SOMERVILLE, James, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 827
No. 5 Upper North Street
Sloan Street
7th August 1819
Having a desire to emigrate to the settlement at the Cape of Good Hope, I wish to lay before you the following statements - That I am at present labouring under the distress of trade, with many losses attach'd to it and not being at present able to carry on the same any longer, & having a wife and family, also having been three voyages to the East Indies, induces me to undertake the same - I also wish to inform you that I am able to procure ten men to go with me, according to your regulations laid down - & having been in His Majesty's service 10 years & pensioned but small, induces me to hope that my services might be accepted of - & your humble petitioner will ever pray
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