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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1844 - 3 - July to September

Thursday 4 July 1844

BIRTH at Colesberg on Monday 24th June, Mrs. Thos. HOLMES of a son

DIED at Graham's Town on Thursday 20th instant [June] Mr William Thomas AUSTIN, aged 68 years. Deceased was one of the oldest British residents on the Frontier, having held a government appointment, that of assistant superintendent of the Somerset Farm, in the year 1816; from which establishment, on the arrival in Albany of the British Settlers of 1820, he removed to the immediate vicinity of Bathurst and was appointed Heemraad of the District, thus giving him authority as a Justice of the Peace, and also a seat at the Monthly Sessions then held at Graham's Town for the adjudication of petty, civil and criminal cases. He was a man of considerable ability and address, and of respectable education. As a practical agriculturalist he was in deserved repute, while his general suavity of manner secured him the respect generally of the circle in which he moved. During the last ten or twelve years he laboured under the severe affliction of total blindness, arising from a slight puncture in the hand by that deadly reptile the puff adder. By the use of very active means at the moment the fatal effects of this injury were counteracted, but the poison injected was too virulent to be altogether expelled. It affected the sight, and soon resulted in total deprivation of vision. He bore this affliction with exemplary patience and to the last, though in very reduced circumstances, exhibited that intelligence and maintained that deportment which had procured him, in early life, the esteem of his friends and the respect generally of those with whom he had intercourse.

Thursday 18 July 1844

DIED on the 14th instant, at Somerset, Mr. Wm. ROBINSON of the farm Kliphoek, on the Koonap, aged 34 years, after six months severe suffering from a large cancer of the bowels, during which illness he received the kindest attention and sympathy from the inhabitants of Somerset. He has left a widow and four young children. He was son to Mr. Thos. ROBINSON, who came out with the settlers in 1819. He died truly repentant and in the hope of mercy.

Begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has commenced business in the above line, and hopes by strict attention to business to obtain a share of the public patronage. Residence between Mr. WIENAND's and the house lately occupied by Mrs.PECK, Bathurst Street, Settlers Hill.
Graham's Town 11 July 1844

Thursday 25 July 1844

Executrix to the estate of her deceased husband
Has to request of all persons who may have purchased in the lifetime of her husband Lots of ground on Settlers' Hill, Graham's Town, to be good enough to file with her, one month from this date, their claims for Titles to the same, and to produce any documents they may have in support thereof, as she is prepared to give transfer to any who have purchased.
July 17th 1844

MARRIED at Sunday's River on the 19th July by the Rev. J. McCleland, Colonial Chaplain, Port Elizabeth, Mr. R. NUDD, eldest son of Mr. J. NUDD, late Overseer of Works Royal Engineer Department, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel ROWE of Sunday's River.

MARRIED at Uitenhage by the Rev. Alexander Smith on the 17th instant, Mr. George HITJE of Zwaart Berg, District Beaufort, to Miss Plestina Blatherwick, youngest daughter of Mr. John YOUNGER, Surgeon, Accoucheur etc.

DIED at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. BRADFIELD, at Fort Armstrong, on Tuesday 16th instant, Mr. James WHITE, aged 63 years. Deceased was one of the British Emigrants of 1820, having been located in that year near the mouth of the Kowie, whence he soon afterwards removed to Graham's Town, where he resided till the period of his demise. Of him it may be safely affirmed that few individuals have filled up their station in society more unblamably or respectably. As a warm lover of his country devoted to everything truly British; as a man of intelligence and scrupulous probity; as an active member of a Christian church; as a zealous friend of education, having been for many years a most assiduous and useful teacher in the Wesleyan Sunday School, and as a most affectionate husband and apparent - his memory will ever be cherished with respect, and as being eminently worthy of imitation. His death was sudden, the cause being a violent concussion by a fall from horseback, inducing disorganization of the brain, from which he never rallied. His funeral was attended by his bereaved family, by a large number of attached friends - and by the children, about 300 in number, of the Graham's Town Wesleyan Sunday Schools. He lived as becometh the Gospel, and he died with that calmness and in that hope which its promises alone can afford in the final hour.

Thursday 1 August 1844

BIRTH at Fort England 27th July, the Lady of Quarter Master GORDON 91st Regt. of a daughter

DIED at Port Frances on the 10th instant [July], aged 43 years, Selina, the wife of Lieutenant COWDEROY, half pay, late 21st Regiment of Light Dragoons, leaving a husband and five children to deplore her loss.

