Grahamstown Journal 1845 - 3 - July to September
Thursday 3 July 1845
In the Baptist Church, Graham’s Town, by the Rev. A. Hay
May 6th Mr. George ORSMOND to Miss Matilda JENKINSON
May 15th Mr. William HOCKEY to Miss Jane, second daughter of Mr. John FORD
In the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. Smith
June 5th Mr. Thomas CLACK to Miss Eliza POTTER
By the Rev. W. Shaw
June 10th Mr. John EDKINS to Miss Matilda Ann WEST
In the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham’s Town, by the Rev. W. Shaw, June 24th
A son of Mr. Joseph WEBB, baptised Christopher Evans
Thursday 10 July 1845
MARRIED at Uitenhage on Tuesday 8 July 1843 by the Rev. Alexander Smith, Dutch Reformed Church, Mr. Joseph Storr LISTER, eldest son of the late Joseph LISTER Esq of the City of York, to Miss Maria Margaret CROWE, eldest daughter of Joseph CROWE Esq, Half Pay 60th Rifles, of Uitenhage.
DIED on the 4th July 1845 at Graham's Town, Charles Thomas Keen, eldest son of William and Eliza STENT, aged 5 years and 58 days.
Distressing intelligence reached Graham's Town on Friday last of the death by accident of the Rev. W.E. PHILIP (son of the Rev. Dr. PHILIP), Missionary at Hankey, and of a fine boy, about 12 years of age, eldest son of J. FAIRBAIRN Esq, editor and proprietor of the Commercial Advertiser. It appears that the latter, who was remarkable for great precosity of intellect, had accompanied his grandfather, Dr. PHILIP, on his visit to the Missionary Stations along this frontier, and on which he is now engaged, and had been left with his uncle at Hankey there to await his return. The full particulars of the subsequent catastrophe are not given – but as far as is known it appears that deceased were in a boat or punt on the Gantoos River, that this capsized, and that both were drowned. No person seems to have witnessed the accident, and much therefore is left to conjecture. All that we have heard is to the effect that the bodies were found fast locked together. Mr. PHILIP was deservedly popular, not merely on the Missionary Institution, but throughout the country for many miles around it. He had been bred to the medical profession, and in that capacity had acquired great celebrity. He was distinguished also for his exertions in raising the people on the Institution in the scale of civilisation, and in promoting their temporal comfort; as an instance of which it may be stated that it was under his immediate direction that a tunnel through the spot of a mountain adjacent to the station has been constructed for the purpose of leading the water of the river over the tillage lands. His loss is a public one, and the catastrophe has spread a deep gloom over the whole neighbourhood. We deeply sympathise with the bereaved families of the sufferers in this mysterious and calamitous visitation of Providence.
Thursday 17 July 1845
MARRIED at St.George's Church by the Rev. J. Heavyside on Thursday 10th instant , Mr. W. R. THOMPSON Jun. to Miss Ann BACK
Thursday July 31 1845
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 24th instant, the wife of Mr. A.W. HOOLE of a daughter
BIRTH on the 25th instant, at the Drostdy House Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. Edward HEUGH of a daughter
DIED at Cradock on the 28th July, Staff Assistant Surgeon P. McCABE, aged 74 years, sincerely regretted by all who knew him
Thursday 7 August 1845
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 3rd instant, Mrs. J. C. WRIGHT of a daughter
DIED, much lamented, on Saturday the 26th ult, at the age of 54 years, A.J. JARDINE Esq, Librarian and Secretary of the 'South African Public Library'
Thursday 21 August 1845
At the Stores of the Undersigned
Byass's celebrated Ale and Porter at 12s per doz.
Good pale and brown Sherry at 24s per doz.
Good pale and brown Sherry in qr. Casks £9
NB 18s per gross given for wine bottles
Graham's Town, July 30th 1845
DIED at Graham's Town on Monday 18th instant, Robert O'CONNOR Esq of Longnor Park, Fort Beaufort, aged 40 years
Thursday 28 August 1845
Wagon Sail Maker
Old Tannery, below the market
Graham's Town
Tin Plate Worker &c
Begs to return thanks to his Friends and the Public for past favors and to inform them that he has removed to the house next (below) Mr. W. HARTLEY (Bathurst Street) where by strict attention to business he hopes to ensure that support he has hitherto received.
NB Orders from the Country promptly attended to at the shortest notice
Graham's Town, August 28th 1845
Upper Bathurst Street
Tailor and Habit Maker
Begs to announce that he has commenced Business as above and assures those Ladies and Gentlemen who may favour him with their orders that they may feel confident of being not only suited in the most fashionable style of cut and workmanship, but at a Cheaper Rate than any other House in Graham's Town
Country orders executed with punctuality and at the shortest notice.
MARRIED in St.George's Church on Thursday 14th August last, by the Rev G. Hough, Mr. Henry Nuthall Centlivres CHASE, eldest son of John Centlivres CHASE Esq of Cradock's Town, Port Elizabeth, to Rynetta Catharina, third daughter of W.J. MACKRILL Esq of Cape Town
DIED at his residence in Graham's Town on Tuesday 15th instant, D.S. Von SCHOONFELDT, late Quarter Master, Cape Mounted Riflemen, after an illness of 5 days.
