Eastern Province Herald 1863 - 1 - January to March
Friday 2 January 1863
The death by suicide of Mr. Joseph BLACKBURN, merchant, of Cape Town, is announced. For several weeks past he had been in indifferent health, and complained that his mind was giving way; and so serious were the symptoms manifested recently, that he had frequently to be watched by his friends. On Sunday afternoon, it appears, he rode down to Eerste River in the train with Mr. Thomas HULL, of Caledon, and in one of the letters he wrote just previous to his death – to Mr. Edward HULL, his Attorney (FAIRBRIDGE and HULL) – he says: “I rode down in the train with your brother Tom. He little suspected that he was riding with a man who would soon cease to exist”. On his arrival at Eerste River he put up at Mrs. POWELL’s hotel and talked with that la very rationally. Next day he retired to his room, stating that he should be left undisturbed, wrote letters to his friends and family describing his hopeless state of mind, and then, it is supposed, took laudanum, from the effects of which he died. He states in his letter that he leaves £30,000 to his family, and says that the only reason for the then contemplated act was the dread that he should die an idiot. He says he had long found his memory failing him, and felt symptoms growing stronger of loss of mental power. There is no doubt that his mind had been overworked: for twenty-five years, at least, his mental exertions had been very great. It appears that on two occasions before Mr. BLACKBURN made attempts on his own life. He is spoken of as “a man of fine intellect” – as “a most economical and regular liver”. His commercial transactions are said to have been very large in this colony, as well as in Natal and the Free State.
On Wednesday last the Rifle Volunteers, accompanied by the Band, under Mr. HARRISON, mustered in full force at the residence of the late Mr. William SEARLE, compositor, to pay the last honours to their departed comrade. About four o’clock in the afternoon the solemn cortege moved along the Main-street, in the direction of St.Mary’s Church, the Band playing a dead march, the drum ever and anon by its deep-toned boom adding to the solemnity of the occasion. As the long line of mourners moved to the solemn march, it struck us as being a very impressive demonstration of respect, this soldier’s funeral, and we dare venture to affirm there were few but held the same opinion. Arrived at St.Mary’s Church, the remains were unhearsed, and borne within the sacred edifice, there to receive the usual rites; and stern men, unused to the melting mood – were well nigh moved to tears by the impressive manner in which the Rev. S. BROOK conducted the service. There was indeed, a slight tremor in the voice of the rev. gentleman that showed he was deeply moved by the impressive aspect of the scene around him. Slowly and gently the corpse was borne back to the hearse, and solemnly again boomed the drum, the march was renewed, the graveyard reached, and the last sad rites were ended, when his comrades fired three times over his grave.
William SEARLE was twenty-six years of age, the son of highly respectable parents. He came to the colony in the “Phebe Dunbar”, having been engaged in London for the Cape Daily Times. On his arrival, he found the paper defunct, and took employment in the office of Mr. S. SOLOMON, from whence he removed to the office of the Eastern Province Herald, where he gained the esteem and confidence of his employers, and respect of his companions. From the Herald he removed to the Telegraph office, where he had some time been in the service of J. KEMSLEY Esq; and we believe that, in losing him, Mr. KEMSLEY regrets the loss of a true, efficient and faithful, servant. The deceased, we may here state, died of dysentery, after about three weeks’ illness.
We have been requested – and we may be permitted to add, we do so cordially wishing the bereaved every sympathy – to convey to Capt. WYLDE, Capt. FLEMING, Lieuts. ASTON and DU TOIT, as also Mr. HARRADEN and the band, and those other of his comrades and friends who were present at the funeral of the departed, the heartfelt and lasting gratitude of his family for the attention, consideration and honor received. The funeral arrangements were conducted by Mr. LEE, the undertaker, in a very efficient manner.
Tuesday 6 January 1863
Dr. ENSOR, from late Residence to next to Mr. CRAWFORD’s Stores, North End
N.B. For convenience oof persons living at a distance, messages left at Mr. LENNON’s, Chemist, will be promptly attended to.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd Jan 1863, Mrs. W.S. KIRKWOOD of a daughter.
