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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1862 - 4 - October to December

Friday 3 October 1862

Mr. W.J. SMITH, merchant, of St.George’s-street, died very suddenly on Wednesday last, at his residence at Green Point. In the morning he breakfasted in perfect health, and while preparing to proceed as usual by the omnibus to town, he was struck down by a combined attack of apoplexy and paralysis. Medical assistance was promptly at hand, and the most powerful remedies were applied without the slightest avail. He never rallied, and died without a struggle, about four o’clock in the afternoon. He was for many years connected with the mercantile business of Cape Town and was always as warmly esteemed as he was highly respected. He was only forty [two] years of age when he died, and has left a widow with a large family of young children. His funeral took place on Friday noon, and was numerously attended. – Mercantile Advertiser

The Friend reports the following sad case of death from dypsomania:- Another death from this terrible malady has occurred during the past week. The victim in this instance was one MULLER, formerly of the German Legion, who was well known in many parts of the Eastern Province of the Colony as being an excellent performer on an instrument called the zither. It appears that the deceased died very suddenly, without a struggle; in fact the vital spark had fled for full three hours before his boon companions, who were drinking freely, discovered it. For the last few months of his existence, MULLER, partly from choice and partly from necessity, lived almost entirely on spirits.

Friday 10 October 1862

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Joseph CAWOOD, which occurred early on the morning of Wednesday last. Deceased was the second son of Joshua CAWOOD Esq, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Port Elizabeth, and leaves a wife and two children to mourn their loss.

Tuesday 14 October 1862

DIED on the 5th September at his residence13 Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, London, Charles MAYNARD Esq, aged 67

[Death notice virtually illegible because of letters rubbed away
DIED on the [] instant at the Provincial Hospital, Mr. R. […………..], a native of Cornwall, formerly in the employ of [M………………………..] aged [42] years {last two lines totally illegible].

Friday 17 October 1862

BIRTH on the 17th, the wife of Mr. Louis BALMANN of a daughter.

Tuesday 21 October 1862

Dr. PEPPE, the Colonial Botanist, died at his residence, Loop-street, on Tuesday evening. The funeral was to take place on Thursday last.

From private intelligence we learn that a fire occurred at Somerset East on the 16th inst, by which the dwelling house of Mr. F.H. TRUTER, the post contractor, was entirely destroyed, and, we are told, that that gentleman was burnt to death in his bed.

On Friday afternoon last the mortal remains of our much-regretted townsman, G.T. KEMP Esq, were consigned to their last resting place in the burial ground of the New Church. Upwards of four hundred of the inhabitants testified, by their presence in the mournful cortege, the respect in which the deceased was held. The services were conducted by the Revds. Adam ROBSON, John HARSANT and PATERSON. On Sunday last the Rev. A. ROBSON, who had known the deceased from his infancy, improved the solemn event by preaching a funeral sermon to a numerous congregation in the New Church. The rev. gentleman took for his text the 90th psalm, 12th verse: “To teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” – and upon this delivered a very impressive discourse, which was listened to throughout with marked attention. The Rev. E. PICKERING, the Colonial Chaplain, also, but not professedly, though its application could not be mistaken, to improve the occasion, selecting for his text the “Unfaithful Servant”, delivered in St.Mary’s Church a most eloquent sermon, which left a deep impression on his congregation, who were much pleased to see the reverend gentleman after his late severe indisposition.

Friday 24 October 1862

BIRTH on Sunday evening, the 12th inst, at the Wittebergen Wesleyan Mission, the wife of the Rev Arthur BRIGG of a son.

Mr Dupré CROZIER, the Chief Clerk of the General Post-office, Cape Town, and son of the late Postmaster General, died somewhat unexpectedly on Thursday night.

Tuesday 28 October 1862

BIRTH on the 26th instant, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. J. EDWARDS of a daughter.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, on the 27th instant, Mrs. Paul REECE of a son.

DIED on the 25th October, Edward, infant son of James and Mary Ann FINLAYSON, of Port Elizabeth, aged eight months.

DIED on the 20th instant, Queen Street, opposite Mrs. FEATHERS, Thomas Samuel, infant son of Mr. CLOWES, aged [..] months and 19 days.
The funeral will take place this (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, Oct 28 1862

The report of the death of Mrs. DELY, wife of the respected Civil Commissioner of Hope Town, referred to in our last by a correspondent, is confirmed.

Mrs. DAVIDSON, wife of the Rev, Mr. DAVIDSON, Minister of the Independent Church at Adelaide, expired last week, deeply regretted by the whole community. Her remains were followed to the grave by a very large concourse of all denominations. At Adelaide, on Sunday last, there was a collection in the English Episcopal Church for the Lancashire Relief Fund, which amounted to the handsome sum of £25 8s 2d. – Advocate,

A collection, in aid of the distressed operatives of the cotton manufacturing districts of England, was made in the Wesleyan Sabbath School on Sunday last. The contributions on this occasion amounted to £2 16s 6d. Mr. G. IMPEY briefly addressed the school, explaining the object for which the collection was made. Special services, in aid of the Relief Fund, will be held in the Wesleyan Chapel next Sabbath Day.
[Transcriber’s note: There were many other similar reports of collections being made in the Eastern Cape]

Friday 31 October 1862

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, October 28, the wife of Joseph FLASHMAN Esq. of a daughter.

