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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1844 - 2 - April to June

Thursday 4 April 1844

DIED on Monday 1 instant, Mr. James DANIELL, aged 53 years. Deceased was one of the Emigrants of 1820, from which period to the time of his decease he zealously applied himself to the profession of practical farming. His unexpected demise is deeply deplored by his family and friends.

Thursday 18 April 1844

MARRIED at St.George's Church, Graham's Town on 16th instant, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Samuel WELSFORD Jun. to Sarah Ann EARLE, eldest daughter of Mr. W.J. EARLE of this town.

DIED at the Winterberg on the 12th instant after a protracted illness of seven months, Ann the beloved wife of Joseph KING, aged 34 years. She has left a husband and six children to lament a loss which to them is irreparable.

DIED at Graham's Town on the 17th instant, Richard Benjamin, son of W. WEDDERBURN, aged 8 months.

Thursday 25 April 1844

DIED on the night of Good Friday the 5th instant at Collingham, Mrs. Mary HOW (formerly MARSHALL) aged 50 years. Deceased was one of the emigrants of 1820 - and by her own personal industry and great perseverance was enabled, by the blessing of Providence, to support and bring up her family, left dependent upon her in early life by the death of their father.

DIED at Graham's Town on Monday 22nd April, William Tice, the youngest son of the Rev. J. LOCKE, aged 8 months.

Thursday 2 May 1844

MARRIED on Tuesday 30 April 1844 at St.George's Church, Graham's Town, by the Rev. John Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Jabez HART to Mrs. Emma BEALE

DIED in the 25th instant [April] John Mears DEVENISH Esq, late Lieutenant of the Cape Regiment, aged 57 years.

DIED April 23rd, deeply lamented by her husband and friends, Mary GOODES, wife of Joseph William GOODES of Graham's Town, aged 48 years. Deceased was one of the original settlers of 1820.

Late on Tuesday night or early on Wednesday morning the store occupied by Mr.POTE in Church Square was forcibly broken open and the following articles stolen therefrom, namely 1 rifle, 2 cases of tea, 2 doz shirts, 1 piece print, 1 pair boots and 2 sovereigns. It is evident from the ingenious manner in which an entrance was made into Mr.POTE's store that the thieves were pretty well accustomed to their business. The stone at the front of the sill of the door was removed, and the sill taken out and used as a lever, by means of which the bolts were forced upwards and the door nearly wrenched off the hinges.
From the traces of naked feet on the newly disturbed ground outside the door it is conjectured that the robbers were colored people. Some time ago a night watch was employed to protect the houses in Church Square, but for the last three months we have heard nothing of him; perhaps some of our readers can inform us when and wherefore he gave up his engagement.
The fact that there is no night watch in Graham's Town is either a proof of the moral honor of the inhabitants or that they have more money than wit, or surely they would have had an efficient night watch long ago.

Thursday 9 May 1844

MARRIED at Glenthorn Church by the Rev. R. Niven, on the 29th April 1844, the Rev. John Forks CUMMING of the Glasgow Mission, Kaffraria, to Catherine, eldest daughter of John PRINGLE Esq of Glenthorn, Mancazana, District of Somerset.

BIRTH at Graham's Town on 8th May 1844, Mrs. Louis NORTON of a son

DIED at Peckham, Surrey on the 5th February last, Mrs. Sarah DIXON, at the advanced age of 89 years. Deceased was the beloved and deeply lamented mother of J.H. DIXON of this town, he being her only offspring, and whose distance from her and long absence were a cause of heartfelt grief up to her latest hour. She was an indulgent and affectionate parent and most highly esteemed by all to whom she was known.

Thursday 16 May 1844

DIED May 9th, deeply lamented by her partner and numerous friends, Hannah, the wife of Thomas SLATER of Cradock, aged 39 years, exchanging a life of trial for a blissful immortality.

DIED May 11th, Thomas, the infant son of the deceased Hannah and surviving husband Thomas SLATER, aged 10 days. "All flesh is grass, and the goodness thereof is as the flower of the field - the grass withereth and the flower fadeth but the word of the Lord endureth for ever."

The funeral of Mr.JOLLEY will take place tomorrow at 3 o'clock, the corpse leaving his late residence at Fort England at that hour. Being a Freemason the Brethren are requested to attend at that hour, and from thence follow in procession.

MARRIED at St.George's Church, Graham's Town on the 5th instant by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Joseph TAYLOR to Ann BENNETT, youngest daughter of the late George BENNETT of Austrey, Macazana.

BIRTH at Graham's Town this morning, 16th instant, the lady of G.G. HEATHCOTE Esq of a daughter

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 13th instant, the lady of F.T. Le TOUZEL of a son.