BIRTH at Human’s Dorp on the 31st December 1862, the wife of Mr. J.P. O’CONNELL of a son and heir.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 4th instant, Edward Sidney, aged 11 months and 7 days, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace HUTCHONS of Dordrecht.
DIED on the 24th December 1862, at the Wittebergen Wesleyan Mission Station, Emilie Eliza, the beloved daughter of the Rev. Arthur BRIGG, aged 1 year and 4 months.
A man of the name of McDONALD, in charge of Fock’s Hotel, George Town, fell down suddenly in the street on the 20th, and died a quarter of an hour afterwards.
We regret exceedingly to hear that Mr. James COLLETT Sen. has been compelled to assign his estate for the benefit of his creditors. The drought mainly has been the cause of this step.
On Friday morning a gunner of the Royal Artillery, named James ANDERSON, who had been enjoying himself on Christmas night, was found by one of the guards at six o’clock lying on the ground below the ramparts, in a senseless state, with his arm broken in two or three places, and blood flowing from the ears and nose. He was removed to the hospital, where he died in the course of the day. He was one of the finest men in the regiment.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 5th instant, Mrs. P.W. COURT of a son.
DIED on the 6th inst, at South End, Baaken’s River, Sarah Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. S.W. ODELL, deeply regretted.
The funeral will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, Jan 6th 1863.
Friday 9 January 1863
DIED at Burgher’s Dorp on the 30th December 1862, Emma, the only daughter of [….] and Ann PETERS, aged 10 months and 8 days.
The funeral of the late Mr. Justin McCARTHY will proceed from his late residence, near the Jail, this afternoon at 4 o’clock, to the place of interment. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Jno. MATTHEWS, Undertaker.
DIED at her residence in Uitenhage, on the 3rd January 1863, Miss Mary BARKERWAY, aged 55 years Deceased bore a long and painful illness with Christian fortitude and resignation.
Tuesday 13 January 1863
MARRIED at Montague on the 1st January 1663, Mr. Thomas CAIRNCROSS to Georgina Helena Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. G.E. WHILEY, of Port Elizabeth.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Saturday the 10th inst, aged 18 months and 8 days, William James, only son of Mr. Samuel [EALES]
A sad occurrence took place at Tylden on the 31st December. It appears that during the afternoon Mr. W.E. RANDELL left his hotel, proceeded down the banks of the river, and was shortly after seen by a boy floating down the stream. The river was so swollen that the boy could neither cross nor shout loud enough to be heard at the hotel. As soon as the circumstance was known, immediate search was made for the body, but without avail. Next day, however, it was discovered 14 miles below the place where it is supposed Mr. RANDELL had fallen in. The funeral took place on the 3rd inst, the Rev. W.C. HOLDEN conducting the service.
On Saturday last a coloured man, named Hendrik LENTAND, met with his death under the following singular and painful circumstances. He was on his way from work to breakfast when, passing Hyman’s Kloof, he saw a man laying down apparently in a fit. Hendrik immediately procured the assistance of two coloured friends, and the person was conveyed home. They had no sooner deposited their burden in the house than Hendrik began to vomit blood. His two friends at once bore him to his home, where, after a short time, the poor fellow expired, from having burst a blood vessel, resulting from over-exertion. Hendrik was a very well-behaved man, and had been in the employ of W. SMITH Esq. for 22 years, and was besides Deacon in Mr. ROBSON’s Native Chapel. He was buried on Sunday, and a large number of persons – some coming from Bethelsdorp – attended the funeral. We understand that he has left a large family to mourn his untimely death.
[Transcriber’s note: A similar, slightly shorter notice in the following issue gives the deceased’s surname as ZENLAND]
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 11th January, at the residence of his uncle, Mr. T. SMITH, Mr. Walter ROBINS, aged 25 years, second son of Alfred ROBINS Esq., of Covent Garden, London.
