Eastern Province Herald 1863 - 2 - April to June
Friday 3 April 1863
Wholesale and Retail: Queen Street, opposite Wesleyan chapel.
Retail: South End, over Baaken’s River
Mrs. E. CALDECOTT (widow of the late Mr. A.T. CALDECOTT) begs to tender her grateful thanks to those Merchants of Port Elizabeth and the Eastern Province generally, who have so liberally supported her since the decease of her lamented husband. She desires to state for the information of the public at large that she has at all times on hand a Large Supply, at very low rates, of both Plain and Rose Snuff, the unrivalled quality of which is too well known to require comment.
ELLEN CALDECOTT (widow of the late A.T. CALDECOTT)
General, Grocery, Provision and Snuff Establishment, Queen Street, opposite the Wesleyan Chapel; South End, over Baaken’s River. County orders promptly executed.
Tailor and Clothes Cleaner, Speedwell Cottage, at the back of Mr. CAWOOD’s residence, Queen-street, Port Elizabeth.
Ladies’ Silk Dresses, Riding Habits, Cloaks and Gents’ Clothing cleaned in the most superior style.
NB. Orders will be received, and punctually attended to, if left with Mr. J. BYERLEY, Pastry Cook, Main-street, Port Elizabeth.
Attorney at Law, General Agent and Auctioneer, Potchefstroom, South African Republic.
Splendid Farms for sale and barter.
General Agent, Collector of Accounts, Licensed Auctioneer, Burghersdorp. Punctuality and despatch.
Land, Law and General Agent, Auctioneer &c
Smithfield, Orange Free State.
Attorney and General Agent, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
(late THOMPSON’s) Wool-washing Establishment, Uitenhage.
North End. W. DENT. Good Accommodation for Travellers.
General Commission and Forwarding Agent, Collector of Accounts &c,
Market-square, Aliwal North.
Saddler and Harnessmaker, Main-street, Port Elizabeth, opposite the Stores of Messrs. BLAINE & Co. All orders punctually attended to.
General and Commission Agent, and Administrator of Estates, Market Square, Aliwal North.
NB – Punctuality and despatch.
(late A. BYERLEY), Fancy Cabinet and Ornamental Turner, Rodney-street, Main-street. Naves turned and Neck Bars done on the shortest notice. All orders from the country executed with dispatch.
[Transcriber’s note: a nave is a hub of a wheel]
Proprietor of the Travellers’ Home Hotel, North-end, Port Elizabeth. Families visiting Port Elizabeth will find every comfort at the above Hotel. Horses and Carts for hire.
Castings of Iron and Copper from Models, Sketches or old Castings, at the shortest notice, for Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Pipes, Pumps, Columns &c. Country orders punctually attended to.
[Advertisement repeated in Afrikaans]
Strand-st, Port Elizabeth. B. & H. KROMM, Proprietors.
Every attention paid to visitors. Every accommodation for Travellers. Good forage and stabling. NB Captains of Vessels and Passengers visiting this Port will find this Hotel replete with every convenience.
W. CAMPBELL, Enrolled Agent of the Magistrate’s Court, Auctioneer and General Agent, Estates administered; Insolvent Schedules drawn out, and Proofs of Debts framed; Accounts collected, and proceeds remitted immediately on receipt; Wills, Memorials, Leases and other documents correctly prepared.
General Agent, Philippolis
General Agent, Philippolis, Orange Free State
Friday 10 April 1863
BIRTH on Saturday the 4th instant, Mr. E.H. NORTON of a daughter
Port Elizabeth. 8th April 1863.
DIED on Thursday the 9th inst, Johanna, infant daughter of J.G.S. DE VILLIERS
Uitenhage, 10th April 1863.
Tuesday 14 April 1863
DIED on the 13th inst. at the residence of Mr. FLEETWOOD, Mrs. Mary SINGLETON, widow of the late Mr. William SINGLETON, aged 89 years and 3 months.
The Funeral will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, April 13th 1863.
NORTON, the wife of Mr. E.H., of a daughter, on the 4th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
ROBERTS, Mr. Daniel James, to Emma Bevans, second daughter of the late Thomas PARKES Esq, of Uitenhage, on the 26th ult, at Wheatlands.