DIED at Graham's Town on Friday morning the 15th instant, Victor Balthazar, aged 4 years, and on the subsequent Friday night the 22nd instant, Charlotte Cornelia Johanna, aged 2 years, youngest son and daughter of Mr. L. H. MEURANT of Graham's Town, both of malignant sore throat which terminated in croup.
Graham's Town August 25th 1845
Thursday 4 September 1845
Wholesale and Retail
Wine and Spirit Merchant
Is receiving by recent arrivals, in addition to stock on hand
Cape sherry, very superior
Cape Madeira
Cape brandy
Constantia pontac
Double stout in Hhds.
Truman's London Porter
Burton Ale
Superior pale, gold and brown sherry; Martell, Marrett and Aboun and Sazarac, French brandy
American and steam mill flour
Cavendish tobacco, 10 and 20 sticks to the lb
Cheese, prime Pickled Salmon.
Pint and half pint tumblers
Tea, coffee, sugar &c
Sept. 2 1845
George & Thomas FRANCIS
Having commenced Business in the Baking Line, do hereby notify the Public that
of every description
Will be supplied on the most reasonable terms; and hope by moderate Charges and attention to Business to merit a portion of the public support
Also on hand
Pickles and Sauces of various descriptions, Plums, Currants and other Dried Fruits, and a general assortment of Merchandise
Ready-made Clothing
Always on Hand
Cradock, Sept.2 1845
At the Stores of the Undersigned
A Quantity of Slates
Now landing ex 'Guard'
Alfred JARVIS, Port Elizabeth
For any and every description of
Both in Man and Beast
Now to be had of
Apothecary, Graham's Town
And who is in possession of the true receipt
Prepared by the Undersigned
Which has been so very successful, affording relief to so many persons on this Frontier. The Proprietor of this inestimable Specific for Sore or Inflamed Eyes, so common in this Colony, needs only to refer, in proof of its value and efficacy, to those persons who have derived benefit from its use, and whose Testimonials are all that he requires, and hopes he shall receive, for a remedy which hitherto he has dispensed entirely gratuitously. He further begs to state that this Wash is equally valuable in the cure of Sore Eyes in
To be had of Mr. EARLE, Graham's Town, and of the Proprietor, Glen Cliff, Kaga, in bottles 5s each. Further arrangements will be made to keep a supply at all the different Villages on this Frontier, the particulars of which will be stated in a future notice.
In the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham's Town by the Rev. T. Smith
July 10 Mr. George PHILLIPS to Miss Charlotte GREY
In the Wesleyan Chapel, Nurney, by the Rev. H.H. Dugmore
July 6 a daughter of Mr. Thomas James FRANCIS baptised Eliza Ann Jordan
July 6 a daughter of Mr. Henry TARR baptised Sarah Ann
July 6 a son of Mr John VENABLES baptised William Enos
July 6 a son of Mr. Thomas VENABLES baptised James
In the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham's Town by the Rev. W. Shaw
July 13 a daughter of Mr. William WEBB baptised Emily Jane
July 13 a daughter of Mr. John W. KOCK baptised Ellen
July 13 a son of Mr. William GRADWELL baptised William John
July 13 a daughter of Mr. Henry DUNGE baptised Mary Ann
July 13 a son of Mr. William WEDDERBURN baptised Edmund Charles
By the Rev T. Smith
20 a son of Mr. Samuel ROBERTS baptised Charles Joseph
Thursday 11 September 1845
Mr. W. RYNEVELD begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general that he has at considerable expense erected a powerful and superior 18 Foot Overshot Mill on his Estate in Camdebo, which is capable of grinding one Muid of Corn per hour.
Parties wishing to have Corn ground will find every convenience and not be detained long.
Price for Grinding 2s per Muid
Mill Wrights Messrs.SUCKLING and THOMSON of Graaff-Reinet
In the Insolvent Estate of Chas. FULLER
The first Distribution Account in this Estate having been confirmed, Creditors may receive the amount of their Dividends by application to the Trustees.
Joint Trustees
Mr. James HOWSE, now on his passage to London per 'Bromleys', will be happy while there to act as Agent for those who may wish to engage Servants or Mechanics under the existing Regulations. He trusts that with his long acquaintance with the Colony, and practical experience,
He will in the selection of Emigrants be enabled materially to promote the views of those who may entrust their interests in his hands.
Applications (if by letter post paid) may be made to Messrs. SHEPPERSON & Co., Graham's Town, and of whom further particulars may be learned; if in London, to Messrs. MAYNARD Bros, 33 New Broad Street.
Thursday 18 September 1845
On Tuesday 23rd September will be sold by Public Auction on account of the Assigned Estate of the late R. BLEE
Situated in Bathurst Street, now occupied by Mr. W. LEE Sen. The above Property is one of the best situations for Business. The conditions on which the property will be disposed of will be made known on the day of the Sale. For further particulars, apply to W. COCK, Assigner.
