National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 246
12 Gynns Place
Lisson Grove
22 July 1819
My Lord,
In consequence of the advertisements that I have read in the different papers respecting emigrating to the Cape I am now rather at a loss to whom I am to apply too on the subject but trusting that your Lordship is the one to whom all applications are made I hope your Lordship will not be offended by the liberty I am taking.
I wish to acquaint your Lordship that I was late a Purser in His Majesty's Navy & since I have been on shore have held the situation as Clerk in merchants and Tradesmens Houses from where I can have my accommodation that may be required. It is my wish as well as that of my wife to leave England for that settlement providing that your Lordship considers a living may be obtained. I have only to add that I can be strongly recommended to you by Sir Lawrence VAUGHAN-PALK who well knows my abilities & views. I am sorry to say that I have no half pay neither am I at present in any situation. I am therefore taking upon myself the liberty of seeking the assistance of your Lordship which I hope & trust I do not offend by my boldness. Perhaps I doubt but his Majesty's Government may have some competent persons as superintendants or in some situation that a [salary?] will be allowed them. Should that be the case I humbly pray your Lordships assistance in such case. I have been in His Majesty's Navy upwards of 7 years & my Acting Warrant as Purser was never confirmed which renders me incapable of receiving half pay. Should your Lordship require further proof of my respectability & character I will take it upon myself to refer your Lordship to Sir Lawrence PALK from whom I feel convinced that your Lordship will be fully satisfied. I have now been out of a situation these 18 months except a few weeks employment to fetch up a set of books.
I humbly beg your Lordships pardon for intruding so much on your Lordships time but if any situation was vacant I humbly pray for your Lordships assistance
I have the honor to be
Your Lordships most obedient servant
- Hits: 5414