National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 721/723
July 19th 1819
May I be allowed in requesting you to bring the enclosed to the notice of Lord BATHURST to solicit you to further its object, it would confer a favour upon an individual who flatters himself he would not be undeserving of your protection.
I am most respectfully, Sir
Your most humble servant
At Edw'd DAY Esq
Temple Court
[note from GOULBURN on reverse] No intention of making such an appointment
[enclosed letter]
July 19th 1819
My Lord,
In consequence of severe and unprecedented losses in trade occasioned in two instances by improper and unjustifiable seizure of two ships with other misfortunes I am reduced from comparative independence to the necessity of seeking subsistence for myself and family and as I should prefer almost any situation to an inactive life it has occurred to me that Government may have occasion to appoint persons in the character of superintendents or otherwise in the colony intended to be established at the Cape and in which case I beg to offer myself to your Lordship's notice as desirous of being employed.
I shall not take up your Lordship's valuable time by going further into detail at present, but should I be so fortunate as to receive your Lordship's protection I flatter myself both as respects my connexions and the verity of my statement that I shall be enabled to submit such proofs as will fully entitle me to credence and the patronage of Government.
I have already had the honour to address the Chancellor of the Exchequer on this subject and he has referred me to your Lordship as the proper department for the new intended colony at the Cape.
I have the honor to remain my Lord
Your Lordship's most devoted servant
- Hits: 6374