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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1845 - 4 - October to December

Thursday 2 October 1845

DIED on Friday 26 instant [September] at his residence, Port Elizabeth, Henry Green DUNSTERVILLE Esq, aged 37, many years Port Captain of this Port. The deceased was in the enjoyment of good health until the evening previous to his death, when he suddenly fell down in a fit of apoplexy, which terminated so fatally. He has left a Widow and a large Family too young to know the loss they have sustained.

DIED at Graham's Town on Wednesday 1st instant, William, third son of Mr. F.H. COLE, aged four months and seven days.

(Opposite the Commercial Hall)
Mrs.BLEE begs to acquaint her Friends and the Public in general that her house will for the future be conducted on a more enlarged plan.

In the Estate of John JOLLY, Deceased
Creditors in the above Estate are hereby called upon to file their Claims with the Undersigned within three months from this date, while those indebted to said Estate are requested to pay their Debts within said period to
Frederick LEE
Executive Dative
Graham's Town 10 July 1845

And Feather Bolsters and Pillows
For Sale Cheap at the Furniture Warehouse of
Joseph HART, Church Square
NB Two excellent second hand feather beds for sale

To the Editor:
Sir, Is it possible that the public are to be taxed by four butchers in a town containing so many enterprising persons? Yet not only is it a fact but this taxation is combined with insult, for they tell us plainly that they will not only tax our pockets by a most exorbitant rise in the price of meat, but have the modesty to put the public to the inconvenience of sending daily for what they have to pay for so dearly. Now Sir, let us see what reason these poor unfortunate people, Messrs. WEBB, CAWOOD and Company, have for complaint. Of course, they have all been great losers, for nothing but this could justify their very modest rise in the price of meat; witness the large property they have each purchased since that wicked man, ANDERSON, had the hardihood to lower the price of meat. How is it, Sir, that Messrs. CAWOOD can supply the Commissariat with meat at 8s 5d per 100lbs and cannot afford to sell to the public for less than 3d per lb. In the absence of any explanation, and for the benefit of the public, I pledge myself for the accuracy of the following statement:-
20 Oxen at £3 each amounts to £60 : 0 : 0
20 Sheep at 6s each amounts to 6 : 0 : 0
They will produce:-
20 Oxen, averaging 500 each, 10,000 lbs of meat
3,000 lbs at 2½d 31 : 5 : 0
4,000 lbs at 2d 33 : 6 : 8
Soldier's meat 3,000 lbs at 1d 12 : 10: 0
20 hides at 50lbs each – 1,000 lbs at 2¼d 9 : 7: 6
1,200 lbs of fat at 4d 15 : 0 : 0
20 heads, pluck etc 1 : 10: 0
20 Sheep at 50lbs each – 1,000 lb at 2d 8 : 6: 8
20 sheepskins at 5½d 0 : 9: 2
200 lbs fat at 4d 2 : 10: 0
20 plucks, heads etc 1 : 0: 0
115: 5: 0
Outlay 66: 0: 0
Profit 59: 5: 0
The price I have put down, both for cattle and sheep, is high, compared with what is usually given throughout the year. The average weight of oxen is from 600 to 800 lbs, and good sheep from 60lbs to 70 lbs, but to be within the mark I have put them at 50lbs : the whole of the calculation being greatly below the common average, and I have been lately informed that one of the aforesaid Company's Agent bought a lot of sheep averaging 60lbs for 4s 6d each.
However, Sir, as a Butchering Company is about to be formed, I sincerely trust it will succeed, and that a branch will be established at Port Elizabeth, to enable the company more fully to carry out its plans, and that tenders will in future be made for all the meat and bread contracts for government, including Cape Town, and I am satisfied a considerable profit would be realised.
Yours &c
Pill Garlic

