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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1843 - 3 - July to September

Thursday 6 July 1843

If Peter BOWLES does not, within one month from the date hereof, return the Musical Snuff Box which was entrusted to his care by the Undersigned, four or five months ago, for the purpose of being repaired, proceedings will be instituted against him for the recovery of the same.
Graham's Town 6th July 1843

DIED on Sunday 2nd instant at Port Elizabeth, Magdalena Fredrika, daughter of Mr.Gabriel HAUBTFLEISCH, aged 3 months and 26 days.

Een Bekendmaaking van den Ondergeteekenen aan den bloed verwandschap in aan bestaande vanmielje, als dat het den Almagtige God, van dood en leeve aan zyn onveranderlyke raadsbesluyd, behaag heef, syn waarde in dierbare echgenood Catrina Margrita PRINSLO, op den 21 Juny, 1843, in den ouderdom van een in veertig Jaare en ses maande, het tydelyke met de euwige heef doen verwisselen in en syn salige gemynschap heef opgeroepen.
[Transcriber’s note: Dutch as printed. The Death Notice gives her name as Catharina Margretha PRINSLOO, married to Gerrit Pieter GOOZENS. NAAIRS has a will under the name of Gert Pieter GOOSEN]

Thursday 13 July 1843

DIED on the 4th instant at Fort Beaufort, after nine hours' illness, John O'Connor, aged 13 years, 3 months and 3 days, son of Deputy Assistant Commissary General SMITH

The Rev. John HEAVYSIDE, Chaplain of Graham's Town, takes this method of making it generally known that he has completed arrangements for opening a superior School for young Gentlemen which will afford all the advantages of an English Grammar School. Having with this object in view taken steps in the early part of the year for obtaining from England a clergyman properly qualified to take the chief management of such an institution, Mr.HEAVYSIDE has in the meantime secured the services of a gentleman recently arrived, an associate of King's College, London, who possesses high testimonials as to character and literary qualifications, and has been successfully engaged in tuition for several years past.
The course of instruction will comprise the Latin and Greek Classics, the French and German languages and Mathematics, together with all the various branches of a sound English education, to which particular attention will be paid.
The business of the School will commence on Monday the 24th July, when Mr.HEAVYSIDE will be ready to receive at once a few Boarders under the age of 12 years.
For terms and other particulars apply to the Rev. J. HEAVYSIDE, Graham's Town; the Rev. H. BEAVER, Fort Beaufort; the Rev. James BARROW, Bathurst; the Rev. G.V. THORPE, Sidbury and the Rev. F. McCLELAND or Daniel PHILLIPPS Esq, Port Elizabeth.

Thursday 20 July 1843

BIRTH on the 16th instant, Mrs. Richard ORSMOND of a son
Graham's Town 20th July 1843

BIRTH on the 16th instant Mrs. J. BRYCE of a son
Graham's Town 20th July 1843

BIRTH yesterday, 19th instant, Mrs. J.C. WRIGHT of a daughter
Graham's Town 20th July 1843

DIED on the 14th instant at Cape Town, Alexander, second son of Antonio CHIAPPINI Esq, deeply regretted by his family and friends.

DIED in Graham's Town on the 18th instant, Ann, the wife of Mr. C. SCANLIN of Salem, aged 30 years.

DIED at Lange Kloof on the 2nd July 1843, after a short but painful illness, Ann Elizabeth, wife of Mr. F. De la HARPE, in the 22nd year of her age, deeply regretted by all her friends, leaving a husband and two young children to deplore her loss.

Thursday 27 July 1843

BIRTH at Rockwood on the 18th instant, Mrs. Temple NOURSE of a son.

BIRTH on the 22nd July at Buffels Fountain, near Port Elizabeth, Mrs. T. BOTHA of a son.

MARRIED at the Drostdy House, Graaff-Reinet, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. A. Murray, John Frederick Van de Graaff HEUGH, second son of P. HEUGH Esq, of Port Elizabeth, to Johanna Elizabeth, eldest daughter of W.C. VAN RYNEVELD Esq, Civil Commissioner of Graaff-Reinet.
Graaff-Reinet, 25th July 1843.

