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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

TAIT, Dr. William

[Transcriber's Note: TAIT's Party was an earlier party of settlers not featured in The Settler Handbook. The settlement of Peter TAIT, brother of the correspondent, is mentioned on p.37 of Hockly's ‘Story of the British Settlers of 1820', and its success is said to have given impetus to the 1820 settler scheme]

National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 1

Somerset Coffee House


Tuesday January 5


Dr TAIT presents his duty to Mr GOULBURN and begs most respectfully to acquaint him that he has received letters from his Brother at the Cape of Good Hope where he has received a Grant of Land in compliance with the official letter he carried out to His Excellency the Governor.

As Mr GOULBURN was kind enough to say, when Dr TAIT had the honour of an interview in February last, that he would see him again relative to the Settlers to be conveyed to the Cape whenever he obtained intelligence from his Brother of his having received the Grand of Land, he now, therefore, presumes on Mr GOULBURN's kind condescension, and he will be infinitely obliged if Mr. GOULBURN will appoint a convenient time to see him, when he will state the objects he has in view and the assistance he expects from Government to enable his Brother to introduce a value System of Agricultural improvements and a very valuable & highly necessary class of Settlers into the Colony of the Cape.


[Note from GOULBURN across bottom of page] Appoint him for the next day I come to town




National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 3

[To P. SMITH Esq, Colonial Office]


Febr 18th 1819


From your very kind attention to me in January last, I am induced to take the liberty of acquainting you, that I have this day written to Mr. GOULBURN on the subject of the Settlers I wish to send to the Cape of Good Hope, and if you will grant me an extension of your kindness by accelerating the application from your office to the Transport Board for their Passage, so that the Settlers may leave this Country as soon as possible, you will lay me under the greatest obligation.

I am aware that I have no claim or right to intrude upon you for favours of this sort, but being, like yourself a Public Servant (a Physician of the Royal Navy) I hope you will pardon my intrusion, and afford me all the assistance in your power.

I am Sir

Your most obedient & very Humble Servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 5


Febr. 18 1819


I beg leave to take the liberty of acquainting you, that I have engaged Twenty Settlers in Scotland viz. seventeen men, and three women to go to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope to be there located on the land granted to my Brother Mr. Peter TAIT.

They are ready and waiting my directions to proceed to London and if you will have the goodness to order a Passage to be found for them from London, by the Transport Department, so that they may sail from this Country in the first or second week of March next, it will be greatly beneficial to my Brother's interest.

As I do not wish to order the Settlers to proceed to London till I know the precise period when the vessel which may be Chartered to convey them will sail for the Cape, I will be infinitely obliged to you Sir if you will give directions that I should have due information on that subject so that I may have fourteen days at the least to order them to sail from Scotland.

I am ready to Deposit the Sum required as a security [obscured] those Persons shall be located on the Land granted to my Brother and I will be much obliged if you will honor me with Instructions in that respect.

I have the Honor to be Sir,

Your most obedient & very Humble Servant,


[Note from GOULBURN across bottom of page]

Request him to furnish a list of the persons of the members of the several families if any that passages may be ordered – 24 Feb




National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 7

[from George TAIT, brother of William and Peter TAIT]

Langrigg, by Duns

March 4 1819


I have the honor to prefix by my Brother Dr. William TAITT's directions a list of the persons I have engaged in this Country to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope as Settlers to be located on the land granted to our Brother Mr. Peter TAITT and I take the liberty of informing you they are all ready to embark at Berwick for London whenever I am directed to forward them.

I have the honor to be Sir,

Your Most Obedient & very humble Servant

George TAITT


List of Names of Persons engaged to go out immediately to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope to serve Mr. Peter TAITT there.


Plowmen & Women Servants


Isaac TAITT and his Wife 2

& four children

___ TAITT oldest son of Isaac TAITT 1


William WIGHTMAN 1


Robert ROBSON 1


Thomas HILL 1

James GRIEVE 1

Edward WAKE 1



Joseph McDOUGAL 1

Peter LAIDLAW & his Wife 2

& 2 Children

Andrew PRINGLE - Blacksmith 1

George HAVERY Joiner 1



[Note from GOULBURN]

Order a passage for them on deposit being made & acquaint him that this will be done




National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 9


9th March 1819


On being honoured with your letter of the 25th Ult., I wrote immediately to my Brother in Scotland, directing him to send you a list of the Persons he had engaged as Settlers to go to the Cape of Good Hope, and I have this day received a letter, acquainting me that he had sent you a list, consisting of sixteen men – three women - and six children.

When you have ordered the Tonnage to be provided for their conveyance, I will be much obliged if you will have the goodness to inform me, at what period the vessel will be engaged to sail from London, that I may have sufficient time to direct the Settlers to sail from Scotland to join her.

I have the honor to be Sir,

Your most obedient & very Humble Servant


[Note from GOULBURN] Let him know when we receive an answer




National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 11


March 15th 1819


I am honoured with your note of the 12th instant, and I beg leave to enclose, herewith, a Bill at sight, for one hundred and ninety Pounds, being the Deposit for the Settlers going to my Brother at the Cape of Good Hope.

In offering you my most respectful acknowledgements, for your very kind and handsome attention to me in this business.

I have the honor to be Sir,

Your most obed't.& very Humble Servant,



[Note from GOULBURN]

Acknowledge receipt, book passages & write the necessary letter to Gov'r of the Cape




National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 13


April 25th 1819


I am honoured with your letter of the 22nd instant, and I have directed Andrew MARSHALL, one of the persons going to my Brother of the Cape of Good Hope, to call at your office on Tuesday next to receive the letter to His Excellency the Governor.

As some of the persons in the List sent to you from Scotland, refused to fulfil their engagements when required to embark at Berwick, it became necessary to engage others in place of them, I beg leave, therefore, to enclose a corrected List of those who have come from Scotland and who are going to the Cape in the Carmarthen.

I have the honor to be Sir,

Your most obedient & very Humble Servant,



A list of Persons going to the Cape of Good Hope to Mr. Peter TAIT in the Ship Carmarthen





Robert ROBSON 1

Thomas HILL 1

James GRIEVE 1

Edward WAKE 1


Joseph McDOUGAL 1

George HAVERY 1


James FOORD 1

Isaac TAIT & his wife 2

Children (under 12 years) 4

William FOORD aged 14 1

William FOORD & his wife 2

Children (under 12 years) 2

Margaret HAVERY 1

George OGILVIE 1




16 men – 3 women – 6 Children

April 25th 1819



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