Thursday 9 October 1845

We omitted to notice in our report of the storms of last week a very extraordinary case of preservation from sudden death. It seems that a young man, named PHILIPS, assistant in the store of Mr. BIRKENRUTH, was at the farm Blue Krans, about 14 miles S. of Graham's Town, at the time a storm passed over that neighbourhood. He was indoors, seated near the window, when a terrific flash of lightning deprived him in a moment of all consciousness. He fell, and on being raised no pulsation whatever could be perceived, and he was supposed to be quite dead. Information to this effect was dispatched to town, and an order given for a coffin, which was actually sent out, when a second account was received to the effect that there were signs of returning animation. The result is, we are happy to say, that the party has so far recovered as to be able to resume his ordinary avocations. He states that he felt no pain; he recollects a sudden glare of light – and from that instant all sensation entirely ceased. He has not apparently sustained the slightest external injury.

Thursday 16 October 1845

The Undersigned, being on the eve of departure to Cape Town and to Europe, requests all persons having claims upon him will leave the particulars at the office of J.B. BARNES Esq, his solicitor, High Street
Final notice is also hereby given to all persons indebted to him that if they do not settle their accounts, overdue, either with the Undersigned or with his solicitor, within one month from this date, they shall be prosecuted according to Law.
Thomas DIXON
Graham's Town 14th October 1845

Thursday 23 October 1845

MARRIED at Sidbury on Tuesday 30 September by the Rev. G.V. Thorpe BA, Mr. Edward Joseph WILMOT of Spring Vale to Elizabeth Senior, eldest daughter of Mr. William DENTON, of Mount Pleasant, Bushman's River.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday 14th instant the Lady of John E. R. GROGAN Esq, Barrack Master at Fort Beaufort, of a son.

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 8th instant, Jane Wilson, daughter of T.J. PATTERSON, Government Teacher there, aged one year and ten months.

Thursday 30 October 1845

MARRIED on the 23rd instant at Kempshot by the Rev. F. McCleland AB TCD, Lucius Theodore SABINE Esq, second son of Thomas SABINE Esq of Grimstone in the County of Dorset, to Emma Holdsworth, second daughter of George UBSDELL Esq.

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday 22nd October 1845 by the Rev. Alexander SMITH, Dutch Reformed Church, Mr. Henry Robert LOVEMORE, second son of Henry LOVEMORE Esq, of Bushy Park near Port Elizabeth, to Miss Dorothy Susannah CROWE, fourth daughter of Joseph CROWE Esq, half pay 60th Rifles, of Uitenhage.

BIRTH at Colesburg on Monday morning 20th instant Mrs. T. S. COLLEY of a daughter

DIED at Uitenhage, James William FAIRBRIDGE Esq. MD, District Surgeon, in the 54th year of his age
Uitenhage 22 October 1845

The Undersigned begs leave most respectfully to present his grateful acknowledgements to William LLOYD Esq, the Resident Magistrate, the Military and the worthy inhabitants of the Town of Port Elizabeth for their kind and effective exertions, made with great promptitude, when a considerable quantity of Jute had ignited in fearful proximity to his large Store in the Town, and which, as the flames burst forth, appeared to threaten with inevitable destruction the whole range of buildings in connection therewith; but which, however, by great and much esteemed exertion was happily subdued, without doing any damage whatever to the buildings alluded to; and for which the warmest gratitude will ever be expressed by their obliged and humble servant
William HYMAN

Thursday 6 November 1845

MARRIED at Elgin on the 14th curt. by the Rev. F. Wylie, Minister of Elgin, Mr. Robert ALEXANDER, Professor of Dancing Aberdeen, to Sophia Wilson, youngest daughter of the late T.H.W. MANLY Esq, Nottingham.
Aberdeen, June 11 1845

Birth at Graham's Town on the 31st instant Mrs. H. CASTINGS of a daughter

DIED at Somerset on the 25th ultimo, John MAYTHAM, aged 68 years. Deceased had been afflicted with palsy for 12 years. He was a Widower, and has left nine Children to mourn his loss.

