the stacks, estimated at 620,000lbs. Eight dwellings have been fired in the little hamlet. The Kaffirs still continue to show themselves on all sides. At Cawood's they have lost all their cattle. At Cuylerville the enemy was most bravely repulsed, the gun of J. FLANEGAN doing great execution. Ebenezer Chapel has been burnt, and all the houses at Green Fountain.
The extensive farmhouse and buildings on Cypher Fountain, the property of Mr. F. CARLISLE, Deputy Sheriff, situated about 3 miles NW of Graham's Town, were fired by the enemy last night. Pigs were found cut to pieces, and everything not consumed by fire destroyed.
Saturday 16 May 1846
Mr KIFT is appointed Quartermaster of the Graham's Town Yeomanry and Mr. TAYLOR Assistant Surgeon of the same, until further Orders.
Brigade Major
Graham's Town 4th May 1846
Received the following communication from Bathurst:
We continue in the church, numbering in all 304 souls. You may judge of our uncomfortable circumstances. Large bodies of Kaffirs are constantly passing into the colony from Kaffirland, but they seem unwilling to trouble Bathurst. We sometimes think that they are reserving all their strength before they make the attack. Had we force sufficient our people might have stopped large herds of cattle from passing into Kaffirland. The Kaffirs show themselves bold and daring in the extreme. We know of about 20 farm houses in this direction, and many valuable stacks, which have been burned – in fact the whole country is constantly lit up by the fires of farm houses and stacks. Distress is beginning to stare many full in the face; the Government must support the people and that soon. All the cattle are gone from the Fish River, CAWOOD's, COCKCROFT's, and the greater part from FOXCROFT's.
The plan of attack upon the little camp at USHER's was most deliberate on the part of the Kaffirs. The greater part of the day they employed themselves in burning farm houses; this was done with a view to intimidate the little party. The cattle were brought early into the kraal, and the party prepared to repel the attack and defend to the last their hard-earned property, and the lives of themselves and families. Towards the close of the day the Kaffirs came near to the camp, to a speaking distance, and had the boldness to call out, saying "Tis no use driving the cattle into the kraal, for they are no longer yours, but ours, we are coming for them ,and will have them tonight." Amongst the little party were some four or five persons speaking Kaffir; also some Kaffir servants. These latter could recognise distinctly Kaffirs of Pato's tribe, and among them a petty chief of the name of 'Xosa', residing on the Beka River, about 5 miles from Fort Peddie. They made the camp of wagons and carts as snug and comfortable as they could, and each of the men took their stations, and when the Kaffirs made their attack, kept up a steady and well directed fire upon the assailants, and effectually beat them off.
The formation of the kraal greatly aided the little party in repelling the Kaffirs. It was made of large thorn trees, drawn in with the butt end outwards, and on each side a trench dug, and with a sod wall laid on the thorns; at each angle a strong bastion of two-inch oak, capable of containing five or six men, which could effectively rake the trench on all sides. This circumstance completely baffled the Kaffirs; hence, when they got to the kraal edge, to the order "pull out the thorns", the reply was "we cannot, for sods and ground are upon them." I need not tell that this circumstance of beating off the enemy, without their succeeding in entering the kraal, or taking off a single head, have put them in good spirits, for it is the only place which have been attacked in this part of Lower Albany where the enemy have retreated without a booty.
The Kaffirs invariably fire too high; hence the first shot fired, instead of striking the camp, took the corner of the chimney of USHER's house; and a very kind providence has in several instances preserved our people in the defence of our righteous cause.
A requisition is about to be sent to Graham's Town from Lower Albany, for rations for the destitute, and they are not a few. It may be enquired, that as some have yet cattle, why not slaughter those to live on? Such remarks have been made. Now the fact is, if they slaughter the few remaining oxen and milch cows, how can they possibly begin life again, seeing that cattle from other parts of the colony will not live in Lower Albany. Government is bound, both on the score of humanity and sound policy, to keep here the people together. A little thing will cause Lower Albany to be totally abandoned. For the present, the people must be fed. After arrangements or plans of Government will be as beacons for their future guide. You will observe that though the people have lost their all, they have maintained their posts, and defended the country, and now they require to be fed, that they may maintain their positions until when the frontier is reinforced, and the war carried in to the enemy's country, when they will be able to plough, so as to supply the army, and to re-establish themselves in this district.