Friday 16 January 1863
Mr. WINGROVE, of Adelaide, has been drowned in attempting to ford the Koonap, on his return from Beaufort.
COURT, the wife of P.W. Esq. of a son, on the 5th inst.
KIRKWOOD, the wife of W.S. Esq. of a daughter, on the 3rd inst.
O’CONNELL, the wife of J.P. Esq., at Humansdorp, of a son, on the 31st ult.
RENNICK, W.A. Esq. to Mrs. Ellen CAITHNESS, on the 22nd ult.
BRIGG, Emilie Eliza, daughter of the Rev. A., at the Wittebergen Wesleyan Mission Station, aged 1 year and 4 months, on the 24th ult.
BARKERWAY, Miss Mary, at Uitenhage, aged 55 years, on the 3rd inst.
BRISTER, Alfred James, aged 14 months, on the 22nd ult.
FLEMING, Adelaide, second child of William and Adelaide, aged 2 years and 3 months, on the 16th ult.
HUTCHONS, Edward Sidney, at Dordrecht, aged 11 months and 7 days, on the 4th inst.
McCABE, Bernard, aged 53, on the 22nd ult.
ODELL, Sarah Elizabeth, on the 6th inst, at South-end of Baaken’s River
PETERS, Emma, at Burghersdorp, aged 10 months and eight days, on the 30th ult.
RENS, Mr. Johannes Jacobus, at Walmer, aged 46, on the 25th ult.
SEARLE, William, aged 26 years, on the 30th ult.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 14th inst, Edgar William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. WARNER, aged 4 months and 6 days.
DIED at Uitenhage, Maria Eliza, only child of Mr. J.B. BOARD, aged 9 months.
Tuesday 20 January 1863
DIED on the 3rd instant, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Henry HARVEY Esq, Philippolis, after a short illness of 14 days, Hannah YATES, aged 16 years and 4 months, sincerely regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Philippolis, January 5 1863
Friday 23 January 1863
BIRTH at Moirmont Cottage, St.Aubins, Jersey, on the 14th November 1862, the wife of Captain G. CAITHNESS, late of Uitenhage, of a daughter, still born.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 17th instant, the wife of John SPENCE, Queen Street, of a son.
DIED at Uitenhage on the 21st instant, Percy Julius, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. MOREL, aged nine months.
A correspondent of the Advertiser & Mail reports the following from Clanwilliam:- On the Monday morning after the Nachtmaal, one of our oldest and most respected inhabitants, the Rev. C. DE HAAS, left the village for his home, situated about two hours’ ride from this, on foot, as has been his custom for the last thirty or more years. On the Tuesday following, about four o’clock pm, one of his servants arrived here to see why he stopped such a long time in the village. This, of course, led the villagers to think that the poor man must have lost his way in the mountains. After a lengthened search, the dead body of the old gentleman was discovered some three miles out of the path he generally travelled. Monday was a very hot day, and the general impression is that he became deranged from fatigue and the heat of the sun; but it is also evident, from certain circumstances too long to explain, that he afterwards recovered his senses, but was too weak to get to his home, and so sat down near a bush, fell over on his back, and expired from sheer exhaustion.
Tuesday 27 January 1863
DIED on Thursday the 22nd instant, Reginald, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. CARPENTER, aged 12½ months – deeply regretted.
DIED at her residence in Uitenhage, on Sunday the 18th inst, Mrs. Sarah ROWE, widow of the late Samuel ROWE, in the 71st year of her age – deeply regretted by her family and a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.
Uitenhage, 20th January 1863.
Friday 30 January 1863
On Thursday night last an old lady, residing at Papendorp, named Mrs. BARENDA, was burnt to death in her bed. The deceased was in the habit of keeping a candle burning by her bedside, and on the night in question the other inmates were alarmed by hearing cries from her room, where they found the bedclothes and table in flames, and the old lady in a dying state.