HILL, Mr. Charles, aged 51 years, at Port Elizabeth.
VAN REENEN, E., on the 29th ult, at Uitenhage.
VILLIERS, Johanna, infant daughter of J.G.S. de, on the 10th inst, at Uitenhage.
Friday 17 April 1863
DIED at Uitenhage on Saturday the 11th inst, Anne Phillis Maria, the beloved wife of Henry ALLISON, of Roode Wahl, in this District, in the 34th year of her age. Deeply regretted by all who knew her. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Uitenhage, 13th April 1863.
We regret to hear by this morning’s post of the death of Mr. William SCHEUERMANN of Burghersdorp, which took place on Monday the 6th inst., after a brief illness. Mr. SCHEUERMANN was well known to a large business circle, and was very much respected in the district of Albert, where he had resided for many years.
Tuesday 21 April 1863
DEPARTED THIS LIFE on Monday the 6th inst, my beloved husband William SCHEUERMANN, at the age of 32 years, 10 months and 27 days; deeply regretted by all who knew him, and leaving me with two children, too young to feel their loss.
The undersigned beg to avail themselves of this opportunity to thank most heartily the numerous friends who so kindly assisted the deceased during his illness.
Burghersdorp, 10th April 1863
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 18th April 1863, deeply regretted by the surviving family and a numerous circle of friends, the late Mrs. James BURCHELL Sen., at the residence of Mr. James BURCHELL Jun., aged 72 years. Her remains were interred at Walmer on Sunday afternoon, followed by a number of friends.
In the Estate of the late Joseph GREEN, of Coega, in the District of Uitenhage, and surviving spouse Anna Magdalena GREEN, born VAN ROOYEN,
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in this Estate are requested to file their claims at the office of Mr. Edward DOBSON, Uitenhage, within six weeks from this date; and all parties indebted to the Estate are requested to pay forthwith.
A.M. GREEN, Executrix Testamentary
Uitenhage, April 17 1863.
We learn from the Vaal River correspondent of De Volksvriend, that the only surviving son of President PRETORIUS, of the Orange Free State, died at Potchefstroom on the 20th ult. New had reached His Honour at Bloemfontein of the dangerous illness of the child, and although he, together with Mrs. PRETORIUS, travelled with excessive rapidity, they arrived but a few hours after their son had breathed his last. The anguish of the parents, that of the mother especially, was overwhelming, intensified perhaps by the fact that deceased was the tenth child that they have buried. Only one daughter remains of so large a family.
Friday 24 April 1863
Inquiry having been made, from Canada and Scotland respectively, for the undermentioned persons, it is requested that any authentic information regarding them may be communicated to the Colonial Office. Thomas MATTHEWS, formerly a private in the 7th Dragoon Guards, left his Regiment at the Cape, on the 13th April 1848, to become a military settler. Daniel CURRIE, formerly a private in the 91st Regiment, was discharged in or about the year 1841, at Graham’s Town, and is believed to have settled at or near Port Elizabeth.
Mr. Mildmay WOLFE, a well known resident of this town, died on Wednesday evening, after a very short illness. The funeral took place yesterday, and was attended by a large concourse of friends. The deceased had for many years managed the business of Messrs. Thomas, Watson, Simpson & Co.
Tuesday 28 April 1863
MARRIED in Hope Town on Thursday the 9th day of April, by the Rev. G. Van Niekerk, John BENJAMIN to Jane Louisa, second daughter of W. Wm. ALEXANDER Esq.
Hope Town, 22nd April 1863.
NOTICE is hereby given to Relatives and Friends that it has pleased the [All…………………………………….] death […] husband Frederick Alexander WATSON [ the messenger to the Magistrate Court] at […………….] at the young age of 48 years [remaining four lines almost completely rubbed away]
Elizabeth WATSON
[…………….] April 1863
Friday 1 May 1863
DIED on Wednesday 29th April, Mary Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. NORTON.
DIED last evening, April 30 1863, John William, son of John and Susannah SPENCE, of this town, aged 3½ months, deeply regretted by his sorrowing parents. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock.
J.H. WILLS, Undertaker
Tuesday 5 May 1863
The Partnership which has subsisted since the 1st November last between the undernamed, as Storekeepers at Somerset East, under the firm of MARILLIER & EDWARDS, having been terminated by mutual consent on the 30th April (ultimo), all claims in favor of, or against, the said late firm will be arranged by the first undersigned.
