National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 210
No.2 City Stone Yard
Worship Street
July 16th 1819
I humbly take the liberty of requesting to be informed as to the conditions of emigrating to His Majesty's Colonies at the Cape of Good Hope.
I am by trade a smith. I am 30 years of age, married but no children, has been the last ten years and upwards in the Hon'ble East India Company's Service as a Conductor of Ordnance. Haveing return'd to my native country thinking to gain a living by my labour I find it impossible. I wish therefore to take the present opportunity held out by Government of moveing where I may likely be employ'd to more advantage. I beg to state that from my residence in India and my previous knowledge of agriculture in England (haveing been brought up in the country) I flatter myself that I should be fully competent to undertake what would be expected. Should this meet your approbation and [I] be permitted to go I shall be extremely thankfull
I am Sir
Your most obedient humble servant
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