Grahamstown Journal 1843 - 4 - October to December
Thursday 5 October 1843
MARRIED at Graham's Town by the Rev. W. Shaw on Thursday last, 27th ultimo, Benjamin HOCKEY to Lydia, eldest daughter of Mr. James TEMLETT, merchant.
MARRIED this day by the Rev. William Shaw, Henry BIRCH of Thorn Kloof to Catharine TROWBRIDGE
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 30th September, the Lady of Captain RAWSTORNE. 91st Regt., of a daughter
5 October 1843
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 29th September, Mrs. EATON of a daughter
BIRTH at George Town on the 21st September, the Lady of A.B. MORGAN Esq, Surgeon (retired) 57th Regt. of Foot, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Belmont, near Graham's Town, on the 2nd instant, Mrs.Frederick HEX of a son
Thursday 12 October 1843
DIED at Graham's Town on the 4th instant, John Edward, only son of Mr.J.P.SYMONS, aged 13 months.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Sunday the 8th instant, the wife of the Rev. Thornley SMITH of a daughter.
Thursday 19 October 1843
MARRIED on Tuesday last the 17th instant, at St.George's Church, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Mr. George John NICHOLL to Miss Mary Ann HEADEN
BIRTH at Groen Fonteyn on Tuesday 12th September, the wife of Mr. Joshua TROLLIP of a son.
DEATH at Graham's Town on the 17th instant, in her 19th year, Mary Anne, wife of R.J. EATON Esq, Clerk of the Peace for Albany. Died also on the same day her infant daughter, aged 8 days.
Graham's Town 17th October 1843
DIED at Uitenhage on Monday 2nd October 1843 after a painful illness (asthma) Mrs. Anna Maria Minne, wife of Joachim BREHM Esq, Deputy Sheriff for Uitenhage District, aged 53. She has left a husband and son, together with numerous relatives and friends, to deplore this calamitous dispensation of Divine Providence.
DIED after an illness of three days at Lovedale Seminary, Kaffraria, on the 7th instant, John, eldest son of Mr. A. McDERMIAD, aged 15 years and 7 months.
Thursday 26 October 1843
DIED at Graham's Town on Saturday 21st instant, Mary, wife of Mr. John JARDINE, baker, aged 33 years.
Graham's Town October 26 1843
Thursday 2 November 1843
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 30th ult, the wife of Mr. J.H. WINDELL of a son
DIED at Graham's Town on Monday the 30th ult, Mr. Thomas Price ADAMS, aged 64 years. Deceased was one of the emigrants of 1820, having come hither with that party, at the head of whom was Mr. John BAILIE. Few amongst the Settlers was better known, as well by his harmless and often amusing eccentricities as by his kindliness of heart and scrupulous politeness of deportment, and which never yielded even to the most depressing and untoward circumstances. Dame Fortune and he were almost ever at variance, but amidst all her buffetings - and these were not few or light - his cheerfulness and blandness of manner remained unimpaired. Scarcely more propitious were the Muses, whose favors he courted most assiduously, and who as often jilted him most egregiously. It will afford satisfaction to his friends to know that he finished his earthly career with quietness and resignation, in the bosom of his family. His name will ever be associated with and be cherished with esteem by
DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday 29th October, James, son of Serjeant WALLACE. Mess-Man HM 91st Regt., aged 11 years.
DIED at Graham's Town on the 30th October 1843, aged 13 months, Anne Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Garrison Serjeant Major Henry DRENNAN
1 November 1843
The Undersigned begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public that he has opened the shop in Bathurst Street, formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. SIMPSON, and subsequently by Messrs. CAWOODs, and trusts that by keeping a constant supply of good meat to experience their favors.
16 October 1843
Thursday 9 November 1843
MARRIED at Graaff Reinet on Monday 23rd October by the Rev. A. Murray, Andries Johannes HARTZENBERG to Elizabeth Alida, fourth daughter of A.G. BAINE Esq.
