WINNING, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/46
10 Bath Buildings
Baldwin Street
City Road
[Received Aug 3rd 1819]
Urged by necessity through want of employment & reduction of wages I beg leave to propose myself as a settler to the Cape of Good Hope. I will pay £10 previous to embarking by selling my necessary's. If I must pay it on securing a passage I will do it immediately as highly preferable to being half clothed and fed.
With gratitude I am your most humble servant
Wife and 2 children
Pocket Book Maker
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 342
10 Bath Buildings
Baldwin Street
City Road
Aug 19 1819
Hon'ble Sir,
As a representative of 10 distressed mechanics I beg leave to propose them in their names as settlers at the Cape of Good Hope, in gratitude to such wise & providential measures we promise to remain dutiful subjects and to further the interest of our Mother Country. We will deposit the sum required by the sale of our goods & the assistance of our friends and deliver it when required by me their representative. If Government come to any further determination respecting us be so kind as acquaint us with it. It will greatly enhance the obligation to be placed near or joining Mr. ELLIOT's party of Cloth Fair.
I remain your most grateful obedient servant
William WINNING, representative
Onesimus HUSTONSEN }
Edward BEACH } gardeners
William LORMIER }
Charles STOCKER farmer
William POWSEY
Henry NEWLAND coachmaker
Timothy DIVINE carpenter
Joseph HART harness maker
William WINNING carpenter
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 350
10 Bath Buildings
Baldwin Street
City Road
Aug 16th 1819
Hon;ble Sir,
In answer to your circular of the 14th I will trouble you to refer to our application of the 12th and beg leave to inform you we are each of us sufficiently acquainted with & perfectly conformable to the circular's contents, and hope you will condescend to say if we are proper persons to be submitted to Government's consideration. We are each of us sufficiently intelligent to act for himself and the chief was chose for honest simplicity that there might be no lording it over the rest, but each act as a free compact & well concerted body. I will crave your patience a little further & only add to our application that we have been reared to live respectably, but without Government's kind interference we shall be reduced to parish assistance or imprisonment for debt.
I am your grateful & humble obedient servant
Representative for 10 distressed mechanics
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 374
10 Bath Buildings
Baldwin Street
City Road
20th August 1819
Hon'ble Sir,
Conformably to your last circular I beg leave to submit to you the following list and to inform you that I am ready to conform myself to all the conditions of His Majesty's Government and to make the required deposit for the whole of my Party and am. Honourable Sir
Your faithful obedient servant
Men's Names |
Ages |
Wives Names |
Ages |
Children's Names |
Ages |
Edward BEECH |
38 |
Mary |
30 |
Mary/John |
3/6mo |
34 |
Eleanor |
29 |
Mary Ann/Martha/ Eleanor/Matilda |
8/6/4/8mo |
William POWSEY |
32 |
No wife |
25 |
Mary |
20 |
No children |
Timothy DIVINE |
33 |
Eleanor |
30 |
John/Richard/Jeremiah/Catherine |
11/6/4/2 |
Joseph HART |
35 |
Sarah |
36 |
William/Sarah |
4/10 |
Onesimus USTONSON |
31 |
Jane |
26 |
Thomas/Mary Ann |
2/10mo |
John DAVIS |
38 |
Sarah |
28 |
No children |
William LORMIER |
21 |
No wife |
James HAYES |
26 |
Susannah |
30 |
James |
3 |
John BOWER |
28 |
Margaret Ann |
26 |
Joseph/Charlotta |
3/9mo |
William HEARN |
50 |
Sarah |
40 |
John/Eliza/Robert |
13/10/8 |
William Lancaster HEARN |
21 |
No wife |
William WINNING |
30 |
Abishag |
25 |
Julia/James |
4/1 |
PS I have strictly investigated the characters of the above persons and have every reason to believe them fit and proper for emigrants to the Cape of Good Hope
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