WATKINS, George and John
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 244
Shepherds Bush
Near Hammersmith
22 July 1819
I call'd in Downing Street this morning and was informed that by addressing you I could hear the plan in which English families were to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope. My trade a butcher aged 27 and family consists of wife age 23 and child under two years a boy.
I am Sir your humble servant
PS I have a brother who wishes the same intelligence two years old [sic] with the same family and trade butcher and farmer
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 277
Shepherds Bush
28 July 1819
I received your letter stating the particulars of emigration to the Cape of Good Hope. Wishing to know the particulars would like if convenient to know if we [two?] brothers can go being two settler persons for the country. George he being a butcher and John the elder always in the farming line and cultivation of land & Butchering also Breeding Stock with which to refferance you may have very good one. My father lives at Hammersmith respectable butcher and farmer
From your most obed't humb;e serv't
PS We are both married John 28 years of age one child George 27 years one child
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