Sir Andreas STOCKENSTROM is said to be acting with great energy and zeal. He is said to be enlisting every brave man under his command, and it is rumoured that Mr. M. BOWKER has been offered by him a distinguished position. This information is cheering – the present is no time to harbour adverse sentiments – all past differences should be forgotten and merge in one united effort to save the Colony.
We stated in our Saturday's paper that Mr. MURRAY, who fell, while with Mr. C. SCANLEN, fighting bravely against the enemy near Farmerfield, was an Albany Youth – and which we find requires some explanation. The unfortunate deceased was a son of the late Government teacher at Colesberg, but he resided for many years on the farm of Mr. GILFILLAN, near the mouth of the Kowie, and to which gentleman he is a family connection. He formed one of the Colesberg Contingent, and was distinguished during the whole time that he served, under the command of Mr. SCANLEN, for his bravery and good conduct.
Mr. WEBB, whose death we recorded last week, occasioned by a wound received from a musket ball, in an engagement at Messrs. BOWKER's lager, is the son of Mr. R. WEBB, Butcher of Graham's Town. He was a very fine, steady, intelligent young man, 20 years of age, and had just commenced life as a sheep farmer – having married the daughter of Mr. EDY, formerly chief clerk in the office of the Civil Commissioner of Albany – with the fairest prospect of success. His wife and child were in the lager when he was wounded and at his death, and they are now with Messrs. BOWKER in their flight to Somerset. They are entitled to, and will have, the heartfelt sympathy of every feeling mind.
Tuesday 2 o'clock pm
News has just come in that this morning just before daylight the Kaffirs fired the farm house and kraals of the Messrs. BEZUIDENHOUT (mentioned in a previous article) on the New Year's River. They also burnt at the same time the farmhouse of Mr. G. LEE, in the same neighbourhood. It seems that a number of Kaffirs have had possession of these buildings for some days past, sheltering themselves in the buildings and putting cattle in the kraals. These marauders have now gone off towards Kaffirland, first firing the premises, and BEZUIDENHOUT in bringing in the report is in hopes of receiving assistance so as, if possible, to intercept the enemy on the East side of the Zuuerberg, the point where it is probable he will cross the range, being at the back of Hilton, or between that point and the hamlet of Riebeek.
With reference to the Proclamation of His Excellency the Governor dated the 22nd April 1846 extending MARTIAL LAW through the whole Colony.
All Her Majesty's Subjects are hereby strictly enjoined to furnish, with the utmost promptitude, all necessary SUPPLIES required by the Commandants or Captains of the Detachments of the Burgher Force on the line of march to the defence of the Frontier, and for which supplies they will be paid, without delay, by the Civil Commissioner of their Divisions.
And all inhabitants are hereby strictly charged and commanded to be aiding and assisting the said Commandants and Captains herein, as they shall answer the contrary at their peril.
By Command of His Excellency the Governor
Secretary to the Government
Colonial Office, Cape of Good Hope, 4th May 1846
With reference to the Government notice of the 2nd instant, respecting the Rationing &c &c of detachments of Burghers proceeding to the Frontier, it is hereby notified that the Ration of Provisions to each Burgher, or servant attending him, is to be One pound of Bread or Biscuit, or three quarters of a pound of Meal. And that the Ration of Forage for each Horse, whether led or otherwise, is to be six pounds of Corn and nine ponds of Hay, if both are supplied, or twenty four pounds of Hay, if Hay alone is supplied, or ten pounds of Corn if Corn alone is supplied.
By Command of His Excellency the Governor
Secretary to the Government
Saturday 23 May 1846
18 May 1846
1, The wives of the men belonging to Captain LUCAS' Corps, 7 in number, together with their children, 12 in number, will be put on the Ration List on the same allowances as the wives of soldiers in Garrison till the return of the men in question.