With Double Reined Bridles, embossed Flaps 6 0 0
Ornamented Fla do 7 10 0

A young man who understands driving a Wagon and who can speak the Kaffir, Dutch and English languages. The party engaged will be required to act as an Assistant on a Sheep Establishment, and as Interpreter to the Overseer when required. He will be expected to accompany the Overseer and to remain with and assist him while with the flocks in the field. Liberal wages will be given together with Provisions.
Wanted also, a person who understands the Dutch language, and who is acquainted with the management of oxen. He will be required to plough, to attend to Gardening work, and to make himself generally useful. A married man will be preferred. The engagement will be made either for a stated Salary, or for a share (say one half) of the produce raised, in which case seed and a plough and span of oxen will be furnished by the proprietor.
Both the above must be men of decidedly sober habits.
For further particulars apply, if by letter post paid, at the office of this Journal, or to the Undersigned, at his Residence on the Kaga River
Kaga River 8th October 1845

Thursday 13 November 1845

MARRIED at Colesberg on Monday 10th November by the Rev. Thos. Reid, Dutch Reformed Church, Mr. Henry PADDISON to Miss Isabella RUSSELL

MARRIED at Graham's Town on the 4th November 1845 by the Rev. A. Hay, Baptist Minister, Christopher, eldest son of Mr. C. ADCOCK Sen. of Port Elizabeth, to Lydia, third daughter of Mr. James WINTER of Rotherhithe, near London

In the Insolvent Estate of Henry FOLLETT of the Kariega in the District of Albany, Sheep Farmer
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Graham's Town on Tuesday 13th of January next at 10 o' clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee's report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the 31st December next or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee
Graham's Town 12 November 1845

New Street
The Undersigned begs to inform the inhabitants of Graham's Town that he has commenced Business in the above line and trusts, by strict attention, moderate charges and by keeping a constant supply of the best articles on hand, he will merit and receive a share of their patronage.

David TAYLOR (Son in Law of Donald MOODIE Esq) begs to acquaint the Public that he is established here as a General Agent
George Town
Nov 6 1845

The Undersigned being about to leave Graham's Town requests that all persons indebted to him will please settle their Accounts on or before the end of the present Month; and all persons having Claims on him will please send them in for settlement.
Cooper, New Street
The Business hitherto carried on by Jas. BRYCE in Graham's Town will in future be conducted by David BRYCE at the same place.
Graham's Town November 13 1845

Beg respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort and neighbourhood that their
Situated at the corner of Campbell and Henrietta Streets
are completed and occupied; and they have the pleasure of soliciting the attention of their numerous customers and friends to their well assorted Stock, and they flatter themselves the advantages they possess will enable them to give general satisfaction. Their Stock is well known to consist in a general assortment of
(a fresh assortment lately received), with every article in
Their immediate connection with Messrs. B.M. SHEPPERSON & Co of Graham's Town will enable them at all times to keep their Stock well assorted with New and Fashionable Goods, and persons can be as well suited as in Graham's Town at the same prices.
Mr. John SHEPPERSON will give his personal attention to the business and trusts by assiduity to merit that patronage which it shall be his study to deserve. Messrs. J & B.M. S embrace this opportunity to thank their friends for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon them hitherto, and respectfully solicit their continuance of the same.
Fort Beaufort 29th Oct 1845
NB Every description of Farmer's Produce taken at full prices

Thursday 20 November 1845

The whole of those premises situated in High Street Graham's Town, one door from the Eastern Province Bank, now occupied by Mr. STUBBS, Saddler, formerly occupied by Messrs. McKENZIE and CURL, and known by the name of
Suited for Wholesale and Retail Business. Possession can be given on the 1st December. For further particulars apply to Mr. STUBBS on the premises, or to the Proprietor
Charles WATSON, Craggy Burn
19th November 1845

Bales of wool compressed on reasonable terms by the Undersigned
Beach, Port Elizabeth, 18th Nov 1845

BIRTH at Post Retief on the 7th November 1845 the Wife of Mr. William SLADE of a son

From the Port Elizabeth paper we learn of the arrival there of Lieut. JAMISON RN to assume the duties of Port Captain. It is also stated that there are now in the Bay five vessels loading with stock for the islands of Mauritius and Bourbon, with which settlements a very considerable trade is now carrying on in sheep and cattle from this province. We may add to this that Mr. Joseph CAWOOD of Graham's Town, of the firm of CAWOOD BROTHERS, government contractors for the supply of the troops, has just taken his passage to Mauritius in order to establish the trade with that important colony upon a better and more stable footing.

