National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 308
7 North Parade
Aug 5th 1819
My Lord,
It was with much satisfaction I saw the very excellent measure adopted for the future comfort of the overflowing poor of this country, which I can assure your Lordship bears very hard on the middling class. I mean the facility held out of migration to the Cape Colony.
Not having the honor of being personally known to your Lordship I can scarsly note how to apologise for thus introducing myself to your notice but had my Lord PEMBROKE been alive I presume he would have done away with that obstacle, notwithstanding which I have friends in the Lower House who will bear testimony as to my respectability &c.
I am a medical man and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons now practising in Bath in circumstances somewhat independent. My family eight in number, who with myself are desirous of settling in this new land of promise. To avoid prolixity allow me at once to ask – can & will your Lordship give me any respectable appointment either medically or in any other department of this establishment that may present itself. The climate &c in that part of the world is one of my principal inducements in this solicitation, which I trust your Lordship will not go unnoticed. An answer to this will be esteemed a condescension by
Your Lordship's most obedient humble serv't
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