2. The Mounted Volunteers, commanded by Mr. STUBBS, Mr. RUTHERFORD and Mr. MEURANT, having returned to Graham's Town, after a six days patrol over a difficult and rugged country, in which they were the means of preserving much property and stock, the former valued at £2,000, and latter numbering 2,500 sheep and 200 head of oxen, the Lieut. Colonel thanks them for their good service, performed, as it was, under trying circumstances, in very inclement weather, the men being unprovided with field equipage and without blankets. He is constrained to exclude from these thanks two of the Yeomanry, who absented themselves on the march without leave.
3. Mr. W. SMITH of the Commissariat Department, having wished to discontinue duty with the Hottentot levy, his retirement from it is this day permitted.
Brigade Major
The following dwelling houses and stacks have been fired and consumed by the Kaffirs in Lower Albany:
B. KEETON 2 houses on Manley's Flat
MOUNTFORD 1 house do
ROBEY 1 house do
G. PALMER 1 do and stacks oat hay
Mr. PURDON Sen 1 do and 3 stacks
MANDY 3 do and stacks
W. PURDON 1 do
E. HEWSON 1 do 1 stack
W. WAKEFORD 1 do 1 do
FLANEGAN 1 do 1 do
J. LLOYD 1 do
Mrs. UPTON 1 do
THARRATT 1 do and stacks
BUCKLEY 1 do 1 stack
G. HINTON 1 do 1 do
RANDLE 1 do 1 do
BARTLETT 1 do 1 do and barn
U. DICKS 1 do 1 do
Chapel in James' Party
J. DICKS 1 house 1 stack
SELBY 1 do 1 do
McNAMARA 1 do 1 do
BERRINGTON 2 do stables and shed
Saturday 30 May 1846
DIED at Graham's Town on Wednesday the 27th day of May 1846, Lt. Colonel Pearse LOWEN KH, aged 73 years and 3 months.
DIED last Wednesday morning, 27th inst, in the 75th year of his age, Mr. Charles WEBBER Sen. late of Kariega. He was much respected by all who knew him for his uprightness and integrity of character. He was for many years a resident of this town, and a deacon of the Baptist Church. As he lived the life of a Christian, his end was Peace. He has left five sons and two daughters to lament his loss.
DIED at Graham's Town on 23rd inst, Thomas, youngest son of James and Elizabeth EVERLEY, aged one year and ten months.
BAPTISED by the Rev. J. Ayliff at Camp Usher on Sunday May 24th, the infant son of Joseph and Marion WALKER, named Robert Hart
The following gentlemen are requested to give their best aid in maintaining the Barricades in good repair, viz: Messrs. KIFT, STUBBS, THOMPSON, SMITH at those near the Drostdy Barracks. Messrs. NELSON and LEVEY at those adjoining their own houses; Messrs. SHAW and RUTHERFORD at those on the east of Hill Street; Mr. CAWOOD at those near the Wesleyan Chapel; Messrs. WALKER and LEE at those across Bathurst Street; Mr. DAVIS and M. MEURANT at those near their respective houses.
