TAYLOR, William (1)
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 61
Hampton Common
August 4th 1819
Through the kindness of Sir Charles EDMONSTONE I have received your official letter. He has permitted me to make use of his name – I therefore take the liberty of asking for further particulars, being very anxious to go out as a settler. I do not quite understand whether every man is to have a hundred acres for himself or whether the ten are to work as labourers under the one man who takes them out. There is no person of the latter discription in this neighbourhood and I do not know how I am to act - & I shall be much obliged by your informing me who I am to apply to & whether if ten persons or a fewer number who like myself are wishing to go out will be permitted to do so upon each of them advancing the ten pounds – and whether each will have the hundred acres. I have been to London but as I was told in Downing Street that I could not see you I have taken the liberty of making up these enquiries.
I am Sir your obbidient humble servant
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