National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 804
3rd August 1819
May it please your Lordship,
Having addressed a Memorial to your Lordship about the month of August last which application was signed by Sir Nicholas Conway COLTHURST, Member of Parliament for this City, with the Mayor, Sheriff, Aldermen and several other gentlemen of respectability in this City on the subject matter of a grant from your Lordship for myself and family to proceed to Canada or any of His Majesty's British Settlements that your Lordship would be pleased to send myself and family, to which your Lordship was pleased to give for answer bearing date 29th September 1818 that the season being too far advanced to proceed with any prospect of success but if I would renew my application early in the spring your Lordship would then be pleased to accede to my request. I now again beg leave to remind your Lordship of the within mentioned promise and hope from the high recommendation I have got to your Lordship that you will be pleased to send myself and family to the Cape of Good Hope to become settlers, as I have been ever since in a state of the utmost anxiety to meet your Lordships kind compliance.
Your Lordships answer which I trust may be speedy and favorable will be received with gratitude directed to care of Mr. William HEGARTY at Mr. John WALSH's, Coach Street Cork, for John SPREAD.
May it please your Lordship, most respectfully &c
John SPREAD of the City of Cork
- Hits: 5735