Somerset East
2nd May 1863.
A New Light for South Africa!!!
Port Elizabeth Steam Mills
Having purchased several of the newly imported Patent American Candle Machines, begs to inform Merchants and Traders of the Province generally that he is now enabled to supply a superior article, giving a light fully equal to Composites at less than the price of common Dips. Our trial is sufficient to establish their superiority. Country Dealers will please take notice that Produce of any description will be taken in exchange and fullest price allowed.
DIED at his residence, Korhaan’s Drift, on Friday the 24th April 1863, Stephanus Johannes DU PREEZ, aged 60 years – deeply regretted by his relatives and friends.
Susanna J. DU PREEZ
Tuesday 12 May 1863
MARRIED on Tuesday May 12th 1863, at St.Augustine’s Catholic Church, Port Elizabeth, Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, by the Right Revd. Thomas Murphy DD, Maurice Charles TRACY Esq, Army Medical Staff, youngest son of Declan TRACY Esq, Piltown, County Waterford, Ireland, to Mary, elder daughter of Charles HOUSLEY Esq, Surgeon, Port Elizabeth. No cards.
MARRIED on the 2nd May at St.Paul’s Church, by the Revd. S. Brooks, Louisa, youngest daughter of the late George TRENBATH Esq., Higher Broughton, Manchester, to Thos. J. JANION, of this town.
Port Elizabeth, May 9 1863.
BIRTH at Aberdeen on Monday the 4th May 1863, Mrs. C.F. HEUGH Jun. of a son.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 9th instant, the wife of Mr. John MUDIE of a son.
DIED on the 12th instant, on Hospital Hill, Alexander GOLDIE Esq, native of Dumfries, Scotland, aged 30 years. The Funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at ½ past 3 o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, May 12th 1863.
Friday 15 May 1863
In the Estate of the late Richard Law CRUMP
All Persons having Claims against the said Estate are required to file the same with the undersigned within two months from this day’s date, and those indebted thereto to pay their debts forthwith in order to avoid expenses.
Executors Dative
Port Elizabeth, 13th May 1863.
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth, May 5, by the Rev. John Richards, Wesleyan Minister, Alexander A. GRANT, Grocer, to Jane ROBSON, daughter of Thomas ROBSON, No.4 Abbey Street, Carlisle, England
Tuesday 19 May 1863
DIED on the 16th inst, Mary Frances, eldest child of Jas. L. KEMP, aged 3 years, 6 months and 20 days.
May 19th 1863.
Friday 22 May 1863
BIRTH on the 20th May, the wife of Henry GODFREY Esq, of Port Elizabeth, of a son.
Any person who can give any information as to the above, who arrived in the Colony in the year 1849, by the ship “Royal Alice”, from Plymouth, and served in the Levies during the last Kafir War, is requested to communicate with
Attorney, Port Elizabeth
May 18 1863.
Tuesday 26 May 1863
DIED on Sunday the 17th instant, at Oudsberg, near Graaff-Reinet, aged 48, Esther, the beloved wife of Saul SOLOMON, deeply lamented by her bereaved husband, children and friends.
DIED on the 25th instant at his late residence in Evatt Street, Mr. Patrick CARROLL, aged 60 years. The funeral will take place this afternoon at three o’clock. Relatives and friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth
May 26th 1863
DIED on Hospital Hill, Mrs. [THIRAGOOD], aged 30 years. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Relatives and friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth
May 26th 1863
Friday 29 May 1863
DIED this morning of Influenza, Robert Godlonton, infant son of W.A. and M.A. RICHARDS, aged 5 months and 5 days.
Grahamstown, May 21 1863.
DIED at Van Staden’s River, on the 26th May, Mrs. Jacomina Aletta VAN NIEKERK, widow of the late Geo. Frederik MULLER, aged 68 years.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 26th May 1863, Maria Theresa Francisca, widow of the late George Macnamara BRUNETTE Esq, aged 62 years.
MARRIAGE at Amsterdam Flats on the 28th instant, by the Rev. J. Harsant, Mr. Robert LAWRANCE to Julia, eldest daughter of Mr. James BARRY.
