National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 191
Stockwell, July 29th 1819
My Lord,
I have to beg your Lordships pardon for the liberty I have taken in writing to you and which I have presumed to do in consequence of its appearing to be the intention of His Majesty's Government to increase the population at the Cape of Good Hope by grants of land to individuals who may wish to go there. I am a Lieutenant of Royal Marines and was placed on half pay by the late Peace Establishment & have a wife and four children to maintain, but not having any other means of support than my half pay (four shillings and six pence per diem) I find it quite inadequate to that purpose. I shall therefore feel myself under the highest obligation to your Lordship if you will condescend to inform me if I may obtain a grant of land in that colony. I have had the honor of serving His Majesty for the last fifteen years during the most of which time I have been on active service in different parts of the world, which I hope may be a recommendation to me in favor of my request. Should your Lordship condescend to give me any information on the subject I shall feel myself highly honored. In the mean time I beg permission to subscribe myself with the greatest respect
Your Lordship's most obed't humble servant
Lieut.Rl. Marines
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