Extract of a letter dated Colesberg District, 14th November
"The frost hereabouts has been very severe and general; most of the wheat crops are totally destroyed. Messrs. OSWALD and MURRAY called here on their return from the interior; they appear to have travelled further into the interior than any others. They have shot much large game; Elephants, Rhinoceros, Giraffes and have had many hair-breadth escapes. They met with a tree 51 feet in circumference and 17 in diameter."

Thursday 27 November 1845

Thomas KING
Market Square
Graham's Town
The Undersigned informs the Public generally that he has now on hand a quantity of
And giving engaged a competent Workman he feels assured of being able to meet the wishes of all who may favour him with their patronage
Thomas KING, Market Square

DIED at Graham's Town on Friday 21st instant, Mary Susanna, infant daughter of Mr. Samuel WELSFORD, aged 7 months and 21 days

Thursday 4 December 1845

The Undersigned offers for Sale
Stocked with Orange, Lemon, Naartje and every other sort of Fruit Tree, and Vineyard, with a beautiful Dam and Stabling for 8 Horses. As also his Erf opposite, with a Cottage and Wagon House, all well inclosed. The purchase money can remain on interest, on good security being given. Apply to Mr. P.C. MASSYN, Somerset, or to the Undersigned
Somerset 27 November 1845

J. ROBEY begs to inform the Racing Public that he has erected a commodious Stable for the accommodation of parties bringing Horses to the ensuing Races. An early application for stands will be attended to.

Two good journeyman tailors to whom the best wages on the Frontier will be given, they will be assured of constant employ.
Apply to B. HOCKEY Tailor &c

BIRTH Nov 25th at Glen Burnie near Somerset, Mrs. VEITCH of a son

BIRTH on the 1st instant at the Drostdy House Graaff-Reinet, the Lady of Honoratus VAN RYNEVELD of a son

BIRTH at Graham's Town on Wednesday 3rd instant Mrs. G.D. SCOTT of a son

DIED at Graham's Town on Friday 28th ult of Pulmonary Consumption, Mr. Jabez HART, aged 43 years. Deceased enjoyed, during a residence at Graham's Town of several years, the high esteem of all who knew him. For kindliness of heart and integrity of life he was held in deserved repute by the community at large, while to his bereaved family his demise is felt to be a loss as severe as it is irreparable.

DIED on the morning of the 29th ultimo, Mr. Wm. WARWICK, aged 26 years. On the day previous he was riding in the outskirts of the town when he was suddenly thrown from his horse, and received by the fall a severe contusion upon the head. Medical assistance was promptly procured. The same evening he was brought home, where he expired on the following morning. He leaves a young widow to lament her sudden bereavement.

On Friday afternoon an accident happened to a respectable young man named WARWICK, salesman in the warehouse of Messrs. W. ANDERSON Sen & Co of this place. It appears that he was riding a very young horse, and which when near Messrs. CAWOOD's farm on the NE side of the town bolted into the road and threw him. The account is that the animal, after running some distance, violently sprang, when the unfortunate rider pitched upon his head so heavily as to cause concussion of the brain, and consequent paralysis. Assistance was quickly obtained from the farm mentioned, and a messenger having been dispatched to town for medical assistance, Dr. J. ATHERSTONE was speedily at the spot. The unfortunate young man, however, never rallied. On the arrival of Dr.A. the muscles of one side were found perfectly rigid; the left eye was open, and the pupil fixed, with a slight discharge of blood from the ear, and other indications of a fatal result. He was conveyed to his home on a bier, where he lingered until 6 o' clock the following morning.