BIRTH at Begelly on 28th October the Lady of E. PHILIPPS Esq of a son
DIED at his daughter's residence, Beaufort Street, Graham's Town on Monday 30th ult, Mr. Thomas Price ADAMS Esquire, aged 64 years, after a long and painful sickness. The deceased was a merchant in both London, Lisbon and Madeira; a Member of Lloyds Coffee House, also of the City Light Horse in the reign of George III, under Col. HARRIS. Being disappointed in mercantile engagements he left England for this Colony in 1819 and arrived here in 1820. He has left a wife and six children to deplore the loss of a most affectionate father, whose memory they will ever cherish.
Thursday 16 November 1843
BIRTH at Cypress Cottage on the 13th instant, the Lady of Captain GUNN, Cape Mounted Rifles, of a son.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 12th instant, Mrs. William SIMPSON of a daughter
BIRTH in Graham's Town on the 15th instant 6pm, the wife of Mr. A.W. HOOLE of a daughter
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 14th November 1843, Mr. Charles HUNTLEY of a son.
Thursday 30 November 1843
MARRIED in Graham's Town on Tuesday 29th instant by the Rev. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. J.J.H. STONE, solicitor, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. C. FULLER
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 27th instant, the Lady of W.C. EDDIE Esquire, Surgeon of the Cape Mounted Riflemen, of a daughter
Thorn Cottage, Nov 29 1843
DIED November 27 1843, Mrs. Sarah WELLS, wife of the late Thomas WELLS of Graham's Town, aged 67 years. Her bereaved children deeply deplore the loss of an affectionate mother.
Thursday 7 December 1843
MARRIED on Thursday 30 November at St.Mary's Church, Port Elizabeth, William HIGGINS Esq to Elizabeth Boland, eldest daughter of the Rev. Francis McCLELAND AB TCD, Colonial Chaplain
MARRIED at St.George's Church Graham's Town on Monday the 4th instant by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, W. SMITH Esq, Land Surveyor, to Miss Margaret BOARDMAN, fourth daughter of the late Rev. W. BOARDMAN, Chaplain of Bathurst, and formerly of St.George's Church, Liverpool.
BIRTH at the Mancazana, the Lady of Capt. TOUZEL 27th Regiment, on the 28th November, of a daughter
DIED at Winterburg on Monday the 28th ult, Ann, wife of H. FRAZER, aged 41 years. Her illness was a long and painful one, and she has left a husband and five children to deplore her loss.
Thursday 14 December 1843
MARRIED at Longnor Park on the 5th inst, by the Rev. H. Beaver, Charles Frederick, second son of Mr. John BLAKEWAY Esq to Ann Eliza, second daughter of Chas. ROSS Esq of Glen Ross.
BIRTH at the Tarka Post on the 4th instant, Mrs. John O'CONNOR of Twins (boys), both of whom died within 24 hours after birth
Thursday 21 December 1843
DIED on Thursday 7th instant, aged 69 years, the Rev. William PORTER, who was for 44 years Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation of Newtown Limavady; for 14 years Clerk to the General Synod of Ulster; the first Moderator of the Remonstrant Synod and Clerk to the same reverend body since its formation. He was the author of a discourse on the "Mutual Recognition of Virtuous Friends in a Future State of Existence", delivered before the Remonstrant Synod in 1840 and afterwards published at its request; and of various essays on moral and religious subjects which have appeared in different periodical works. (Northern Whig) The deceased clergyman, who was greatly loved in the district where he resided, was father of Mr. PORTER, the Attorney General of the Cape of Good Hope (Dublin Evening Post 12 September)
DIED yesterday after a severe and painful illness, Ida Henrietta, youngest daughter of Charles and Matilda POTE, aged 12 months
NOTICE is hereby given that Joshua CAWOOD has, from this date, retired from the Firm of CAWOOD BROTHERS, Butchers, of Graham's Town and Port Elizabeth; and that the Business will be carried on in future by the Undersigned
William CAWOOD
Port Elizabeth 12 December 1843
Thursday 28 December 1843
MARRIED in Graham's Town on Sunday 24th instant by the Rev. T. Murphy, C. ARMSTRONG of Somerset to Anna Sophia, eldest daughter of M. GOSS of Somerset.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Wednesday the 27th instant, the wife of Mr. John JACKSON of Lieuw Fontein of a son
DIED at Fort Brown on Christmas Day, the infant son of J. and C. MEWETT, aged four months
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