National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 699
No.16 Blenheim Steps
Oxford Street
July 5 1819
My Lord,
I beg leave to say that I am informed thro the public pappers that goverment intends sending a number of families to forme a settlement at the Cape of Good Hope. I therefore most humbley present myselfe as one that would be most happy to accept the proposals of goverment and therefore most humbley trust in your Lordships goodness to know how I am to proceed. I am by trade a boot and shoe maker but at present foreman and boot cutter to Mr. HOWE, Bootmaker, from whom every particular regarding my caractor may be known. Myself and wife 30 years of age and three children under 11 years of age.
I remain your Lordship's most humble & obedient servant
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