Saturday 6 June 1846
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Thursday 4th instant, Mrs. C.W. PAKENHAM of a son
BIRTH at Graham's Town on 31 May, the wife of Mr. William HYDE (grandson to Mr. W. POTTER) of a daughter
DIED at Graham's Town 3rd June 1846, after a short illness, Harriet, wife of Mr. Joseph RHODES, deeply regretted by numerous relatives and friends. The deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820
Saturday 13 June 1846
The following is a copy of a letter addressed by Mr. J. Mitford BOWKER to Mr. R. WEBB of Graham's Town, detailing the particulars attending the death of his son, who perished at an early period of the present contest. This letter does the head and heart of the writer equal credit:
Thursday May 7 at Jelliman's
"The matter was thus where your son lost his life. A herd ran down saying Kaffirs were among the sheep. William and Miles and another set off on the only horses we had near, and I called out, as soon as they were gone, for some to go off on foot. I set off with another, John HENRY, and when half way up the hill I looked back and saw four more following us; I did not know who they were at the time but when we were up on the Fish River I found your son was one of the six, for he was a brave, thorough Englishman, and always the foremost. It was a terrible business; the three mounted men had got round the kloof into a corner, and were beset on all sides, and we were considering how we could help, when we saw that we were nearly surrounded by at least 100 Kaffir cavalry and hundreds on foot, and nothing but retreat was possible, so we kept going back from bush to bush, through showers of balls, when a ball smashed your dear son's ankle. He was close to me and he said "Oh Mr. ___ don't leave me, I am wounded and fainting". I said "my dear fellow, never dream that we would leave you" and then John HENRY took him up on his back. At this moment we were all but surrounded, when four more of my brothers got up with their rifles, and turned the front of the Kaffirs. William got up with his horse, and we put your son on it, and retreated slowly behind him. Oh, Mr. WEBB, had your son only escaped as we did! His death has fallen heavy on us, and we could ill spare him; but he is gone to his God, and where the wicked cease from troubling; a braver, dearer fellow never fell in defence of his wife and family. Had we been cut off, the camp would have been trampled flat and all destroyed. As it was the hill was black with them after we got in for two hours, but I think that they concluded if they could not kill 13 men out in the clear, and got handled so severely themselves, it were best to let the lager alone. We buried your dear son at old Jan NEL's yesterday. We enclosed his remains in a coffin, and he is in a decent grave with a pile of stones over him at the Dutch burying place. I read the service over him, and all hands were round his grave, and all eyes were wet and sorrowful, and with heavy hearts; as a soldier we buried him, firing over his grave. And now may God Almighty give you strength and resignation to bear your loss, for it is a heavy one."
Graham's Town June 2nd 1846
To the Editor: Sir, Having seen an incorrect statement in the Frontier Times of the attack on my camp, and pursuit of the cattle after being taken by the Kaffirs, I beg to send you the following true version of the case. The reason that no report has been sent to you before this is that our leader, Mr. BRADSHAW, promised to send it, and we were not aware but he had done so.
On the 24th April, about half past six o'clock, the Kaffirs attacked our cattle kraal and house, keeping up a constant firing on both. Our little party were completely taken by surprise – it being the first attack made in that neighbourhood, and the party only consisting at the time of eight men, including Mr. PURDON senior, Mr. DAVIS and Mr. BROWN, all aged persons, besides about seven herds, only two of whom had time to run from the kraal and get their guns, firing several shots at the Kaffirs; the others retreated into the kloof below the kraal. The remainder of our party were out on patrol with Mr. BRADSHAW at the time. It is supposed from the heavy firing that there were at least one or two hundred Kaffirs. These got into a position, so as to prevent any of us coming out of our barricading. Their balls were well directed, a great many striking the barricade and the house from 2 to 4 feet high. They must have fired some hundreds of shots, as such as did not strike the house went whizzing over our heads like hails stones. The firing was retuned by our party, whenever we could see anything to fire at. We all kept in readiness, expecting the Kaffirs to close in upon us, when we should have been able to make them pay dearly for our cattle. Mr. BRADSHAW, with his usual promptness, came down with his men from the Kaffir pass to our assistance, but he was too late, the whole of our cattle, with the exception a few old cows, some calves and two old oxen, being gone, The cattle were in number about 811 head. Thus in one short hour we were stripped of what we have been working hard for the last eleven years. This is the second time that most of us have had our houses and oat hay burnt. Poor old Mr. PURDON's case I think is very hard. He is now in his old age, almost 70 years, once more brought down to nearly actual want. His house, a good substantial stone building, containing five rooms, together with the whole of his oat hay, is burnt, and he has not so much as an ox to span in, or