SCOTT, Edward
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 691
9 Lansdown Place
14th April 1819
My Lord
In tending to avail myself of the [arrangement] made by His Majesty's Ministers to colonise the Cape of Good Hope, I beg leave to request information on this subject. Is it required I should myself reside there, and would the appointment of a responsible resident Agent, [and] the fulfilment of all the other conditions, entitle [me] to the allotment of land assigned for Officers of rank.
I have the honor to be My Lord
Your most obedient servant
Edward SCOTT
Major General
[Notation on reverse] grants of land are only given to persons according to the means which they may possess of bringing them into cultivation, & under the conditions of residence & cultivation
[Transcriber's Note: Death Notice from the Wigtownshire Free Press: Died 15/8/1844 – At Bath, aged 81, Major-General Edward SCOTT, K.C., of Scottstown, Monaghan, one of the oldest General Officers in the army]
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