Grahamstown Journal 1845 - 2 - April to June
Thursday 3 April 1845
MARRIED February 24th at Kamastone Wesleyan Missionary Station, by the Rev. James CAMERON, Johan Petrus, eldest son of Mr. Johan BERTRAM of Graham's Town, to Maria Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. William SHEPSTONE, Wesleyan Minister.
The remains of the late Deputy Assistant Commissary General SMITH will move from his residence for interment tomorrow (Friday) precisely at half past three pm, when all persons desirous of attending are respectfully invited to join. No special invitation will be sent.
DIED on the 31st March at her residence, Bathurst Street, Frances, wife of Mr. Thos. Jno. CLARKE, gun maker of this place, aged 32 years 3 months and 11 days, deeply and sincerely regretted by her family and friends.
Thursday 10 April 1845
The Undersigned will purchase wool, or make liberal advances to parties consigning their clips for sale, through their firm in London.
BIRTH at Colesberg on Friday 4th April 1845, Mrs. C.J. KEMPER of a son
DIED at Cawood's Post on the 29th ult, Elizabeth Susannah, infant daughter of Captain WARDEM, CM Rifles
Thursday 17 April 1845
A steady active youth with some knowledge of Accounts may hear of a situation by applying to
S. STANGER & Co, Bathurst Street
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Saturday 12th instant, George BROSTER, late of 75th Regt, aged 38 years, after a long illness, leaving a wife and three children to deplore his loss.
DIED on the 14th instant of croup, Selina Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Mary PITT, after the short illness of only two days, aged 2 years 4 months and 16 days
Graham's Town April 16th 1845
Thursday 1 May 1845
On Tuesday next the 6th May
On the farm of Mr. Thomas SMITH, near Lushington Valley, on account of a sentence in the Magistrate's Court of Graham's Town
Five stacks of oat hay
One do. of barley
Four large fat pigs
Twenty five goats &c
Sale to commence at one o'clock
Deputy Messenger of the Court
Painter, Glazier
Begs to acquaint the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort that he has commenced business in that place in the above line, and hopes by good work and moderate charges to merit their favor.
Thursday 15 May 1845
MARRIED at the Kuruman Mission Station on the 9th January by Rev. P. Lemere, the Rev. David LIVINGSTON to Mary, eldest daughter of the Rev. R. MOFFAT
DIED on the 4th instant of croup, Sarah Martha, daughter of John and Rhoda DANIEL, after a short illness, aged 1 year 7 months and 6 days
Graham's Town May 7 1845
DIED on the 9th instant of croup, Reuben Urry, son of John and Rhoda DANIEL, after 5 days illness, aged 3 years 3 months and 16 days
Graham's Town May 13 1845
From Eastern Province Herald of May 14
The brig 'Science' arrived here last night from the Bird Islands, having been obliged to part anchor and to put to sea during a very violent gale which was experienced Monday morning. This vessel still wanting 20 tons of guano to be loaded up and returns today to lay with another anchor from this port.
The crew of the 'Peruvian', the other vessel taking in guano at the Bird Islands, is reported to have mutinied. The men had got access, by some way, to a cask of rum, and had made themselves perfectly mad with the spirit, when they disobeyed all orders, and according to report threatened to go to sea without their captain. The captain managed to get them under, when he closed the hatches, and leaving the chief officer in charge went off to the 'Science' for assistance. We hear that in the scuffle which ensued the mate of the 'Peruvian' fired upon one of the sailors, who was aiming a hand-spike at him, and wounded him in the arm, after which the fury of the others abated and some subordination was effected. The mate, to whom the greatest credit seems due for the firmness with which he acted on this occasion, is at present in entire charge of the 'Peruvian'.
Thursday 22 May 1845
In thanking the public for the liberal support and patronage he has experienced desires to inform them that they may be supplied during the winter season with
Soup from 10am till 10pm daily
Coffee from 6am till 10pm daily
NB Has constantly on hand the best supply of Grocery and Confectionery &c &c
High Street, Graham's Town
Thursday 29 May 1845
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Saturday 24th May, Mrs. F.H. COLE of a son
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 19th instant Major Norman LAMONT K.H, 91st Regiment, sincerely regretted by the Officers of his Regiment.
Thursday 5 June 1845
In the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham's Town by the Rev. W. Shaw
May 15 Mr. Charles WHITE to Miss Martha Ann PAINTER
May 25 Mr. Edmund Charles JAFFRAY to Mary PATRICK
In the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham's Town by the Rev. T. Smith
May 11 A son of Mr. Elisha LEE, baptised Edward Elisha
May 11 A daughter of Mr. George CLACK, baptised Emily Jane
May 11 A son of Mr. Charles COUSINS, baptised Charles Norton
May 11 A son of Mr. Charles WEBB, baptised Benjamin
By the Rev. W. Shaw
May 23 A son of Mr. Joseph RADFORD, baptised Thomas Henry
Thursday 12 June 1845
MARRIED at Sidbury on the 29th May last, by the Rev. G.V. Thorpe, Mary, eldest daughter of Lieut. Richard DANIELL RN, of Sidbury Park, to Rice Daniel, eldest son of Rice Jones JONES Esq of Cape Town.
DIED at the Tyumie Residence, Caffraria, on the 31st ultimo, Catherine, relict of James St.Leger STRETCH Esq of Knock Duff, County of Cork, Ireland – aged 79.
Tyumie Residence, 1st June 1845
DIED at Fort England on the 8th instant, Norman Henry Montagu, son of Lt.Col. LINDSAY, 91st Regiment, aged 8 months.
Mrs. LUCAS begs to notify that she has removed from Mr. TROTTER's premises, Market Place, to the premises lately in the occupation of Mr. J.B. WIENAND, centre of Artificer's Square, and where she will have additional accommodation for visitors and others requiring
Board and Lodging
Thursday 19 June 1845
MARRIED at St.Mary's Church, Port Elizabeth on Tuesday 17th instant by the Rev. McCleland, N.P. KROHN Esq to Helen, tenth daughter of the late Alexander BIGGAR Esq of Woodlands.
Thursday 26 June 1845
NOTICE is hereby given that the first Provisional Liquidation Account and Plan of Distribution in the Insolvent Estate of Francis CAMPBELL of Cradock is lying in the Office of the Resident Magistrate of Cradock for the inspection of all parties concerned, and will remain there for one month.
Toger von ABO
Joint Trustees
Cradock 9th June 1845
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 15th instant, the Lady of Captain GUNN, Cape Mounted Rifles, of a son
BIRTH at Colesberg on Friday 20th June the Lady of John CAMPBELL Esq of a daughter
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