National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 17-29
9th June 1819
Mr. TEMPEST avails himself of Earl BATHURST's obliging permission of sending the accompanying questions relative to the Grant of Lands at the Cape of Good Hope to his Lordship's office, requesting his Lordship will have the kindness to direct they may be answered, and that the questions with the answers may be directed to him at Messrs WITHAM's Chambers, Grays Inn Square.
[Note from GOULBURN: Send him the answers annexed to his queries as the best in my power to afford]
[Transcriber's Note: GOULBURN's answers are written on a separate sheet with TEMPEST's numbering. For ease of reading his answers have been inserted below in square brackets directly after the relevant questions]
Cape of Good Hope in reference to Grants of Land by the Crown to Cultivors [sic]
1st What quantity of land will be granted to any one cultivator and from what time will the grant take place: and will such grants be attended with any expence to the grantee?
2nd Will any further and what quantity of land be granted to the cultivator in proportion to the number of servants & labourers he may take out?
[At the rate of 100 acres for every labourer or settler to land upon the land]
3rd If any of the servants or labourers, in respect of whom any additional grant shd be made, shd die or desert the colony, will the cultivator be expected to replace them?
[Not if the persons are once actually settled but if the settlement duty of cultivating a proportion of the land be not performed the land will at the end of the usual period revert to the Crown]
4th Will any further and what grants be made after the lands comprized in the first grant shall be brought into a state of cultivation? And how is this to be ascertained?
[There will be no objection to such an extension on application to the Governor]
5th Will the grants be made in fee simple of for any other limited estate or under any and what reservations?
[State the particulars from the Govt. proclamation]
6th Do the lands proposed to be granted lye near the Cape or at a considerable distance from it?
[This must rest with the Governor after communication with the Party]
7th What is the nature of the land in its present state and what will be the probable expence per acre for clearing and draining it?
[The land now uncultivated]
8th Are coals and other fuel, lime and marle to be procured upon the land or at a reasonable distance?
9th When the lands are cleared or drained will they be fit for European cultivation?
10th What implements or utensils for clearing and cultivation will be necessary for the cultivator to take out with him: or can the necessary implements be procured at the Cape? And will Government make any allowance in this respect?
11th Will any and what encouragement be given by Government for the importation of cattle for the purposes of husbandry and the improvement of the breed: and if any of them shd die in the passage will any indemnity be given?
[Cattle may be imported as far as the law permits such importation but Govt. will not incur any risk]
12th Will the lands proposed to be granted, in their present state, maintain such cattle as may be imported?
[Qs 7,8,9,10,12 are questions rather to be answered by practical agriculturalists at the Cape than by this office]
13th Can the natives be employed in the clearing and cultivation of the land? And what is the usual price of their labour?
[Natives can be hired but labourers are scarce & wages consequently high]
14th Can building materials be easily procured and where?
[Varies in different parts of the Colony]
15th What is the state of the markets?
[Markets are well supplied in general]
16th What facility is there in disposing of the produce of the land?
[Varies in different parts of the Colony]
17th Does Government give a free passage to the Cutivator & his followers or allow any & what tonnage?
18th Does Government make any provision for the wives & daughters of the followers?
[Transcriber's Note: this was written in early June 1819, before the Chancellor's official announcement of the emigration scheme and the grant of £50,000. This would explain the negative answer to the last two questions]
- Hits: 5732