a milch cow left. In fact the whole of our wagons are now standing still for want of oxen to work them. At daylight on the following morning some of our party, with Mr. BRADSHAW and his party, and Mr. O'BRIEN, and about ten of his men from Cawood's Post, proceeded on the spoor of the cattle, which passed near Mr. DRIVER's place, through the Fish River Bush, and then went on the wagon road to Committees. They went across the Fish River a few hundred yards above the post. On our route to Committees we met with no opposition from the Kaffirs, but before we arrived at the post we could see our cattle passing through Stock's Country, past Breakfast Vley. On account of the jaded state of our horses, night coming on, and not being able to get any assistance from the post, it was not thought prudent to proceed any further. We left the post about 10 the following morning for Graham's Town. After proceeding about six miles we fell in with a very large drove of cattle. As far as we could see the road appeared one mass of cattle and Kaffirs. The first lot that we came in contact with had no doubt been selected, they being nearly all choice black cattle, and well guarded – a strong party of Kaffirs being both in front and behind the cattle. When we advanced they all fell in the rear of the cattle, and opened a brisk fire on us, which was as gallantly returned by those of our party who were in the advance. We are happy to say that, under Divine providence, we sustained no loss on our side, except one horse shot. The Kaffirs shot too high, and most of us were dismounted. The loss on the side of the Kaffirs was but very small, not being more than from four to six killed, and about the same number wounded, and which was the consequence of one of the party calling out to retreat, an order that was unfortunately obeyed by many of the party retiring about three quarters of a mile, leaving but a very few of us to combat with the Kaffirs. Finding ourselves thus abandoned by so many of our party, we were obliged to leave the cattle and fall back on Committees, just at the time when we were getting in position to have done some work amongst the Kaffirs before they could receive a reinforcement. After halting about an hour, we proceeded from Committees to Trompetters, where we remained all night. Next morning we proceeded through the bush when Mr. O.BRIEN and his party left for Graham's Town, Mr. BRADSHAW and his party taking the direction FRASER's camp. On arriving at the Clay Pits some hundreds of Kaffirs were lying in wait in the bush along the path we were going, but some of them being seen and innumerable Kaffir spoors being visible in the path, we immediately altered our course, and dashed through the wagon road. On ascending the opposite hill we perceived the narrow escape we had had, the Kaffirs pouring out of the bush like ants, and whom we then challenged to come on. Had we not seen them, and got into the bush, it is our opinion that very few if any of us would have come out again. Our party being only 25 men, we did not think it prudent to attack them. We are bound to speak highly of Mr. O'BRIEN, and some few of his party, in the whole of the affair, and especially of our old tried friend and leader, Mr. BRADSHAW.
This statement is given by several of those who were on the spot and who will vouch for the correctness of it. We are sorry that such a statement as that in the Times has appeared, and which, in recording that100 Kaffirs were killed, instead of about 10, is calculated to make a very false impression upon the public in respect to the present warfare.
In behalf of several others
Death of the Rev. S. PALMER
Information has been received by this opportunity of the sudden death of the Rev.S. PALMER, Wesleyan Missionary, at the station of Bunting, in the Amaponda country. The death of this excellent man at this particular juncture is a public misfortune; possessing as he did all those qualities – unshaken intrepidity, great address and thorough knowledge of the natives – to have been of great service to the colony at this crisis. He had made a journey to Clarkebury with the view of affording assistance to the traders and missionaries who had fled to that station, and was on his way with them to his own station, when he was suddenly seized, within a short distance of reaching home, as supposed with apoplexy, fell on the neck of his horse, and shortly expired without uttering a word. As a useful missionary Mr. PALMER has no superior, as a man and a Christian his name will ever be cherished among those worthies who have devoted their lives to benefit and bless their fellow men.
Saturday 20 June 1846
BIRTH at Salem this morning (Saturday) Mrs. Thornley SMITH of a boy
The Undersigned beg to notify to the Public that they have this day entered into Partnership as Auctioneers and Appraisers under the Firm of
Graham's Town 12th June 1846
The Undersigned beg to offer their services as
To their Friends and the Public generally, and trust from the arrangements that they have made to ensure the confidence of those who may favour them with their patronage. This Establishment will be prepared to Discount the Roll of any Officer or private individual leaving the colony on very moderate terms.
Graham's Town 12th June 1846
Saturday 27 June 1846
DIED on the 21st inst. at Mr. JACKSON's hotel, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. ADAMS, formerly the wife of Mr. John SCOTT, one of the British Settlers of 1820, aged 67 years.
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