Annual General Meeting of the Genealogical Society of South Africa
6-7 March 2009, War Museum, Bloemfontein
by Hendrik Louw, who also took the photographs
Approximately 53 members assembled at the Bloemfontein War Museum on the evening of 6th March 2009.

Packed food was given out and the members picnicked on the grass while listening to the speakers on Bloemfontein, its origin, history and its historical places, and also some ghost stories. Eureka Pottas began with the founding of Bloemfontein, and was followed by Johann Pottas who discoursed on the first inhabitants and their history like a true professor, and even included a murder story.
I am sure that in the dusk it was almost possible to hear the members' flesh creep - was it murder or not ... it was a great pity that all the members were not able to attend. When Elria Wessels spoke, her main theme being ghost stories in Bloemfontein, things went really quiet.
It was dark by now and the members set out by coach to visit historic Bloemfontein. We walked through the streets in the lovely evening light while all the buildings, their origin, development and so on, were described to us. One of the Free State members, a policeman, made sure of everyone' safety - thank you, Francois. Almost like young students, we drank a late night sherry at an hotel and, after another
turn, went back.
Saturday Morning
Before we start in earnest, members look anxious. | |  |
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 | | The president and the secretary of the GSSA, Johan Janse van Rensburg and Elmien Wood, in a jolly moment. Wonder what caused the merriment? |
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From left to right: Simon du Plooy (Chairman of the Noordwes Branch, Potchefstroom), Eureka Pottas, and Johan Pottas (Chairman of the Free State Branch, Bloemfontein) during tea break. | |  |
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 | | From left to right: Isabel Groesbeeck (Vice President of the GSSA), Ellen Harmse (Treasurere, Northern Transvaal Branch) and Linda Lombard (Communications and Marketing, Northern Transvaal Branch) |
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Johan Pottas and Hendrik Louw | |  |
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 | | Petro Coreejes-Brink (GSSA Natinonl Executive, Cemetery Recording Project) |
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Saturday Evening Reception at Onze Rust (Farm of the late president M. T. Steyn)
 | | Onze Rust |
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Enjoying Old and New Aquaintance
André Heydenrych (Treasurer, GSSA) and Dennis Pretorius (NEC) enjoy a glass of wine. | |  |
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 | | Johan Pottas and Elmarie Weyers. Women can certainly converse! |
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Gretchen de Kock (Treasurer: Eastern Cape) and Dr. David de Klerk (Vice President, Western Cape) | |  |
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-en-Heidi-Ford.jpg) | | Rietjie van Zyl (Free State) and Heidi Ford. |
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Freek Myburg and Johanna Fourie (wife of Fritz Fourie, Free State) | |  |
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-en-Petro-Coreejes-Brink.jpg) | | Ferdie van Wyk (Chairman, Northern Transvaal) and Petro Coreejes-Brink. Wonder what the joke can be? |
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Elria Wessels. Still solving mysteries? | |  |
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 | | Prizes were also presented. Here Johan Janse van Rensburg hands the Merit Award to Pieter de Jager, a cattle farmer from Ottosdal and member of the North West Branch. |
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All in a row! David de Klerk, Don McArthur (Chairman, Johannesburg Branch), André Heydenrych and Richard Ford (Editor, Familia) | |  |
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 | | Daan Hamman (Treasurer, eGGSA) and Simon du Plooy |
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Pieter de Jager and Martin Zöllner (Chairman, eGGSA) | |  |
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 | | Johan Vermeulen (Vice Chairman, Northwest) and Johan Pottas |
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John Webb and Freek Myburg (both Free State) | |  |
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 | | Prof. Gideon de Kock (Chairman, Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth) and his wife, Gretchen (Treasurer, Eastern Cape). |
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The late President Steyn's grandson, Colin, making a point. | |  |
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