SCOTT, Henry
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 718
July 19th 1819
Hon'd Sir
Your humble supplicant would wish to go as Settler to the Cape of Good Hope, he flatters himself that he would be found of great benefit (having from his Childhood been bred in the Horticultural line of Business) to the intended settlement about to be established at the Cape. I have (thanks to God) enjoyed as good state of health, as any one, and continue so to do at the present, but owing to the pressure of the times, am induced to present myself a candidate, my finances being very low, your humble servant is in the fortieth year of his age, and has no incumbrance. If this petition should meet your honour's approbation, you would much oblige one who has no other desire than to gain an honest livelihood.
I am Hon'd Sir, your obed't humble servant
Please to direct Henry SCOTT, at Mrs WELCH's, No 16 Slades place, Little Sutton St, Clerkenwell
- Hits: 6263