Thursday 8 August 1844

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 2nd instant, Mr. James BLACK of a son
8th Aug. 1844

DIED at Cradock on the 30th July, aged 19 years, Solomon Gerhardus, youngest son of Mr. J.D. POTGIETER, formerly of Graham’s Town

Thursday 15 August 1844

For Sale at the Residence of the Undersigned, near Fort Beaufort, Thirty muids of the above article

DIED at Graham's Town on the 10th instant, the wife of Samuel SIDDONS, aged 34 years, after one month's severe illness, during which she received the kindest attention and sympathy from the inhabitants of Graham's Town. She has left a widower and three small children to deplore her premature loss.

Thursday 22 August 1844

MARRIED at Cradock by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, August 12th, Mr. Robert George WEBSTER of Tarka to Miss Louisa, second daughter of Mr. Ralph GODDARD of Graham's Town

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Sunday 13th instant, Mrs. George HORNE of a son

BIRTH at Graham's Town on Wednesday 21st instant, Mrs. B. HOCKEY of a son

Thursday 29 August 1844

BIRTH August 19th at St.Frances Bay, the Lady of Charles MACKINTOSH Esq of a daughter

DIED at Graham's Town on the 24th instant of an ulcerated throat, Esther Hannah, aged three years and three months, youngest daughter of Mr. W. ELLIOTT, smith and wagon maker, Market Place.

SHIPPING NEWS PORT ELIZABETH 28th August. No arrivals during the week. On the night of the 21st instant about 9pm during a strong SE gale, the 'Isabel' and 'Trekboer' were driven on shore and became total wrecks. One lad drowned from the latter vessel.
Yesterday (27th) the 'Repulse' (Indiaman) slipped her cable and went to sea, in consequence of the indications of another SE gale. It is now blowing heavy from the eastward.
The only vessel in the bay is the 'Mary Ann'.
From Table Bay we learn that a furious south-easter was experienced there last week for 48 hours. It commenced on Tuesday night, 20th instant, and only subsided on Thursday morning. No damage was done to the shipping, but a few boats were driven ashore. The steamer arrived on the 21st, after a smart run from Algoa Bay of three days. She encounters the south-easter in all its violence between Houts Bay and the lighthouse, but braved it famously, and has sustained no damage.

Thursday 5 September 1844

The Undersigned having agreed to enter into co-partnership, the business will henceforth be carried on under the Firm of MARY ANN BENJAMIN & SON.
Graham's Town August 20th 1844

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham's Town, on the 20th August 1844, William, eldest son of Mr. Stephen GRADWELL, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. John GUNN.

Thursday 12 September 1844

BIRTH at Fort Armstrong on Saturday 7th September, the Lady of Lieut. O'REILLY, Cape Mounted Rifles, of a daughter

Thursday 19 September 1844

DIED on Saturday 14th instant, Leonard Henry, son of Mr. W.J. EARLE of this place, aged 7 months and 4 days

BIRTH at Graham's Town on Sunday 15th September, Mrs. C. RHODES of a son

Thursday 26 September 1844

DIED at Graham's Town on Thursday 19th instant, Mr. Thos. MARSH, a native of Lancashire in England, aged 77 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, since which he has resided chiefly in Graham's Town. He came to the Colony with what is usually called the Salem Party, composed chiefly of Wesleyan Methodists, and of which denomination he was an old member. During his residence in this Colony his character as a man of integrity has been unsullied, while the genuineness of his religious principles were tested not merely in life but in death. He had the privilege of retaining his mental faculties till the last, and of not suffering from any disease. During the whole period of his illness his assurance of salvation by Jesus Christ was perfectly unshaken, his patience unbroken, and his readiness to depart unwavering. He sank under no paroxysm, but from a gradual decay of physical power, his debility becoming greater and greater until "the weary wheels of life stood still". He was surrounded at the final hour by his children and grandchildren, who had thus presented to them a bright example of the power of Religion to sustain and cheer the mind in a dying hour. As a faithful husband, an affectionate parent, a good neighbour and an independent citizen, his memory will be ever respected by those who knew him. His remains were interred on Sunday by the side of those of his wife, who died about two years before him at the advanced age of 78 years.
"Let me die the death of the Righteous and let my last end be like his".

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