DIED at the Provincial Hospital, on the 25th October, Nicholas ANDERSON, aged 28 years, native of Gottenburg, Sweden.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, 28th October 1862

DIED on the 30th instant, at his residence, North End, Charles Martell GREEN, Wagon Maker
[Transcriber’s note: Remaining lines totally obliterated but it appears to be another Timothy LEE notification. His Death Notice says he died on the 29th.]

DIPHTHERIA, or white sore throat, is very prevalent in King William’s Town just now. Mr. LONSDALE has lost two children from this disease, and has a third lying ill. The children of several other families are suffering from the same complaint.

In Cape Town last week it was reported to the police that an Englishman, named John RODGERS, had died at a house in [Krom…elbow-lane]. The body was accordingly removed to the Hospital and examined by Dr. ROSS, who reports that death resulted from starvation. The deceased was a stranger to the people at whose house he died, and had been taken in out of charity.

Tuesday 4 November 1862

DIED at Salem on Sunday the 2nd inst, Marian Patton, youngest child of George IMPEY Jun, aged 2 years.

GOLD, the Argus says, has been found on the farm of Mr. MOSTERT. It has been analyzed by Mr. SCHMIETERLOEW, chemist, and we are assured by the “Californian Gold Digger” who dug it up that Mr. SCHMIETERLOEW has pronounced it to be “quite pure”.

In consequence of the death of George Townshend KEMP Esq, the late firm of PATERSON, KEMP & Company ceased on the 15th instant, from and after which date all transactions will be in the name, and for account of, the undersigned, who, in accordance with the Deed of Partnership, takes over the business.
p.p. John E. VARDY
Port Elizabeth, 16th October 1862

BIRTH this morning, Mrs. T. Melvill DU TOIT of a daughter.

Tuesday 11 November 1862

BIRTH [notice partially rubbed away]
at [L…..] St.James [Glasgow] on [….] September [1862] Mrs. A. [W…..] ……

Tuesday 18 November 1862

On Sunday last a youth named MARTIN was unfortunately drowned by falling from the Breakwater into the sea. It is supposed he struck his head against one of the piers in his descent, as he was not seen to rise but once. He was a well-behaved youth, and much beloved, and his unfortunate death has given much pain to several friends here. Up to the time of our going to press, his body had not been discovered.

Tuesday 25 November 1862

The body of the unfortunate youth MARTIN, who was drowned at the Breakwater on Sunday week, was recovered on Saturday last, and interred on Sunday. There was a large number of persons present at the funeral.

In the Supreme Court on the 17th, Mr. BRAND moved for the release, on bail, of Simon GRAHAM, a prisoner in the gaol of Graham’s Town, on a charge of murdering a Kafir on the 25th October 1859. The court ordered the discharge of the prisoner, upon his giving two sureties of £500 each, and his own for £1000, to appear when called upon.

Friday 28 November 1862

DIED on Monday the 24th, the infant daughter of Mr. Louis BALMANN

BIRTH, Mrs W.L. WALTON of a daughter.

Tuesday 2 December 1862

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the [30th] November, Emily Judith, infant daughter of Joseph and Sarah HOLLAND, aged 9 months.

DIED at Port Elizabeth, aged 17 years and [9] months, [on the 21st November] 1862 of childbed [fever], [Flora Stride] the dearly beloved wife of [William] James REED of Thorn[…] Farm, [deeply regretted by] a large circle of [relatives] and friends. [And on the ] 26th Nov, [………………….] aged 14 [days]
[Transcriber’s note: Much of this notice was rubbed away. The details in square brackets have been filled in using online data which seems to fit with the few letters visible]

Friday 5 December 1862

Mr. GHISLIN, who for many years was proprietor of the CAPE Monitor newspaper, died at his residence at the Paarl on Thursday, in his 43rd year. Deceased was generally respected. Prior to his arrival in this colony we believe he was connected with the Weekly Dispatch newspaper.

Inquiry has been made from England, through the Colonial Office, for Patrick CORMACK, formerly a private in her Majesty’s 27th regiment. CORMACK is stated to have received his discharge, with an allowance of six pence per diem for one year, about ten years ago, and to have settled at “Black Drift”, eleven miles from Cape Town, on a piece of ground granted to him by the Government.

Tuesday 9 December 1862

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 25th November 1862, Mrs. Augustus Frederic TANCRED of a daughter.

DIED at Uitenhage on the 6th December, Caroline Josephine, infant daughter of Joseph and Helen [HANSON], aged 5 months, deeply lamented by her bereaved parents and relations.

Friday 19 December 1862

MARRIED on the 16th inst. by the Rev. A. Robson, William Robson CHALMERS [Esq], eldest son of the late James CHALMERS Esq, [……]. of this place, and […….illegible], to Delphine Victoria Alice, second daughter of Alfred RAYMOND Esq., Surgeon Dentist, of this place.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 10th instant, Elizabeth, second child of William and Adelaide FLEMING, aged 2 years and 3 months.

Tuesday 23 December 1862

DIED on the 22nd inst, at his residence, East-street, in the 53rd year of his age, Bernard, the beloved husband of Mrs. Ann McCABE, deeply regretted by a large circle of relations and fiends.
The funeral will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, afternoon at 3 o’clock. Relations and friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, Dec 23 1862

DIED, December 22nd, Alfred James BRISTER, the only son of James and Matilda BRISTER, aged 14 months.

Friday 26 December 1862

DIED at Walmer on Christmas morning, Mr. Johannes Jacobus RENS, aged 46 years. The funeral will take place at half past [4] o’clock this Friday afternoon at Walmer.

  • Hits: 1856