DECEASED at Colesberg on the 7th July 1843, in the 46th year of his age, much and universally regretted by his brother Officers, Major Dugald DUCAT, of the 91st Regt., in which Corps he commenced and terminated his military career, having served in it upwards of 30 years. He was present in most of the glorious actions of the Peninsular War, and was also at Waterloo, for which he received a medal.

Thursday 3 August 1843

BIRTH at Tarka Post, July 27th, the wife of J. CALDER of a daughter.

DIED at Graham’s Town on 26th July, Charles William, infant son of Mr. G.D. MARSH of Graaff-Reinet, aged 5 months and 1 week.

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of Jacobus Johannes SCHEPERS & his wife Margaretha Gertruyda MARRAIS, both deceased.
All Persons having any Claim against the above Estate are requested to file the same with the Undersigned within two months from this date; and those indebted to said Estate to pay their Debts within the same period to him at Rautenback’s Drift.
Executor Dative
Rautenback’s Drift
Onder Bushman’s River
Division Uitenhage
July 12 1832 [sic]

Thursday 17 August 1843

MARRIED at Graham’s Town on the 11th instant, by the Rev. W. Shaw, Mr. Robert WHITE of the “Graham’s Town Journal” Office to Miss Abigail Morison WRIGHT.

DIED at Graham’s Town on the 14th inst, Isabella Dryden, wife of Mr. F. TUDHOPE, Teacher of the Government School. Sympathizing friends will please to accept of this intimation.

DIED at Cradock on the 7th instant, after a short but painful illness of five days, aged fourteen years, Edward Henry, son of Mr. J. McLEOD, deeply lamented by family and friends.

Thursday 24 August 1843

BIRTH at Bloemhof on Monday the 14th inst, Mrs. George SOUTHEY of a son.
August 20th 1843

DIED at Graham’s Town this day, 24th August, Edward FORD, aged 78 years. Deceased was one of the settlers of 1820, and has ever since been resident in Albany, where he has been conspicuous for integrity of conduct and that independence of mind so peculiar to the British character. His loss is deeply lamented by his family and friends.

Thursday 31 August 1843

DIED this morning at half past 2 o'clock, Jane, the wife of Mr. John MASKELL, after a brief illness of 5 days, aged 44 years, leaving 5 children to deplore the loss of an affectionate mother.
Graham's Town 31 August 1843

DIED at Somerset on Wednesday 23rd instant after a few days' illness, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr.John ELKINS Jun. She has left a husband and child, together with a numerous circle of relatives and friends, to deplore this sudden, mysterious and deeply afflictive dispensation of Divine Providence. Her end was peace - she having with perfect calmness, though in the prime of life, resigned her soul into the hands of her Creator.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Sunday morning 27th instant, Mrs. George W. CLARKE of a daughter.

Thursday 7 September 1843

DIED this morning at his residence, Graham's Town, aged 45 years, Mr. William LIDDLE, late Sergeant Major in HM 75th Regt and Keeper of the District Prison in this Town, deeply regretted by his family and friends.
Graham's Town 7th September 1843

Thursday 14 September 1843

BIRTH at Graham’s Town, September 13, Mrs. LOCKE, wife of Rev J. LOCKE, of a son.

From a Correspondent
Port Elizabeth September 13 pm
Yesterday all day it blew very hard from the SE with a heavy sea. We had our doubts as far as the shipping at anchor in the bay (nine in number); but fortunately all rode out the gale in safety - only one incident happening to our knowledge, viz the 'Lively' parted one chain. The wind is now off the land, consequently all is safe.
This morning the body of the unfortunate nephew of Capt.CROCKLEY (late of the 'Laura') was picked up and will be buried this afternoon. This makes the fourth body recovered, namely the mate of the 'Laura', one seaman and one lad. Also the carpenter of the 'Sea Gull'.

Thursday 21 September 1843

BIRTH at Graaff Reinet on the 1st instant, Mrs. GRISBROOK of a son

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 14th instant, Mrs. John BRADFIELD of a son.

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