And for sale at the stores of
Bathurst Street
A fresh arrival of Sardines, Herrings (preserved), Gorgona Anchovies (real), Sauces (various, Pickles Assorted, one West India Pickles, Fruits, Jams and Jellies; Loaf, Crushed, Siam, Brazil and Mauritius Sugars; Caper, Orange and flowery Pekoe, Hyson, Twanky and other Teas; Brazil and Java Coffee, Chocolate &c, Pepper, Mustard, Ginger, Spices, Cinnamon in 50lb tin canisters (painted), Bacon and Hams; North Wiltshire, Gloster and Derby Cheese,
W.K. begs to solicit the attention of his numerous friends to his Stock of Superior Wines and Spirits, just received, particularly his Port, Marsalla and Sherry in Wood and Bottles, which he can recommend as being of very superior quality and flavour.
He has on hand some very fine Summer Wines viz Claret, Barzac, Saturn, Rhine and Cape Hocks, as well as other light wines.
As the weather may be expected to become warm he can recommend his Royal Campaign and Devonshire Cyder in one doz. Cases and 3 doz. Casks, and Gloster Perry in Cases of 3 Dozen, as preferable to any other kind of beverage for relieving thirst. He is also receiving a fresh batch of Byass's Pale Ale and Porter, East India Ale in Wood.

Thursday 11 December 1845

At Fort England, a comfortable dwelling house in a very healthy situation, replete with conveniences for a respectable family. For particulars enquire of Mrs. JOLLY, Fort England

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel Graham's Town on the 5th instant by the Rev. John Ayliff, H.C. METCALF Esq, Lieut. HM 91st Regiment, to Mary, third daughter of the late Mr. George PRICE

Thursday 18 December 1845

MARRIED at Greenock on the 9th October by the Rev Dr McCullogh, J. HEUGH Esq, fourth son of P. HEUGH Esq of Port Elizabeth, to Isabella Jane, daughter of Hugh HAMILTON Esq of Greenock

BAPTISM at Bloemhof on Wednesday 10th instant by the Rev. William Long, a son of Mr. George SOUTHEY, baptised George Rubidge
A son of the same baptised Richard Gilmour Rubidge
A daughter of Mr. Charles RUBIDGE baptised Alfreda Louisa
Bloemhof 15 Dec 1845

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 15th inst the wife of Mr. Edmund A. WALLACE of a son (formerly in the 91st Regt)

DIED of water on the chest, aggravated by the prevailing influenza, Mr. James HOOLE Sen, leaving a disconsolate Widow and numerous Family to mourn the loss of a most affectionate and tender Husband, and the kindest of Parents. The Deceased, who was a native of Chester, came to this Colony in 1820 in the Chapman, being the first vessel conveying the British settlers to Algoa Bay, and after enduring the toils and suffering consequent upon the formation of a new Colony – sustaining his full share of loss by the late Kaffir Irruption – peacefully yielded his Spirit into the hands of his Creator in the bosom of his Family, on the 16th December 1845, at the comparatively early age of 55 years.

DIED at Graham's Town, both of Croup, on the 16th November, William Carfrae aged 3 years and 2 months; and on the 15th instant Jessie Selby, aged 18 months, son and daughter of W. HOPE of Beaufort Street.

We regret to learn that Mr. T GILBERT of Quagga Flat has had all his stack of oats and wheat totally destroyed by fire. How this fire originated is not known, but it seems that the grass was first fired on the farm of Mr. PHILPOTT, from whence it spread to the farm of Mr. GILBERT, where the grass being very long, and the wind high, every effort to check its progress or save the stacks was utterly fruitless. Had it been in the night it is supposed the damage would have been more serious, and that the kraals and standing crops would have been consumed.

In the Insolvent Estate of Sarah WOOD of Howison's Port in the District of Albany, Carrier
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graham's Town on Saturday 27th December next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned at the Office of the E.P.Trust Company, Graham's Town immediately, or proceedings will be instituted against them
J. STANDEN, Sole Trustee

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