Tuesday 3 February 1863
DIED at her place of residence, Goodman’s Fontein, Ann the beloved wife of James MURPHY, aged 30 years, leaving her husband and young family, and a circle of numerous friends, to mourn her loss. The funeral will pass Frames Drift at half past 1pm on Wednesday the 4th instant to the place of burial on the Hill. Friends are requested to attend.
[Transcriber’s note: Her Death Notice says she died on the 29th January 1863.]
Mr. WATERMEYER moved that a rule nisi, which had been issued, calling upon John William OREN, of Graham’s Town, to show cause why Mr. William COCK, of the Kowie, should not be appointed guardian of the minor children of Sophia OREN, should be made absolute. As there was no appearance, the required order was made.
On the 24th ult. a melancholy event took place here, viz. the death by drowning of Mr. Jas. PIKE, only surviving son of the proprietor of the Overberg Courant. He had gone with some others to bathe in a pond which was known to be of considerable depth. Notwithstanding this, Mr. PIKE jumped in unhesitatingly, but in a few moments he sank twice. One of his companions hastened to his rescue, but the poor lad’s struggles were so violent, that the life of both was in jeopardy, and he was compelled to leave Mr. PIKE to his fate. Great sympathy is felt with the bereaved parents, the deceased having been a universal favourite.
Tuesday 10 February 1863
DIED at Grahamstown on the 4th inst, Mr. Samuel Fyfe BROWN, late of Haddington, Scotland, aged 25 years.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 8th instant, Sarah, the beloved wife of W.C. ELLIOTT, deeply and sincerely regretted.
Port Elizabeth, Feb 10th 1863
On Thursday last Mr. Michie BASSON, of Vogelstruisfontein, was returning home from town with a load of planks, and on reaching Duikervlei the planks, it would seem, had pushed the wagon chest forward, for it rumbled off with the driver, who, falling between the mules, was severely wounded about the head. Stunned and unable to extricate himself, he fell under the wheels, which passed over his neck and killed him on the spot.
Friday 13 February 1863
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 10th instant, Mrs. George IMPEY Junr. of a son.
DIED at his Residence, Wilge River, near Uitenhage, on Monday the 9th instant, Joseph GREEN Esq, in the sixty-first year of his age, sincerely regretted by all his friends and acquaintances.
Uitenhage, Feb 11 1863
We regret to announce the sudden death by lightning of Charles LINTON Esq. of Gretna, in this division. Mr. LINTON arrived in the colony in 1835, as manager of the business of Messrs. Wise, Holiday & Co. in Graham’s Town. Mr. LINTON ultimately received a grant of Gretna, and having amassed a considerable fortune, was enabled to stock it with some of the most valuable animals in the colony. On Sunday last, as was his wont, several of the surrounding neighbours were dining with him, and while conversing after the meal, a heavy storm was gathering. All at once there was a vivid flash of lightning, accompanied instantaneously by a heavy clap of thunder. Mr. LINTON was in the act of speaking, and every eye was turned upon him, all attentively listening. He stopped speaking, his watch chain was seen to tingle, and have a lurid glare, the jaw dropped, and Mr. LINTON fell from his chair a corpse. All this occurred in a second. On examination, it was found that the lightning had entered just above where Mr. LINTON was sitting, passing down the watch chain, melting it and destroying the watch, entering the floor close to his feet, where it is supposed to have expended itself, as it could not be traced further. – Free Press.
CAITHNESS, the wife of Capt. G. (late of Uitenhage) of a daughter, still-born, on the 14th Nov last, at St.Aubyn’s, Jersey.
SPENCE, the wife of Mr. John, of a son, on the 17th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
IMPEY, the wife of Mr. G., of a son, on the 10th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
SHEPHERD, the wife of E.W., of a daughter, on the 13th inst, at Port Elizabeth
McGREGOR, John, to Elizabeth, fourth daughter of A. McKAY Esq. of Uitenhage, on the 27th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
BROWN, Samuel Fyfe (late of Haddington, Scotland) on the 4th inst, at Graham’s Town.