DIED on the 27th instant, Ada Henrietta, second daughter of James L. KEMP, aged 2 years and 10 days.
May 29th 1863.
Friday 5 June 1863
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd inst, at noon, Eugene G. CHABAUD, of Quagga’s Vlakte, aged 33 years.
The Funeral will leave the residence of Mr. J.S. KIRKWOOD, on the Hill, this afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, June 5 1863.
DIED at Whittlesea, aged 21 years, Matilda Grace, the beloved wife of H.L. [DA…IN] Esq, and youngest daughter of the late Thos. Bowen [SHE..AN] Esq, formerly Captain in HM 97th Regt.
BIRTH at Rugely, Staffordshire, England, on the 1st April 1863, the wife of the Rev. F. BALLS of a daughter.
Friday 12 June 1963
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 24th May, Mrs. Woodford PILKINGTON of a daughter.
MARRIED at Uitenhage by the Rev. W. Sargeant, on Thursday the 4th inst, Mr. H.T. BLOOMFIELD, of Aliwal North, to Emily Jane Martha, fourth daughter of the late William HYMAN Esq, of this place.
DIED from the effects of a terrible accident on the 3rd Jun, Eugene Gordon CHABAUD Esq, aged 33 years, second son of the late John Anthony CHABAUD Esq. [See following issue]
DIED at Fort Beaufort, Cape of Good Hope, on Monday the 8th June 1863, Mary, the beloved wife of Maurice C, TRACY Esq, Army Medical Staff, aged 18 years and 3 months.
Tuesday 16 June 1863
DIED at Wheatlands, near Graaff-Reinet, on Saturday June 13th 1863, Helen Pringle, the beloved wife of James [.] PARKER, aged 24 years and 7 months, leaving a husband and two young children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Mr. Eugene CHABAUD, of Quagga’s Vlakte, brother of Gustavus CHABAUD Esq, of this town, met with his death on Wednesday the 3rd inst. under the following distressing circumstances:- It appears that the unfortunate gentleman was accompanying a load of produce to the Bay, and when near the Creek, about two miles outside the town, on the previous evening, he attempted to get on the wagon by springing on to the disselboom. In doing so, the after ox kicked him, his foot slipped, and he fell under the fore wheel. His body, terrible to relate, thus locked the wheel for some six to eight yards, when the heavy vehicle passed over the lower region of his back, fracturing the ribs, and crushing the liver. In this state the attendants placed him on the wagon and brought him in to Port Elizabeth. Dr. ENSOR was promptly summoned, and remained with him the most of the night, but from the first there was not the slightest hope of his recovery, and he expired in great agony about 2pm on Wednesday. What adds to the distressing character of this event is the fact that deceased has left a widow and six young daughters to mourn over their loss.
BALLS, the wife of Rev. F., on April 1, at Rugely, England.
GODFREY, the wife of Mr. Henry, of a son, on the 20th May, at Port Elizabeth.
BRUNETTE, Mrs., on May 26, at Port Elizabeth.
Friday 19 June 1863
DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 10th June last, Mary BARRETT, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry Joseph BARRETT. Deeply lamented by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Tuesday 23 June 1863
The Supreme Court have granted an order for divorce to Mrs. ROBINSON, the defendant being the insolvent S.F. ROBINSON, who made himself notorious by his connexion with Miss FORSDYKE.
Friday 26 June 1863
MARRIED on the 18th inst, William Hill BARRICK to Miss Jane, youngest daughter of Captain W.M. BAXTER of Port Elizabeth.
Tuesday 30 June 1863
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 28th June, Mrs. T.M. HARRIS of a daughter.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Friday 26th instant, Mrs. H.M. SCRIVENOR of a daughter.
BIRTH at Rufane Vale, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday the 21st inst, Mrs. Joseph T. PASSMORE of a son.
DIED at Gamtoos River Mouth Place on Sunday the 21st inst, Mr. P.J. KEMP Sen., aged 75 years.
DIED at Beenleegte, district of Somerset East, on Wednesday the 24th June 1863, Robert MACNEILL, youngest son of Mr. Robert MACNEILL, Kirkcudbright Shire, Scotland, aged 22 years and 16 days. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation.
- Hits: 1979