In small 5 Catty Boxes
The Undersigned has just received
Begs leave to present his grateful acknowledgement to the Inhabitants of Uitenhage for the much esteemed patronage with which he has been favoured during a considerable time, and respectfully announces his intention of re-commencing his business as a BRICKLAYER in a few days, when he hopes to merit their future favours, which shall be attended to with punctuality and despatch.
The Undersigned has just received per 'Victoria Regina' from London direct,
a select assortment of
Consisting of
Ladies best Morocco Slippers
do Patent Leather
do best lasting do
do Cordovan do
do Bronze Kid do
do Side-lace boots
Childrens Patent Leather Shoes, all sizes
do red and coloured Morocco do
do Cordovan Boots
The above have been made expressly to order and can be confidently recommended as articles of a superior description.
R. LEVEY, Hill Street
The well known farm of the Undersigned
Is For Sale or To Let
For particulars inquire on the spot, or of Mr. E. HEWSON, Field-Cornet (if by letter post paid)
This property is one of the best
Agricultural and Grazing Farms in Lower Albany
All Cattle found Trespassing on the above Farm will be sent to the Pound without respect of persons, after this Notice.
Sept 17 1845
Thursday 25 September 1845
Of all the moveable
of the late J.C. WELSFORD Esq.
On Thursday 9th October
and following days
Will be sold at Public Auction, without the smallest reserve, by order of the Executors Testamentary, the whole of the valuable
of the late
The stock which has been selected with the well known judgement and experience of the deceased will be found to comprise, among a great variety of other Articles,
Saxony Summer and Lama Cloths
Printed and plain Moleskins
Beavers, Buck and Doeskins
Alpacas and Marinos
Kerseymere and Cashmerettes
Trowserings, Drills and Silesias
Unbleached Panjums and Baftas
Mousseline de Laine and Plaids
Cotton and Linen Tick
Prints and Voerchliz
Gros de Naples and other Silks
Silk and German Velvet
Silk Hankerchiefs and Scarfs
Ginghams and Checks
Jaconet, printed and other Muslins
Gombroons and Waistcoatings
Silk, Merino and Cotton Shawls
Regatta, striped and unbleached Shirts
Ready made Clothes (various)
Duffles, Baize and Flannel
Cantoons and Corderoys
Beaver, Jim Crow and Farmer Hats
Saddlery and Canvas
Crockery and Pewter Ware
Boer's Guns, Lead and Shot
Duck Trowsers and Frocks
Stitching and all color Threads
Brook's Reel and other Cottons
Tartan Table Covers
French Bed Curtains and Fringes
Hosiery, Ribbons and Buttons
Men's and Women's Shoes
Paints, Oil and Turpentine
Cigars and Tobacco
China Preserves, Peppermints &c
Caper Tea, Spices &c
Mauritius Sugar and Sugar Candy
Work Boxes, Desks and Tea Caddies
Nails and Screws
Brass Kettles and Comfours
Blacking and Tar
American Clocks
Paper, Dutch School Books
English and Boer's Soap, Starch and Blue
Decanters, Tumblers and Wine Glasses
Looking Glasses and Window Glass
Wool Bags, Spades
A quantity of Meal, Staves, Goose Feathers, Marble Slabs, Robben Island and German Paving Stones; Yellow Wood Blocks, Beams, Quartering and Planks; Stinkwood and Sneezewood Blocks, Stinkwood Plank, Scale, Beams, Weighing Machines and Weights, Iron Chests &c &c
Fine-toned Piano-Forte, Rosewood Canterbury and Music Stools; Brass, Sofa and other Bedsteads, Horsehair Mattresses, Feather Pillows, Bedroom Chairs, Chests of Drawers, 2 Mahogany Sideboards, Easy Chairs, Mahogany and Hall Chairs, 2 Sofas; Loo, Card, Dining and Writing Tables; Chiffonier, nest of Telescope Tables, 2 Book Cases, Marble Washhand Stands, Looking Glasses, Brussels and other Carpets, Shower Bath complete, 90 oz. Plate, Platedware 48, Vols valuable Books, Large Telescope, Crockery, Cut Glassware, Kitchen Utensils &c &c
A Liberal Credit will be given
Port Elizabeth, 22nd September 1845
Due Notice will be given of the Sale of Immoveable Property in a future advertisement.
The Undersigned having resolved upon relinquishing his Business of
Begs to return his grateful thanks to his friends for that support they have given him over the past 23 years; and takes this opportunity to inform them that in future the Business will be conducted by his son, W. WEBB, and to whom he trusts the same support will be extended.
Chapel Street, Graham's Town
In taking over his father's Business abovementioned seeks to assure his Friends and the Public that no endeavour shall be wanting on his part to secure and deserve their support. He at the same time takes the opportunity to announce to them that he has removed to the Store of Mr. J.H. DIXON
High Street
Adjoining the Market Office
Where he will keep a constant supply of the best articles always on hand.
Wellington Boots
Blucher do
Boys' do
Clarence do
Gentlemen's Pumps
Double Soled Shoes
Ladies' Best Prunella
do Patent Leather
do Black Spanish
do Boots
Children's Boots and Shoes of all sorts and sizes.
Graham's Town 25 Sept 1845
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