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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1844 - 1 - January to March

Thursday 4 January 1844

MARRIED at Somerset on the 27th December, Mr. Thos. VIETCH to Mary Ann, daughter of the Rev. P. EADE, Rector of Catton in the County of Suffolk and sister to T. EADE Esq Surgeon of the former place.

BIRTH at Hilary Farm on Sunday the 31st December, the Lady of William BLAKE Esq of a daughter

DIED at Glen Avon on 31 December, James Frederick FLEISCHER, aged 34 years, after a severe affliction of 6 months, leaving a wife and 2 children to lament his loss. He was a kind and indulgent husband and father and a warm friend, much respected by all who knew him.
Somerset, January 1st 1844

DIED at Graham's Town on Friday 29th instant, John Henry, son of Mr. John EDKINS, aged four months and nine days.

Thursday 11 January 1844

BIRTH at Graham's Town on Monday 1st instant, Mrs. F.H. COLE of a daughter

DIED at Graham's Town on Saturday 6th instant, Mortimer Williams, son of Mr. John BRADFIELD, aged four months

Thursday 18 January 1844

MARRIED at Balfour, Kat River on the 11th current by the Rev. W.R. Thompson, Mr.William GREEN of Balfour to Miss Sarah Hope, only daughter of the late Mr. Richard HUMPHREYS of Graham's Town.

BIRTH at Graham's Town on Sunday 7th instant, Mrs. SANFORD (Lady of the late Assistant Commissary General SANFORD) of a son

Thursday 25 January 1844

That large and commodious dwelling on Settlers Hill, formerly the Mission House, and now occupied by Mr. John O'NEILL. Back premises well walled in.
Jan 10 1844
A large house and garden in Chapel Street, contiguous to Market Square, and formerly the property of Mr. DIXON
Jan 10 1844

The premises of the Undersigned situated in the delightful VILLAGE OF BATHURST This property is replete with conveniences for a respectable family. It contains eight rooms, namely Dining, Sitting and Bedrooms, together with Pantry and Kitchen, all of which have been put into a thorough state of repair. It has a veranda at each end - with an ornamental dwarf stone wall in front - and has attached to it about THREE ACRES OF MOST FERTILE LAND Part being used as a paddock and part planted with a choice collection of FRUIT TREES Amongst which are several orange and lemon trees in full bearing. The site of the premises is one of the most eligible in Bathurst, commanding a delightful MARINE VIEW And also of Port Frances, together with a fine prospect of the surrounding neighbourhood. It has roomy cellarage, a masoned water tank, holding 600 gallons, detached stabling and chaise house, and other conveniences.
Applications (if by letter post paid) may be made to P.W. LUCAS Esq, Eastern Province Bank, or to the Proprietor on the premises.
Bathurst, 9th January 1844

Arrival of the Bromleys
The brig 'Bromleys' arrived on Monday from London, bringing Mr. J.O. SMITH, two other cabin passengers and about 30 in the steerage, all engaged in the service of Mr.S. A fine short-horn cow and bull, an Ayrshire cow and bull and two Shetland ponies have been landed in good order.
Information was received here some days ago that a large vessel had been seen off the Bird Island. A boat has since been washed on shore at the mouth of the Sunday's River. Two of the crew were drowned, and from the three survivors it appears that they belong to the Scotch ship 'Sampson' which is loading with Guano at the Bird Islands. These islands being leased by government to private individuals, a custom house officer has been dispatched to put a stop to this encroachment on private property.

Thursday 1 February 1844

DIED at Fort England on the 30th, Jan Frederick Edmund, the only son of Lieut.Col. LINDSAY, 91st Regt, aged 9 months

DIED on the 17th inst [January] at Wilge River near Uitenhage in the 63rd year of his age, having survived his deceased wife but 6 months and a few days, Gert Van ROOYEN Esq, late Commandant of the Uitenhage and George Burgher Forces. He had faithfully served his government from his 15th year in various capacities. His loss is severely felt by his disconsolate children and deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.
[notice repeated in Dutch]

Thursday 8 February 1844

DIED at Graham's Town on the 4th instant, Harriet Caroline Norton, aged 2 years and 2 months, daughter of the late G. SANFORD Esq, Assistant Commissary General.

Thursday 15 February 1844

MARRIED at Cradock's Town near Port Elizabeth on the 25th January by the Rev. F. McCleland, Edward PHILPOTT Esq. to Sophia Johanna, only daughter of the late John DAMANT Esq.