CARPENTER, Reginald, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H., on the 2nd ult, at Port Elizabeth.
ELLIOTT, Sarah, wife of Mr. W.C., on the 8th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
MARSHALL, George Ernst, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G.B., on the 31st ult, at Port Elizabeth.
MOREL, Percy Julius, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J., on the 3rd inst, on the 21st ult, at Uitenhage.
MURPHY, Ann, wife of Mr. J., on the 3rd inst, at Goedman’s Fontein.
ROWE, Mrs. Sarah, on the 18th ult, at Uitenhage.
WARREN, Edgar William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A.G., on the 14th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
YATES, Hannah, sister-in-law of H. HARVEY Esq, on the 3rd ult, at Philippolis
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth this morning (13th inst), the wife of Mr. E.W. SHEPHERD of a daughter.
Tuesday 17 February 1863
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 15th February, [Mable], the beloved wife of Mr. William LOCKHART, aged 23 years, deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
BIRTH at Walmer on the 13th ult, the wife of Captain McCLELLAND, late 6th Royal Rifles, of a son.
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 12th February 1863, Mrs. Fred. LANGE of a son.
BIRTH on the 14th instant, Mrs. Charles T. JONES of a daughter.
A correspondent signing himself “XYZ” sends us the following particulars of a sad accident which happened at Hope Town last week, whereby Mr. T.M.R. ORPEN (brother of Mr. ORPEN of the Customs here) lost his life. Our correspondent, writing under the date 4th inst, says:-
I am happy to be able to inform you that our village and district have been blessed with successive rains since the 20th ult, and our farmers have put on quite a pleasing countenance, in anticipation of the result which will be realized by the same, as regards to their future prospects, and it has accordingly removed all fears from the minds of the shopkeepers, and quite gladdened their hearts. On the other hand I regret to mention that the town has been thrown into a great state of excitement during the last three or four days, on account of the sudden death of Mr. T.M.R. ORPEN. Magistrate’s Clerk of this place, who was drowned in the Orange River some twenty minutes walk from this place. The deceased took a great pleasure in boating, and had his own boat on the river for his enjoyment. On Thursday afternoon, the 29th ultimo, he went down as usual in company with a Mr. BEHN and CLEMENTS, for a row up the river. In the midst of their enjoyment a storm came up, accompanied with a heavy current, which turned the boat upside down. The deceased immediately exclaimed “I’m going”. However, in this instance, they succeeded in getting the boat all right again, and went along cheering “hurrah”, when the anchor of the boat gave way, upset the same, and all three were again thrown into the river. BEHN and CLEMENTS could swim, but ORPEN unfortunately not; the deceased being a very heavy and not at all active man. These two – BEHN and CLEMENTS – used their utmost endeavours to rescue him from his perilous position, but in vain. These persons were quite exhausted, and after doing everything in their power to save the life of the deceased, they found their attempts fruitless, and finding themselves on the point of being drowned, considered it prudent to desist, and swam ashore, which they reached with great difficulty, as they were quite exhausted. They were found on the ground by the bystanders, both in a benumbed state and fainting. The body of the deceased had not yet been washed up, but the inhabitants have not failed to do all they could, for men have from time to time gone out to search for it, but hitherto in vain. This has thrown quite a gloom over this place, for only a few days ago a Mr. LIEBENBERG was also shot by two Griquas.
Friday 20 February 1863
MARRIED by Special Licence on the 18th instant, at St.Mary’s Church, by the Rev. E. Pickering, Thos. COOK, of Maidstone Estate, Port Natal, to Margaret Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. John LAKE Port Elizabeth.
DROWNED at Sunday’s River on Tuesday February 10th 1863, John CLARINGBOLD, aged 35 years. The deceased was greatly respected by all who knew him.