DIED at Fort England this morning, the 16th instant, Mr.John JOLLEY, aged 49. Deceased was one of the Emigrants of 1820, since which period he has been distinguished for his industry, enterprise, perseverance and unvarying probity. He has left a wife to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband, and a family of nine children that of a tender parent.

DIED at Lichenstein, Baviaans River, District of Somerset, on the morning of Saturday the 11th instant, after a very protracted and painful affliction, Lodywyk KREBS Esq, aged 53 years. Deceased was well known on this frontier for his botanical researches - he having been employed in this country as collector of specimens for His Majesty the King of Prussia. As a man not only of science but of benevolence, his loss will be greatly deplored in the neighbourhood where he dwelt, and especially by the poor, to whom, by his knowledge of medicine, he had rendered great service, and been on all occasions a kind and generous benefactor.

DIED on the 15th April last at his Residence, De Staden's River, District of Uitenhage, after a lingering illness of five months, Ignatius Stephanus FERREIRA Esq, aged 54 years, deeply regretted by his family and numerous circle of friends, who were deservedly attached to him. Deceased possessed a retentive memory and strong powers of mind, which he had cultivated by perusal of the best Dutch authors. He had thus acquired a large fund of intelligence, and was acquainted with both the facts and the chronology of history to an extent not often met with in those possessed of scholastic attainments. He was distinguished by a fine flow of animal spirits, and for generosity and hospitality almost unbounded. These were displayed not only to his fellow countrymen but also to strangers (and especially to those in want of assistance) as the English residents in that neighbourhood can abundantly testify. He has left a widow and eight children to deplore his loss.
De Staden's River, May 7th 1844

Thursday 23 May 1844

BIRTH at Colesberg on Monday 29th April, the lady of Captain DONOVAN, of the Cape Mounted Riflemen, of a daughter.

DIED at Carrels Rust in the District of Albany on Monday the 13th May 1844, Carel Frederick POHL Sen. Esq, in the 77th year of his age, deeply lamented by his widow and numerous family.

DIED at Haslope Hills Wesleyan Mission Station, May 17th 1844, Nathaniel Arthur, youngest son of Rev. J. AYLIFF, aged 21 months.

DIED on Sunday 19th instant, William Binnington Boyce, youngest son of the Rev. H.H. DUGMORE, Wesleyan Minister, aged one year and five months.

Thursday 30 May 1844

MARRIED in St.George's Church, Graham's Town by the Rev. John Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, on Monday 27th instant, Mr. Daniel LOWE to Sarah, the youngest daughter of Mrs. Ann BRAY, widow, Simon's Town

BIRTH at Fort England on Sunday 19th instant, Mrs. John JOLLY of a son

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Sunday the 26th instant, the wife of Mr. John VAUGHAN of a son.

Thursday 6 June 1844

Mr. W.T. BROWN, Government Surveyor, will be in Graham's Town on Wednesday 19th instant on professional business. As his stay will be but brief, anyone wishing his services will please to notify the same previous to the above date to Geo. JARVIS Esq, Attorney, High Street, Graham's Town.
Glen Stewart, 4th June 1844

Thursday 13 June 1844

Dr. W.G. ATHERSTONE to the premises adjoining the stores of Mr. M.B. SHAW, opposite the Eastern District Auction Mart

BIRTH June 6th at Fort England, the lady of J.G. HACKETT Esq (91st Regt.) of a son and heir

DIED at the Kaga on the 6th instant, after a protracted illness of two months, Mr. George POLLARD, aged 61 years. Deceased was one of the British settlers of 1820 and from which period he has ever maintained an unblemished character. His loss is deeply deplored by his family and by a considerable circle of attached friends.

Thursday 20 June 1844

DIED at Graham's Town on Thursday 13th instant of an injury received from a vicious cow two days previous, Mr. Alexander KIDWELL, aged 60 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820 and formed one of the Committee for the Commemoration services recently held at Graham's Town. He had been for many years a widower, but was to have been re-married on the day of his death. For some years he was engaged in a rather extensive retail business at Graham's Town, under the firm of "STONE & KIDWELL", since which he has had to pass through many trying vicissitudes. He was much esteemed by his friends and maintained an unblemished character for integrity. He belonged to the Baptist Church which, together with his family and acquaintances, now have to deplore the loss of a valuable member of their respective circles.

Thursday 27 June 1844

MARRIED at St.Andrew's Church by the Rev. George Morgan on Tuesday 18th instant, Mr. John Murray AITCHISON to Caroline, youngest daughter of William GILLMER of Cape Town.

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