VERO, John
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 195
August 5 1819
My Lord,
I take the liberty to address you in consequence of seeing in the public prints that His Majesty's Government now allow emigration to the Cape of Good Hope to solicit that your Lordship will have kindness to give directions that a copy of the Regulations on this subject may be sent me.
Your Lordship will I hope excuse this intrusion and permit me to add that if the public prints speak correctly as to the terms I am fully qualified in every way to avail myself of this permission but as there may be many matters contained in newspaper reports that have no foundation I have thought it adviseable to address your Lordship directly to ascertain the fact. Trusting your Lordship will comply with my request I beg leave to subscribe myself, my Lord
Your Lordship's most devoted humble servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 199
August 19 1819
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 12th inst relative to emigration to the Cape of Good Hope.
In reply permit me to state that finding the profession I was bred to (the Law) not affording me sufficient means to support my family I have been these some years past engaged in managing an extensive farm of my own; this is also failing owing to the unaccountable depression of the times and all these circumstances combining induced me to prefer a foreign country. I can get ten persons to go out with me and by your favoring me with a line stating the recommendation necessary and how the money is to be paid or deposited which I will engage to remit speedily after hearing from you, and also in or about what time the vessel will sail in November will much oblige me. I beg to add that my family consists of a wife & 6 children all under the age of 14.
I have the honor to be
Your most obed't humble serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 201
2 October 1819
The memorial of John VERO of Verona in the County of Wexford Esq
Humbly sheweth
That your Memorialist wishing to avail himself of the advantage likely to result from emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope applied to your Lordship for the necessary instructions, in answer to which he received two letters dated the 12th & 24th August last, and agreeably to the directions contained therein begs leave to enclose a statement of those persons who are ready and willing to embark with Memorialist and who will be found from their vocations in this country a valuable acquisition to the Colony.
Your Memorialist begs leave to state that the necessary deposit as pointed out by the regulation is ready to be made at any place or in any way your Lordship may be pleased to point out.
Your Memorialist from the very great depression in trade in this country and being in consequence unable to support a family in the rank of life he has been accustomed to or in any way by which an independance could be acquired humbly entreats your Lordship will be pleased to order him a grant of land at the Colony at the Cape of Good Hope at the rate of one hundred acres for each persons contained in the enclosed list or such further quantity your Lordship may direct.
Your Memorialist will pray
Name ad Description of the Person taking out the Settlers:
John VERO of Verona in the County of Wexford, gentleman, aged 35 years. Attorney at Law and Solicitor of His Majesty's High Court of Chancery in Ireland. For these some years residing and farming a small demesne of 50 acres. His wife aged 32 years and 7 children all under the age of fourteen years.
Names of the Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Labourer |
21 |
Archibald DUNCAN |
Land Steward |
27 |
Alex'r RAMSEY |
Carpenter & Wheelwright |
29 |
Garret FOX |
Blacksmith |
27 |
John WARD |
Labourer |
19 |
Mason & Labourer |
25 |
Mary |
20 |
Do. |
22 |
Anne |
20 |
Patrick COSGRAVE |
Do. |
24 |
Bridget |
19 |
Robert CONNOR * |
Labourer |
35 |
Bridget |
32 |
Two |
7/4 |
Four |
12/10/7/2 |
Thomas WALSH |
Do. |
28 |
Mary |
36 |
One |
1 |
Two |
7/3 |
James WARD |
Do. |
45 |
Mary |
34 |
One |
17 |
One |
6 |
Daniel JORDAN |
Tailor |
36 |
Anne |
32 |
Three under |
14 |
2 under
1 under
Patrick MURPHY |
Fisherman & Labourer |
40 |
Margaret |
40 |
One |
13 |
Three |
12/10/5 |
*This man is a pensioner as a private from the 4th Veteran Battalion having lost a finger
I do hereby bind myself to abide and conform to all the conditions upon which His Majesty's Government have offered to grant land in the Colony at the Cape of Good Hope.
Dated the 4th October 1819
- Hits: 7160