BIRTH at Tygre Fontein near Graaff-Reinet on the 29th January, the Lady of William Joshua DIXON Esq of a daughter

BIRTH at Barton, Graaff-Reinet on Sunday 4th instant, Mrs. B. BOOTH Jun of a son

DIED at Bathurst on the 10th instant, in the 79th year of her age, Ann BIDDULPH, widow of the late Simon BIDDULPH Esquire, formerly of Tamworth in the County of Staffordshire. She was the only daughter of Thomas BURNET Esquire, Captain and Commander in the Royal Navy, and great granddaughter of the celebrated Gilbert BURNET, Bishop of Salisbury and (upon the death of her brother the late Major General John BURNET) became sole legal personal representative of that learned Prelate.

DIED at Graham's Town on Thursday 8 February 1844 after a severe illness of 13 months, Alice Margaret, wife of Mr. S. HAW of this town, in her 49th year, whose loss is deeply felt by her bereaved family and much esteemed friends.

DIED at Graham's Town on Wednesday the 7th instant, Mr. John JARDINE, aged 38 years.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 7th instant, Mr. William WARD. He has left a wife and 2 children to deplore his loss.

Thursday 22 February 1844

BIRTH at Groen Fontein on Tuesday February 8 1844, Mrs. COLLETT of a daughter

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 12th instant at the residence of Mr. W. PATTINSON, Isabella ROSS, relict of the late Mr. James ROSS, aged 63 years, deeply regretted by her relations and friends.

Thursday 29 February 1844

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday 21 February 1844 by the Rev. Alexander Smith, Dutch Reformed Church, Robert Henry LOVEMORE, eldest son of Henry LOVEMORE Esq of Bushy Park, near Port Elizabeth, to Aletta Jane CROWE, third daughter of Joseph CROWE Esq, half pay 60th Regt., of Uitenhage.

BIRTH at Bathurst on Sunday 25th instant, Mrs. George DYASON of a son
Bathurst, February 27th 1844

DIED at Uitenhage Town on Friday morning, the 16th February 1844, after a severe illness, Martha Susannah, wife of Mr. J.W. ETCHELLS of this town, in her 38th year, whose loss is deeply felt by her bereaved family and much esteemed friends.

Thursday 7 March 1844

DIED at Fort Beaufort of acute inflammatory fever, on Saturday 2nd instant, Mary Ann, wife of Robert GODLONTON, Editor and Proprietor of the Graham's Town Journal, aged 55 years. Endowed with great courage and fortitude, deceased was eminently qualified to sustain the privations and surmount the difficulties inseparable to the life of a colonial immigrant. She was a faithful and prudent wife, a tender parent, an unwavering friend and a decided Christian. Of retired unobtrusive habits, her loss will be felt by comparatively few, but to them it is irreparable.

DIED at George Town on the 15th February 1844, Margaret, the beloved wife of Alex. B. MORGAN Esq, Surgeon half pay 57th Regt.

Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore carried on at Fort Beaufort by the Undersigned, under the Firm of McMASTER, PAKENHAM and McKENZIE, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent - the term of the said partnership having expired. All persons indebted to the said Firm are required to settle their accounts with Mr. A. McKENZIE at Fort Beaufort within one month of the date hereof.
Graham's Town 29th February 1844
The Business heretofore carried on at Fort Beaufort under the Firm of McMASTER, PAKENHAM and McKENZIE will be continued by the Undersigned at the same place.
Adam James McKENZIE
Graham's Town 29th February 1844

On the 4th instant, 4 o' clock pm, during a strong SE breeze and heavy sea, the schooner 'Mary' parted from her anchors and came on the beach. Crew saved. The vessel is a total wreck. The 'Dream', 'Jane and Esther' and 'Trinity Yacht' also parted one cable. The 'Apame' lost two and was supplied with an anchor and cable from the steamer, which vessel also parted from her moorings.

Thursday 14 March 1844

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 9th instant, the wife of E. Russell BELL of a son

Thursday 21 March 1844

DIED on the 17th instant at Fort Beaufort, after a long and sever illness, Margaret, wife of James Faunce LONSDALE, and eldest daughter of the late Dennis LANIGAN Esq of the City of Limerick.

Thursday 28 March 1844

DIED at Graham's Town on Saturday 2nd March, Rosina, youngest daughter of J.C. SAUNDER Esq, Ordnance Storekeeper, aged nine months.

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