The Advertiser and Mail regrets to have to announce the sudden demise of Jacob MINNAAR Esq, which occurred at the Paarl in the night, between Saturday and Sunday. The deceased gentleman was an old inhabitant of the Paarl, well to do in the world, and apparently in good health a very short time before he died.
The Overberg Courant says:-
We learn that on Friday evening last Mr. Andries HEYNS, of Leeuw River, lost a fine child of upwards of seven months old, by its swallowing a small piece of bone. The mother was unable to extract it, and the child was soon a corpse. We learn also that last Sunday week, at Riverdale, Mr. Jacobus VAN WYK, Adriaan’s son, generally known as “Cobus Adriaan”, died very suddenly. On Sunday afternoon the deceased conducted the customary prayer meeting, and after having gone to bed he told his wife that he felt unwell, and requested her to light a candle, but before that could be done life was extinct. Most probably he died of apoplexy.
Tuesday 24 February 1863
BIRTH at Sunday’s River on Saturday February 21st, Mrs. E.J. BIDDULPH of a son.
BIRTH on Wednesday 18th February, the wife of Mr. J.H. CHILTON of a daughter.
MARRIED on 2nd November, at Lower Edmonton, by the Rev. R. Tate, Mr. Thomas MASON, of 147 Leadenhall-street, to Hannah Margaret, youngest daughter of Captain LILLEY, late Grenadier Guards.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 22nd February 1863, Joseph Robert, only son of Mr. James RICHARDS, aged 7 months and 4 days.
DIED on the 20th instant at Port Elizabeth, Maria Louisa, fourth daughter of Mr. John H. CLARK, aged 6 years and 10 months.
The King William’s Town Gazette contains the following distressing intelligence:-
We exceedingly regret to record one of the most calamitous events it has ever been our lot to put in print, viz. the upsetting of a wagon in the Izeli drift of the Buffalo, the drowning of three sisters, and narrow escape of the father. The unfortunate family who have thus been called upon to suffer is that of the Rev. Mr. LIEFELDT, and the melancholy event has cast a gloom over the whole community, by whom Mr. LIEFELDT and family are well and deservedly held in very high esteem. It appears from what we can gather that on Monday last Mr. LIEFELDT and his three daughters proceeded in a tent wagon towards the Izeli, with the intention, we believe, of going to some distant part of the country, and on reaching one of the drifts the river was found in a very swollen state. The wagon, however, had got into the stream and could not return, and while in the bed of the river, it is said the leader was unable to stem the current, the hind oxen gave way, the wagon sides and tent were swept off, and the vehicle turned over with its living freight. Mr. LIEFELDT, it is said, managed with the assistance of the driver to get to the other side at the imminent risk of his life, after being washed down a considerable distance, but could render no assistance to his unfortunate daughters, who were carried down the river and drowned. The driver is said to have caught hold of one of the unfortunate girls, but had not strength to bring her ashore. It is also reported that five of the oxen were drowned. The first intimation the public had of this catastrophe was a note addressed by Miss Tuesday 17 March 1863LIEFELDT to Dr. PETERS, informing him that her father had been upset in the Buffalo, and three of her sisters were drowned. Dr. PETERS hastened to the spot, but could discover no signs of the bodies. It is said that the Kafir driver intimated to Mr. LIEFELDT that the drift was too dangerous to cross, but that Mr. LIEFELDT differed in opinion, and directed him to make the attempt, and the result has been the fearful disaster just recorded. The sympathy of the public with the bereaved family is universal, and a subscription has been set on foot to present Mr. LIEFELDT with a purse, as he has no doubt suffered other loss besides that of his daughters’ lives; but it is deeply felt by all classes that nothing can compensate the unfortunate family for the loss of the three fine girls who have thus been suddenly swept into eternity….. [The rest of the piece is difficult to read because of folds in the paper but concerns fruitless attempts to recover the bodies.]
Friday 27 February 1863
The Gazette states that the bodies of two of Mr. LIEFELDT’s daughters have been recovered, and that active exertions, in which the military take a prominent part, are still being made for the recovery of the third. Deep and kindly sympathy is felt and expressed towards the afflicted family.
