TAYLOR, Edmond
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 96
No.1 [Grey?] Court
Oxford Street
August 19th 1819
The humble petition of Edmond TAYLOR to the Right Hon'ble Secretray of State
H'le petioner is a young man by trade a smith and bell hanger, smith work in gen'l, aged 25 years. I served in His Majesty's army in the 90th Regt of Foot in the West Indies for some years. My inclination wld be to embark for the Cape of Good Hope with H'le Lordships permission well knowing my abillity in points of trade besides my knowledge of a foreign climate having a good recommendation, but trdae unfortunately in my now native England being on a decline I humbly request H'le Lordship's most kind ans as soon as convenient.
H'le Lordship's most obed't serv't
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