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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

WALLACE, William

National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 405/406


20th August 1819


I had conceived that my letter contained an assurance such as your circular of the 17th inst now before me required and as in neither of the two circular letters published in the newspapers is there anything mentioned regarding “names and age of all the persons men women and children” the settler proposes to take out it did not occur to me that these particulars were preliminary to the offer being made and taken into consideration.

But I have now to state that in addition to the offer I transmitted I have to include another young gentleman who has also a capital of £1000 sterling to impress in the undertaking. They propose to accompany me, whom they have chosen to take the direction of the business, in compliance with which a new offer is now made & subjoined by the parties. It has not occurred to me to engage persons, nor would we be inclined so to do till the offer be accepted of.

My own age is 33, that of my brother, who was 3 years a midshipman in His majesty's Navy, 22 years, that of Mr. SHAW 21.

I beg your answer by return of post that if the offer be accepted I may prepare to comply with the conditions His Majesty's Government are pleased to annex thereto.

I am Sir

Your very obed't serv't



20th August 1819

We whose names are annexed hereto do engage to carry out to and settle in His Majesty's Colony at the Cape of Good Hope ten able bodied men according to the terms specified in the circular letter of His Majesty's Government, and we are ready to conform ourselves to all the conditions upon which His Majesty's Government have offered to grant lands in the Colony



Alex'r Hamilton SHAW




National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 490


30th Sept 1819


I was favored with your letter of the 23rd ultimo in reply to my letter of the 20th stating that my proposals were in consideration & that due notice would be given of the decision that might be taken thereon. Since which I have been looking daily for the decision of His Majesty's Government. As it would require some time to make the necessary arrangements you will please to communicate as soon as possible the decision of the [Minister].

I remain respectfully Sir

Your very obed't serv't


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