Friday 3 March 1863
MARRIED by Special Licence on Monday the 16th February, at Panmure (British Kaffraria), by the Rev. R. Von Hube, Mr. S.T. POTGIETER, late of Port Elizabeth, to Miss C.J. VAN AARDT, Adelaide.
CHRISTENED at Sunday’s River on Thursday, February 26th 1863, by the Rev. W. Llewellyn, Edward Burnett, son of Mr. E.Y. BIDDULPH.
Friday 6 March 1863
King William’s Town – The weather has been of late of rather a bracing character, partaking more of winter than summer. A very sudden death occurred in the Reserve on Thursday. A sergeant WADDEN of the C.M.R., after partaking of his tea in apparent good health, lay down on his bed to rest, and at about [..] o’clock, when a comrade went to wake him, it was discovered he was a corpse.
Friday 13 March 1863
In the Estate of the late Thomas DAVIS of Human’s Dorp
All Persons having any Claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same at the Office of the undersigned within six weeks from this date; and those indebted to the same to pay their debts within the same period.
W.S.G. METELERKAMP, Executor Dative
Zuurbron Post Office
25th February 1863
Tuesday 17 March 1863
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 13th inst, after a long and protracted illness, Catherine Sophia, wife of [illegible]
BIDDULPH, the wife of Mr. E.J., of a son, on the 21st Feb, at Sunday’s River.
CHILTON, the wife of Mr. J.H., of a daughter, on the 18th Feb, at Port Elizabeth.
COOK, Thos., Maidstone Estate, Port Natal, to Margaret Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. John LAKE, on the 18th Feb, at Port Elizabeth, by special licence,
MASON, Thomas, to Hannah Margaret, youngest daughter of Captain LILLEY, late Grenadier Guards, on the 2nd November last, at Lower Edmonton.
POTGIETER, S.J. to Miss C.J. VAN AARDT, on the 16th ult, at Panmure, by special licence.
CLARK, Maria Louisa, fourth daughter of Mr. John H., on the 20th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
CLARINGBOLD, John, on the 10th ult, at Sunday’s River.
RICHARDS, Joseph Robert, only son of Mr. James, on the 22nd ult, at Port Elizabeth.
Friday 20 March 1863
The Rev. Thos. REID, of the Dutch Reformed Church, died on the 28th ult. in his 63rd year.
G. VISSER Esq, chairman of the Volksraad of the Free State, was married on the 2nd inst. to Miss Comfort PLEWMAN.
Many will hear with much regret of the death in London of an old and respected colonist, Mr. George GREIG. His career had been a long, varied and arduous one. Forty years ago, as the printer and original proprietor of this paper, in conjunction with Mr. FAIRBAIRN and Thomas PRINGLE, at great risk and heavy losses to himself, he took part in securing the freedom of the Press and vindicating the liberties of the country, which should not be forgotten, and never will. In late years, as a merchant both in Cape Town and in London, he was invariably distinguished by the warm interest he displayed in every matter affecting the prosperity and progress of the colony – Advertiser and Mail.
Friday 27 March 1863
DEPARTED THIS LIFE at his residence, Mr. Charles HILL, aged 51 years.
Tuesday 31 March 1863
MARRIED at Wheatlands on the 26th instant, by the Rev. Geo. H. Green, Mr. Daniel James ROBERTS, of the District Graaff-Reinet, to Emma Bevans, second daughter of the late Thos. PARKES Esq, of Uitenhage. No cards.
Wheatlands, 26th March 1863.
DIED at his residence in Uitenhage on Sunday the 29th inst, E. VAN REENEN Esq, aged 47 years, deeply regretted.
30th March 1863.
We regret to hear of the death of Mr. E. VAN REENEN, of Uitenhage, which took place yesterday. Mr. VAN REENEN was well known as an enterprising agriculturist.
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